5 Possible Outcomes to Expect When You Reject or Ignore a Narcissist (Self-Help for Codependency)

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rejection is hard for anyone right whether it's you or someone else but when it comes to a narcissist rejection feels a lot like execution and the reason that I say that is because narcissists they literally survive on narcissistic supply they require it to function in a normal fashion well today Queen being calm we're going to talk about exactly what it is that a narcissist will do if you reject and ignore them so let's get started [Music] my name is Angie I consented on this channel layout for free daily video coaching to help you discover understand and overcome narcissistic abuse in toxic relationships I like to call it toxic relationship rehab sound good if so hit that subscribe button and we'll just get going there are five different ways I'm going to share with you today that a narcissist might react when you reject them and/or ignore them number one they might decide that you're not as good as them they might call you inferior or a loser or a nerd or a dweeb or clueless either way they're going to assume that you're not good enough for them and that's how they're gonna roll from there on out this in their mind gives them permission to stop thinking about the fact that you just rejected them number two if you reject a narcissist or you ignore a narcissist and they think you're someone important then this kind of negates their ability to just label you as inferior and walk away so then something different happens that's when the narcissist will probably do something hurtful to you to take revenge often in the form of a smear campaign where they tell everyone what a terrible person you are or how crazy you are or how you've ruined their life or whatever and they play the victim it is incredibly common for a narcissist to use this tactic and to treat someone badly just to sort of prove that they don't matter to the narcissist so if the narcissist pulls the smear campaign on you if the narcissist decides to treat you like crap out of the blue when you reject them or ignore them well this is why they think you're important enough to do that to number three the narcissist might decide to stalk you what do I mean by that well exactly what it sounds like the narcissist can't stand the idea that you may have discarded them or stopped speaking with them they can't stand the idea that you won't tell them whatever it is they want to hear you won't give them the supply that they're so desperately craving even if they're the one who walked out on you interestingly enough this tactic is very common for the stalker type of narcissist if you ignore their attempts to reconnect with you say after a discard even if it's their discard they will forget quickly that they have anything to do with that they will fixate on grabbing your attention I'm getting you back this could go two different ways depending on the type of personality we're dealing with here so they might start to see you kind of as a trophy where they might want to sort of capture you back again so they'll start wooing you they'll love balmy hoovering all that good stuff you know they'll suddenly remember it's your birthday for the first time in 27 years or they'll suddenly you know send you a sweet little poem or they'll sing you a song on a video and send it to your phone they feel this need to get you back because you are sort of a trophy to them you can sort of enhance their status in their mind you know they'll like your posts on Facebook they'll send you nice little texts they'll you know heart your stuff on Instagram it's all suddenly there mr. M is perfect and if you are like most people you might feel really flattered by this treatment and you might fall for it all you can think about is this must mean they care about me they're doing all this stuff right they might even actually apologize for their bad behavior in the past if you go if they go this route of course once they have you again what do you think they're gonna do they're gonna straight up go back to the same old behavior because now you're back in their little clutches and they can have you the way they want you to be another way that a narcissist might react to being rejected is to suddenly get lots of new friends what do I mean by that well suddenly you'll start to see them posting all over Facebook and Twitter and Instagram all their photos with people of the opposite or same-sex whatever y'all are into to show that they never needed you in the first place so now they're gonna stay with this new person or people they're gonna have many photos with you know attractive women or men and and even if they don't really know those people they just grab them by club hey take a selfie would make they assume that you think now they're so popular and also now that you're gone so maybe you'll want to come back they are literally lying to protect the image that they have created in their own mind of themselves and while they somehow know it on a logical level they really can't admit it to themselves they just think it's funny but it goes so much deeper than they're ever willing to admit in this case the best thing you can do with this person is totally ignore them continue to ignore them don't give them one bit of feedback because if you do they'll keep going if you don't they'll eventually get bored and move on with something or someone else finally the narcissist does this thing where they ghost you some narcissist those who don't like confrontation the more covert types they often ghost as in they fall off the planet you have no idea what happened to them they suddenly disappear they're not on social media anymore they're nowhere since these people are avoidant by Nature they just stop calling they don't answer texts they basically go no contact with you so if you keep ignoring them they'll usually go away again you have to remember people are kind of interchangeable for narcissists and mostly are valued for what they provide in supply or whatever if you want to predict a narcissist behavior after you start ignoring them or you go to a contact or you reject them just look at where they fit on the spectrum if we're talking about a more overt type you can expect smear campaigns you can expect rudeness you can expect fake pictures of them with people of the opposite or same-sex whatever y'all are into and and you can expect disrespect all the way around if they are a more covert type you might expect them to either do the smear campaign with a big pour me victim act and or you might expect them to actually ghost you either way the best thing to do in any case is to be aware of it and continue to ignore them or stay no contact or don't bring them back into your fold just because of the fact that they are playing games with you understand that even the most sincere seeming narcissist will not change long-term any changes will be temporary at best they will not remain because the narcissist is in incapable of long-term change without going deep inside and healing their own core wound and I'm gonna be really straight up with you I've never seen it happen in real life or otherwise that's what happens when you reject a narcissist now it's time for the question of the day and the question of the day is have you ever had the pleasure of rejecting a narcissist and if so how do they react to it have you ever ignored a narcissist and how did they react to it have you ever gone no contact with a narcissist and found out that they reacted to it share your thoughts and your experiences in the comments section below and if you have tips for other survivors who are going through the same kinds of things right now please let us know how it went let us know what ideas you have for helping them get through the hard times that's all I've got for you right now as always thank you so much for being a part of my day and a part of my life and hey thanks for letting me be a part of yours it really does mean a lot to me I'll see you soon it's my mission to teach others what I know to be true you really can create the life you want take care of your body take care of your soul nurture the real you and introduce him or her to the world be comfortable in your own skin and in your place in this world take your spot take it now and the universe will take us to you feel me if so subscribe to my channel let's get it done together
Channel: Angie Atkinson
Views: 194,021
Rating: 4.922029 out of 5
Keywords: narcissistic abuse recovery, narcissists in relationships, love bombing, what happens when you ignore a narcissist?, what happens when you reject a narcissist?, how a narcissist reacts to being ignored, how a narcissist reacts to being rejected, codependency, angie atkinson, narcissistic personality disorder, narcissism, narcissist mother, codependent, self help, toxic relationship, invalidation, divorce, ignoring a narcissist, rejecting a narcissist, narcissistic supply, narcissist
Id: VuTR4wbYq9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 16sec (436 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 05 2017
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