5 Plugins I use on every project

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i want to take you guys through a list of five plugins that i use in pretty much every project the plugins that i use help me to mix better they help me to achieve a sound that best conveys what i'm hearing in my head a sound that translates better across different kinds of speakers different ears and in different environments i want to start this list with fabfilter pro q this is probably the best eq plugin i've ever found because you can shape and sculpt your sound across the frequency spectrum in any way you can imagine your mouse wheel controls the cue of the band that you're changing and you can click and drag points around as many as you like you can select as many points as you'd like at once and then alter them all at the same time so it's a really really powerful plug-in and i love the fact that you can actually go into full screen mode if you're going to eq which you certainly should be uh fair filter pro q will never let you down and i honestly cannot imagine i don't there's nothing i want it to do that it doesn't already the next plugin i want to talk about is one i've not mentioned before anywhere is actually uh it's a plugin called soothe and what sooth 2 does is it dynamically adjusts the eq of any incoming audio signal so this is really useful for taming harsh frequencies in your vocal track if you've got too much sibilance in a voice recording for an audio book that you're making for example soothe 2 can tame the sibilance in the voice you just select where you want it to do the taming and how much very often when i record a vocal i will actually go through an eq each syllable and each vowel and each consonant because this part of the voice sounds way too harsh this sound is way too masked and muddy so i will go through with fab filter pro q and i will manually eq each syllable i don't have to do that anymore with sooth 2 at least not so much because that's what sooth does automatically on the fly but again don't overdo it it can suck the life and soul out of your mix you don't want everything to be super duper flat you just want to take care of the stuff that is genuinely nasty the next plugin i want to mention is valhalla the valhalla reverb units these things are dirt cheap as far as reverb units go and honestly you can compare them to the lexicons you can compare them to the bricasti m7s i prefer valhalla room it just sounds a bit more realistic what i look for in a reverb unit is something that doesn't have that ultra linear i'm an algorithm sound and vintage verb has that for me but valhalla room doesn't it's not so much it sounds like a real space and that's what you want if however you're looking for a really really realistic reverb then i'll give you a bonus plug-in here and that is a plug-in called seventh heaven by liquid sonics seventh heaven is an emulation of the famous bricasti m7 reverb unit and it uses a combination of impulse responses and algorithms so that you can actually modify how the m7 unit responds it's very very unique and it sounds absolutely amazing if you have the money for 7th heaven i would thoroughly recommend you look into it if you don't any of the reverb units from valhalla will probably suit your needs the next plugin i want to talk about is something called golfos this isn't talked about as often but you put this on your master channel and it will tame harsh frequencies as well as boost frequencies that might be buried in your mix you hardly even have to adjust anything i've i actually find it has quite a big impact just by putting it on my master channel you then have different options for taming frequencies for boosting frequencies for adding presence and for adding low frequencies so this is kind of a multi-band compressor but a hell of a lot more surgical a lot more detailed golfos might just be the difference between 90 and 100 in terms of how happy you are with your mix it really does tidy things up quite nicely at number five i want to mention two plugins actually i probably should have planned this a bit better but i was going to mention a plugin called satin this is by a company called yuhi u-h-e and satin is just a fantastic warm rich analog fat sounding tape simulator why do you want to simulate the sound of tape well because it's a very natural sounding saturation it can give your whole mix just a bit of fuzz on the top just the right kind of fuzz you can adjust the crap out of satin as well you can tweak the bias you can tweak the tape hiss the wound flutter so i find this helpful for adding that's the dreaded word warmth warmth is just a very subjective word but it's kind of the closest i can think of satin will add warmth to your mix it'll make it fatter it'll make it richer the other plugin i want to mention in tandem to this one is by the same company and it's called press work press work has a similar effect except it's more about compression it gives you analog compression so that's taking sounds that are loud and sounds that are soft and then making them more similar to each other and again it gives you that analog sound you can have hard clipping or soft clipping you can change the threshold obviously input output there's loads of different presets to get you different sounds quickly so press work is also awesome for making your tracks louder and warmer and fatter and richer a lot of really subjective adjectives there so there you go folks um i hope that's helpful i might do another video like this in the future where i mention some other plugins that i use frequently but these are my go-tos without these plugins i wouldn't feel comfortable i wouldn't feel at home again i don't want to suggest that you need a whole heap of plugins but you you don't what you really need is to hone your craft and to hone your style to find your sound and to find you in your work that's what you need to do the plugins will help you to translate your work better the number one problem i always hear with other people's work is the mix the ideas are awesome i can hear what they're trying to do but i wish it was clearer i wish it was brought more to the front or it was given more space or it was more pronounced or it was tamed in these frequencies and boosted in these frequencies the mix is always the problem never the idea or the concept learn how to mix research plugins like these but most of your time should be spent on sampling and experimenting and playing divide your work into two sections do your producing your production your chord structures your melodies your song structure in session a because that's like soulful that's soulful spiritual feely work and then section b is when you sit down to mix and master which is when you get out gulfoss you get out sue if you get out pro-q uh i try not to mix those two workflows together because it's like left brain right brain you know you want to give one side of your brain or the other all of your energy and attention
Channel: Pogomix
Views: 16,016
Rating: 4.9819279 out of 5
Id: ZWmN8kyvkJM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 33sec (513 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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