5 Rhythms That Changed My Life (Important Patterns for Ableton, FL Studio - Splice)

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one of the incredible things about music is the  endless possibilities of rhythms and different   patterns however when i look back there are five  rhythms that changed my life and in this video   i'm going to show you what they are and how to use  them first is a rhythm known as tracio this is the   most fundamental rhythmic pattern in sub-saharan  african music as well as latin american music the   term trusillo translates to triplet in spanish but  it's important to note that even though there's   three notes in the pattern it's a duple-based  pattern meaning we divide the beat by even   numbers to create a true seo rhythm we space the  notes in these ratios three three and two take a   listen as we split up the notes between a kick  and a rim it now sounds like a dance hall beat if you had a kick on the second beat you now  have the most fundamental reggaeton rhythm trusillo is also highly effective  on chords basses and melodies   take a listen to this and  see if you can recognize it   this rhythm works really well with your kick  drum here's an example at a faster tempo   and this is what i like to call  slow true co the ratio of 3   3 2 is still maintained but it's at a  pace of eighth notes so it feels slower the next rhythm that changed my life is known as  a hemiola this is the most basic polyrhythm which   if you're unfamiliar polyrhythms are when two or  more rhythmic feelings are stacked upon each other   the hemiola is a three against two feeling  meaning one rhythm is playing three even beats   in the same amount of time as  the other rhythm plays two beats hemiolos really opened up the  world of poly rhythms for me   another popular polyrhythm aside  from hemiola is four over three here's an example of a hemiola and a melody and if you merge the two layers  of the hemiola into one rhythm   it creates the foundation of the rhythm  of my favorite rudiment the flam drag next is the 12 8 bell also simply known as the  bell pattern in central and western african music   this pattern really opened up my  eyes about rhythmic perception   it's almost like an audio illusion as in  it can be perceived in two different ways   you can hear the rhythm in four or you can  hear the rhythm in three let me show you   here's an example of bell pattern  in traditional a way drumming   i personally like using this rhythm  on my hi-hats or my ride symbol clave which translates to key in spanish is a  fundamental rhythm in many afro-cuban genres   as well as sub-saharan african genres first two  beats you should already recognize since it's   our first rhythm trusillo however clave is a four  beat rhythm and there are actually four variations   the default one and most common is son clave if you delay the third note by one sixteenth  note it's now known as roomba clave both of these are known as three two clave  because three notes happen on the first half   and two notes happen on the second half by  switching sides we now have 2-3 roomba and 2-3   son clave you can find influences of clave rhythm  in many genres even electronic genres in hip-hop the last rhythm that changed my life is known as  tati natom this rhythm is part of the south indian   tradition known as solkatu which is a spoken  rhythmic language in carnatic music tadi natom is   specifically a five note subdivision this really  also helped me ground my understanding in tuplets here's an example of this rhythm elaborated  quite a bit in classical carnatic music and here i've applied these  concepts using quintuplets   and a drum groove in a project in studio one   thanks for watching the video until the end  y'all i want to take a moment and thank my   percussion teachers that really inspired me to  study rhythm and music theory they imparted a   lot of this knowledge on me through first-hand  experience and i'm incredibly grateful for that   if you like the video gain any inspiration  or knowledge be sure to leave a thumbs up   and subscribe to the channel we're releasing  videos weekly let me know in the comments what   other types of videos you'd like to see whether  it's different topics or tutorials challenges   or vlogs i'll have all the sounds i use in a  collection on splice that'll be in the description   as always i hope you stay inspired creative  i'll see everyone next time later y'all you
Channel: Splice
Views: 755,663
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FL Studio, Music Production, Hip Hop Production, Splice, Splice Sounds, ableton live, trap, instrumental, fl gang, 808, music production, music producer, samples, sample pack, sampling, sounds, 5 rhythms, 5 rhythms that changed my life, rhythms, rhythm, life changing rhythms, tresillo, clave, bell, 12/8 time signature, 12/8 drum beat, indian drumming, percussion, drum patterns, bass patterns, melody patterns, patterns, important rhythms, drums, important patterns, rhythm patterns
Id: GJ4Rce8QEs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 4sec (424 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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