5 Reasons I hate My EPIQ Toolbox

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what's up guys thanks for stopping back by the channel here at the auto shop life and you gotta meet Jim JR c-54 so today we're gonna give snap-on a hard time knock on them a little bit until you tell you guys my top 5 reasons I hate this epic toolbox check it out [Music] alright guys so jumping right on to it maybe a little surprise to you guys you know yes there is reasons I hate this tool box there's also a lot of good you know maybe I'll do a follow-up video on top five reasons I love this tool box but get into it you know I now that I've had the box for you know see going on five years now probably finishing up my fourth year going on to five years I'm owning this thing as a whole probably only about two years but you know now that it's getting full I've been using it obviously long term review on it things like that you know there's a lot of lot of things that you know definitely snap onto them approved on a lot of things that maybe they could have did different a lot of things that I didn't see or notice when I first bought it but the first one obviously being the cost of these epic tool boxes now you guys know out there you guys shop around see prices on them I've buying this stuff individually it's super expensive snap-on and their premium price it's just you know you I probably could have bought a nice car for the cost of this tool box I don't know if I ever told any you guys but I have to say all-in on this tool box probably just about 30 grand I probably had in just the tool box itself I want to say you know the made the main 84 the lockers two of the overheads and the workstation I think that was maybe right around 18 or 19 buying as a whole you guys know this box is pretty much paid off you know most of it I paid cash for the side lockers the overheads things like that I paid straight-up cash for you know I did finance a little bit it didn't take me long to pay off because the interest is what gets you on it you know obviously you know paying 30 grand for something is a lot and then they try to add on their interest and the way snap-on do does their interest where you know they interest you on everything that's old each month you know the end up making a killing on us you know so if it takes a long time to pay something like this off something like this could cost you 50 60 grand but I wanted to get it done rip off the band-aid paid off you know I did save up for this tool box for years and years and years I worked out of a small to small stand-up craftsman and that little punch thing over there cram packed to the match you know all the tools that I own at the time for finally five years longer than I had to waiting to save up knowing that I wanted one of these so end up picking up you know the age for back in 2014 I'd say or something like that it has the older-style epic jewelry and all the longer power drawer where that you know they stand up it's a longer drawer now of course they switched it to just the drawer style ones and probably for good reason I got an issue with the power tour you know it's not big enough it doesn't seem to hold the weight that it once was that's one of the reasons to but big one out here the cost can't stand the cost of this if they had another option that had this much versatility and be able to add on to things like the epic had you know back then when I picked this up there was really it was no power drawer out there there was really nothing that you can expand and things like this you know a lot of them are copiers you know that you know they imitate exactly what this is so you do have a lot more options nowadays but when I pick this up the options weren't there also I the shop paid for it anyway so it's not like the money came out of my pocket but get into it another big one talking about the power drawer number 2 is obviously the power drawer now it's probably about better designed to just having a smaller drawer I do like the height you obviously can't make a drawer stretch all the way across you know that drawer to me would be too big I do like the longer drawers or say that's how I ordered it but that power drawer now that I've got it full of tools and trying to utilize it there's not a really a whole lot of room in there you know I almost feel like having just two smaller power drawers would be able to be better on it cuz I can just kind of stack this wheel's on top of each other have one for charge or maybe have the other ones for you know the actual impacts and battery power tools but you know the drawers not the greatest it's not the greatest design I have to stack tools on it you guys can see here in the clips you know I got this thing pretty much packed to the max you can see where the power strip is you know trying to stick tools down in there and then have wires sticking out you guys can see I put this other power strip down here to have kind of manage the cables and all that stuff down in there but you know this one's definitely full definitely got to figure something out as far as what I'm gonna do you know you know I can't really fit more in here and yes I do have more tools you guys can see up here on the workstation I have some of the snap I'm very power tools that I use a lot so you know I don't want them in there between the wait you know the drawer can't handle the weight you can kind of feel it struggling just like the other full drawer now and just being able to get to the tool when I need it you know I don't want to have to take 3 4 tools out to get to the tool that I want so a big one under the power tool although it's probably better than having just one little power drawer now that it's full it doesn't work some full potential it doesn't work to my standard and what I would like definitely an issue on that one so sticking with the drawers and all that stuff the other big one is obviously the side lockers they have like four or five strong magnets on there you know although tolling this thing and moving it around you know I'd like it to be secure but getting into these lockers sometimes fast you've got something in your hand whether it's apart or greasy hands you know they're hard to pull I think I've mentioned that in a video before one of them on this side one of the magnets ended up falling off on me I had to reglue it on there you guys can see in the clip here but you know I noticed if you grab these lockers you know towards the middle you've really got to give them a pull you know I'm a bigger guy 6:1 you know it's over 200 pounds you know I find myself struggling sometimes to open these drawers Lauren acts like they're locked sometimes they're not even locked she thinks I'm locking them and they're not locked you know it's just uh it's kind of an overkill but I could see where snap-on was going with it as far as you know being secured but they probably put a cut back on a magnet or two or at least in some kind of latch style like they do the drawers here where you could open them just my thoughts but definitely an issue on that one definitely something I hate about it so finish talking about the power drawers we got number three they're getting on to number four still on the drawer side of it not really sure why snap-on never went with like a no slam drawer you know these drawers now that they're weighted down full of tools and all that stuff I didn't have it completely full like this when I first bought the box so it might have been something I never noticed before but now that they're pretty much packed especially these bigger drawers here you know these things slam hard and you don't even have to push them that hard back here in the back of the shop it's I got it tipped on a little bit of an angle it's just because of the floor you know I try I tried to level it but then I had to move the box and it's just a pain to keep level plus it's not that far off with the amount of weight stuffing these drawers I mean these things slam super hard you know I'm not sure why they didn't go with something like the Milwaukee toolboxes or the husky toolboxes were dead no slam drawers I mean my dresser is at my house or no slam drawers I mean it's not hard technology to put in there you know wondering you know with a price tag a premium price tag on these epochs you know they should go something with a no slam drawer or soft claws of some sort because when you got these drawers filled up with tools that amount of weight I mean it shakes the whole drawer I mean if I let that drawer closed from a quarter of the way open or even halfway open it slams hard you know it almost knock stuff over it if I had a drink up there would probably spill over but definitely a big issue you know I definitely find myself spending more time at my toolbox when I go to close it I got to ease it close and I'm standing there wasting time shutting these drawers I want to be able to open the drawer grab what I need you know give it a shelf walk away and let the drawer close itself another big issue on these doors is they're just uneven you know between the hinges on their way down you know they want to open you know weird not to mention the squeaks you gotta constantly keep these hinges sprayed I did a video on that how to take care of these hinges it's better you know the more the more I spray and take care of it gets better and better you know but obviously guys out there that don't spray the hinge with all that between the squeaks and all that stuff I mean you know did I pay extra money for having that extra snap-on squeaks when I open these drawers and they wobble open because they're so heavy and feel like they can handle the weight but feel like they can't handle the weight like right to their max already and they're full of what there should be full off and not like I'm overdoing it here at least I feel that way that's why I spent the extra money on this so that's a big one so that was number four so getting on to number five and this one's strictly cosmetic you know I'd say in my eyes but it bothers someone like me so talked about the beginning of the video I had purchased the 84 the workstation the overheads the two lockers and then about you know 13 months later so I ended up getting the extra 60 you know and another overhead things like that but in that time frame you know they not only change the powers were designed we know where to have that on the small dror they started putting power drawers in the lockers and things because I definitely would have bought a Power drawer Locker but they also change the casters on these things now the difference being is you know now they have where you could lock it on both sides you know I definitely did the newer design a little bit better to say that the older design wasn't doing what it was supposed to do you know they still had the locking pin and all that stuff so you know getting done what you had to get done was just fine but in order to change design it defeats the purpose of me buying the box you know I bought an epoch at the time because I wanted to be able able to expand whenever I needed if I needed more tool room I could go with another roll overheads or I could go with another set of lockers you know and overtime you buying this stuff there change the design this stuff doesn't match like it once did you know so that's kind of a big pet peeve of mine like I said strictly cosmetic but it bothers me and you know what the money I spent on this box I want things to be perfect you know snap-on should find the design stick with it if these casters were failing you know when I bought the other side they should have offered before new casters so I could change them to mesh maybe I should have mentioned this but at first maybe I didn't notice it it didn't bother me after years of owning it things like that bother me so wrapping this one out I believe that was five I guess I'll know when I edit this together but there's more there's more to that you know my top five reasons I hate to set big if you guys phone epics you might have five new reasons but definitely the big ones for me are you know the power draw the no slam it's mostly drawer related you know opening closing issues things like that the casters I'll get over you know I'm not losing sleep that night or over it or anything like that and it's not like you know I just tried putting that on there to add another one to this one because trust me I could think of more reasons you know the way the overheads closed you know after a certain point that kind of just slammed closed and this after the strong-arms class little things like that you know it's it's it's not like it's a big deal but you know definitely some reasons for you guys to think about you guys out there look at the ginn and epic you know if little things like this bothers you like the no slam drawers now that they're full look into something else you know like I said when I got this box there wasn't a whole lot of options as opposed what I was looking for I did need a bigger box you know things like that I wanted something where I can keep continue to grow you know I wanted the Box the grow as I grew and things like that but you know snap-on keeps changing the design for the better it's not always for the better you know and bring one up to mention the new tops they have now so the right I got this Orion online top back then where they they sent it out to have a dog I don't know line X or whoever did it now they're doing an in-house I don't know if you guys see in the real thin you know Rhino I don't know what they're calling it the line you know it's real paper thin stuff looks like it's not gonna last I saw it on the Rock and Roll truck I don't like it maybe some of you guys do like it I like a more rugged design that I know is gonna last I've dropped stuff on this I've heated it up I've done all that stuff it's held up from what I see in those other ones it looks like you tap them a little bit and it's like it looks like a sticker it looks like a skateboard piece of you know it looks like it looks like the top of a skateboard like pretty much a piece of sandpaper with glue on it that they could just kind of wrapped in it it's real cheap in my eyes you know they did add the light under a lot of the newer ones but the Rhino line No thank you I'll take a pass I'd rather take something older like this I do like the older powered or not now that it's full but I'd take something like that over one small torch you know maybe if I had three or four power drawers or a couple power lockers at the time they didn't have it you know now I'm just rambling going on and on but wrap this one up for you guys as always like comment make sure to subscribe and we will check you in the next one signing out oh you guys are still here so I put this little tidbit here at the end because again I got to thank you guys we hit 10,000 subscribers I told you guys I was gonna do a giveaway I wanted to do it a little different that I did on the last giveaway when I gave away a snap-on scanner I don't know have you guys been following the channel for a while or watch some of my older videos but when we hit 2,000 subscribers we gave away the snap-on Solus ultra not to say I gave it to a guy that didn't deserve it you know I'm sure he deserved it I'm sure he's using it but you know when I send something into somebody and all I asked for us maybe a post or a picture of him using it never heard anything in the last year or whatever and you know you are you know I hope you're using the scanner I hope you enjoyed it but my fault you know I I want when I do these giveaways like this I wanted to go to a channel supporter someone that actually needs it someone that's going to use it and things like that especially when they're big ones like this you know when I do giveaways up for everybody it's up for everybody this giveaway I want to do a little different I want to put this at the end of the video to make sure for one you guys watch the full video and not just maybe get to the good parts or you don't want to listen to me ramble or if I talk too loud or because I got long hair or whatever it's it's not that you guys got to have your own opinions I make these videos through you guys I give away my stuff and pay for my things and give them away to you guys for you guys you know it's not for me it's not it really doesn't better for me any to other than helping text big on that still big on that but I got my hands on another stamp on scanner just a peek here we got the modus tej this one I believe 18:4 I want to say something like that but we're gonna do this giveaway a little bit different it's saying off great upgrade maybe available this thing is 18:4 we're at got the Leeds charger you got the OBD cable the soft case got my hands on that we're doing for the 10000 giveaway so to get into this one doing this video through YouTube but it's gonna be an Instagram thing so a few guys out there don't have an Instagram you know I'm sorry you know obviously you've got to be subscribed to my channel you got to follow me on Instagram but what I want for you get in here I'm gonna be picking a one but I'm gonna be doing a little research on you I'm gonna make sure you know you're a guy out there active on my channel you know another thing I want to know you guys want to get in on winning this make sure to follow me on Instagram hit me with an instant message let me know how long you been a mechanic for you know whether you're a diesel mechanic auto mechanic whatever it may be how many years you've been doing it and why you're gonna need a scanner like this obviously there's other choices but this one will be free I'll be picking a winner probably within a month or so give or take so for you guys out there that ain't getting this guys they'll watch all the videos it's gonna be a little bit shorter so you have more of a chance of winning so you guys want to win something like this great scanner got my hands on told you guys I was gonna do a 10k giveaway so hit me up on Instagram let me know how long you been a mechanic for what type of work you're in all that stuff and let me know why you need something like this why you gonna use something like this why do you need a snap-on scanner or why do you need a scanner in general and I will be picking a winner and giving this thing away chip it's who you so it's always again guys good luck on the giveaway sorry I got to do it like this but my choice my scanner my giveaway I appreciate the 10k subscribers keep growing on this YouTube channel signing out
Channel: JRC54
Views: 52,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: snap-on, snapon, snap on tools, tools, tool review, mac, matco, giveaways, auto shop, milwaukee, knipex, organization, how-to, rustbelt, technician, making money, hustle, flat rate, epiq, do it yourself, mechanic, gearwrench, money, shop tour, diagnostic, jrc54, scanner, verus, tools in action. lab scope. #helpingtechs, money maker, reviews, tool box tour, toolbox, harbor freight, top 5, hate snap on
Id: LbArTEZjyPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 48sec (1008 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 30 2019
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