5 secrets to becoming a Kaggle grandmaster — Pavel Pleskov

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Yandex 5 secrets to becoming a Kaggle grandmaster Pavel Pleskov My name is Pavel Pleskov. I’m a Kaggle grandmaster. I want to share a few secrets to becoming a grandmaster. But just by way of managing your expectations: This is by no means a one-stop guide to earning the title. You probably won’t become a grandmaster tonight, or in a year. Chances are that after this lecture, many of you won’t even want to be one. Well, so much for the expectations. However, the secrets I want to share are applicable outside Kaggle contests. They go far beyond. I’ll talk about myself for a minute, because it’s relevant … … to becoming a grandmaster. I studied at a mathematical school, MSU Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics and the New Economic School (NES). We didn’t have much data analysis or data science at MSU, mostly probability theory … and statistics, which I learned by teaching it to freshmen. That’s when I learned all about biases and histograms. At NES, we mostly did econometrics, which was distressing — fighting heteroscedasticity, figuring out the meaning of regression coefficients. I never encountered any of this in data science. After graduating from NES, like everyone, I was solving the problem of income maximization, between consulting and investment banking, I chose consulting, since it meant not working on some of the weekends. In consulting, I was engaged in data cleansing. That’s what all data scientists spend 90 percent of their time on. You get a bunch of spreadsheets and merge them into a big table. Rarely did we use any advanced methods, like regressions, also in Excel. At one time, my manager used R to check the results of a logistic regression that I did in Excel. He spotted a mistake. Since then, I don’t like R. That’s my experience in consulting. Then I got into the … … exciting world of Russian high-frequency trading. I had to learn, or rather, relearn to program in C++, which was taught at MSU. I also learned a great deal about … … the job of a researcher in general. In trading, people talk about some holy grail idea that would make you rich. It doesn’t exist. You merely edge closer, … taking a hundred incremental steps toward a good trading algorithm, or a predictive model. And you will fail a hundred thousand times on the way. And that’s what being a researcher is: testing hypotheses, most of which fail. Also … In trading, I found out about things like holdout sets, overfitting, etc. A basic intuitive understanding of this helped me on Kaggle. These are the skills and the experience I had in the early 2017, as I left my company, taking my share. I finally had the time to do the things I wanted to. Actually … By then, I’d been thinking about data science for some time … and saw it as an interesting field. That’s what I wanted to do. So I went to Yandex trainings. Like you now, I was here last summer, to hear the talks. For some of you, it may be a first time. I couldn’t understand half of the words they said: “cross-validation,” etc. I carefully wrote them down, went home and educated myself by googling. And I … watched a whole lot of video lectures. Since I had lots of spare time, I was working out. And one miserable day I broke my leg in a bad way, narrowing down the range of things I could do. At home, it was just me and my laptop. I figured I had to do something. So I started solving problems on Project Euler. It’s a platform hosting math and programming problems, about 600 of them. It’s somewhat similar to Kaggle. They have ratings but no prize money. That’s what I did daily. I woke up and asked myself, “What do you want to do?” “Solve problems on Project Euler.” In fact, I’d been on that platform for a long time. That’s how I got to know C Sharp, C++ and Python better. But then I ran out of problems. Well, I ran out of the problems I could solve. Finally, I made up my mind to try Kaggle. At that time, I made the mistake many people make. I mean … putting off Kaggle. I was thinking that only after listening to every online course out there, will I deserve to be on Kaggle. My first small piece of advice is: Don’t put off Kaggle contests, start now. When you come home, sign up if you don’t have an account and submit. And you will find that practical experience on Kaggle is far more valuable … than any online course assignments. My first contest was about images, so I bought a GPU off a classified ads site. It was the summer of the cryptocurrency hype, GPUs got expensive. People wondered whether to mine or not, and if Ethereum will grow. I was thinking about that too. But I thought I’d buy a GPU for Kaggle anyway. I took bronze in my first contest, placing 98th. All I did was launch a public kernel and use slightly harder augmentations. And I got the result. I thought, if getting a medal was so easy, what could I do if I tried really hard. Ten months of nonstop work and I was at No. 16 in the general ranking. I turned grandmaster after seven months. I can tell you it’s a long way, and it’s very labor-intensive. Moving on to the five secrets. People asked me why I quit my business, which was profitable, to compete on Kaggle. My answer’s been very simple: I wanted to do only what I enjoyed doing. It was … It was the same with Project Euler. The prize money was irrelevant. I just woke up in the morning and asked myself, “Do you wanna do this?” And I did. Same thing with Kaggle. And that is quite a big secret. I mean … Many people know about it, but they don’t use it. You gotta do what you like. As university students, we all looked for work trying to maximize the income. We took jobs we didn’t like, earned little. In time, we started making more, and yet more, but still without enjoying what we do. And this stage is where most people get stuck. We tend not to transition into doing what we like. But I did. With no regrets. I encourage you to do it, too. These two hardly need an introduction, but anyway: Dr. V. Iglovikov and A. Kuzin. They are the most famous members of the ODS.AI community. Vladimir sort of stands for the academia and Artur for business. But this is quite arbitrary, mostly in my head. They are both data scientists in the industry now. It’s probably just that Vladimir has a Ph.D. But to do justice to Artur: His h-index is actually higher, I think. Anyway, what makes academia and business different? To get an academic publication, you need to prove you’re innovating. I mean … Academic success depends on innovation. You can’t just say you’ve doubled the data set and improved the model, and publish. And that is how many students approach Kaggle contests. They start tinkering with fancy losses, fancy architectures, which takes them a month, but then the time is up and it doesn’t work. No win. No score. No medals. Instead, I approached all contests with a business mindset. Let me explain. It means that … you have a project, and there’s a certain probability it will succeed. All you can do is maximize the probability of success by leveraging certain resources. Now, what do I mean by resources in a Kaggle contest? One example is finding a new data set. There was an image contest, and the organizers forgot to list the rule about external data sharing. So all the teams realized that if you have more data, you win. Our team had a guy from Yandex specifically for finding data. In another contest, it turned out that by merging teams and blending solutions, the final score grew by a lot. So new teammates were the key resource, which brought us gold. Sometimes you have no access to a powerful machine with a bunch of GPU and CPU cores. You find someone who has it to join your team. Perhaps others won’t accept them saying their score on the leaderboard is too low. These are the resources I used to win Kaggle contests and earn gold medals. Talking about business, I cannot but mention fast.ai founder Jeremy Howard. He is amazing. This slide is a bit crammed, but I wanted to leave nothing out. He founded three successful startups. At the age of 19, he made $200,000 at McKinsey. He was hailed as a wunderkind. That’s what Silicon Valley programmers make now. At AT Kearney, he was the youngest engagement manager globally. He pioneered big data. He also learned Chinese in a year. So what does he have to do with Kaggle? Following the launch of Kaggle in 2010, he was No. 1 for two years. In 2013, he served as the president of Kaggle. He’s now developing fast.ai, a deep learning library. I recommend that you use it. That’s what I did myself. It has its drawbacks, which people are quick to point out: poorly written code, hard to make sense of things, not enough documentation … And yet it’s very flexible. What makes Jeremy exceptional, is that he produces state-of-the-art results using his own library. And he never stops until he achieves that. So … Make sure you use it. This is my secret No. 3. For me, it was easy to delve … … into this library, there’s a series of two-hour videos. They are exceedingly boring, but since my leg was broken, I could do worse than that. That’s not the only way. You can get to know this library by practicing to use it. And there are lots of useful threads on the fast.ai forum. So it’s not that hard. One further piece of advice for those who still haven’t learned English: Please do it. If we talk about fast.ai, for example, there are enthusiasts who take the trouble to subtitle the lectures. But if it weren’t for them, people who don’t speak English, … would have no access to the latest results, the best ones. And by the time they gain access in a year or two, the world is different. Bottom line: If Jeremy learned Chinese in a year, you probably can learn English. On to the next tip. No presentation on data science is complete unless it mentions … … Stas Semenov. Like Jeremy, he is one of my heroes. He also has a trading background. He specializes in data leakage, which is what … Well, this is what quants normally do in trading. You have a stream of stock market data and you need to find the singular points, in order to come up with a strategy. I also recommend the course “How to Win a Data Science Competition” on Coursera. It was created by these brilliant grandmasters. They said it was very hard, which they didn’t expect. I encourage you to sign up. Rumor has it, A. Guschin turned grandmaster in five months. They say he locked himself in his dorm room. That’s what I heard from Yandex people. This is the price you have to pay … … for the title. My final tip is about teamwork, networking and the ODS.AI community. If for whatever reason you still haven’t joined ODS.AI, do it. It’s a Slack channel with 12,000 Russian-speaking data scientists. That’s where you get the answers to all of your questions: What hardware to buy? What software to use? Stuff about contests, etc. This slide shows the people I took part in Kaggle contests with. They helped me win medals. If it weren’t for them, nothing would happen. I got to know them through ODS.AI. So don’t overlook this amazing opportunity. Namely, ODS.AI. Well then … Suppose you went grandmaster. Suppose you had three hot startups and plenty of time. You gave it 10 months of your life, maybe you locked yourself in the dorm. What now? What’s in it for you? Is it even worth it? After I turned grandmaster, I started getting job offers. The positions varied widely, from data scientist to head of data science. Ultimately … I chose … I chose to work in consulting, as chief data scientist at Data Nerds. But that’s just one of the opportunities you get … … when you gain a high profile as a grandmaster. You can join a startup. You can get employed. You can read lectures, as many grandmasters do. A further, unexplored possibility is competing on Asian platforms. After Google acquired Kaggle two years ago, … the platform changed. There’s less prize money. You know, the grass used to be greener, etc. But … Now, lots of Asian platforms are emerging. The competition is low, the prize money’s good. They will be gaining in popularity. So it’s the right time to explore them. Luckily, Google Translate works just fine. That’s it, basically. This has been my way to the grandmaster title. Whether you want to earn it or not, … is for you to decide. I’m ready for your questions. Thank you. Questions? Good afternoon, and thanks for the talk. I’m wondering, what if one has only two hours a day to spare, instead of eight. How do you spend them? On Kaggle. So I guessed. I mean, what’s the focus? Would you prioritize testing new ideas? Or testing the existing ideas? I think I would work in a team and … … ask my teammates to test them. (Thank you.) Hello, thanks for the talk. My name is Oleg. You said the best place to start … … is on Kaggle, by taking part in contests. However, I did try to do this, but at some point, when I make a submission, my score no longer grows. And I realize I need more fundamental knowledge, if I’m to go any further. How do you find the right balance between … pausing to enhance your theoretical background and generating new ideas? Thanks. It’s a good question. Indeed, a sound balance is needed. Kaggle is unique because of how many public kernels are available, very useful. This includes discussions. Just to read this takes longer than it may seem. Still, I recommend looking through every forum thread, everything you find on your contest and maybe those before. If you see something you don’t understand, then it’s time to eliminate the gaps in your theoretical knowledge by reading forums or taking online courses. I remember a tip from Jeremy: Every day, make sure you submit something that brings the score up. It’s difficult, no doubt. But still, think about how you can nudge it up, … if only a little, if only by 0.001. In fact, there are fairly standard tricks for doing this: folds, stacking, … mixing solutions. By learning these tricks, you get the most in the way of practical training. And this involves learning theory. I must say, Jeremy’s tip has one major drawback: Kaggle doesn’t let you team up with someone if the two of you combined have too many submissions. So there’s a slight trade-off to it. Does that settle the question? Thank you. You approached these problems with … … a business mindset. But my, perhaps unfortunate experience has been that … the business approach often doesn’t work. For example, in a recent contest held by a bank, I tried to use the business approach, since I knew that industry well. But I lost, because among the features that worked was, say, client identifier. So, to what extent is the business approach applicable? I know that contest. It was held by Rosbank. For one thing, it was not a Kaggle contest. But in any case, when I said “business approach,” I meant something else: not knowing the industry and using this to generate features, but rather how you approach the problem. The goal is to be at the top of the leaderboard. It’s about the way you achieve this, whether you try to innovate, or you apply standard, maybe even boring techniques — … but then you try lots of them. That’s what I meant. I wanted to ask this: Solutions on Kaggle tend to be very elaborate: many layers, models, stacking … But after the transition from Kaggle to consulting, how complex are the solutions you provide to clients, and who’s to support them? Thanks for another good question. Although Kaggle was initially created for businesses to solve their problems, there’s a certain simplification in that companies bring their own data, metrics. When you’re in consulting, this is not the case. You step back: collect data, cleanse it, think of an optimization metric … … that would solve your business problem. But actually, it’s merely one step away from Kaggle. It’s not all that different. As to the solutions being elaborate, there’s a problem with Kaggle: When the contest is over, the three top teams get their prizes, and they get a call from the company holding the contest, with the top managers who thought of Kaggle in the first place and one poor data scientist tasked with implementing the solution. And the No. 1 team starts explaining it. They have a hundred models, stacking, etc. Eventually, the client either has to hire the whole team or just borrows some ideas. In fact, Kaggle documentation has a paragraph about … … building a simple model that yields 95 percent performance. That’s what businesses want. So yes, real-life solutions are simpler. But some of the contest tricks are still applicable and effective.
Channel: ODS AI Ru
Views: 37,080
Rating: 4.8792133 out of 5
Keywords: kaggle, data science, machine learning, kaggle master, how to, kaggle grandmaster, high achievement, машинное обучение, кагл, тренировки по машинному обучению
Id: fXnzjJMbujc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 22sec (1402 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 19 2018
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