5 Things Amish Women Don’t Want You To Know

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with their buggies barn raisings and devotion to a simpler life it's difficult not to like the Amish that is of course unless you are familiar with the oort none Jordan is a mostly unwritten set of rules which dictates every aspect of Amish life it is concerned largely with women and their role within the community and its teachings don't exactly promote equality between the genders the ordinal has a very medieval opinion of women and in this video we're going to be looking at some of its most offensive outrageous and downright sexist Commandments here are 5 secrets Amish women don't want you to know and don't forget to like this video and hit that subscribe button as well as the notification bell so that you never miss out on awesome boggling set videos and fun quizzes birth control is forbidden it's difficult to think of any major religion that actively supports the use of birth control many are openly against it such as the Roman Catholic Church which has been steadfast in its condemnation of contraception ever since it became a mainstream issue the Amish depend on the public's perception of them as a good-natured and down-to-earth group to ensure the continued purchase of their goods and to bring in tourism so they do their best to avoid commenting on controversial issues once you get inside the church however you learn that the Amish are staunchly opposed to virtually all new ideas and philosophies the church teaches that families should be at the center of a members life and treats the use of birth control as akin to killing a child not only are Amish women forbidden to use contraception they are actively encouraged to have as many children as possible even today the typical number of children per Amish family is 7 although 10% of Amish families contain 10 children or more tampons are forbidden for Amish women dealing with menstruation is one of the most difficult aspects of life in the church Amish elders have long shunned the advancements the outside world has made when it comes to hygiene and refused to amend the rules of the church to allow its female members to use tampons to absorb their menstrual blood tampons are one of the most hygienic means of dealing with the menstrual cycle and allow women to go through their day without limitations on their movements so life would be significantly easier for Amish women if the males who control the church would just rent them this one victory so as not to upset their God most Amish women use simple menstrual pads however there are gag-inducing stories of older more traditional Amish women using torn pieces of cloth to soak up the blood from their period when their time of the month rolls around in 1996 the legendary musical satirist Weird Al Yankovic released his ninth studio album bad hair day the album received mixed reviews from critics but it had one undeniable comedy classic Amish paradise Amish paradise is a parody of the rap hit gangsta's paradise and in it Yankovic raps about the perks and occasional drawbacks of living an Amish life it remains one of his most popular songs to this day but can you tell us the name of the off forgotten rapper who performed the song in which the parody is based is it a Vanilla Ice B Coolio or C jibs stay tuned for the answer jewelry is forbidden Jordan young teaches that no Amish woman should make a conscious effort to make herself appear attractive to the men of the community this is not all that different to a devout Islam where women are forced to cover their faces so as to prevent their male counterparts from having impure thoughts unlike the women of Islam however the women of the Amish tradition are permitted to show their faces but that's about as good as it gets for them Amish women are forbidden from using makeup or jewelry such as earrings or nose piercings to make themselves stand out from the crowd they aren't even allowed to use manufactured cosmetics to deal with pimples and acne the afer mentioned ban on jewelry does not just apply to an Amish woman's face it applies to all parts of her body according to the ordinal an Amish woman isn't even allowed to wear a bracelet or necklace without having to prepare herself for eternal damnation Amish women belong to their husbands the Amish like to present their ban on makeup jewelry and anything that might make a woman feel good about herself as a means of allowing women to have their dignity as opposed to turning them into eye candy for the men and why wouldn't they they need to ensure those tourists keep coming and feminism is a hot market these days in reality however the ordinal is far from a pro manifesto Amish elders believe that a woman should be treated as property when she is single she is the property of her father and must report to him on all matters once a man is found for her and she is married off she becomes the property of her husband in the Amish tradition a man's wife is supposed to cater to his every whim and stay at home during the day to make sure the house is clean and warm ahead of his return from work she is expected to cook his dinners and wash his clothes and basically sacrifice whatever independence she may have for his convenience earlier on in the video we asked you to name the rapper who recorded gangsta's Paradise the song that Weird Al Yankovic turned into the classic comedy hit Amish paradise if you said Coolio you must be some kind of walking 90s encyclopedia because you were right Coolio recorded gangsta's paradise in 1995 and famously was unaware Yankovic would be parroting his song until Amish paradise was released the following year this sparked a mini feud between the two but the pair buried the hatchet before either arranged a drive-by shooting only three percent have jobs Amish women are just as busy as their male counterparts in fact they may be even busier they often wake up before the crack of dawn and are on their feet for hours at a time they must prepare meals sweep floors look after their children and still somehow find the time to pray as stressful as all of this is Amish women rarely have any income to show for it it goes back to our earlier point about an Amish woman being her husband's property she is expected to carry out the typical chores of a homemaker and then some in exchange for her husband allowing her to live under his roof rent-free the ordinal forbids Amish women from seeking employment and work outside of their home and the church's elders do their best to make sure that rule is upheld just three percent of Amish women have admitted to having work outside of their home and even then most of those women are limited to jobs revolving around sewing cooking and other traditionally feminine tasks bonus knowledge nuggets because of their quaint ways people mistakenly believe that the Amish are dying out in reality the church has never been stronger right now at this moment there are over 250,000 Amish across Canada and United States this is more than a 100 percent rise in the Amish population of just 30 years ago when Amish children enter their early teens they are granted Rumspringa a period of time during which they are not considered members of the church during Rumspringa Amish children often smoke drink alcohol and generally experience the outside world in an attempt to decide if they wish to be baptized into the Amish church or leave their old way of life altogether and so ends this video of 5 secrets Amish women don't want you to know let us know what shocked you the most in the comments below don't forget to like and share this video and be sure to hit that subscribe button for more awesome boggling stuff videos and fun quizzes [Music]
Channel: Bogglin' Stuff
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Keywords: Bogglin' Stuff, 5 Things Amish Women Don’t Want You To Know, top 5, top 10, amish, secrets amish, amish secrets, amish women, what amish women can do, amish women can't do, amish weddings, amish roles, amish jobs, amish women jobs, amish women study, amish women secrets
Id: j5pbIS5xR8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 11sec (431 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2017
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