5 Richest Presidents In US History

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when you think of the most powerful person in the united states chances are your mind goes to the president and though that role is one of power it doesn't necessarily mean the person who holds it is filthy rich since 2001 the president's annual salary is four hundred thousand dollars per year not counting their fifty thousand dollar expense account one hundred thousand dollar travel expense account and nineteen thousand dollar entertainment account that being said four hundred thousand dollars per year is a lot of money but there are some presidents who are worth ten times that presidents who owned mansions plantations first edition books and dare i say casinos today we're going to take a look at the richest presidents in american history we'll see exactly how they made their money what they achieved during their presidency and what they spent their wealth on buckle up because you may be surprised to know some of the united states presidents were a bit on the wild side number five andrew jackson the fifth wealthiest president in american history is none other than the seventh president of the united states andrew jackson his wealth is estimated to have been approximately 132 million dollars and that's not the most shocking fact about this wild man that somehow became president you can pick from a list of unbelievable facts that he beat the snot out of his own would-be assassin that he kept a giant wheel of cheese in the center of the white house for two years that he participated in somewhere between 20 and 100 duels in his lifetime and that's just a few snippets of his life but how did a man who was by all accounts a bit eccentric managed to accumulate a fortune worth 132 million dollars at a time when our nation was struggling to answer that question we've got to go back quite a ways to an impoverished part of our nation that would one day become tennessee jackson was born into poverty unlike most of the presidents on this list the revolutionary war started when he was just a boy and at the age of 13 he joined a local militia as a courier at 14 he was captured by the redcoats and taken as a prisoner of war there he stood his ground and was left with a permanent scar after he refused to polish a redcoat's boots he was released but unfortunately his mother and brother passed soon after he was left an orphan and began studying law to make his way in the world you might want to keep that occupation in mind because pretty much every president on this list had the same idea he became a prosecuting attorney and made the big bucks for quite some time he lived in a log cabin with additional log cabins serving as slave quarters however as his wealth grew so did his home with his slaves working as brick makers jackson created hermitage plantation the home was a mansion in its time consisting of eight rooms all of which had fireplaces and chimneys the home was lavish with imported wall paper a mahogany staircase crystal chandeliers and marble mantels over the course of his life the home was constantly improved to be more modern and more luxurious with all his success jackson was appointed as tennessee's first representative in the house of representatives he moved on to become a senator but quickly resigned after that he was appointed a major general in the war of 1812. he led troops in the battle of horseshoe band and the battle of new orleans earning him respect and admiration he then fought in the first seminal war and went on to rejoin the senate then run for president in 1828 which he won by a landslide to celebrate his victory jackson did a pretty unpresidential thing he threw a massive rager the party at the white house was estimated to have 20 000 people in attendance and it quickly got out of hand plates were smashed by smashed people jackson hid from the crowd and people were spilling whiskey-laced punch on the white house furniture i mean with a start like that it's no wonder the man had a turbulent presidency his opponents called him jackass which led him to using a donkey to represent himself and that symbol still stands as the symbol of the democratic party to this very day but in terms of things jackson did well there's good and bad he shut down the second bank of the united states he was the first president to veto bills and he was the president behind the trail of tears the forced migration of thousands of cherokee natives through his presidency jackson was known for spending his wealth as he pleased this included lots and lots of whiskey imported foods and furniture and frequent renovations of his expensive home number four teddy roosevelt coming in at number four on our list puts us a few years past jackson theodore roosevelt or teddy as his family called him was a man of surprising wealth how much exactly 139 million dollars and unlike jackson teddy was born into it he came from a family that had long lived in america and found wealth in every industry you can imagine his parents were the owners of a plate glass business and had a nice brownstone in new york teddy grew up traveling in europe and egypt with frequent hiking trips into the alps though as a child he was often bedridden due to severe asthma teddy went on to study you guessed it law at columbia law school however after his father passed leaving teddy and his siblings a 3.3 million dollar fortune teddy dropped out of school instead choosing to go into politics he joined the new york state assembly becoming the youngest person ever to serve in that position unfortunately his wife and mother both passed away on valentine's day soon after he took the role in his grief he left his position and new york instead moving out to the dakota territory where he became a rancher but bad luck wasn't finished with him yet he bounced between new york and the dakotas though eventually his entire herd was wiped out during a particularly hard winter he went on to serve as civil service commissioner a police commissioner and the assistant united states navy secretary teddy also ran for mayor of new york but took third place during the spanish-american war teddy led the rough riders the first u.s volunteer cavalry regiment after his widely publicized service he again ran for mayor and this time he won the next step was president but his ideas were deemed too progressive for his own party he became the vice president to mckinley and after mckinley's assassination he stepped up as the youngest united states president during his presidential term he helped negotiate the end of the russo-japanese war and served as the first environmentalist signing the national monuments act throughout all of this teddy never had to worry about money the 3.3 million dollar inheritance served him well as well as the salaries from the numerous positions he held in addition he wrote over 25 books many of which were top sellers so what did he do with all that money mainly the man traveled bought cattle and bought property at only the age of 22 he bought prime property on long island that would become his own estate the 22 room home was full of luxury including a bathroom with a porcelain tub and a water closet which was almost unheard of at the time number three thomas jefferson if you took any united states history class or you know watched hamilton then you know who thomas jefferson was what you probably didn't know is that good old tj had an estimated net worth of 236.8 million dollars that being said jefferson is perhaps one of the least financially savvy presidents of all time at the time of his death he was deeply deeply in debt so much so that he tried to hold a lottery for monticello his beloved estate so much so that he sold his book collection to the government which would form the beginning of what would one day become the library of congress however all of that couldn't keep jefferson from his one true love spending money deeply in debt one of the last letters he ever sent was a letter requesting a case of expensive french wine and it's easy to see why jefferson had such a hard time letting go of the finer things he had had them at his fingertips his entire life jefferson was born into a prominent family in virginia he received an amazing education went to the prestigious william and mary college and went on to become a lawyer after studying for five years he was one of the most educated lawyers in the nation at the time and that meant he was one of the best paid in his early days as a lawyer he began construction on monticello and that construction would really never stop throughout his life jefferson constantly updated monticello and expanded it to be as luxurious as possible he poured millions of dollars into the estate and trust me it shows at the time it was the most expensive home in america the plantation was home to dozens of outbuildings as well as fine furnishings fireplaces in every room of course and a massive library the property was also home to 130 slaves including sally hemmings a slave who fathered six of jefferson's children throughout his time living at monticello jefferson traveled frequently he was an early supporter of us independence which led to him being picked to draft the declaration of independence he drafted it in just 17 days after this he became virginia's second governor serving two terms where he wasn't incredibly well liked he then served as the united states minister in france for five years after returning he was appointed secretary of state by none other than george washington after clashing with hamilton and others during his time as secretary of state jefferson attempted yet again to leave politics but unlucky for him he was chosen and elected vice president and in 1800 he became the president of the united states during his presidency jefferson liked to spend big and that included the louisiana purchase in his private life jefferson not only spent his money on monticello and books but copious copious amounts of wine it's estimated that he spent 1 million dollars per year on expensive wine so it's no wonder that the man died with a fair share of debt number two george washington you know him you see him on your one dollar bill every day the runner-up for the most wealthy president is george washington he may not be number one on the list but he was the first president so he is number one somewhere it's estimated that washington had a net worth of 587 million dollars and at a time where the united states could hardly afford to clothe their soldiers that's pretty impressive washington is another example of a president who lived in wealth his entire life he was born to a wealth planter in colonial virginia little is known about his early years but it is known that his mentor and half brother lawrence washington left him mount vernon when he passed the 2 000 acre farm was much more than most americans had and over time washington would expand it after earning the property and growing into adulthood washington joined the french and indian war where he was first a commander and then went on to be in charge of the entire military after his success he served as a delegate to the first continental congress and rightfully took on the role as commander in chief of the continental army during the revolutionary war and that was not an easy war to fight in i'm talking the scrappy nerd on the playground going up against the rich buff kit that's a year older the revolutionaries lost nearly every fight they had little to no training not enough equipment and poor clothes yet they managed to hold their ground fight after fight after fight under washington's control they finally found victory after eight long years as the war ended and the scramble to form a new nation began it was decided that washington was the best choice to become the leader of the united states he took on the role in 1789 and got to work making something from basically nothing he established the first u.s cabinet copyright laws and began dozens of traditions including thanksgiving during his presidency his salary was 25 000 which was two percent of the total united states budget at the time after stepping down from his presidency washington returned to mount vernon and that's precisely where washington had made most of his money over the years in addition to the 50 000 acres of land that he owned he ran the most profitable distillery in america out of mount vernon which is something they probably didn't teach you in history class yearly the distillery produced over 11 000 gallons mount vernon itself was an impressive establishment and you didn't have to hit up the distillery first to see it the plantation consisted of the mansion as well as 50 outbuildings in the mansion many of the rooms have painted paneling and ornamental architecture in a neo-classical style there are rooms of opulence such as the new room which is a two-story room featuring marble work a pelagian window and an impressive chimney some of the out buildings include a salt room smokehouse wash house laundry yard storehouse clerk's quarters and an ice house there's also dozens of beautiful gardens and orchids that line the property as well quite the place for old george to kick back and relax number one donald trump if you lived through the 80s and 90s there should be no doubt in your mind who the most wealthy president of all time is you saw him flying in helicopters gloating on tv i mean you saw his name on everything from vodka to casinos to a slab of steak donald trump is the wealthiest president of all time with a net worth of 2.1 billion dollars nearly four times as much wealth as george washington the average person in the united states will only make about a million dollars in their lifetime meaning trump has the net worth equivalent of what 1823 people will make in their entire working career how does someone acquire that much wealth well like many of the people on this list they're born into it and invest that fortune trump's wealth goes way way back to the 1920s his father made his fortune in real estate and housing becoming one of the most profitable businesses in the united states by the time donald trump was born and turned three his father had created a trust where trump earned sixty thousand six hundred dollars per year by the time trump was 22 however his father's business was struggling trump took a front seat of the business eventually becoming its president and earning 260 000 per year and salary he went on to build prospect tower a building which earned him 300 000 per year in just shares and management fees alone not a bad way to earn cash if you ask me by 1976 just five years after trump became the company's leader his net worth was listed at 200 million dollars around this time is when trump decided to re-brand at the company turning to the maximalist opulent gold and marble-plated aesthetic that we know it for today using aggressive business tactics trump managed to rise to the top creating some of the most luxurious buildings in new york his reputation for being a ruthless negotiator made the media love him and he was often on the cover of magazines and on tv a little bit different than other presidents on this list he continued in real estate struggling then succeeding then struggling again then succeeding again and in between starring on shows like the apprentice buying shares in miss universe and starting modeling companies throughout all of this trump has lived a life of luxury he has his own monticello and his own mount vernon plus more he has three homes near mar-a-lago valued at 25 million dollars a home in beverly hills worth 13 and a half million a home in saint martin worth 13 million the penthouse in trump tower worth 54 million and an estate in bedford new york worth another 24 million dollars which includes 213 acres of rolling hills and an indoor pool encased in imported marble in addition he doesn't have to get around in a carriage like the other presidents on this list he has a fleet of planes and helicopters including a boeing 727 worth 100 million dollars then there are the cars of course which included several ferraris a maybach and a rolls-royce phantom that costs approximately half a million dollars alone so there you have it the wealthiest presidents in united states history what do you guys think should i have a go and run for president of the united states so i can join this list one day let me know in the comments down below as always thanks for watching if you enjoyed the video make sure to drop a like subscribe and turn on post notifications oh and maybe check me out on instagram as always thanks for tuning in i'm mr luxury pimp pip to doodly do
Channel: Mr. Luxury
Views: 616,433
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Keywords: president trump, president salary, richest president in the world, richest president, richest world leaders, donald trump, us billionaires, richest presidents, trump, united states presidents, presidential, president money, money, rich, luxury, wealth, election, president, richest american in history, presidents, mr luxury, the white house, billionaire, andrew jackson, teddy roosevelt, thomas jefferson, george washington, richest us presidents, richest american president
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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