5 Terrifying Dates You'll Wish They Never Come.

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we're all accustomed to hearing that on a certain date the world may for a long time predictions regarding the end of the world have always been present but now with a more advanced science will it'll be possible to know what exactly the future prepares for us in this occasion we will see those certain dates in the future which can mark the planet and provoke a world alert before we start we don't want to alarm you although the information you will see here may represent catastrophic events for Humanity they are not a hundred percent accurate nor should they be taken as an absolute truth if you're one of those people who fear asteroids and easily get scared we recommend that you don't watch this video you're warned once said this let's get started here 2015 the future generates fear and uncertainty among many people climate change population growth the depletion of natural resources it seems they will be more forcefully present in the year 2050 the cause of this possibly will be overpopulation which to this day is a problem that does not stop growing if we add to all this the rise of sea levels that by 2050 will have caused flooding in major cities around the world the middle century is a date to fear year 2038 in january 2038 most computers and technological devices would possibly cease to function due to a failure of their operating systems the problem lies in the 32-bit operating system available to most of the world's devices the operation of this software is simple as it calculates the date from January 1st 1970 at 0 hours with 0 minutes and 0 seconds however this system has a capacity to reach the number 2 billion 147 million four hundred and eighty three thousand 647 that will take place on January 19th 20:38 after this date the systems will not recognize more numbers causing the systems to become confused and stopped working overcome in this critical situation can cost more than a trillion dollars year 2033 the eruption of volcanoes on this date possibly the largest volcanoes in the world will begin to erupt simultaneously causing chaos and changes in the nature of countries earthquakes will change the way countries are constituted today those changes will provoke a war Cataclysm that in the worst case scenario will end humanity here 2025 we know that by the year 2050 the planet's resources are likely to be depleted but in the case of water this will happen much sooner according to nest lay researchers aware of the danger that this problem represents for the interests of the company one-third of the world's population would have water scarcity problems before 2025 the problem lies in the Mead focus diet that is killing the drinking water because to feed cattle you need to grow tons of corn and soy which in turn requires large amounts of the precious liquid year 2022 according to scientists at the astronomical Institute of Czech Academy of Sciences the earth will be at risk of a major collision with celestial bodies from 2022 onwards the main threat is a comet called Anki that will fly very close to our planet if the paths of its fragments do not change it is possible that a collision can be avoided however if we get out of this alive similar dangers will occur in the years 2025 2030 - and 2039
Channel: TheTopMan 2.0
Views: 139,424
Rating: 4.4336677 out of 5
Keywords: end of the world, apocalipsis, asteroids, end of the world dates, year 2050, year 2038, year 2033, year 2025, year 2022, terrifying dates, thetopman2.0
Id: 6m2hM8toyS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 58sec (298 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 24 2019
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