5 signs UWC might not be for you

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if you want a really good academic experience don't go to uwc i'm drinking um cold coffee i have never been that stressed in my life it's not an iced coffee just a cold coffee known as one of the best in the world english i don't know how i feel about that i outlined five things that are sort of like very big and prevalent in uwc and if you resonate with one of them you probably shouldn't go there hi everyone my name is dasha if you're new to this channel i have just graduated from a school called united world colleges and diligent in armenia and on this channel i'm essentially sharing my experience in studying at the school talking about studying abroad how to explore new countries and new continents while studying while getting your education so if you feel that one of these things that i outlined feel very strongly about it maybe you should consider not going there and should look into other schools i just want to have a disclaimer out there that i loved my experience and overall i think that it was amazing and uwc gave me the opportunities that i don't think i would get otherwise overall the fact that they funded a lot of my education the friends i made there the moments that i have that i will never forget for myself i would say i never would never regret going there so the first one is constant change is not for you so you go there for two years first of all if it's a different country which means different language different culture different everything within the school there would be a lot of changes that you will face for instance the teachers changed like every other term my first year and my second year almost all of the teachers were different in the school because of the well covered situation obviously affected that but overall in uwc the teachers change very oftenly which i'm not sure is a good thing though but if you're not ready for that if you like when you have similar teachers similar classmates and everything's the same then you might not like it the first year you come and you have your second year so people who are one year older and then they graduate and then you become a second year and the first years come so you always have like half of the generation is completely different people i would say you change a lot if you're not ready to change a lot of things in yourself for example like your beliefs and values and everything like that if you're pretty conservative of course you will keep your identity that's one of the things in uwc like you have to be yourself and you have to have your own opinions and values and sometimes it's scary because you thought that something is really bad but then you accept it and you realize that this is normal this is how life is or the other way around you thought that something is normal but it's actually is not and that everything changes you know like your entire world like everything you start questioning things and that's very dangerous i would say because the more you question the more knowledge you get i for example i post another video before that which i deleted which was called like five things that i hate in uwc because most of the things i actually like now and this just shows how like in one year i changed a lot on the conservative note uwc obviously is very europe and north america centric in terms of values or views but if you don't support the sort of like main ideas of liberal agenda i don't know how to call it like if you're pretty conservative you might feel really uncomfortable there or you will feel that you don't have enough people to support your opinion because you know i was very conservative when i came there now i'm completely liberal you know things change got to be ready for that but if you're not let's move on to the second one if you are an introvert like a real introvert you might feel not amazing in uwc because everything happens with people even when you study you have people around in classes you have people the cafeteria there's no way you can sit alone in the cafeteria because people will join you or you will join some people everything is very social and the social life in uwc is pretty huge you won't be alone even in your own room you know like because you have roommates essentially or in the bathroom because you will have your corridor mates out there and you will always always socialize and always talk which i personally first found very uh different from what i was used to but then i actually accepted it and i loved it and i think that me being sort of an ambivert from the very beginning i became way more social especially in my second year because i felt more comfortable and just like better around people and i made very good friends but if you feel that you really need your own space and this is something that you cannot compromise and cannot change the third one is sort of controversial but don't quote me on that if you want a really good academic experience don't go to uwc what i mean is of course the academics in uwc is very challenging and is very good because ib program overall is known as one of the best in the world in english in the world if not the best i would say for high school students and it is recognized in the best universities everywhere so the academics would definitely be good enough personally i didn't even know what ib was so i didn't really care about that point but i know for some people they sort of regret going to uwc because they knew they would get more from other ib schools i don't think in uwc there is such a huge focus on that other ib schools they have absolutely different academic experience if you just want to have a really good ib experience and just want to have enough resources and always be sort of studying and moving towards your next step in your educational career i would say uwc is not something what you want to look at maybe just look into other ib schools around you because you will get a better academic experience fourth point is you don't want to stress and you want to have a chill life well obviously in uwc you'll get enough time to chill relax with your friends just hang out yet i know that everyone from the people who worried about academics a lot and really wanted to get the best grade they could to the people who were really chill and didn't care about academics at all they all were very stressed all the time i don't know how it happens maybe it's the stress culture and everyone is trust and i know that different uwcs have different um sort of level of stress and level of emphasis on academics yet i know for sure that everyone is really stressed at some point i have never been that stressed in my life as i was in my third term of uwc when i had to apply to universities plus work on all my ias and everything and this is something i think is not great if you feel that you're very sensitive to stress and you just want to save your mental health for later or you just want to have a like a normal chill like you know high school experience you don't want to be competitive and stuff then obviously uwc might not be for you on the competitive note i just want to say that uwc in comparison to other schools is less competitive and it's more about collaboration and helping each other everyone is moving towards less like stress and better mental health health support though i don't i don't know how well this transition is going i think it's true for every ib school and ib school like uwc where you have a lot of other things going on apart from academics then the stress would be a huge part of your life so if you are not ready to sacrifice your both mental and physical health to get the grades and to get the experience then look into um other educational opportunities that wouldn't be so stressful the fifth one is kind of farfetched not gonna lie because i couldn't come up with any more downside of uwc if you like your country if you like the place where you live in and you don't enjoy learning about other cultures and other countries and then maybe stay stay home don't go there your devil she really forces you in a nice way like i i love it i this is the part that i like loved the most it forces you to go out of your comfort zone and learn a lot about other people about other cultures to question the sort of like supremacy of some cultures and just equate everyone if you don't feel like you really need that in life or if you feel that you're better off staying back home learning your own history and your own culture um then what's the what's the reason to go out there for two years and live in another country you know if you are considering applying to uwc you probably already want to learn about other cultures so i don't know if you feel that those things are well they matter for example you're an introvert or you might not want to stress a lot in your life but you feel that you can compromise it and you can find your way around it but because you really want this experience then i would absolutely say go for it because it's life-changing thing and it is just a great place whichever uwc you go to uh it's a great place to be and it's a nice experience and honestly two years pass super quickly you wouldn't even notice that but it will still stay in your memory and you will learn a lot of new things so yeah thank you so much for watching don't forget to subscribe and like this video because you will get more videos on uwc or education abroad
Channel: Dasha Khamaza
Views: 44,626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: uwc, united world college, uwcd, study abroad, ib, international baccalaureate, boarding school, international school, high school, scholarships, united world colleges, education abroad
Id: sBG-To2H8VY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 06 2022
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