5 Quick Panning Mixing Tricks - Warren Huart: Produce Like A Pro

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[Music] hello lovely people I hope you're doing marvelously well as ever please subscribe somewhere down there hit the notifications bell and of course you'll be notified when we have a new video this week we're doing five painting tips so what I decided to do is I wrote this song with the singer of little Empire her name is Lily Lewis and I wrote this song and recorded it at the same time it is one of the most simplistic songs I think I've written recorded in years not necessarily the writing of it I mean melodically it's quite it's quite interesting I've got kind of a dark kind of police ninth chord going through it all the time but the production is insanely simple we did it in no time whatsoever but not rushed just simple this is the drums the drums have no cymbals just me playing addictive drums [Music] you can see what I did I'm with the keyboard whatever so that was how I did it so there's the drums the bass is just me I believe this is my jazz bass here's the chorus [Music] alright you get it pretty straightforward and then as I was saying a kind of a police but dark I was thinking Killing Joke huge Geordie fan those of you know Killing Joke eighties albums amazing guitar sir [Music] do it I do things I take away from you you say I'm drifting but I'm screwed distance from you so here it is the song is super simple and I decided this recall this and see if we can create some interest of it now I went super wide on it by taking the guitar and making it 50% on one side 50% left and then on the right I used a delay set and it's our good friend from Sound toys thank you sound toys echoboy set a hundred percent wet and it's a 64th of a second single echo so all it basically is is you've got main guitar here on the left 50% echo guitar on the right one sixty-fourth away from each other and also I have the reverb of the left hand guitar panned to the right so there's one trick that I do all the time pan your reverb opposite to the direction of the guitar so listen to the reverb what I'll do is I'll go into pre fade or my reverb send and I'll mute the electric guitar on the left so pan your reverb it's a great trick you hear me talking about it all the time but if you want extra width you've got one guitar over here on the Left reverb hand to the right there's a reverb on the right cool simple trick just panning it okay then what I did as I said as I panned the other guitar right with a delay on it just separating a 64th of a second what you can also do and you notice I've done before on other videos is introduce a little bit of modulation if the delay is too close and it starts to feel like it's phasing that guitar doubled panned away and slightly delayed you can add a little bit of modulation to it okay so firstly verse guitar we've got it at 50% so let's go up to the chorus here's the chorus I get a little funky on this chorus part some I'm gonna do so we've got the verse at 50% I'm now gonna make the guitar go to you guessed it a hundred percent so let's pan that guitar fully over the other side so simple simple simple trick what we do is we have one guitar maybe in like 50 or 20 or 30 or 40 whatever slightly to one side and then we go to the courses and we pan wide simple trick when doing rock guitars for instance if you've got heavy rock guitars one guitar slightly off-center chorus comes in stereo guitars you guessed it hand left and right another thing we can do is we can activate the reverb on the delay guitar and pan that opposite [Music] but what we could do which would be really really nice is automate that as well I'm talking automation while talking about panning I don't know I'm confusing right but what it's gonna do is gonna exaggerate our panning so I'm just automating it only for those sections for the choruses so you see what we're doing we're panning our guitars hard left and hard right in the courses like so so this isn't to the verse [Music] shake shake me one way we could also ultimate that right hand guitar up to fill that gap a little bit so volume wise it could come up quite considerably let's do this [Music] cool so what have we done all we've done is one guitar over here the effective one to the right but quiet chorus comes up they both go hard left and hard right and turn up in volume simple panning things but creates width and makes the chorus just feel different differentiates the verse from the course though it gets wide [Music] wit you shake shake me one way shake shake [Music] you success my wick shake shake me while awake such a simple simple song so why don't we try bringing in something okay so we just pulled in this little fun loop okay let's abused and abused it that's cool I don't really need it against this so do I now I'm not just in panic yep you guessed it so here it is what does it do [Music] yeah I've got brain works look at this the lead 530 it's cover the bonnet [Music] Wow I know I just did them but it's awesome there you go that just sounds like an old record all right so what do we do we took a loop we just took a loop we trashed it out we panned it left and right we've added some you guessed it ear candy having some fun okay so let's just make this go over the whole song what did I do I highlighted the bar and then hit option R in Pro Tools and hit 120 and made it repeat at 120 times and you guessed it went far further on the song than we needed it to I'm only gonna have it in the choruses as a little bit of ear candy so we've trashed it out now it's become a percussion loop it is no longer a drum loop it is a percussion loop how many having in the choruses so here we go [Music] wait wait what's great about it is I didn't even grit it after I did a quick look it's it's all the little lakes and a little out of time and then I trashed it and so it's kind of cool I mean I'm very tempted to be honest too like it's really kind of cool I'm tempted to put a stereo verb on it so that it kind of moves inside of the verb it's like this in a moment so there you go panning we just took guitars we made them wide in a choruses we took a simple loop that's the most generic loop we could find distorted that panned it from left to right now we've got some ear candy in the courses [Music] shake shake shake cool so we have a lot of backgrounds here we have if you go to this last chorus you we have shake shake me wide awake shake shake me wide awake shake shake me one wake shake shake me one wake shake shake me one awake shake shake Meatwad awake shake shake me wide awake shake shake me wide awake shake shake me wide awake cool so what's interesting about them is they they lay there's like this double this doubled harmony that comes in half way through at the moment they're all paying pretty wide I don't want to do that I'm going to take the harmonies and make them build around it so the main two harmonies are going to be at thirty thirty now in the courses so just sit around the vocal and then these ones that come in here up until let's say up until the outro chorus are not going to be that pad so I'll take them hmm let's maybe do something similar about 30 either side okay it wasn't in a group mode okay so like 30 either side and then when the section comes at the end they'll go wider so again it will create a bit more excitement and differentiation [Music] wide awake you shake shake me wide awake shake shake me wide awake shake shake me while shake shake shake me while and there you can get wider and we could increase the verb there why don't you know now that it's got wider the reverb could come out quite considerably shake shake shake shake me one leg shake shake me one shake me one way shake shake me one wait shake shake me shake shake shake me one awake shake shake me one wake shake shake me shake shaking me why away nice see what fun kind of stuff we can do there so we're doing is we're controlling the backgrounds tight around the lead vocal and then we can make it go wider and bigger add more reverb make it loud or whatever and it just co creates more space here we have a song which is one guitar that has been artificially doubled one the bass line a kick and a snare and a vocal let me say that one more time kick and a snare one bass guitar and one electric guitar and a vocal with some harmonies so we're having some fun and we haven't done really anything massively unusual we're just using panning to create some more stuff and so in this second verse for instance if I want to differentiate this maybe go listen [Music] I mean here we could go down to just one guitar and in which case we could use panning even more dramatically you may be coming out of that chorus for instance let's say going up to the pre-chorus we could just make that go totally mono let's put that one guitar just in the middle and then mute the double so here we go [Music] can I go back to in my cool mute the base this is with our three instruments well for kick snare bass electric guitar but listen so now I'm you'd the bass dead center guitar [Music] can I be done this time go back to in my shine and I knew I was fine try to get out the door my doubt but feeling still come about just wrap the moan about me some [Music] second guitar came in but it was just the double with the delay on it and the bass came and he got wider [Music] [Music] I love that that loop I put it in the wrong place and I did the painting in the wrong place but listen how exciting that is no weird totally wrong completely wrong but kind of Awesome okay so let's try something else let's go searching for let's go searching for a symbol the thing is you can get creative and just find random things and have fun with them like this symbol here I don't know that good but whatever will make it good oh it's kind of fun it's got a bit of a kick drum in it you hear the kick drum alright do a couple things just for the shnizzle of it you know I'm gonna do it's gonna gain it up a bit like three times four times okay so don't get rid of that kick do I want that kick yeah that's good enough alright so now I've got a cymbal ya know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna reverse the cymbal so put a fader on here let's go in here to other go to other and then get reverse you know I love these reverse things okay cool what else can we do well you know what we're gonna do we're gonna go to pan and a pan it all the way to one side and we'll do this well let it go really slowly on the pan at first like this and then exaggerated so we're gonna go [Music] paintings reverse cymbal chicken there you go simple into reverse cymbal course will do reverse cymbals will reverse cymbal with a little pan going on very nice it's looking for those kind of things it really is it's just finding fun things to do it on so in the bridge here [Music] just wrap the moat around me so but the monitors aid where the mines are fade just wrap them about me [Music] cool so this is our whole section it seems like to me that I should mute the second electric the the one that has a delay on it right through up until the chorus I need to make this a little bit more of a differentiator this section we can go back to our mono guitar there so we can pan it let's pan it back in the center a little bit more okay so we've got hay so on that a little bit there why don't we just it's it's not quite in time which is kind of interesting so I'm very tempted to quickly just draw it which means it's a little little tedious you know I like this kind of stuff I like doing these kind of things so you see what I'm doing here I'm just drawing in a little panic I mean to be honest I can do this quickly I like how sort of random it is as I changed chord I feel like divot watch blue Peter what they would do now is they go and this is one I did earlier and they would just pull it out and show show this already completed and this is one I did earlier answers on a postcard please - how did warand do that so quickly okay but as you can see I'm just manually doing it and I could probably do it a lot of faster if I wasn't waffling on that hay then I wouldn't be me would i there you go just check that out [Music] it's pretty crazy yeah a little bit of clicking going on that from the from the Edit points let's check it out just wrap the moan about me so but the monitors aid what the merits are fade just wrap them I'm tempted to put this rhythm in because it will give us because the guitar is out of time the tremors out of time so just wrap them about me so it's kind of cool it's kind of cool I am very very very very incredibly massively tempted to cheat this and there's many different ways of cheating this but this is the way I'm gonna cheat this you're going to see all my creative process here it's like I like you know what I'm gonna do what can we do here [Music] now is that little clicking sound which is bothering me there's also kind of this random because it's drifting in a half time the trem which is fine in when I'm playing like super busy parts or you know moving the cord around as such but it's not good in this instant so so here is the bar [Music] we go in here we're going here you'll see that now I've cheated that I can really cheat it so see now what I've done no no so what I did there is I cheated I retimed it to be perfect and now the panty works really really well sometimes you just got to do what you just got to do you know you just got to critics so here there's another chord I'm just cheating all over the place but this is the wonders of DA w's and this is what we used to spend ages on tape kind of this is where the kind of creativity comes in so I'm very tempted to just like this yeah see all kinds of silliness that I do people ask me what do I do on a daily basis well this is the kind of stuff that I do where I just have fun with this so I've retimed all of this at the moto bound me so but the mana does aid where the mines are fade just wrap the motor about the moon about me so but the more that don't say but the words are fade just wrap them around me sir [Music] me too great so all I did was retime that put in the panning and it just made that whole section different what I really really really want to do and I'm going to do is I'm going to create a different reverb just for my own shnizzle because I want to smooth out that panning feel something to create a stereo reverb and I'm gonna send just for that section and let me go pre-fade reason what I'm gonna go pre-fade so I can turn the guitar down and bring the reverb up aha oh hi ok so just take that section we'll call this bridge guitar the I love this just making this up as we go but this is what creativity is all about so you can see here the way my brain works so now I'm gonna put a reverb on that and you guessed it I'm gonna go for the most generic the most free comes with Pro Tools I'm gonna go medium sized run make a large room one second ok [Music] now what I'm going to do is I'm going to turn because in pre-fade I'm gonna turn the guitar down yep down down not just down but down [Music] [Music] just just right so now we have a lightly panning guitar well crazy panning but it's lighter because it's going into the river [Music] go so we don't need the reverb anywhere else but there so take the volume turn it down except for that section it's just gonna coming out of nowhere there you go so one kick one snare one bass guitar one electric guitar vocals and we've created all these different fun things we've got got reverse cymbal panning from left to right we have guitars going fairly mono boom super wide and choruses just up build up one guitar we then have going down to mono guitar in the second verse [Music] I was feeling [Music] you get it it's really simple it's like imagine applying all of these different ideas to tons and tons of ear candy moments there's so many things that you can do panning reversing stuff reverbs delays check out all of the five tips stuff put them all together and you end up with some really really cool mixing tips have a marvelous time recording a mixing thanks for sharing that one with me I love doing this stuff in real time I thought I'll challenge myself to open up a really simple song and see what fun things we can do mainly just using panning alright have a marvelous time we call you mixing please leave a bunch of comments and questions below don't forget to subscribe hit the notification bell oh and you can check out produce like a pro comm and get a whole bunch of free drum samples and sessions and all kinds of fun things [Music]
Channel: Produce Like A Pro
Views: 130,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warren huart, produce like a pro, home studio, home recording, recording audio, music production, record producer, recording studio, Panning, Mixing with Panning, Using Panning to create space, Panning Excitement, Panning Tricks, Panning Mixing Tricks, Panning your mix
Id: JD26MxAvues
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 1sec (1861 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 19 2018
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