5 Symptoms of a Bad Strut Mount Causes and Replacement Cost

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the ability of a car truck or SUV to operate in the most effective way possible is highly dependent on the health and condition of the suspension system unbeknownst to many an automotive suspension system actually performs a lot more functions than just softening the ride in actuality each component of the suspension has a distinct function these parts work together to improve a vehicle's ride quality to the highest possible level few of these suspension parts are as important as a car's struts struts function as dampers providing a comfortable even ride under a variety of driving circumstances a struts capabilities however are only as good as the amount to which it is attached strut mounts play a key role in dampening shock and noise transmission and in some cases they even prove essential for front-end alignment unfortunately over time strut mounts do degrade and need to be replaced a number of symptoms frequently appear when this happens to learn more about the various signs of a bad strut mount and how to handle the need for strut mount replacement watch the video it's Max The Car Guy YouTube Channel subscribe and let's get started signs of a bad strut mount one or more symptoms are typically present when an upper strut mount on a vehicle is about to fail several of these symptoms tend to be much more common than others even though they do frequently vary from one model of vehicle to the next the most typical symptoms of a bad strut mount include some of the following plunking in front end a severely worn strut mount can cause a noticeable clunking in the front end of a vehicle this sound is distinct from the infrequent rattling or squeaking mentioned above and in some circumstances the occupants of a car may even hear it this is due to the mountain question deteriorating and causing excessive strut play only the replacement of this Mount will end this play after a careful Examination for any additional front-end damage excessive noise or vibration excessive noise or vibration while driving is one of the signs of a bad strut mount this is because the strut mounts on a car typically isolate the chassis from Such Noise and vibration however a strut mount's capacity to function as a reliable buffer is compromised by significant wear as a result subtle rattles and squeaks start to show many of which become more noticeable over time rapid tire wear many models front ends are aligned by the upper strut mounts of the vehicle so where to these parts can quickly cause the front end geometry to deviate from specification the tow settings of a vehicle may even be adversely impacted to the point of accelerating tire wear if a car's tires had recently been replaced this should be especially obvious for handling in the event of strut mount failure a vehicle's Caster setting can be adversely impacted in a manner similar to how its tow settings of course changes in front-end geometry brought on by wear or failure of the upper shock mount also contribute to this sadly the only way to fix these problems is to replace all damaged strut mounts before doing a front-end alignment aware of other suspension components additional wear and tear are frequently inflicted upon a vehicle's additional suspension parts as strut mounts start to age this covers a variety of front-end bushings as well as a vehicle shock absorbers as a result many much more Troublesome secondary issues that adversely affect a vehicle's handling May manifest what causes strut mount failure the majority of the time struck Mount failure results from regular wear and tear struts in the mounts to which they are attached on a vehicle are subjected to almost constant movement as it travels down the road a vehicle's weight is still directly transferred to its struts and strut mounts even when it is at rest there is no exception in essence the strut mounts of a vehicle start to wear as soon as such components are installed and then wear mercilessly moving forward this part of a vehicle is constantly being stressed at all times through ongoing exposure to numerous environmental stressors this level of wear is only made worse over time the strut mounts of a vehicle suffer damage from rain water ice and road salt which hastens their eventual failure replacement cost the precise cost of strut mount replacement varies from case to Case and Depends heavily on the precise make and model of the vehicle that needs the repairs to serve as an example the following General estimate of the cost of replacing this part is provided strut mount replacement typically costs 150 to 300 dollars to complete the lower end of this range corresponds to replacement using budget mounts on a typical sedan for high-end performance vehicles or sports cars the higher of these figures is typically reserved and such repairs are carried out at dealer labor rates hope the information was helpful for you if so please press the like button and subscribe to the channel [Music]
Channel: MaxTheCarGuy
Views: 367,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: car issues, car problems, common issues, bad strut mount, bad strut mount symptoms, bad strut mount sound, strut mount symptoms, bad shock mount symptoms, bad strut bearing symptoms, bad strut symptoms noise, bad front strut mount symptoms, bad shock mount, signs of bad strut mount, signs of a bad strut mount
Id: paBYjdiKJtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 55sec (295 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 22 2023
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