5 Scary Deep Woods Exploration Stories (Vol. 7)

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[Music] [Music] the woods seemed to hold fierce monsters in all things unexplained from the nightmares that we have but not all of us are too scared to venture out and experience what's out there in the shadows these subscribers share some of their creepiest experiences while exploring deep in the woods of their towns if you have a story that you'd like to share in a future video on the channel be sure to send it into the email or the website that you can find in the description down below I would love to see your tales of Terror now let's get into these truly scary tales from the woods [Music] when I bought this property a couple of years ago one of the main selling point was the woods between the house and the road are rows and rows of red pine roughly five acres and standing maybe 35 to 40 feet tall walking through these woods gives off an eerie feeling but enjoyable still the ground covered by many thick needles giving off a spring step when trekking through behind the home are more of a wild side landscape with many different trees a creek and a winding path that's just wide enough for a small utility vehicle these woods the kids and I enjoyed most we have done a few projects such as build a small wooden bridge to get to the other side of the creek we made a rope swing and they all have their own battery operated vehicles to drive the path if they wanted to one thing we did do last year looking back as we found a huge pile of rocks in the middle of nowhere the rocks varied in size from a handful to a little over a bowling ball-sized well we were pulling rocks off that pile as if there was something buried inside we never found anything other than more rocks the pile of rocks is maybe 10 feet long a feet wide and maybe three feet tall we dug down deep enough to see the rocks that were buried in the ground so we stopped I am thinking now that maybe it wasn't such a good idea in recent past our family had dealt with something I thought would never happen and that was a ghost or ghost in her home the first story written explains the details in that but this happened in my home I and my wife talked about this with friends and family but nobody else after that I live in a small city and talking with them stories of this property began slowly coming out of the woodwork the following stories below are a couch from what we heard happening in these woods my wife spoke to her sister and her sisters husband her husband recalls three stories of the previous owners experience two of them he claims he can't remember but I am taking it as either he's making it up to scare us or he just refuses to tau the one experience he did say was the man that lived there chose to never take trees from the woods the main source of heating for the house is a wood stove he never hunted these woods either I spoke to a friend of mine who we will call birds about the haunted house incident Bert has been hunting in the woods behind this property for many years and decided to tell me of his experiences of what has happened to him and many hunters including his young nephew now going out in the early hours before sunrise everyone seems to see a silhouette of a man walking around and when approached he disappears other accounts are there is a light they see about the side of a credit card flying around and that too often when approached disappears the one event that kind of sent chills up his spine was one morning he was up in a tree all set up and waiting as hunters do he saw a light down below the bottom of the tree just sitting there so he called out and asked to it was he got no answer he became angry that this person was messing with his hunting sight so he began to threaten him or her the light stayed right at the bottom so Bert climbed down and as he climbed down he saw the light move away he said he chased this light a good 40 yards or so then it just disappeared he says he remember standing there to thick fog and all of a sudden debris from up above the tree such as leaves twigs and other things came falling down upon him as he looked up this huge gust of wind strong enough to almost knock him down came rushing in he says he doesn't hunt alone anymore another friend who was a volunteer for the fire department told me they were called out there about a fire about six years ago apparently half of those houses caught on fire but luckily no one was hurt or in the home at the time of the fire he said it was strange because they could not find the source of the fire he said that while they were there he saw someone standing just inside the yard by the woods for a glimpse and when he turned to catch up with them there was no one there he said he had an eerie feeling about the woods he told his supervisor about it but they never believed him they thought maybe it was just some kind of smoke inhalation or something causing him to see that okay these are the stories I've heard during my time I have not had any experiences myself in these woods nor my kids but recently an event has happened with someone I know from work I have had some raccoon problems in the last few weeks as well we have or should I say have six chickens in two evenings we had lost two to the raccoons we know they are raccoons because we solved them from the second floor looking out the window in the evening a co-worker of mine who we will call Billy overheard me telling another about losing my chickens and he had offered his services to come out and exterminate them awesome we agreed for him to come out on a Saturday evening and he and his friends would come out and camp out for a couple of hours around the chicken coop late at night to pick off them as they came around 8:30 in the morning they pulled into the driveway got their gear and decided to change plan because the layout of the property was they first were going to check the abandoned camper then patrol the pines then patrol the woods in the back within 10 minutes I received a text from him saying they got a huge one in the camper and we're now going to patrol the pines I replied with great job guys but be careful in the pies there are a couple of deep bunkers with the pines and you don't want to trip on them because you could get really hurt about fifteen minutes later I walked out on the deck from the second floor and saw them coming back I asked how it went and they told me they thought they better come back to the house what had happened was that they walked deep within looking up the pines to pick them out of the trees and they heard branches and needles crunching from what they thought was a coyote they looked down in the snow and they had seen some tracks the noises grew and it seemed like there were more than one now they felt that they were being circled worried that they stumbled upon a den they hightailed it back to the house they said they were going to walk into the backwoods now I thought maybe this wasn't a good idea so I tried to talk them out of it I told them I had heard stories of those woods in the dark their reply was that they have dealt with scary things in the woods before and that they would be fine okay then good luck on your journey and I shall see you on the other side I told them and I went back inside about ten minutes later I received a text we are leaving I walked outside to catch up with them before they left for the night before they walked down the woods I saw two young men with their firearms confident and all rambled up for the extermination when I saw them on the return they were three shades whiter eyes wide open and they were talking so fast I had to ask them to slow down one of them just put his guns away and got right into the truck Billy explained to me what had happened they walked down the path and while walking they felt they were being watched they heard a big crack of a branch on the ground behind them they quickly turned around and flashed their spotlight and saw nothing no noise of an animal running away no broken branches just nothing then continue down the path in about midway Billy saw what had looked like a glowing white blob he says roughly about five feet tall and hovering they flashed a light on it and it looked like it moved so fast it was a blur and disappear talking to each other asking if they saw it and just then the branches and twigs crunchy behind them the other saw it again and as they flashed the light again disappear this happened two more times each time appearing to get closer and closer it was messing with them appearing behind them this was when I received the text and they ran back to the house Billy told this story to many co-workers at my place of employment and of course he got a hard time for it no one believes his story nor mine of the house and that's ok there are now three guys at work who are planning on walking the woods to debunk his story I am unsure if this is a good idea or not but I am leaning towards letting them yesterday I had told a friend online about what's going on in the woods she told me it may sound crazy but she may have an idea what it is she is into fail or she told me it sounds like a dark fairy she doesn't remember the name but she's thinking it's a Morrow fairy she says that this fairy which can be five foot tall I guess walks the woods and eats bones bones from animals of course that have been killed she says they protect their woods from their stash they normally don't harm humans but are known to play in chase a way to test it would to be bringing a chicken bone throw it away into a circle and see if it's gone the next day I am leaning more of a ghost in a fairy but what do I know [Music] my life in the rural Midwest has always been pretty mundane I've always enjoyed being in and around the woods hills and rivers most of the friends I have today many years later are thanks to that we all have lots of stories but one sticks out above all others a friend and I had set up camp in the woods along the Illinois River many miles from the nearest town which had maybe 1,000 people in it we sat by the fire sucking on a bottle of lemonade vodka and laughing and attempting to catch and release small catfish while preparing to sleep because we had planned to leave early the following morning eventually we hear the inevitable sounds of branches and slow crunching footsteps we joke about it and remember a story passed around by the locals about a high school teacher who was approached by a panther while in the woods taking samples for her upcoming class however this particular part of Illinois is too north to see mountain lions or similar large cats so we didn't worry much about it the time comes for us to call it a night we bucket some water on the fire and headed to the shelter only a few moments pass before we hear it a rumbling noise similar to a growly it isn't necessarily feline but it's obviously very close and somewhat terrifying eventually we devised a plan stay together exit the shelter with our sleeping bags spread out around our upper bodies to appear larger than we actually were weapons in hand we shine all of our lights around and shouting kick and throw things almost immediately we watched a very large cat leap from a low branch and lower itself into the weeds we continued to shine our lights in that direction but didn't see any sign of it all those sounds of something moving slowly could still be heard nearby we decided to relight the fire and stay awake until sunup watching and listening for any signs of it the sounds subsided after a while and eventually the Sun began to rise we took down our makeshift shelter gathered our backpacks and walked towards the nearest tree line exits before continuing our journey we both look back at that day wondering if we would have died if we were not well prepared [Music] this is something I recently had happened to me a few weeks ago I have more encounters while hunting but I'll share those another time if this goes alright they're a bit longer and more strange I am from Southwest Georgia and live right on the Georgia Alabama line I was riding dirt roads one night with my friend and her younger sister we were fishing earlier that evening and didn't have any luck so we decided to get some beer and go for a ride on into the night after driving dirt roads in between Lumpkin and Georgia town we went to a spot I know pretty well that was a swamp off the side of the dirt road so we get out and decide to chill for a little while about 30 minutes pass and I decide to walk down to little ways into the water and cast out my pole with some stank bait on it my friend is behind me standing beside the truck with her sister in the backseat and for a few minutes no one is talking and no music is playing then all of a sudden out of nowhere my friend screams and not just a scream but a horror movie type bloody-murder scream like it scares the living out of me and I think someone just died type of scream I go from complete and relaxing silence in the middle of a swamp and Georgia to a scream it'll scare you and I don't care who you are so I turn around and I yell what's wrong and as soon as I said that something ran past me into the water keep in mind it is completely dark and my spotlight is in the truck this thing I don't know what it was ran by me on two legs it did not make one sound to hit the water it goes off into the water and it sounded heavy and then all of a sudden nothing as the defeater flew away as silly as it may sound or it went underwater because the noise stopped out in the middle of the swamp it was moving so fast if it would have hit the woods I feel like I would have heard something compared to it running on the clay now all of this happened within a timeframe of like three to seven seconds but in my mind this was all slow-motion I walked up to my friend and her little sister jumps out of my truck and is standing beside me I asked what the hell happened and they have no idea but my friend said she looked over from her phone and saw something standing beside her and she never heard a single thing walk up to her her little sister was on the other side of the backseat and when she looked out the window she said she saw a great year but didn't say anything because she thought I was playing a joke or something on them putting the two together the creature stood beside my friend and never made a sound for about five minutes until she screamed all three of us confirmed it was on two legs I've hunted here my whole life it wasn't a deer for obvious reasons it wasn't a coyote because it was too short it wasn't a hog it wasn't a deer so what could it have been it obviously wasn't a small animal like a raccoon or a possum we don't have bears in south Georgia either so I can honestly say and even after asking people's opinions from my 25 years of being on this earth I have no idea what walked up on us at night in the woods I'll start by telling you a few things about me I'm 18 years old and live in northern Canada in two different homes one is with my father who lives right in the middle of 222 acres of woods we've got but a single neighbor who is situated about a kilometre away my second home was with my mother she lives on the edge of a city close to the woods and the main shopping center the story is split into three parts and believe me it may sound crazy but I swear all of this is true the first part of the story starts at my father's house I'd often go for walks in the woods it was peaceful and quiet I'd always bring my three dogs for protection a German Shepherd in two Australian Shepherds nothing ever happened in the woods there was the occasional sighting of bears and we found quite a few Lynx tracks but nothing out of the ordinary until something started watching me from the woods a black figure of sorts at first I thought it was just my paranoid mind playing tricks on me so I shrugged it off a few days passed since I first felt the strange watching presence it was a cold day out the Sun was gone and the wing came from the north making it even colder it was around noon and it was time for me to bring the dogs out for a walk I brought them down to the road that leads to my house nobody was around and it was silent all over except for the wind blowing through the tree leaves I was calm but then it felt like I was being followed of course my dogs were following me but this feeling was dark I continued it eventually turned back to go home everyone was gone so I arrived to an empty house as I was about to bring the dogs into their kennel I noticed one of the Aussies was frozen in place he was staring into the woods I tried to get his attention but he would not budge I walked over to him Pat his head he only growled but not to me he growl to whatever was in the woods the dog was pacing tail tucked between his legs and ears held back that made me feel a little uneasy since I've been feeling watched or followed during the walk it also meant I wasn't the only one who felt it I decided to be safe and locked the door when I was inside I'd like to say this feeling left after a while but now it only became more frequent I had to lock and cover my windows at night because it felt as though someone was peering through them I told people about it especially those I lived with they tell me it was a bear or maybe some ghost a few even mentioned that it could be a stalker I knew it was neither of these things it just didn't feel right fast forward to about three months after the first occurrence it's September and the weather has begun to get colder I was outside with my dogs cleaning some skulls I had recently gotten from a trapper I was just minding my own business all of my family members were gone so I was left alone again then I went near the forest and felt the dark presence again it was so strange I just couldn't shake it off as nothing scared I went inside and decided to make myself some food in the comfort of my home the fear left and I felt safe again until I heard the dreadful sound coming from the woods outside it sounded like a man screaming a deer howling and pain in the low growl of a bear all at once it was the scariest thing I've ever heard my life I checked all the doors and ran to the second story of the house to hide not sure why I felt so much fear since I heard nothing after that but I called a relative and they told me I was just hearing things that night I could barely sleep I was afraid of whatever this thing was was gonna come inside I kept seeing things in the shadows of the trees after this incident it was hard to ignore eventually I went to live with my mother in the city I was there for a better chance at a job I also had some friends to reunite with there once I moved I met up with my childhood best friend she and I decided to take a long walk in the chilly temperatures of the night we talked and talked nothing happened until about 11:30 we were crossing the street when I heard the same exact sound but much louder coming from the woods down the road I was terrified my friend though paid no attention to it we continued walking but I was a little more paranoid than before just waiting for something to jump out after me in our past and we had to split ways she went home and I did too I had some instrumental music playing on my phone to keep me calm obviously that didn't last long of course something had to happen in the dead of night while I was alone as I walked in the streets I heard a baby scream but it didn't sound normal it was a horrifying distorted scream I looked in the direction of the sound and thought I saw someone there my feet moved faster than before trying to get me home then I heard another scream much scarier than the first I ran for it that might not have been the best decision but it was instinctive suddenly I heard feet hitting the pavement it felt like something or someone was chasing me I looked back quickly and thought I saw a large black figure coming but it only lasted several seconds till I saw nothing the shouts and screams did not stop though I finally got home but I realized the door was locking couldn't get inside unfortunately those screams continued after many calls and pressing the doorbell my stepfather opened the door I was a hyperventilating mess but I got through it I'm very spiritual and I've been told by many mediums or spiritual leaders that I am a beacon for bad spirits I assumed that it was a bad spirit if I remember reading about Wendigos a creature that has apparently connected to me in some ways that are unknown to me I did research again and deeply believe that whatever followed me is still watching me I'm not sure if it's a Wendigo but it could be some acquaintances agree that it is quite possible now I'm just waiting for my next encounter with it and I'm left wondering what does it want and what will it do next this happened on the 30th of December 2013 during the hours of 2:30 a.m. and 4:00 a.m. I would like to stress that what I express in this story is not of imagination or of games but something evil and mysterious myself and two friends had encountered I would like to note that we were under the influence of weed however nowhere near the point in which it would affect our ability to tell reality from fiction not to mention I have been smoking for years so I could handle myself anyway it was a fairly quiet and dark night I and two friends will call them m and C had been planning on going out to let off some fireworks near a park near C's house I would like to stress that C lives right in front of a very mysterious open and endless forest just behind a residential area we had entered the forest numerous times before out of all the mysterious and unquestionable evil experiences we had shared there this was the one that made us want to seek out would have been seeing hearing and feeling following this experience we have encountered many weird and unknown things from this forest from two mysterious brightening little red dot meters in front of us disappearing and appearing constantly to the sound of footsteps being distorted all around us and also unknown carving like images and trees although none quite as blatant and direct as what we saw that morning we had all decided to head down to the park as we were eager to finally let off the fireworks as we initially started walking down say about a hundred meters from the entrance I could see a sudden change in facial expression on C when confronted he would deny feeling worried or anything and what keeps dressing but he was keen to see the fireworks we approached the entrance when I noticed that both C and M had mysteriously got quiet nothing was said and we entered the forest as we were walking we noticed that bats had constantly been trying to swoop at us and it was as if there was a never-ending amount of them we decided to have a quick stop for cigarettes and me and si sat down in a log the one thing that still brings goosebumps down my spine is the fact that someone is loud and cheerful as M had not spoken a word and instead of sitting down with us turned his back to us and just kept looking out into the bushes and trees as the fee was observing something when I asked what was wrong he simply replied that we needed to take a piss and I dismissed it as anything out of the normal this is when things turned a very eerie we all decided to hurry up and get out of the woods until the park as soon as possible as we all started to get a very weird feeling a feeling as if we were being watched by something or someone that really did not appreciate our presence the next part of the path we took is somewhat of a sharp and blind bend in which you were not able to see anything past it until you were actually on it I and si had been in front the whole time and M a few metres behind us still very quiet it was when we had just stepped foot on the blind path that we saw it it began at the very corner of my eye a blinding bright light appeared which lasted a split second as if it was diminishing the face an outline of something or someone appeared merely a meter in front of us at this moment not one word was said instead all three of us were frozen in shock I suddenly had the urge to run as far away from this thing and not look back the second I started running seeing them followed now I would just like to note that I am a religious person and that throughout this experience the Lord's Prayer was constantly playing back in my mind although this was not intentional it was as if my own mind was doing it without even me noticing we had finally gotten to the entrance throughout what seemed to be a merely five-minute sprint the whole way back endlessly and endlessly the amounts of bats were constantly following us and swooping right behind us it was when we exited and all tried to regain our thoughts and breath that I saw the absolute look of fear on CNN's face I'm not denying that I hadn't just gone through one of the most terrifying experiences in my life but the look I see nonspecifically sees face was something I cannot explain with words we all finally decided to walk away from the forest along the outskirts path and find a suitable quick area we could let off the fireworks and go back home these next experiences are what solidified to us that what we saw was no mere illusion something was following us and wanted us far away from there after 10 or so minutes following the path we found a spot as I was walking down towards it I felt a sudden pool as if something was making or wanting me to follow the direction into the woods this was quickly dismissed and ignored this is our last mysterious experience of the night before we decided to leave as I and M were sitting down ready to light the fireworks we noticed C standing near a meter or so behind us we asked what was wrong with him and he said these vary worse I can sense the fear in a voice which I had never heard C used before and after a minute of questioning see what the hell he was on about we heard one of the scariest sounds or screeches I have ever heard in my life the sound is embedded this was no normal creature sound in fact there was absolutely nothing behind us as we were in illuminated area and had clear vision all around us the sound of a grunt an angry growl and loud and irregular breathing patterns could be heard all around us quite frankly I'll cut the it sounded like a demon it was from then we all had enough and rushed back home none of us have been able to get our heads around this experience back home he said that he felt a genuine presence of evil and that when we were standing up when he had been sitting down he had seen a large black figure in the distance we stayed up the whole remainder of the morning trying to figure out what it was when ultimately it was denounced as an evil mister thank you guys for watching this video from start to end if you enjoyed these stories be sure to hit that like button as it helps this video reach more people and it's very much appreciated if you're new to the channel hit the subscribe button and be sure to turn on notifications to never miss a new video I upload a video almost every single day on everything natural and supernatural if you have a story you'd like to hear in a future video on the channel be sure to send it in to the email or the website that you can find in the description down below I would love to share your story with everybody else in the swamp if you want to support the channel outside of subscribing and liking the videos be sure to check out my merch store which you can find at the top of the description I have a lot of cool shirts in there plus exclusive winter swamp dwellers shirts so don't miss out on the swamp ago which is a really cool design of a Wendigo and the swamp dweller mixed together see you guys soon for another creepy video [Music] you
Channel: Swamp Dweller
Views: 66,989
Rating: 4.753304 out of 5
Keywords: Deep Woods Exploration, True Scary Stories, Swamp Dweller, Park Ranger stories, State park stories, missing 411
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 26sec (2006 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 14 2018
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