5 Simple Habits That Changed My Life

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so i just want to make it very very clear that i do not have life figured out and honestly habits and routines have been a huge part of my life it's the little things that are added up that you do five minutes here five minutes there and you compound that over years and years and it completely transforms your life and these are some of the habits that have completely changed mine delayed gratification i think this has been probably the most important like lesson and habit that i have kind of used in my life it's the whole idea of sacrificing a little bit now for a lot more later obviously that seems pretty simple but i don't think most uh americans in general and like people in general really do that so how i've been using it over the past probably like five years now is kind of looking at everything that i'm doing and saying that i'm not going to have a nice car i'm not going to have a nice phone not going to have like really nice clothes i'm not going to have a nice house i'm not going to have a lot of these things that are just normal for everybody else so it was knowingly saying no to a bunch of things that i wanted but didn't really need so that i could have freedom later in life to be able to get those things and not have to you know stress and worry so having delayed gratification and kind of practicing that in a bunch of different ways a bunch of different areas in my life i think it's been like totally transformative for me fitness there's been one thing that's really helped me like in my overall life like how people perceive me and how i perceive myself my mental state how i feel it's been something that's really beneficial for me i don't like really kill myself like i aim for like three times a week like 45 minutes each so it's not like anything crazy and i've been doing that for like five to seven years and i've seen like really good benefits without really putting in that much work it's just consistency over a long term it's not trying to get it all at once it's consistency but something that's been really important to me over the past couple years it's kind of always been there for me when i get stressed when i you know can't do things other places it's definitely given me confidence it really helps like my mindset as well like when you're in shape and you feel good and you know you have confidence in your own strength and i don't know like you're just able to do stuff it's always been like a good escape for me and it's kind of again practicing delayed gratification where it kind of sucks to go to the gym or to stretch or do things you don't like to do but in doing that it's going to change your life later on if you don't stretch you're probably going to have injuries later on it's much easier for me to sit at the couch and like play xbox and not do it but i know if i don't do that i'm going to regret it later when i'm out of shape and you know i can't do the things i want to do and i don't feel the way i want to feel reading so i've been reading and listening to a lot of books over like the past five years and recently i've gotten into more physical books because it's kind of like a different interaction and for me more than the specific things that i've actually learned from the book it's been more of like a mindset shift that has really made the biggest impact so because i never went to college and didn't really learn anything in high school before i didn't finish that i never felt like i'm the smartest person i'm still definitely not but reading a lot is something that has always been it's either going to be motivation for me or it's just been like kind of if you listen to a book a couple times or you read it or whatever and it's a really good book it can kind of change your mindset a little bit in the right direction i know it definitely has for me so not only learning things from like the financial books that i've learned that kind of led to other things that kind of changed my whole life or on other books like how to deal with people and how to deal with yourself some of those things you just need to learn at some point and i think it's the people who never really try to progress in life and never continue with that growth mindset that end up getting stuck and having a lot harder life so this has been something that's really important for me i read like minimum of one book a month usually it's closer to like three and it's not so that i can say oh i've read you know this many books or you read a book a week or book a day whatever people do but it was this idea um that if you don't know that a word exists you literally cannot have that thought like if you don't know an opportunity exists or how to deal with things like how do you know what you don't know until you know it you know um so that was those too many no's there's so much knowledge out there and looking back that those little books that i've read have completely had huge ripples effect throughout the rest of my life especially when i was working a job where i was like driving all the time or working like kind of mindless stuff i would listen to books so that i was kind of like getting paid to learn stuff is kind of how i looked at it or at least i wasn't wasting time you know doing this kind of like menial labor i was actually you know learning and bettering myself and i knew that the more i did that the faster i would get out of where i was because like one of the most important investments you can possibly make is investing in yourself because that's going to have huge roi and i've already you know kind of seen that my diet has been another thing that's been super important for me to do and specifically the habit of intermittent fasting so i've actually been doing intermittent fasting for about five years now and i think it's one of the most important things that i have done in terms of like staying in shape because i can eat like nobody's business so if i was eating like normal people like i was before then i would be like a lot heavier it's just like it is how it is so this is one way since i don't have a ton of self-control to eat and like kind of stay lean all the time now if you don't know what intermittent fasting is it's pretty much just the idea of like you have like an eating window so maybe you fast for 16 hours a day and then you eat for you know eight hours a day or whatever the math he goes out to pretty much for me it means i i don't eat breakfast which is why i'm having coffee at 11 o'clock because it kind of helps stunt my hunger another thing that's helped me a lot is like being really aware of my body and like how it reacts to different things so that's how i found out that you know i couldn't have gluten i couldn't have dairy i couldn't have sugar like a bunch of different things that i've kind of cut out is from being kind of in tune with my body and really listening to what makes it feel better so i can feel the best every single day as opposed to like when you start to notice that if you eat certain things you feel bad later and then you can cut out those things you can actually like feel better like every day which was something that was a big change for me because i was like always kind of like feeling crappy because like apparently i can't eat like anything unfortunately when you're eating like really healthy whole foods it's really actually hard to gain weight like i realize that i'm like 20 something so it'll probably get harder in the future but like when you're eating a lot of fruits and vegetables and you're not having a bunch of junk food and processed food you just get to eat a lot more and it's like less calories so i don't know doing hard things i've been working very hard on doing hard things especially over the past year but i've leaned into it the past couple years if something's hard it's probably going to make me a better person if i'm uncomfortable doing it it's probably going to help me out i am very very uncomfortable on camera um it's gotten a lot better over the past couple years but i'm very introverted i don't like talking to people definitely not in front of people definitely not in front of thousands of people but i prefer not to think about it because i'm alone in my living room right now but since i have started doing youtube and putting myself out there and trying new things and really trying to express myself and you know speaking stuff like that it's really helped me out in a lot of different areas in my life and then any other things that i find like this is a hard thing to do i should probably do it like that's why i did you know the 30 days of cold showers specifically because that sounded miserable so i did it and then i took like a month off and now i'm back doing it i'm like day 10 or something like that so it's been really helpful for me to just kind of get in that mindset of leaning into those hard things to do it doesn't make them easy but over time i think it definitely does better myself whether it's the little things of it's easier to not wash the dishes than wash the dishes or like the bigger things it's easier not to go out and you know talk to people or not to try new things or whatever it is i'm trying into leaning into all that and having that really growth mindset and you know trying to stop caring as much what people are thinking about me um which is something that i as a like i don't know as a nature part i think i've struggled with that a lot i still do but i'm trying to work on that so what are the habits that have changed your life let me know down in the comments i am always looking for new habits new things to try to try to better myself and i think a lot of the other people in this community are as well it turns out like a lot of you guys are like just like me so it's been really cool to kind of to meet some of you follow me over on instagram if you want to and thank you for spending these few minutes with me it's really cool really really cool if you guys got any value out of this video feel free to drop a like it does help the algorithm a lot uh and subscribe if you're not if you're not subscribed uh because i'll do this every week that was a ringing endorsement that's as much as i can promise i can't promise it's going to be good to promise that i'll do it every week
Channel: Gabe Bult
Views: 43,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: habits that will change your life, change your life, habits that changed my life, best habits, minimalism, minimalist, habits, reading changed my life, working out changed my life, habits of successful people, healthy habits, healthy habits that will change your life, simple habits to improve your life, simple habits, habit building, habit, gabe bult
Id: 2igfSm_Cktg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 08 2021
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