5 Reasons to Buy Gold & Silver NOW - Robert Kiyosaki, Kim Kiyosaki, Rick Rule

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this is the rich dad radio show the good news and bad news about money here's robert kiyosaki hello hello hello robert you're sacrificial radio show the good news and bad news about money today we have a very very important show like all our shows are important but we also have a very important guest his name is rick rule and and when rick roll speaks i listen because he and i are the more senior citizens left in this industry and and you know rick every time he speaks out gold or resources or uranium or copper silver i listen it's called commodities but today we're not going to go he did a great job with danielle gamboni on stansberry it was fabulous joe rick and then another one with george gavin and rebel capitalist it's a fabulous show and you covered what to do but how to do it and since you and i are the senior citizens like to go why we do it and i think the why today is will get hopefully people motivated to make some changes if they haven't started investing in precious metals or commodities anyway welcome to the program welcome rick and i just want to say really happy to have you on the show and one thing i love about you is you you are a wealth of information and not just resources but a lot of a lot of things and people are going to want to listen to this show many many times because i know there's going to be a ton of information but you're also an investor and you've also got your own portfolio and you're a real we talk about real teachers and fake teachers you're a real teacher because you're doing what it is you're talking about and we so appreciate that flattery will get you everywhere young lady i try i try so so rick i want to give you a little bit of my background actually our background is i started getting into silver when i was like 1964. when i saw that copper tinge go around the dime so i bought my first precious metal at 10 cents you know because i started changing the copper the copper dimes and for real dimes and i was buying quarters and then half dollars and i still have that bag until my mother spent it [Laughter] and then i was flying in vietnam in 782 uh you know the year nixon took the dollar off the gold standard and i flew behind enemy lines in vietnam to a gold mine i was bringing the maps you know helicopter pilots oh they have gold here and so i went behind enemy lines to talk to this gold dealer little tiny vietnamese woman with red teeth and i said she wanted i think i think he was at 50 bucks approximately golden floated from 35 to 50. after nixon threw the doll off the gold standard i tried to get a discount you don't do that you know i know you're laughing at that one you get a discount from a gold dealer that's not not heard of and she told me this one word spot que pasa what is spot but ever since then and then i i went over to hong kong i bought my first crew grant this is an important point for many people to understand about silver and gold i bought that krugerrand in hong kong in 1974 i had to smuggle it in and i want you guys to hear this because rick will understand what i'm where i'm going with this thing you know they they made me smuggle it in because it was confiscated i think in 33 or something and and today because of what nixon did and the fed and all this stuff what charlie munger was above his partner is talking about is hyperinflation and i think that's why the why is why you'd better start buying some gold and silver or uranium or copper getting into things that what uh jim rickers call things that last so with that and one more thing is that kim and i own no equities we're about 95 public i mean private so we don't own etfs and all that stuff we own the gold mine so we took kim and i purchased uh secured a gold mine in china the biggest gold mine in china and they confiscated it just like they took just like roosevelt took the gold i think i think you had a similar experience in california rick yeah we could do a whole show on political risk so there's more to gold and silver than just what this but the moving average is and all that stuff you know and the last thing is then we found the gold mine in argentina and then kim and i sold it to yamana so we don't have public shares we have private and i still eat chinese food but i'm not happy with the chinese so with that said i hope i've teased your mind as to why the heck kim and i are fanatical gold silver and today a little bit of bitcoin simply because i don't trust the fed i don't trust the treasury and i don't trust the government so rick welcome to the show how about it rick yeah i i mean you you've summed it up very well i think perhaps given your history we do need to do a little how i wouldn't suggest that anybody who's listening to this commandeer helicopter fly behind enemy lines and try and do a private transaction with the gold dealer with you know battle stained teeth nor normally is it good practice to attempt to buy a gold mine in a country that has even more fascist communist leanings than our own um i i actually like public shares because if i make a mistake which is not uncommon uh i can address it very quickly with the quick click of a mouse painfully painfully but quickly but let's get back to your question as to what as to why precious metals have moved up in price over the years for many reasons most of them not good um it has functioned for years as a medium of exchange and a store of value and that's important to know most mediums of exchange that we use are abstractions flooding abstractions our mutual friend doug casey once said that the dollar is an iou nothing and the euro is a who owes you nothing in fact promises printed on a piece of paper gold isn't a promise to pay its payment in and of itself it has value separate and apart from a medium exchange which is important to know you mentioned trust if you acquire gold that you are relatively certain is what it purports to be you don't need to trust the counterparty it isn't a promise to pay its payment and when you use that yes can we explain what a counterparty is real quick a counterparty is the person who sold you the gold or who or who you sell it to it's the other other partner transaction when you go to the grocery to buy bananas the grocer is the counterparty right you can lend money to your friend and they'll think back that's the counterparty yeah the important thing about gold and silver is that they aren't checks uh or they aren't fiat currency they're payment in and of themselves and in periods of time when there are various forms of turmoil war would be an example uh and social trust is very low precious metals do very well now my own experience has been that the global perception of geopolitical risk which is to say war isn't a long-term uh impactor on precious metals prices unless the war impacts you if you were a vietnamese person wanted to leave vietnam got off on a boat gold was worth a lot more to you than vietnamese currency but i i saw that too they were buying the gold leaf and they were trading dollars for gold leaf i said why are they doing that because they're smarter than you that's why dolls that's right that's right what what does move uh precious metals prices in my lifetime has been uh investors and savers fears of the depreciation of their savings and investment instruments denominated in fiat currencies but particularly even on a global basis denominated in u.s dollars during periods of time when there have either been negative real interest rates or the threat of negative real interest rates either as a consequence of low rates or high inflation or both gold has done very well and when you ask about why right now uh i would suggest that there are five reasons why uh people need to be afraid of the maintenance of their purchasing power in conventional instruments and why i think that gold as much gold and silver pardon me are much more likely to do well than poorly if i may i'll list them people often say to me rick when will you sell your gold well when the reasons to own it go away the gold will go away so i'm going to give you five reasons why i think will go up what i think gold will increase in price and when those reasons are satisfied then i'll sell my gold it's a real simple answer so let's do them quantitative easing which is a real fancy word for counterfeiting if you issued kiyosakis and went around and tried to spend them in arizona or wherever you are that would be a felony they would plant you in a slammer but if you were congressman kiyosaki there you go then this would be a highly popular policy something for nothing and you would be re-elected forever congressman sounds good listen i'd be for it i'd be for it i think you'd be a balder at any rate uh it has been estimated that 30 percent of all the u.s dollars in circulation have come into circulation in the last 30 months now clearly this isn't to accommodate economic growth the economy isn't 30 bigger than it was 30 months ago there wasn't need for uh to liquidity a buoyant economy and when you increase the supply of something without increasing its utility of course you depreciate the value of the existing stock there's just no arithmetic way around this so quantitative easing uh is the first reason i think why investors are concerned about the efficacy of their savings and conventional instruments but it gets worse of course the next is debt and deficits and this is arithmetic again too we have the dubious honor of having crossed 30 trillion dollars in on balance sheet liabilities admittedly only 22 trillion dollars net of counterfeiting in other words the federal reserve's balance sheet is 8 trillion that was printed up so but let's use the 30 trillion it's their number but more importantly robert and you and i are partly to blame uh the net present value of off-balance sheet liabilities entitlements medicare medicaid social security all that stuff not some crank yield libertarian but rather the congressional budget office suggests that the net present value off balance sheet liabilities of the us government not state and local governments just the federal government is 120 trillion dollars that's 12 zeros okay after 120 i mean it's a big big big number and we propose to service that debt with a budget that's in a deficit three trillion dollars a year i was taught as a young man when you know stop digging but that is not what's happening many many many observers buffett included has said we're not going to pay this off we're going to reschedule it any creditor and i'm a creditor who looks at a borrower the us government that has debts that they can't service and they're continuing to refinance them becomes concerned about their principle an investor's principle is the savings uh pardon me the maintenance of the savings in u.s dollar denominated securities but it gets worse the worst is negative real interest rates uh for the first time robert in your life and mine the government has made a promise to you that they're going to keep and i'll explain that promise if you ex if you lend the government money in the u.s 10-year treasury the base security in the world the most important security in the world they promise to pay you two percent and they will because they can print it they don't have to earn it they can print it they promise to pay you two percent in a currency that depending on which government agency you read is losing its purchasing power at six and a half percent a year or seven and a half percent a year so they solemnly swear to reduce your purchasing power by four percent compounded a year for ten years and they will keep that promise if you give them money now they will give you back less later they're guaranteeing this and they will do it our mutual friend jim grant calls this return free risk and the whole concept of return free risk the whole promise that the government make you less rich if you give them money uh is the real reason why people might own gold there are two more reasons that are arithmetic too uh and hopefully amuse you just as well the first is that the market share of precious metals is the lowest that it has been in my lifetime let's face it we've lived through 40 years of pretty easy economic times you as an apartment building uh owner every five years get to refinance at a lower interest rate the capitalized value of your rents relative to your cost of capital is certainly low sadly that's over we've learned in the last 40 years that we don't have catastrophes so we don't need to own gold the consequence of that is that the market share of precious metals and precious metal securities relative to other savings and investment assets in the united states is less than one-half of one percent less than one-half of one percent of the value of savings and investment assets united states is in precious metals for precious metals securities the three decade mean is between one and a half and two percent so if demand was to return to mean not go crazy like it did in the 70s robert when you learned about the gold trade if the demand for precious metals returned to mean demand would triple or quadruple and there's one more that a lot of people overlook and that is that after 40 years of really beautific economic conditions the biggest investors in the world the pension funds the endowments the insurance companies uh operate on an asset sku that's roughly 60 equity 40 debt and that's worked well for them the debt has been the stability the debt has been the stable income uh the debt component is a real real real uh anchor in a positive sense to the returns that they've promised their beneficiaries 20 or 30 years out that's all different well when you say that are you talking about bonds bonds uh mortgages yeah um you know debt instruments right it could be bonds mostly bonds in the case of these big big big institutions but also fixed rate long-term fixed rate mortgages um and this is really where the rubber meets the road if you are a great big uh pension fund and 40 of your portfolio is giving you a guaranteed negative yield compounded the ability that you have 20 years from now to meet your pension obligations or to service a whole life policy or to fund the maintenance of the stanford university or harvard university or the ability of norgis bank to look after the well-being of norwegian citizens 20 years or 30 years from now is gone uh it becomes an anchor in a pejorative sense if you look at debt markets today even the junk bond index where you're taking real credit risk is yielding 4.7 in a currency where the purchasing power is deteriorating by 6.5 it's almost as though you're guaranteed losses twice once on the instrument and once on the currency and i believe that you're going to see fairly massive disintermediation out of bonds and debt instruments by the largest institutional investors in the world because they have to do it to fulfill their mandate i'm not suggesting that 40 of their assets are going to go into gold that's not going to happen but if you are leaving an asset class that's called the center mediation uh because of your fear of inflation it is logical that some of the money that you take out of one asset class goes into an asset class that has a a millennium long track record for protecting you against the depreciation the deterioration of the purchasing power of feed instruments and those five reasons for me are the why it's all arithmetic i don't have to get into the sort of old hoary goldbug narrative right it's just simple arithmetic so as fyi this is one of the books that we came up with is who stole my pension with ted sadell he's a um whistleblower on public pensions went after ups and united airlines other airlines you know i think that's wonderful we could do a whole different show on pensions uh we don't have time for it today they're in trouble they're in trouble too think about yourself robert i mean if i were a guy that was managing a big endowment right now i'd probably quit yeah uh the idea that the people who fund the pensions and the endowments are assuming a seven or seven and a half percent return first of all the assumption doesn't work it's not going to happen and second of all if you're if you're succeeding in earning a seven and a half percent return which most of them don't you're only treading water and on a net present value basis if you tread water uh 20 years from now you're drowning uh and people need to understand that and people as you have schooled for years people need to take control of their financial present and their financial future because the big thinkers uh neither will or can and so the real why around precious metals i think is self-defense yeah absolutely absolutely so when we come back we're gonna part two with rick rule but i want people to pay attention to this place in this trend there's more to precious metals like gold silver even bitcoin that meets the eye there's a reason why and it's a very big reason and also when we come back rick i'd like to talk to you about more about the the macro and what you see in the macro world and what you specifically are doing and what people who are watching can do as well that'd be great thanks so we'll come back we'll be more with rickwool and why and what you can do [Music] out here in phoenix the cost of rent has gone up 28 thanks to record inflation almost every living expense has gone up and inflation can erode your personal wealth too that's why i think investing in assets that offer protection from inflation is critical there's an overlooked asset that some experts say is a good store of wealth today when volatility raged in 2020 its prices outpaced 10 other major asset classes according to city this investment isn't gold or some type of stock or bond i'm talking about blue chip art in fact blue chip art prices outpaced s p 500 by 164 from 1995 to 2021 and thanks to masterworks you can invest in million dollar art to add this asset to your portfolio visit masterworks dot io slash rich dad for priority access that's masterworks dot io slash rich dad and see important disclosures at dot io slash disclaimer welcome back robert kiyosaki rich jay radio show good news and bad news about money goes to the rich share radio program anytime anywhere on itunes android and youtube and please leave us a review whenever you listen and all of our programs are archived at rich dad radio dot com we archive them because we don't sell anything we just information education company so if you have friends family members especially business associates who need to hear this message go to rich dad radio dot com and pull a brick rule again this is march 2022 and you'll find out why you might be in trouble financially if you don't own precious metals any comments again yes well i'd love to hear uh rick i'd love to hear your take on the macroeconomics with everything happening in the world we've got ukraine you've got russia um can i cause one real minor question real quick i'll come back as i said you know rick i told you i don't own paper i have nothing that's a derivative i know i'm 90 in hard assets gold silver real estate things i control and when i start when i have gold we bought we we bought the gold mine so we owned the whole damn thing then we sold one but then i talked to other guys who are more paper asset guys like financial planners and all that and this is one famous guy i won't mention his name on our air because he's always on our program he says you got to buy u.s treasuries and i'm going what and so with your background with your banking background and all that or bonds should i say anyway you call those things i don't like them what what when somebody is being told by either their financial planner or some experts say to buy bonds treasuries and all that because they're safer and all that what do you say i think you have to segregate first of all when you're buying bonds between long-term bonds and short-term bonds the long-duration bonds the idea that you would subject yourself to negative real interest rates is stupid you forego consumption in favor of somebody else and you take the credit risk and in return for that they give you less they give you back less money than you gave them this is not a force of nature it takes congress to do this right short-term debt is something very different it's liquidity i have had periods of time in my life robert when i had no cash and i've had periods of time in my life when i had a lot of cash and i was happier and slept better during periods of time when i had a lot of cash i consider cash to be a soporific and i like to sleep from the point of view of a financial plan cash liquidity gives you the means uh and might give you the courage to take advantage of a circumstance where there was a liquidity shortage going back to 2008 uh late 2008 uh 2009 were very good investing periods for me because of the liquidity crisis i maintained a lot of liquidity going into that and i was able to buy us that's because i had the ability and because i had the ability i had the courage the consequence of that is that ever since i've been running fairly high cash balances even though the cash guaranteed diminished returns in the near term on my purchasing power i consider the negative real interest rate that i suffer to be an option premium because the cash gives me the tools and the courage to take advantage of any future crisis in confidence or crisis crisis in liquidity and i actually think that a crisis while not a certainty is a probability uh so i understand that on my cash holdings i'm losing four or five percent a year in purchasing power but i think the circumstance might come about in the next two or three years where the consequence of having that cash is 50 60 or 100 returns on capital employed by deploying that cash so so so let's let me so poke holes in my theory like i said that little vietnamese woman in 72 and she wouldn't sell me the gold at a discount i couldn't believe that you know i was just asking for five dollar discount she wouldn't do it you know i saw the vietnamese running with with a gold leaf not us dollars and then i go to hong kong and buy my first krugerrand i still have that kruger and i paid 50 bucks for it it's in switzerland now you know but that crew grant is now worth approximately 1900 bucks so i'm always saying to kim this is poke holes in my logic i don't save cash i save gold and silver and if i ever need the cash i think gold and silver are liquid is that erroneous or no gold and silver are extremely liquid they're one of the most liquid asset classes in the world i'm a lender and i love lending against gold and silver particularly gold and silver where i control rather than the borrower controlling the collateral uh they're enormously liquid uh i live in a circumstance that even given the problems that we face today is substantially uh more civilized more benevolent uh than the young vietnamese woman uh who you know the the choices that she had in terms of her savings and her business were limited compared to the choices that you uh and i exhibit also because of the asset classes that i deploy capital into uh include what you would call derivatives what i would call securities uh having access to cash to access securities markets without having to sell my gold or silver uh is convenient for me interestingly uh because as an example i'm the largest shareholder of sprott a large financial services concern which is built around gold or silver a financial planner would tell me that i didn't need to own any gold but my life was already leveraged to gold but again uh owning physical gold uh makes me sleep better right i'm 69 years of age i like to sleep and the i i consider like you do gold and silver to be cash good cash but it's volatile cash the problem breaks down with some in your audience robert because if they owned gold and there was a liquidity crisis and the price of gold temporarily fell they would be less inclined to sell the gold and turn that into an asset which they could then use to buy another asset many people although they own gold don't regard it as liquidity they don't regard it as cash and if they're if let's say that their average cost in gold is eighteen hundred dollars and the price falls to fifteen hundred dollars the price of another asset that they wanna buy fell by half but they feel this strange compulsion not to accept a small loss in cash to take advantage of a bigger opportunity so in that sense psychologically for many people precious metals aren't cash um i don't suffer that same circumstance for me it's good cash it's volatile cash i like you i've had some precious metals for a very long time and it's lovely to see my savings appreciate as opposed to depreciate right yeah so that's the other thing that would work because we're real estate guys we'll get in there if we need cash we borrow money uh understand that in the wrong set of circumstances uh robert and i i hate to attract your core thesis if uh if if the government decided that they didn't like the use that you were putting your real estate to you would find that you didn't own it uh that rather you had a conditional use permit i'm not saying that real estate is a bad asset class i guess i'm saying in the face of government every asset class is bad uh and by the way i'm saying my cash costs i mean the idea in i mean the lovely thing in real estate from my point of view i'm no good at it but it's treated me well the idea that my return on capital employed increases with inflation well my cost of capital which is to say my mortgage stays fixed right i love it i love debt a gift from god i know uh just a gift from god thank you rick okay so uh so you've touched on a lot of uh points i wanted to know a lot of points i wanted to make um going back to 2008 and given the circumstances today with with ukraine and russia and china and taiwan and qe and inflation and you saying there you know you're holding cash a lot of people we know and we are holding some cash um and you're talking about two to three years there's going to be opportunities can you expand upon all of that i can't uh i i don't know where the opportunity will come i mean i mean i i really can't um my crystal ball is cracked and cloudy i know that we've come off a 40-year period that has been as benign as any 40-year period in human history and i believe that some of the benefits that we saw over the last 40 years globalization and free trade the demographics of the baby boom technology but particularly declining real interest rates are over and i don't know how that manifests itself i know that as the world becomes more political as people begin to believe that the allocation of utility in society should occur by government rather than by delivering utility to the customer that the world will become more political and hence more hostile people will come to believe that other people owe them something irrespective of the utility that they've delivered and that's not a recipe for peace i don't know where or how that will manifest itself and i hope i'm wrong i hope it doesn't manifest itself but separate and apart from the macro the simple arithmetic around the fact that the political equation around quantitative easing debt and deficits and negative real interest rates is broken tells me that i can't rely on other people uh i can't rely on the big thinkers i can't rely on the government while i don't know how the disruption will manifest itself and i hope it doesn't until i shed my mortal coil uh it isn't the way that i'm prepared to bet it just isn't the way that i'm prepared to bet you know for me we have geopolitical problems with the russians that doesn't mean that we shouldn't talk it doesn't mean that we should rely on vilifying the russians to solidify the political base that some people might have in the united states or to set up geopolitical blocks in the world that make people hate each other and want to shoot each other that just feels to me to be pathologically stupid robert you saw that in its rawest form earlier in your life and there's no part of it that's good uh and i'm i'm not suggesting that we're headed towards broader military conflict i'm only saying that in a world where assets are allocated because a group finds that they can vote themselves benefit to the detriment of another that the ending is not happy no you get value in real estate because you deliver value for your tenants you out compete the guy who has apartments down the road based on price based on location based on amenity your customer is free to come to you and free to go a taxpayer doesn't have the same freedom you have no enforcement right to make somebody rent your house but if a taxpayer doesn't pay tax they come and haul him off to jail they go to take his property and if he resists them taking his property they either incarcerate him or kill him right uh those are very different value propositions it's pets oil like what trudeau is doing and all that would take into bank accounts it's incredible which is which is why i want to go back to um up until 1974 was illegal for americans to own gold could you explain to the people listening and what happened why was that there's a wonderful economic saying and i forget whose quote i'll steal good money drives bad out of circulation uh roosevelt wanted to greatly expand the role of government in the american economy he believed for some reason that the big thinkers would do a better job of healing the excesses in the economy than individual people i'll leave that aside uh he knew that given the greatly increased uh level of public expenditure and the inability of the citizenry to pay for it on a current basis that anybody who could add or subtract would sell us dollars in favor of gold he couldn't stand the competition and so very simply rather than try to convince the citizenry of the future of the country and the efficacy of the currency it was more convenient for him to coerce than to convince remember and i hate to sound uh like an anti-government kook although i am um governments have a monopoly robert on force and violence right you saw that in vietnam if i had if i if i had become angry at the north and i had commandeered a helicopter myself and flooded over there and gone and shot people as a private citizen you know nixon wouldn't have any sense of humor at all but he made you do it um and so you need to understand that at its most basic government is about coercion mr roosevelt knew for sure that he couldn't convince people to allocate money politically away from their family to somebody else's family and the only way that he could do it was to coerce them chairman mao describing politics famously said that all political power ultimately flows from the barrel of a gun right exactly what's the possibility of confiscation again if what trudeau just did and you know like one of the things when people say well you shouldn't own gold because when roosevelt's going to compensate again well he's dead but anyway not all the time i think i think the probability of confiscation is extremely low because there are other safer more popular ways for them to steal from you [Laughter] negative real interest rates are popular yeah deficit spending is popular i mean if you look at the way the us economy is structured what we're doing is stealing from our children and grandchildren they can't vo they can't vote they aren't here inflation and debt and deficits i mean the economy that we have now is a circumstance where we're eating our seed corn we're stealing from the unborn and that's extremely popular so the powers that be don't have to steal your gold uh they can sell you treasuries where you sign up voluntarily for a guaranteed loss and you're happy about it why would you particularly in a country with 400 million guns in private circulation why would you take the risk of actually overtly stealing from people when they're dying to be stolen from covertly okay i got i do have one final yes ma'am um in your interview with george gammon um you're talking about inflation and this is like a i want a warning to our listeners you said um it's not a big deal right now to the average person because they haven't been bitten yet what do you mean by that well what do you see coming with inflation argument for gold and silver robert is my vintage so if he dials himself back 50 years or something i know a pleasant pleasant thought through the 50s and 60s we had a very benign economic circumstance coming off of world war ii wonderful demographic boom lowering interest rates u.s hegemony i mean a wonderful wonderful wonderful time and venus now we had government overreach uh you know we tried the war in vietnam didn't work out so well we tried the war in poverty we lost that one too and we were trying to finance guns and butter uh in a circumstance where the government couldn't raise tax and the consequence of that notwithstand not surprisingly was inflation they devalued the currency because although the warning signs were all over the place in 68 69 70 actually 67 inflation was higher than the yield on the treasuries but because people hadn't been bitten by inflation although they noted it they didn't fear it it wasn't until the 73 or 74 when people had gone through four or five years where the cost of living increased substantially faster than their savings did or their salaries did when their lifestyle was actually really impacted by saving by inflation that the specter of inflation rather than becoming interesting became terrifying and i think we're in precisely that circumstance today you talk to the average sort of person in the street or for that matter the average congressman and you say um the economy is growing if it's growing at one half of one percent the rate uh the savings rate on the us ten year treasury is two percent and the depreciation of the purchasing power is either six and a half or seven percent this doesn't end well no and the conversation to most people is academic because it hasn't hit them yet they can be angry at the increase in gas prices but they haven't experienced the cumulative and compounding effective inflation that we experienced in the decade of the 70s where people over time experienced a meaningful deterioration meaningful deterioration uh in their standard of living you know while i'm on this rant the other thing that people don't understand i mean you know when they calculate cpi inflation exclusively from a price index now yeah they don't include tax yeah now robert if i didn't have to pay the tax i wouldn't so much about the index but the idea that the cost of government isn't one of my one of the factors in my cost of living just astonishes me and yet there's this discussion of the cpi inflation around the country with uh no discussion in the increase in income tax property tax excise tax add valorum tax sales tax um it astonishes me and i i think the fact that we have lived through 40 benign years has led us to believe that these things are issues rather than problems i think they're problems as well as issues thank you well mr rule thank you very much thank you very much for your wisdom we have to get you back on again but i think you should be on saturday night live as a stand-up that's really what it is america needs to laugh a little bit yes we do i like to laugh robert if i might make an offer to your listeners is that permissible please oh you know in interviews like this uh i like to engage directly with the listeners and i give people incentive to do that any of your listeners who care what i think about their natural resource investments which is to say their portfolio are invited to find out uh go to a website ruleinvestmentmedia.com enter your natural resource stocks please no cryptocurrencies please no tech stocks please no pot stocks just resource stocks i'll rank them one to ten i'll comment them on them if i think my comments are uh have any value fantastic if you mention charts i'll send you the 60-year behrens gold mining index which is the best pictorial representation of the gold equities market i know and i'll send you 110 year commodity chart which talks about just how cheap oil copper wheat all those things are relative to asset classes going back 110 years ruleinvestmentmedia.com if you care about the charts say charts perfect thank you that's very generous congratulations congratulations on the new bank um wish you the best on it thank you well you'll you'll like the bank we uh invest as an example in real collateral we take deposits from real people we don't use derivatives except to hedge the interest rate uh we don't do time spreads meaning we don't borrow short and lend long it's an old-fashioned bank one that has money in it how do people learn about your bank rick if they care about the bank when they email me about the rankings just say bank keep it simple i like it i like it great oh thank you rick pleasure i missed your calling well you plea please have me back and bring out the best of the worst in me as you see fit thank you i really appreciate it and as i said uh listen everybody listening listen to this again and again and again because this was a ton of information and great information going forward thanks so we come back we'll be we'll be right back with a wrap-up again rick thank you very much thank you [Music] welcome back robert here secondly mr radio show the good news and bad news about money once again listen to the rich job radio program anytime anywhere itunes android and youtube and please leave a comment all our programs are archived at richdadradio.com we archive them so you can listen to it again with friends family and business associates this is a very important show because we're heading for some very very turbulent times any comments kim well i just after uh you know we talked to so many people and the subject is very serious and going forward the future is very serious so if i feel really good after laughing throughout this and i think ricky is a stand-up comedian but he but he made it so simple and and he brought the humor although it's you laugh and you go oh crap that's really true it's like uh but uh this was a fabulous show and i have the utmost respect for for rick rowland um and his study and and his all of his resources and i would recommend and i'm going to check this out rule investmentmedia.com to get your analysis of your resources and then go to bank and learn i want to learn about this bank i want to find out about this bank because as you and i know we do not trust our banks so i'd like to put my money where i can trust the people behind it and final words from i'll pass on from jim records you know i've been buying silver since 1964. it was 10 cents for a dime 25 cents for a quarter half dollar for a half dollar and then i started buying my first gold in 1972. i've never spent any of it well my mother spent my silver again and we did trade in some silver to buy our first personal residence that's right yeah that's right so we so silver and gold are liquid but this is what jim records says he says everybody wants to wait until the price moves and he says when it moves this time you might not be able to get any i mean he's serious about it and since that we're in the mining and gold and silver industry we know the supplies are short and there's so much money sitting out there ready to move so today this is march 2022 silver's about 25 dollars an ounce it's 50 dollars 25 office all-time high of 50. and goals around 1900 estimated to go around 2 800. so i'll wait till it goes to 2 800. you're going to be nuts so you know what jim rickards always says well give me a call when it starts to move by the time it moves you'll be sounds asleep so this is a very precarious trout time charlie munger warren buffett's partner and is 90 so this is very dangerous because inflation is coming here the terrible was going to accelerate this weimar republic the german what brought hitler to power in 1933. but this is a very dangerous time i wouldn't be saving you know i wouldn't be holding dollars for a long term i'd be holding silver especially because silver you can spend you know it's liquid the same as gold same as bitcoin if you guys are into it but it's a little expensive today but anyway this is not a time to be thinking about final versions well other thing about silver is it's used it's used in so many things and just look at solar panels you know you need silver to make solar panels you need silver for a lot of things in your in your computers and your cell phones it's a use um and it i only see that increasing more and more and as experts will say the same um so there's a usage for it so once you tell the story of retreating a silver end to buy our first house well so we didn't have any money but we had a closet full of silver because we were we were uh saving soul we were saving silver instead of cash we would cash in our our money our physical currency and we would buy silver bars so when we were buying our first house of which we had no credit and we had no money um so how that happened i still don't know but the the broker calls she said we need you need twenty three thousand dollars for your down payment tomorrow i don't like tomorrow i don't have a thousand dollars we don't have a thousand dollars in the bank and then i opened our little closet door in our bedroom and here's this stacks of silver bars so literally i filled up these brown grocery bags with silver bars and took them to the precious metals deal right down the street and cashed him in and that's how we bought our first house so you criminals out there saying well i think i'll visit kim and robertson we don't keep it at our house we're not that stupid anymore our gold and silver is at jet airport where we can move from country to country at high speed so that's how paranoid we are so as rick ross said doug casey and i make him look like a con like a liberal or something like a moderate moderate conservative yeah that casey isn't he's worse than i am as a pessimist but he's made a lot of money traveling the world with gold and silver and resources final words sarah final words as kim mentioned i didn't expect this to be a comedy episode but i'm actually thankful that it was because if you're what if you're not crying if you're not laughing you're crying right right but and appreciated how simple he kept what you know his message and i really appreciated that but it will still be an episode we have to listen to again because it's a lot we covered a big um subject yeah there's five reasons a lot of information yeah yep and if you want more sophistication go to george gammon's interview with brick rule the rebel capitalist because if they go over my head i just want to know how many ounces how many silver coins do i have that's all i care about and danielle camboni of stansberry did a great job interviewing with also yeah so there's a he's worth listening to he's becoming you know become one of our staples i think around here because um i really enjoyed his his perspective so i'll include in the show notes uh for our listeners the details about how to access his website to get his offer um that's real investmentmedia.com but i'll include everything in the description but personally it's pretty interesting oh yeah it's an interesting subject isn't it definitely and it's not our typical gold and silver you know people we've talked to in the past this he actually explained why how you know that is important so and and kim and i did build a gold mine in argentina and in china and i didn't attend the i didn't attend the chinese olympics this year you didn't get an invite your invite was lost in the mail you know you don't have to even go that far because rick talks about the gold mine in uh california and he had a similar experience so it's yeah and it's the whole world is very political right now please listen to this the governments are interested in gold and silver so should you thanks to the rich dad radio show thank you [Music]
Channel: The Rich Dad Channel
Views: 483,718
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TheRichDadChannel, robert, kiyosaki, rich dad poor dad, motivational speakers, business ideas, make money, how to get rich, network marketing, how to make money, how to invest, passive income, cashflow game, Robert Kiyosaki, Rick Rule, Why should i buy gold, gold and silver, Federal Reserve
Id: kz50GY1l0oA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 10sec (3010 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 09 2022
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