5 small but big improvements coming to WordPress Gutenberg Block Editor

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good morning in about a month's time wordpress 5.9 is going to be released the thing that's getting all the big news is full site editing which will allow us to edit our entire sites using the gutenberg block editor but there are a raft of improvements coming along with 5.9 just to the gutenberg block editor so i picked out my top five and i'm going to go through them now right the first thing i want to show you is the improved list view it has three big improvements that i think you're going to love let me show you this so this is the list view it's accessed by these three lines up here in the top and essentially lets you see the hierarchy of your page that you're working on so it's a great way that you can see the blocks you've used now though there's three big improvements the first one is now they're drag and drop so you can actually just drag these blocks up and down like this so if i want to drag the image to the top i can drag it to the top if i want it to the bottom i can drag it all the way to the bottom so it's true drag and drop now the second thing that i want to show you is they now have these three dots on them which means you can actually do stuff so you can you have all the normal settings so you can do things like duplicate blocks really quickly from here you can also remove blocks from here you can also which i think is really useful you can insert before which is sometimes quite useful when you're trying to work in complex layouts and you're struggling to actually click within the page so that's the second big improvement that you now have these actions right within the list view and the third one's really really cool so the third one is anchor points so wordpress now when you create a heading it will automatically create an anchor point for that heading so let me just add a heading like so and can you see how over here it's actually writing in the name of the heading and if i go to advanced here you'll see it's automatically created the anchor point so if you wanted to share that as a link you know in your social media or on an email it's automatically creating these links within your pages i think it might have some seo implications as well but i'm going to look at that in a bit more detail and come back to that one the other aspect that i really like and this is going to be great especially if you're handing over sites to clients where you've got quite complex pages you can actually write in the html anchor here and it'll actually appear over here in the list view so when you're viewing the list view it's really clear to you or whoever's using the site uh what that block is about right the second thing i want to show you is about columns and they've had a big improvement in terms of now you have padding and gutter controls so they're much more usable in my view let me just show you this quickly so i'm just going to make sure i select the top level columns block can you see this new setting here over on the right which is block spacing that's actually the gutter because we're talking about two blocks here so if i set that at nor can you see how the columns now squish together likewise i could set that wider if i wanted to so now you have gutter control for the first time which is ace the second thing is we can now add padding within columns so if i want to make this column have a bit more breathing space around the text i can add a padding of 10 and i'll do the same thing for this right one so columns are getting usable right this next one might feel like a little thing but that's actually one of my favorite aspects of the new version of wordpress that's coming and that is highlighting so you see it on quite a few websites i really love it as an effect where you have you can see it on the screen where you have a background color and you have a text color in front it just makes the text pop it's now easy to do in what will be in wordpress 5.9 in the new version of gutenberg and all you do is highlight the word you want to highlight click on this little down icon here it's a little icon and then you'll see there's a new icon at the top that says um highlight click on that and then this will open up so you've got a text tab and a background tab you start by setting the text color i'm going to set that as white then you set the background color i'm going to set that as green and then you click off and there you go you've got your nice highlighted text right the final thing i want to show you is the new block pattern explorer so currently when you try and find block patterns they're kind of squeezed within the um this little panel here and they're very hard to see but coming in wordpress 5.9 will be a new button that says explore here that works like this it opens up a modal and you have a much richer experience of trying to find you know the design you're after so block patterns are collections of blocks pre-designed layouts so let's say i wanted this one i can literally just click here and add it to my page and you'll see it's just a collection of blocks but the explorer is going to make it much much easier to discover and preview block patterns so there we go there's the big improvements coming to the gutenberg block editor i hope you found that useful if you did hit subscribe because i'm doing tons of gutenberg block editor videos at the moment and if you could hit the like button that would be amazing because it helps spread the word it also helps feed our cats every time you hit the like button our cats get a little treat [Applause] so thank you so much for watching and i'll see you soon
Channel: Jamie Marsland
Views: 1,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gutenberg, gutenberg wordpress, gutenberg wordpress editor, johannes gutenberg, wordpress 5.9, block editor wordpress, block editor wordpress plugin, gutenberg plugin wordpress, gutenberg plugin
Id: 8LTo8aIMD40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 0sec (300 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 10 2021
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