5 Scary Videos That Went Way Too Far

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Get ready, we’re gonna take a closer look at scary videos that went way too far. 5. It’s 12:30 at night and everything is totally quiet and still. But this family household is about to erupt. A concerned woman grabs her husband and together they begin to search their own home. They find nothing. As soon as the lights go off, it happens again. What do you think is going on? Would you be able to guess what’s being done to you if you were them? If you thought it was a ghost, you’re wrong. Someone has gained access to their webcam and is broadcasting loud noises to freak them out. It’s a terrifying trend that has been happening for years but has really been on the upswing again lately. One minute you are fast asleep, and the next moment it sounds like someone is losing their life in the next room over. I’m not sure if I would be able to tell that this was a recording. Would you? Just like the family before her, this scared woman looks all over the house and doesn’t find anything. She looks straight at the webcam but completely dismisses the idea that it could be coming from there. Here’s an even creepier thought. Somebody could instead choose to lie in wait, watching your every move without you knowing it. A relaxing day at home turns into a horrible invasion of privacy when this teenager’s security system starts happily talking to them. The hacker trolls him with weird questions like what video games he likes to play, and at 40 seconds you can see him bite his nails nervously as he thinks about what to do next, eventually deciding to stand on the counter and disable the webcam manually at 57 seconds. He thinks he’s safe now and lets his guard down. I don’t know what he says here but he’s freaked out and I think he’s telling someone to call his mom. As he runs through the hallway with his phone out biting his nails some more, he forgets about the second security cam watching him. He runs into his room as soon as he hears the hacker turning the webcam in his direction, successfully intimidating him in his own home. The two sound roughly the same age and it’s obvious that whoever is watching enjoys their sense of power. If this happened to me, I don’t care how many times I reset the password, I would always feel like I was being watched and never truly safe again. And here things are getting into way too far terrority. I can only imagine what kind of issues this experience is going to do to her in the long run. You can hear the exact moment she becomes scared. It’s definitely way too far. He fills her head with confusion to make it worse. Her hands are already folded over her stomach with fear and he doesn’t care. The way she calls for help is so innocent that I feel really bad for her. This is definitely taking it way too far in my opinion. 4. Out in the woods sits an old house with a reputation that I’m sure you’ll recognize. This is where none other than the Blair Witch itself is said to frequently reside. I’ve always been under the impression that the forest creature was simply a made up story, but tonight Jay and Kevin are pairing up to put the legend to the test. After getting lost in the woods, they finally find the Blair Witch House and cautiously step inside. The walls have writing on them from previous visitors, but something else seems to have never left and now watches from afar. Clumps of black hair in the sink, long and unkept – evidence of the Blair Witch, or at least proof that they are not alone. As they examine it, I see something is peeking through the window at them at 7 minutes and 36 seconds. Six seconds later, it’s just an empty black space again. And when they walk into another room, the EMF indicates more activity at the far window just as a mysterious white light appears. I wouldn’t be surprised if the witch was watching from behind those drapes, but for some reason they don’t check, perhaps out of fear. Jay doesn’t get any more EMF readings inside of this room in particular, and I think that’s because it’s not in there with them, but rather watching from someplace outside. Soon Jay feels himself being pulled back to the room they were just in. I have little doubt that Jay forms a true paranormal connection here because the timing is too perfect. Not to mention it confirms its presence twice. In this room is a large dirty window that is difficult to see out of . At precisely 11 minutes is when the outline of a tall woman is barely visible. Meanwhile, something guides Jay towards the closet where a traumatic event no doubt once occurred. Something in here is standing in front of him, a child who lost it’s life at the hands of the Blair Witch who is showing Jay to the very same spot they lost their life at. And if you listen closely, at 11 minutes and 47 seconds you’ll hear the ghost whisper “hey” right before the meter spikes as high as it can. Jay continues to receive flashing lights at exactly the right time. It’s like he’s really having a conversation. The EMF continues to pulse in a steady rhythm as Jay sets down the ground rules. No following him home, no possessions. It glows more excitedly as he reaches to turn on the spirit box. And when he does, the spirit whispers this quick warning. Followed by a mysterious black spirit orb that gives me a bad feeling. And when they ask the child what happened in the closet . . . this creepy laugh is their only reply. They pick the EMF meter off the ground and confirm the presence of a boy standing right in front of them. In no other room do they experience this much electromagnetic activity. A sweep of the other rooms detects nothing paranormal. Now the only place left to explore is the screened-in front porch, which they can only get into from the outside. As they approach at 29 minutes and 44 seconds you can see that nothing is in front of the door. Yet the bottom half of the door is mysteriously stuck shut. And just when Kevin makes a comment as to why the door isn’t opening . . . . . . it suddenly opens effortlessly. I don’t know if that was paranormal or just a jammed door coming loose, but given the timing of everything else, I’m going with spirits. The inside smells like something freshly burning even though the chimney hasn’t been used in quite some time, and even though they couldn’t smell anything through the other side of the screen. And as they stop to investigate it, they catch a fleeting glimpse of this tall figure covered in rags behind them. They leave not knowing how close they came to seeing it for themselves. Something is certainly still living here, and if it’s not The Blair Witch itself, then it’s something close enough, and maybe even worse. 3. As the name of his YouTube channel would suggest, Abroad in Japan provides helpful advice meant for anyone planning an extended stay in the country of Japan. Chris has lived there for over seven years and most of his videos deal with common topics such as cultural differences and spending tips. Two videos in particular, however, chronicle his experiences with Japan’s supernatural. October 16th, 2018 is when Chris bikes with his friend Joey in search of an eerily abandoned tunnel that’s rumored to be haunted. They don’t know much about its history but one look at how narrow it is and it’s hard to imagine a car squeezing through. The tunnel was apparently abandoned after too many lives were ended by unsafe driving. Now it lies on the side of the mountain becoming more overgrown with each day. The first thing they notice is this strange humanlike imprint on the wall, perhaps the spirit of someone who lost their life here. It’s looking up towards the sky, a woman with long hair and pale skin. Even the flowing sleeves of her dress are visible. It creeps them out and makes them want to get this over with so they can leave. As they are contemplating what all of this means their camera records even more evidence that something is nearby. It’s a soft voice whispering something in Japanese. Tell me if you can understand. I think it’s real because the voice echoes off the tunnel walls. The exit is only a short distance away so there’s no big dramatic dash to safety or anything like that, but they are suitably freaked out by now, and when they go to leave, this mysterious third person, a shadow figure to be precise, is waiting for them at the end. Oh, and there is one other odd discovery in the haunted tunnel that I forgot to mention. I don’t even want to know what this mysterious device was used for. It looks like it goes around a wrist or an ankle and doesn’t come off. So as strange as this paranormal encounter was, it was only scary enough to teach Chris his lesson for a year or two. February 16th, 2020 is when Chris stayed at Japan's most haunted hotel, a place known only as the Ryokufuso Inn. This is where the spirit of a young boy has been haunting the wealthiest people in Japan for over six hundred years. That’s a long time to be a troublesome little ghost and by now he’s gotten pretty good at his job, so what Chris sees that night should come as no surprise. He and his friend wait until after hours to visit the memorial where the boy is said to frequent, a shrine built in his name to keep him from becoming evil and cursed. I think I see the outline of a boy looking at them in the blue window above as one of them kneels down at the altar. And they must have done something wrong because this happens. Not only does a child scream, but a face appears over his shoulder shortly afterwards. They go back to their hotel room afterwards and don’t think much of it. But the next day, Chris’ friend reports an encounter that really troubles him. It seems as if they could have been followed after all. I’m not sure if this last part is a paranormal encounter or sleep paralysis, a condition in which people are unable to move and often think they see a shadow figure moving towards them. 2. April and Kevin of a YouTube channel called AK Explorations team up with some of their ghost hunting friends to take on the Florida Grand Opera House, a historic location established in 1884 that is rumored to have acquired quite a few spirits over the past hundred and thirty five years. April stands behind the scenes and gazes upon at row after row of empty seats. She’s busy taking in the sights when she captures this paranormal moment on camera. At 4 minutes and 48 seconds a shadow figure walks between the red curtains on the other side of the opera. I was thinking that this just could’ve been the shadow of one of the other people she was with except for three things. First, there’s also a passing shadow on her side of the room at 4 minutes and 46 seconds. It happens next to her and exactly two seconds before it happens again on the other side of the room. Second, there’s a really weird noise before the shadow person appears. She kind of makes a sigh but there’s also like a shrieking noise or something at the same time. Third of all, these orbs appear when she tries to tell Kevin about the experience. Next they go to the balcony seats and a strange feeling overtakes April at 7 minutes and 27 seconds. This strange white anomaly appears two seconds after she says she doesn’t feel normal up here. It does look like a floating hair but it also kind of looks like a phantom outline walking down the steps. The feeling grows so strong that she needs to step away and regather her thoughts. She turns around and is sure she’s being watched again, and I’m almost sure I see the curtains move right where she believes it to be. When AK Explorations aren’t exploring fancy operas, they are usually busy investigating much less sophisticated haunts like this chicken farm in the middle of nowhere. Eyes are on them from afar before they’ve even stepped foot inside, hopefully those of a wild animal rather than a restless spirit, though probably the latter based on what they soon encounter. April immediately feels watched as they enter the abandoned home. She turns around and her light barely manages to catch more eyes . . . . . . along with whatever this is . . . It’s a different color than the surrounding green plants, and it looks much closer than anything else, possibly even on the porch with her. She doesn’t notice and moves on. Inside, all of the windows are blacked out so that no light gets through, though I don’t know why anyone would choose to do this and I was hoping you might have a reason for it. In the corner of the living room is a knotted rope surrounded by flies. I don’t know what happened here but I’m glad they didn’t check to see what’s inside the black garbage bag right next to the rope. Next April and Kevin sweep over the house with a blacklight to see if there are any signs of a struggle. Sure enough, at 10 minutes and 33 seconds they find a red stain on the bed that is not visible without their equipment. A second similar red stain is found on the mattress at 10 minutes and 42 seconds, so something happened here. A noise interrupts April right as she suspects somebody could still be in here. I’ll admit that I didn’t hear anything at first. But soon a strange hum fills the air. This house has no power so nothing should be humming at all. You can really hear it at 11 minutes and 30 seconds. The noise guides them to one room in particular. Something in their mind tells them not to go any further, a sixth sense warning that danger is near. April reasons that the floor might not be able to support their weight but I’m pretty sure they felt the presence of whatever this is. It’s a noise they do not hear until they watch the video much later. Looking back, all they knew was that it was time to leave. I’ve got a challenge for you, since you’ve made it this far, why not like this video and hit subscribe in the next 5 seconds, because I upload 4 new scary videos every week. If you’re curious about what I look like in real life, then go to my Instagram @dylan_is_chillin_yt and tap that follow button to find out. And for the Number 1 entry, please welcome recording artist, Rezcoast Grizz. Arqui Denis is the name of a Philadelphia man who lives in what he believes is an extremely haunted home, specifically the basement. He and his family have been dealing with whatever’s down there for more than seven years. It’s all well-documented on their YouTube channel. I encourage you to watch all of the evidence for yourself but for now I’ve picked out some videos to help get you started, ones that make me the most curious. This early encounter takes place on May 17th, 2013 – back when he was less used to it and more afraid. Arqui is looking down the steps when something on his spirit box encourages him to “go in there”, followed by a mysterious phrase in another language that I need your help to translate. “You are demon”, Arqui says down the steps. It sounds like a statement but it’s actually a question, something he has always wanted to know. It never says anything back but this time it does show a sign that yes, it is one indeed. The light turns on behind him even though he is nowhere near the switch. And it continues to do so as he films in stunned amazement. Suddenly his cats rush up the steps like they are running away from something, though I suspect they could have been chasing each other. He crosses the room and at 1 minute and 48 seconds the lights seem to move on their own while an orb also comes close. It can’t be him moving the lights because one hand is on the camera and the other is flipping the switch to no avail. I was thinking that maybe somebody was controlling the real light switch from another room but at 1 minute and 58 seconds the lights seem to glow even brighter than before sounds and he noticeably upset as he steps away. His fear has probably emboldened the spirit and things have gone way too far if you ask me. He should leave by now but day after day Arquis continues to ask the spirit if it was a demon whenever he thinks it’s near, pestering it with the same question for weeks on end. Finally, on December 16th, 2014, it gives a clear response, and I’m talking more than a simple yes or no. The way it answers in a full sentence exactly five seconds after being asked is about all the paranormal proof I need to conclude this is real, but I haven’t even shown you the weirdest video yet. By October 12th of 2019 the spirit has moved out of the basement and seems obsessed with his children. The EMF meter is relatively normal until it passes over his crib, and I think we might be seeing a possession in real time . . . And his newborn baby is not the only one affected. The spirit seems to hover around his daughter as well. The way it appears from behind, goes to the side and then appears to admire her is going way too far if you ask me. I don’t know why Arqui hasn’t moved out yet but I suspect that he may be strangely obsessed with studying it and at this point possibly even has become sentimental. Maybe it has gotten into his mind, much like it has his family, and convinced him to let it stay. This final CCTV video is when Arqui gets all of the evidence that he needs. I don’t know if this is editing or not but one day he is organizing his closet when a shadow figure stands over him and makes him cower in fear. If this last video is real, which I think it could be given everything else that’s happened, then I guess it proves talking to a demon for over five years is, in fact, going way too far.
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,387,025
Rating: 4.8441701 out of 5
Keywords: chills, top15s, top 15s, chills narrator, top 15, top 10, top 5, list, lists, countdown, real or fake videos, scary, creepy, scariest videos, caught on camera, caught on video, unsolved, unexplained, mysterious videos, mystery, scary videos, scary video, found online, analysis, internet videos, unexplainable videos, tiktok, scary tik tok videos, entertainment, scary videos that went way too far, videos that went way too far, rezcoast grizz
Id: DkdtKJwkWjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 8sec (1388 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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