5 Reasons Why I Date Foreigners // How To Date Japanese Women

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hello everyone it's sagi so today's topic is going to be dating culture in japan and i'm going to talk about why i date with foreigner guys as you see i have a boyfriend and he is american guy and not gonna lie my last relationship was also with a canadian guy but i did date with japanese guys until i get to like 25 so i do know both of the dating culture and about two years ago i made a video that i told you i prefer non-japanese guides and that video was more like just a statement so i didn't really go deeper so this time i'm going to explain five things i like about falling guides as a disclaimer this is just my perspective so not all the things are necessarily true also when i say foreign guys that mostly means western guys because i haven't dated with people from other regions like asian or middle eastern guides but i think you do see the similarities but anyways from this video i think you would see the dating culture in japan and what kind of advantages you would have if you are a foreigner and looking for a relationship with japanese girls so keep on watching and let's get into it okay the first thing i like about foreign guys is how direct they communicate each other so in the western culture direct communication is more appreciated and whenever we have issues between us they are more willing to talk about it and say no when they don't feel like it and that makes it easier to communicate i prefer that way because i'm not good at noticing small things in the last relationships i had with japanese guys they intend to expect me to notice what they feel especially when they have negative feelings so they usually [Music] like how the hell i could notice that he was uncomfortable in japan people have a different communication style which is non-verbal communication and we have the term kukio yomu that really means read the air and i know it sounds like it's impossible but that is one of the way to respect the harmony in japan but it was very difficult for me because i don't know i just don't have a good sense of perceiving things and i don't really consider myself as a normal japanese maybe that is one of the reason but yeah i found it really difficult for me to make it work so i really appreciate the direct communication style that western people have and the second thing it's kind of related to the first one but i do prefer their visible affection i'm aware that everybody can be affectionate but showing your affection is a different issue and for japanese people it's it might be a really tiny things like it might be when he serves tea for me and maybe that's when he say you look different say but he never said you were free in a direct way so it's really hard to notice also in japanese relationship pda and again public display of affection is not as common so you don't really hug or kiss in the public and some people don't even want to holding your hand in a public place but i have noticed that western people are good at showing affection in a visible way first off they often put into words like hey you i think you're a cool girl i really care about you or i love you things like that also pda is okay for most of the western or non-japanese people and yeah they have more variations to show affection for me it's more comfortable and feeling affectionate is a good thing about relationship why not i i want more and the third thing i like about foreigner guys is they have less expectations for my appearance you know japanese society itself has a lot of expectations for women's parents maybe it's about how pretty your face is or how slim your body's shape is but i think most of the time they expect us to be more feminine and conservative and less nudity and most of my ex-boyfriends who are japanese tried to control my appearance and i had to change my clothes and makeup etc etc and sometimes they even bought clothes for me to change my outfit and that's crazy but when i first stayed with a foreigner guy i think i asked him what kind of question do you like what kind of hairstyle do you want me to do but he was like why do you ask that just do whatever you want that made me realize that i can't be just myself and and my boyfriend shouldn't control my outfits and appearance so for that reason i feel more comfortable and i just can't be myself when i'm around foreign guys so that is one of the important reasons fourth thing i like about foreign guys is that they respect and honesty in the western culture when you are in the relationship you tend to talk about it to your friends or parents your family and they don't keep it secret unless it's a shady relationship also it feels like they don't cheat they'd rather say goodbye than cheating somebody i know it's not everybody no matter what people cheat on somebody having affair that's like universal issue but thing is in japanese relationship it's kind of hard to notice when your parents is cheating on you first off people tend to keep it sacred about this relationship i think that's because most of the japanese relationship starts from the workplace because people don't want to bother other co-workers they tend to keep it secret and it feels like in japan people care more about harmony and reputation rather than being honest so people still try to keep their relationship while cheated on their partner sneakily this is just my perspective not all the japanese guys cheat on somebody but yeah this is what i noticed from my previous relationship and as i respect honesty more western dating culture sounds like what makes sense to me and the last the fifth reason i like about foreign guys is that they don't take the relationship for granted not all but some japanese guys once they are in a relationship they become feel safe and comfortable and then they stop treating you well and i believe it comes from japanese patriarchal culture patriarchal poetry patriarchal culture i don't know it's kind of hard to explain but they're like hey you are my girlfriend or wife and you are part of my community so i take care of you as a guy that's my responsibility but i'm not gonna treat you like a guest anymore kind of vibe and then then go like hey i'm a guy i want to focus on my career more so you take care of my family i guess they feel like they own the goal that causes a lot of disrespectful actions but on the other hand in general i think western people respect more individuals even if i become his partner he wouldn't stop treating me well because he knows i have a choice to leave him and same thing goes to me so i shouldn't stop treating him well i still have to make an effort to make the relationship works maybe it's a little bit more overworked but i prefer that way because because i know how i want to be treated and i want to treat him well as a partner so that was the five things i like about foreigner guys and like i said this is just my you know experience and perspective so i'm not saying all the japanese guys are like that and japanese people were less than western guys i'm not saying like that and yeah of course there are some downsides about western dating culture so maybe i will talk about it later on and if you notice something from this video please let me know in the comments section because i like this kind of culture exchanging topic so yeah please do and i'm stoked to read your comments and please hit the like button if you oh my goodness my battery is almost out so and yeah please subscribe to my channel if you haven't already and i'll see you in the next video bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Asagi's Life (No BS Japan)
Views: 250,589
Rating: 4.8922076 out of 5
Keywords: asagis life, asagi, dating in japan as a foreigner, dating culture in japan, why i date foreigners, interview, japanese, japanese girls, japanese women, gaijin hunter, japanese girl who likes foreigners, why i like foreigner men, do japanese girls date foreigners, dating japanese girls, dating in japan, dating japanese, japan dating, asagi's life, japanese dating foreigners, japanese reaction, japanese culture, japanese women on western men, japanese woman
Id: EP_EfvSz9nw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2020
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