5 Night Drive HORROR Stories

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driving at night is relaxing but only if there are no bizarre creatures territorial ghosts and of course creepy supernatural children lurking on the roadside because when the ghost kids start crying you're gonna have a bad time enjoy these five allegedly true and incredibly creepy stories about the worst that can happen on nighttime drives if you have a story of your own share it with us at dark stories org or darkness prevalence org slash submit now let's begin strange night out from Jackson this happened in the summer of nineteen seventy eight so it was a bit of a while ago but I still remember it to this day I was just a seventeen year old guy I was with my friend and my older sister our destination was going to be Lake Bloomington Lake Bloomington is just outside of town where I lived at the time my best friend then Dane and my sister Val and I decided to take a night drive just to get away from everything the lake was not the kind of place that he would consider scary or even foreboding in any way I'd been there loads of Dimes and enjoyed myself on numerous occasions a lot of folks lived around the lake in different areas and find homes and I doubt that they ever ran into problems that were unexplainable but that night there were three individuals there that were absolutely terrified by what they encountered and I was one of them what took place was a very strange night out and although we can all remember what we saw none of us remembers the month the date or time that it occurred save for it being nighttime perhaps sometime after midnight it was a summer night that much we know for sure so vel was up from Alabama visiting the family at the time and that night she felt like getting out of the house and I did too I decided to call my friend Dane to see if he wanted to join us to take a drive instead of doing another round of nothing for another night driving out of town we headed north and decided to go by the lake just to relax by the water long before the internet came around you had to get out into the world to have any chance at having fun and we were hoping to find just that but what we found was more of an adventure though it was a small one after a short drive through the dark roads we came to a two lane turnoff and headed for the lake we drove down a straightaway and then turned left at an old restaurant called Green Gables on the road that circled the lake I drove my 1973 pontiac lemans sport coupe that had once belonged to val which will actually have a bearing on the story later I asked the others if they had a particular destination in mind and after a bit of discussion we decided to just stop by the lake hopefully some place that we could get down close to the water it wasn't familiar with the roads that took us around the lake but Val remembered from when she used to live in the area so she directed us and we drove on catching a glimpse of the lake through the trees as lights in and around the water reflected off of it the water was calm and smooth like a giant mirror reflecting the beautiful pale moonlight dane was in the backseat val was in the front passenger seat and again i was driving there was an abundance of brush down by the waters edge in spots that were never used by anyone to access the lake but we could still catch sight of the water quite often most of the trees between us and the water cast shadows from the moon that reflected off the pavement as we continued to drive it was a long way around but it wasn't like we had anything else to do a hurry was the last thing we were in we eventually came to a familiar area even though it wasn't very well lit when I was younger I used to come to this spot just ahead on a church picnic which was called three bears park and as I knew where we were for the first time that night I decided it would be as good a place as any to stop and walk down to the water's edge the sign next to the road announced where we were as we pulled into a half circle gravel drive with a small place to park up against a line of large railroad ties laying in to end the first strange occurrence happened as we were pulling into this parking area there was another car pulling out and though we did not see the license plate we could plainly see that it was a gold Ford Mustang convertible with the black vinyl top and black stripes of the cinder what struck us all as strange was that the car was peeling out of the gravel area as fast as the driver could make it move throwing rocks and dust up into the air as if the car was on fire and they were trying to put it out with speed when it hit the pavement of the road we had just left it continued to pick up speed burning rubber until it disappeared into the night we wrote it off as just some kids showing off or being stupid but later found out that none of these were the case I pulled the car up to the railroad ties and put it in park and then I shut off the engine we all got out and then i ignorant ly locked the door telling Val to do the same as this was long before power locks we then proceeded to walk down toward the lake at a leisurely pace just enjoying the night as we were walking we noticed what appeared to be a person wearing jeans and a white shirt similar to that of a lab shirt and he was bending down to do something close by the water we decided to go down to the lake and maybe visit with him for a while after all we didn't have any real plans for the night and this was a time when there was little to no fear of someone being hostile maybe we had just been raised differently but I had no reason to believe that this person had anything but good in them as it turned out that being was someone or something we would never be able to meet or even reach as we continued to the lakeside there was no conversation between us that I can remember after walking for an indeterminate amount of time we should have made it to the water several times over but when I looked up and toward the lake we were still the same distance away if not further at that point we were startled as a line of what I can only call beings appeared from out of the darkness we all stopped dead in our tracks and watched in awe at what lay in our paths it was a full line of forms all holding a single light wearing robes that resembled a Reaper except for the color oddly enough all three of us deferred after this encounter as to what color the robes were well as for me the robes were white but they did not flow in the breeze nor did their lights flicker at all at first I'd even considered the possibility that these were Klan members even though we were not in the South their faces and hens were not visible but they looked as solid as we were the location that should have been their face was as black as the night and their line in front of us looked formidable as though they were prepared for battle at first we froze in the spot not knowing what to make of this situation but still realizing that fear would play a part in this adventure we stood there looking at something we could hardly understand or believe before finally noticing that these figures were hovering about a foot off the ground I would say it took no more than twenty seconds or so for us to realize we might be in some serious trouble all their lights appeared to be suspended from an invisible hand then all of them began to move towards us at the same time as they began to move their speed steadily picked up the closer they got we reacted by turning around to run back to the car and sprinting as quickly as we could now once we turned Val after taking a few steps lost her footing and fell straight to the ground I couldn't believe what had just happened I remember yelling at her to get up and to hurry deep down I knew our lives were in danger Dana and I went to help her up then we headed for the car as fast as our legs could carry us while looking over our shoulders at the same time the cloaked figures were still approaching they were a wall of white clocks these beings of unknown origin this was probably why valve fell in the first place looking back at something so confusing and terrifying it's surprising the other two of us didn't fall as well looking at how fast these creatures were moving I honestly never believed we could get away from them as Val and I ran up to the driver's side door of the car Dane went to the passenger side I pulled the keys from my pocket regretting the fact that I locked it and I couldn't believe it when the keys fell from my hand we were falling for every horror movie cliche if we were going to be killed I probably deserved it at this point I yelled out some random curse word I tried bending down to pick up the keys but before I could reach them Val had quickly snatched them up herself and was unlocking the door after a bit of trouble getting the key in the slot she finally got the door open for some reason I jumped in the back seat and unlocked the passenger door for Dane assuming that Val was going to drive instead of me we had no time to spare I knew our getaway would be closed if it wasn't futile Val quickly threw the car into reverse turning the wheel hard over the opposite way and stepped on the gas she handled it like a charm which made sense considering it was hers before it was mine we left the area like a bat out of hell throwing dirt and dust in our wake at one point I could smell burning rubber but I didn't care as long as we made it out when we felt that we were far enough away to finally be safe we all started panting like we'd been holding our breaths after that we began to talk I couldn't help but bring up the fact that the gold Mustang we saw as we pulled in earlier we had just repeated its performance obviously the guy in that car must have saw those figures too after this experience we wished we could have talked to that person just to be sure just to know that the three of us weren't hallucinating or crazy unfortunately we never found them and we never returned to search that area the next day we were too intimidated to go back everything that we had experienced that night continues to remain a mystery as we have no idea what we encountered and I for one have never heard of anything remotely similar I wonder just how many people were chased off from that Lake how many others are out there who were warned off the property by those cloaked figures what even are they and where did they come from I don't expect everyone to just believe the story so if you have the gall if you have the time drive out to Lake Bloomington sometime in the middle of the night a little past midnight in central Illinois and let's see what happens to you skinwalkers on navajo station from anonymous this encounter took place west of Window Rock Arizona and a forest littered with Pines known as the summit one night at around 1:00 a.m. my mother and I were driving home when out of nowhere we saw what we could only describe as two coyotes sloppily jogging across the narrow stretch of road what separated these coyotes from just being coyotes was the disturbing fact that they appeared malnourished patches of fur missing throughout their hides as if plagued by a serious case of mange not to mention the fact that they were jogging something that I thought only humans did he appeared more like emaciated people glaring at us as we drove by with eyes that reflected red the only thing about them that looked coyote ish were those canid faces they were even especially lethargic as if they didn't give a damn if we hit them head-on with the truck we allowed both creatures across the road safely even as they continued to walk on two legs in the most bizarre and disturbing way they disappeared into the darkness leaving us to drive home in the dark in silence for a while and after that night I have an uneasy feeling driving through that particular stretch of forest especially after dark rest in peace from Kim B I work as a seamstress for a wedding dress shop in Lincolnshire UK I was driving on my way home one night from a fitting which had me going back and forth the last couple of weeks as I had to fit around the bride's schedule this meant that I wouldn't get started until around 5:00 or 6:00 p.m. sometimes this particular fitting had gone on longer than I wanted and it had gotten really late by the time I left I never truly liked driving this late at night from the bride's house I tended to drive down the back country lanes as the traffic on the main roads was always really bad after I left the house I could see the taillights of the traffic on the main road ahead so I made the decision to drive home down the back lanes again I was familiar with these roads and there is one road you have to drive really slow on as there's a nasty sharp corner if you weren't paying attention this would come out of nowhere and you could possibly get hurt so if you were going too fast it can turn out to be very dangerous due to my recent lead finishes in the bad traffic of the main road I'd ended up taking this drive home quite a few times over the last week and I had experienced a few strange moments near this corner a couple of evenings prior I swore I heard a car horn beeping like crazy behind me and I saw a flash of light but when I looked there was no one else on the road with me this one was easy to shrug off though it was pretty weird the next night on the same area of the road something ran across the road ahead of me this wasn't unusual as this was the countryside but I do recall it being weird as whatever had run across was larger than the wildlife I knew we had I put it down to being tired and maybe there were kids messing about on this night in particular I was just getting to the corner and in the slight distance on the side of the road standing in the darkness of the night was very obviously a woman from the shine of my headlights I could see that the top half of this woman looked to be mostly covered in some sort of dark substance it almost looked like blood I pulled over next to her and I was about to get out of the car when the woman looked directly at me reflecting my headlights I could see her eyes and they made me stop dead in my tracks something wasn't quite right because her eyes were pure black it instantly made my hair stand on end and I had an overwhelming sense of panic I sat there for a minute trying to figure out what I was seeing the woman didn't move from the spot where she was standing she just kept looking at me or at least in my direction this made me even more nervous a minute passed and I said they're staring back at her I ignored the panic and decided that I had to do the right thing I had to see if she needed help I continued to get out of the car and realized that I had forgotten to unlock my seatbelt I looked down to press the release button open the door and started to get out I turned and looked up only to see that the woman had vanished there was no sign of her anywhere on the road at nor the side of the road I called out to her but there was no response just the silence of that night feeling entirely freaked out I got back in my car and drove off slowly in case she walked further up the road I kept checking my rearview mirror thinking about what I saw was it even real that I actually see anything am I just exhausted and my mind is playing tricks on me I finally made it home and still had the deep overwhelming feeling that I needed to do something about what I saw so I called the police and reported what I'd seen I gave them the location and advised of what had happened they said they would see what they could do and would keep me updated the following day late in the afternoon I got a call back from the police they had attended to the location and had found a car which had crashed off the road into the ditch this made my skin crawl as I had only seen this woman the night before and it didn't make sense I'll never forget the moment when the officer continued to tell me that there was unfortunately a person in the passenger seat that had passed away during the accident during the phone call I remember I felt a strange mix of emotions when they told me about the person in the car I was overcome with a deep sadness but then it changed into a weird form of relief it was almost like someone or something had attached itself to me and then laughed once they had found the car and a person inside a couple of days after this the event was reported to the local newspaper it turned out that a young woman had died on impact in the accident my heart froze when I saw her picture because it was the same woman that I'd seen standing on the side of the road though now I know it was impossible for her to be standing there the person that had been driving their car was her boyfriend he had left her in the car and went off to try and find help but had been found unconscious over two miles away near the main road he was taken to the hospital put into a drug-induced coma they knew from his family that he was driving his new girlfriend home and they must have crashed initially the police had been searching in the wrong area until I called and gave them a new lead it's a sad story but at least I was able to do something I believe that girl's spirit reached out to me because she wanted her body to be found the thing on the road from Rafael I live in a city called Santa Cruz da capibaribe in Brazil before moving here I used to live in Minnesota in the US for a couple of years my family isn't from the city but my mom did used to live here after I finished my studies in the US I came back to Brazil and moved to Santa Cruz to stay with my mother after six months of living here I found a girlfriend shortly after we got married and after a year is so of ordinary life I found a job in a city nearby and came back every night from my job through a 60 kilometer route it was usually a quiet trip and I was getting used to it it only took about an hour to get from my city to the one that I worked so when my wife got pregnant I let her have the car while I was away for safety reasons and I began to get home and back using a popular type of transport an old Toyota that could carry about 12 people at a time one night when I was returning from the city it was just me and the driver of the Toyota we were mostly quiet during the trip as I'm quite a reserved person I like to keep to myself but a little after we passed midway to my city his Toyota started to malfunction and we stopped at a nearby gas station unfortunately this gas station was abandoned it was a newer one and hadn't been finished yet so no one was there and nothing was functioning but at least they had some lights on so the driver could check the engine while he was doing that I let him know I was going to find a restroom to use the bathroom when I found it the bathroom was not quite finished either there were boxes all over and the doors had not been applied yet and weirdly the bathrooms lights seemed to be malfunctioning as they kept blinking on and off randomly and they made a weird buzzing tinking noise I was doing my business when I heard the driver call for me saying that the car was ready I finished up flush the toilet and called out to him to let him know that I was on my way I started to wash my hands suddenly I heard the drivers scream followed by the sound of the Toyotas engine starting at first I decided to stay in the bathroom as I thought it could be a robbery or a kidnapping Brazil can be a very dangerous country I grabbed my cell phone and tried to dial one nine zero the emergency number in Brazil but I did not have the signal to make the call then a dreadful sound came from outside tires peeling out the driver of the Toyota had left me alone at an unfinished gas station I swallowed hard it took me a while to gather the courage to beat outside and when I did I didn't see anyone and thankfully for me my wife knows that if I wasn't home by 2330 or 11:30 p.m. she would send someone to pick me up and eventually she'd be able to get help for me but I was further away than usual and I was scared to wait by the road for people to see me because someone or something had scared my driver away and it or they were still out there it was already 2310 so if my wife was going to send someone it would only be less than an hour's wait so I decided to stay in the bathroom and listen for someone to drive down the road someone that would hopefully be looking for me after about 10 minutes I heard a new sound there was something howling out there it sounded almost like someone who was in pain but I knew it was an animal because people sound like people and this howl was a strange mix I peeked outside to see if I could see anything but again there was nothing a few minutes later I eventually saw someone after peeking out again it was over by the roadside a skinny looking figure with white hair or maybe fur and when I looked closely its facial structure closely resembled a horse's but this was not a horse my mind was sent reeling what sort of animal was this as I stared at it with fearful curiosity I saw that it was beginning to come in my direction I head back in the bathroom covering myself in those boxes struggling to get my feet covered by something and then I heard a horrific sound something was walking into the bathroom I swear to God as it did the lights in the bathroom flickered more than usual and a few of them even went off it didn't make much sense but I was too terrified to think about it at the time in that moment I could barely breathe I could hear it sniffing around breathing checking the bathroom stalls and even shifting one of the boxes I was under but not too much I closed my eyes and began to pray in my head after a while I heard it leave the bathroom and the lights returned to normal now not blinking at all I knew that my ride would be here at any moment enough time had passed that if I wasn't careful I would miss my opportunity to be rescued but I was so scared what would happen to me if I left that bathroom what would happen to me if I even moved enough to make a sound and I wasn't sure if my wife even made the call I was only trusting that she would guessing that she would because for all I knew she might have been sleeping by now and didn't even realize I hadn't made it home yet all in all though I could not stay there forever so I decided to trust my wife and take a gamble I picked myself up from the boxes and ran over to the roadside I did not see the creature roaming around and I didn't hear it either after waiting for about 10 minutes her cousin actually drove by and picked me up in his truck he said he had been looking for me and didn't think I'd be so far up in the road but I was grateful to him told him thinks then told him what happened to me I didn't leave out any details as he drove he glanced at me with the curious expression then asked have you ever heard about werewolves in this region I was silent but he continued locals here say that there's a beast roaming the region and apparently it's quite active around Friday and on the weekends lord knows why I went quiet he laughed it off a bit obviously seeing how scared I was he drove me home in the dark as I stayed quiet and now I'm just happy that I made it back home alive the sobbing child from anonymous it was a dark and rainy night I had just gotten off work and was relieved to finally be able to go home I worked the night shift so I would finish work at about 3:00 a.m. I wasn't the biggest fan of the dark but if anything he drove a little faster at night but as I was driving my car suddenly made a loud a sound and came to a halt I cursed getting out of the car to inspect what was wrong and from the corner of my eye I spotted a girl who looked to be six or seven she was dressed in an old-fashioned gown which was strange I felt so bad I went up to her and asked her where her parents were instead of answering me she cried I'm very compassionate to people so this only broke my heart even more as I continued to ask her where her parents were and why she was out here she didn't stop sobbing I ran back to my car to grab my phone I could hear her crying following me to the cab she was right behind me I could hear it I grabbed the phone and began to dial 911 I turned around the girl was gone I searched around the car and in the nearby woods but she was gone entirely nowhere to be seen with no trace that she was ever there crying children territorial ghosts and being abandoned in the middle of nowhere to become prey for some supernatural beast these have been five allegedly true night drives scary stories but I hope they haven't made you too afraid to enjoy a night drive from time to time if anything just don't leave your car and keep on driving no matter what you see good night if you enjoyed this episode be sure to like share comment and subscribe if you have a story of your own shared with us at dark stories org or darkness prevails org slash submit check the links below to support the show there's a link to donate on my patreon a link to my merch store with some creepy cool shirts and a link to get started investing with acorns which is a referral link and helps me out too now as usual here are my five favorite early comments from the previous full episode titled seven real alien encounters Ronald C says a gray man came and probed me last night I'm sorry Ronald but I think you'll be okay as long as those two things aren't reversed if you catch my drift gravel paws says let's see them aliens yes please the sooner we get to live in a world with multiple intelligent species the better the doric says this confirmed that the Lord darkness prevail shall join us on our glorious quest to raid the area 51 and get them extraterrestrial cheeks oh I'm all ready because once you don't know is that aliens have three cheeks and I figured out a way to clap them all mo says PSA I just came back from camping at the Hulk 'invalid in Big Bear California if anyone is from that area and you want to hear strange screams that the Rangers tell you to ignore then that's the place to go good luck thanks mo I'm always up for vacation destination suggestions and a Tharin Cohen says I think if I encountered an Alamo any time soon I'd have a heart attack well all the more reason I need to find one right away well that brings us to the end of this darkness prevails episode but don't you worry your pretty little head because more scary stories are always on the way soon so stay tuned until next time here are the credits to my amazing patrons who continue to donate they're great people but are they people or are they aliens anyway remember stay safe out there and stay creepy because this world is a strange one
Channel: Darkness Prevails
Views: 84,537
Rating: 4.8875651 out of 5
Keywords: night drive horror stories, horror stories, night drive stories, scary night drive stories, night drive, true horror stories, scary stories, true scary stories, true stories, real ghost stories, ghost stories, paranormal, supernatural, paranormal story time, scary story time, road trip, road trip horror stories, road trip stories, skinwalker stories, black eyed kids, black eyed children, darkness prevails, friday, stranger things, night shift stories, graveyard shift, creepy
Id: vCxnKCjix4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 49sec (2089 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 02 2019
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