5 Quick Clamp Hacks #2 - Woodworking Tips and Trick

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hello everyone I'm calling Canet and today I'm gonna bring you five more tips and tricks for clamping and you know if you're enjoying this series and you want to see more and you haven't subscribed yet I invite you to do that and that click that little notification bell and let's get on with the first clamping act what I'm gluing boards together I use these bar clamps they're fairly inexpensive and I've been using them for years and years and at this point there's no point in switching what I discovered a long time ago when I first started doing woodworking is you're always under a little bit of a time pressure when you're putting boards gluing ports together because the glue only hasn't a certain amount of time before it starts not sticking well so you're kind of a little bit of a rush and often you've got the board's leaned up on and then you're painting and and gluing things and this always happened to me they would always fall over and you know I've got this orange brand here I've got another brand here this black brand and they do the same thing they just they roll over on me so what I did a long time ago was make a rack for these now this rack is nothing special it's just a piece of wood I think it started out being oh maybe three inches by three inches and what I did if you look at these little V's you'll notice there's little V's everywhere and they all line up and the reason they line up was because I started with a single piece of wood and I just flipped it over onto my table saw and set the blade at an angle so that these all of these V's would be at a 30-degree angle I found that having them a little bit sharper rather than say 45 the clamps sat in there better so after I cut and you'll also notice that they're they're not spaced evenly and that's because when I'm gluing up boards I can pick any two or three of them and they're all the same size and they're all the same depth but I can move the lamps around on them and when I cut these out after I cut out all of the V's then I just ripped the board on my table saw so that both parts would be exactly the same and if you look at the end it's not very pretty you can see there's a couple of circles down here and what that's for is when I have these on my workbench if for some reason I got them and for an that the V's don't line up properly so that way I always know that I can keep them that way but look at when we put clamps on the most steady they are so what I do with these V blocks now is I just preset my clamps at wherever I think they need to be for the wood that I'm going to be clamping and you can know you'll notice these two are pretty close together and that's on purpose and this one's a little bit further apart and that's because I can space these sort of wherever I want and now when I put the wood on look at these aren't going to fall you can move them around that they're not going to roll over now I can put my wood on I can do my glue ups as I need to and lay the wood down and clamp it and these clamps I can space them wherever I want I can also put a clamp on top if I want to do that so I can do some different kinds of clamping and when I'm all done I just take the whole clamp thing off move it away and I can put the next set of clamps on there if I have got more clamping to do just a really simple way of keeping your clamps nice and steady on your workbench I've learned over the years that when I keep myself organized it reduces my level of stress and eliminates my frustration from things that don't always go the way they could in the workshop this is my rack that I keep my clamps on it's got all of my clamps in this area and I'm going to show you close up so what you're looking at here is just a 2 by 3 piece of fur or something but you'll notice that it's a little bit out from the wall and what I've done with it I wanted to make sure that this part here when I put the clamps on that the the handles aren't going to hit the wall so I had to measure from distance to the end of the clamp so sorry from this distance to the end of the clamp so that those wouldn't fit on there but now when I put my clamps on there I can I can just put them on there and I don't have to worry where the handles are they're not going to bump anything and this black stuff on here is an antique that anti-skid material that you can buy very inexpensive I use it all over the workshop and now I can just put any of my clamps on there they always sit they never fall off I never have to jockey around with anything all the clamps are always in the same place large ones down there moving to shorter ones this way it's just so easy now when I do my clamping at one point I used to keep all my spring clamps in a little box and they would always get stuck together you'd pull out one and two or three would come out with it now I just put them on this rack like this and it's so easy to keep them at different lengths as well but I also you'll see there's a couple little holes in there I found they didn't work a little well so I put the eye holes on there and now I can keep all of my clamping all together it's close to the workbench I can just grab whatever I want and when I'm finished with it I don't have to fuss about where it goes it goes right back there and I always know where my spring clamps are I have lots of various C clamps and I used these quite a bit the thing that I found a few years ago when I was doing a project that had a special I kept repeating one of the projects and what would happen is I would was clamping something and I didn't have much room and I was always doing this with one of the clamps trying to clamp it and I and and I thrived and you couldn't hold it there you had just fiddle around with it so I came up with the idea of putting a doweling on the end and this isn't a new idea this has been around for a long time but all you need I actually used a piece of something that I cut off on the lathe but dowling would work just fine and basically all you do is take a piece of dowling just cut about half an inch off the bottom of it and then you just cut a slot in it like that and that's where these this little handle will come in so basically just cut the handle off make the handle a little bit shorter cut the two ends off so that it'll fit inside that and all you need to do is epoxy that in epoxy the bottom on and now you've got a clamp that you don't have to worry about this lever getting in the way you can just twist like that and it works great what I also found is it's slower to to twist these so don't do all of your clamps like that leave some of them long like that and you'll get to know pretty soon which ones whether to grab this one or one with a handle but with these because they're slow or what I did was I just put a hole in them and now I can very quickly size them so that wherever I'm putting them I can now put them in there and very quickly tighten that down so quick little thing you can do for your C clamps put a little bit of a round handle on them make them for tight areas for clamping X ago when I was building something I needed to push something apart I just forget what it was some legs or something just to align them and I didn't have something to do that with except this clamp so what I did was I just made some little wooden pieces with holes that I could put these together and use these quick clamps I love these quick clamps if you're following my channel you'll see me use them a lot and now I can actually you could I put an extra hole in there so you could put a bolt through but you get the idea and now when I move this I can move this apart and it actually works as pushing so these two are sort of pushing against something in here so I can move things apart so just a quick way of changing a pulling clamp into a pushing clamp well that concludes my video on some tips and tricks for clamping and some ways to make life a little bit easier for you in the workshop I'm Colin canet for woodwork web thanks for watching you
Channel: WoodWorkWeb
Views: 211,579
Rating: 4.9364133 out of 5
Keywords: woodworking hacks, woodworking tips, woodworking, woodworking tips and techniques, woodworking tips and tricks, woodworking class, woodworking tip, tips and tricks, woodworking hack, woodworking tricks, clamp, clamps, bar clamp, bar clamps, wooden clamp, wood clamp, clamp hacks, clamping, homemade clamp, pipe clamp, woodworking clamps, c-clamp, hacks everyone should know
Id: GraXTJiteDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 8sec (548 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2017
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