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okay for DIY number one we will be using this particular crack glass solar light remove this piece because that's all we'll need now with these they open like this and this is how you charge it so I'm just going to put this aside so the first thing I'm going to do is make a lamp and I'm going to use this bottle that I found at Goodwill is't it cute I've had this bottle for quite some time now and I always knew I wanted to do a lamp Okay so the very first thing I want to do is hot glue this right on [Music] top okay next up I have some of this metal ribbon from Dollar Tree so I'm just going to take this outside and spray paint it black and while that's drying I'm going to move on to the next step with the lamp while the paint is drying on the metal ribbon I'm going to take one of these bowls from Dollar Tree and what I want to do is just cut the circle out with my hot knife okay so I made a hole right in the center but I need for it to be a little bit bigger so I'm going to go in and make it a little bit bigger we doing I'm going to glue this right on top of here so now I'm going to take some glue and put it right inside the circle okay so now you have a cute lamp with a crystal lamp shade you going to add some bling around here even around the top it's up to you but I'm going to go ahead and get the metal ribbon and come in and accent it with that and then we'll be done [Music] so I decided because of the glue I really didn't want to add trim around it I didn't want to draw too much attention to that but that glue was still kind of throwing me off so I decided to go ahead and add some gems to it and I'm going to use some of these teardrop gems to Accent the top [Music] [Music] now honestly I would do these in Black if I had black rhinestones because of the black trim but silver and black goes together so it's going to work out okay for my next DIY I have this solar light it's really decorative and I really like that about it okay this is going to be super simple again we're going to remove it from the steak next up we have one of these bowls from Dollar Tree they come four to a pack I'm going to take my hot knife and now I have an idea where I need to make my hole so I'm just going to go right in here again just like I did with the other bowl and make a hole next up I have this candle holder that I picked up at Goodwill and it was only 139 you can also use the ones from Dollar Tree if you don't want it to be clear you can spray paint it black go ahead and take that off again super simple take my hot glue gun take this right around the rim and now take this right inside there hold it there until the hot glue sets up and just like that you have a beautiful tulip a't that cute now if you want to Glam this up you can put some Stones around here you could also put some bling around here and here as well okay guys for our next DIY we are going to be using this particular solar light actually you will need two for this particular DIY I have two all right so the first thing I'm going to do is remove the steaks from these as well and then remove the labels after removing the labels There's a sticky residue so what I'm going to do is use some alcohol to remove that residue I'm done removing the residue so what I want to do now is take one of these Dollar Tree napking and I know it's been a while since you all have seen these but I'm sure that you can find other round napkin rings at different places okay I'm going to take some sandpaper and rough this up a little bit now take one of your napkin rings and put some glue right around the rim and put it right in the center and now I reinforce the inside with hot glue okay so this side is a little tricky so what I'm going to do is go ahead and put some glue around on this side of my ring and now I'm going to flip this over and put this in the center as well press down now I have an idea of where it goes I'm going to take some hot glue and put it just inside the circle so I'll set that aside to let that set up while they're setting up I have this old sign from Dollar Tree and as you can see it's a Thanksgiving sign but they have signs like this all the time I'm sure that they have one probably beach themed right about now this is is something that's been in my stash for quite a while and I want to go ahead and use it and get it out the way now because of the rais the letters I want to go ahead and sand it off okay so now I'm going to take this outside and spray paint it black once it dries I'll come back and move on to the next step okay back to our two solar lamps that we glued to the napkin ring this is what we have and it's already ready to look with stand itself right okay so here's our plaque I spray painted it black and now I kind of have a change of heart here's what it looks like with the black background I'm going to glue it on there like that but I think I want to do something a little bit different with it so what I'm going to do now is go ahead and glue this down to the base and once that dries I'm going to come back in and redo the surface and I'm going to use some of my Gorilla Glue now I glue this right in the center now I'll allow the glue to set up okay guys we're back to our double lights again this is how we will hang it now honestly you could do it this way too that would be a cute option okay I have some of this mirror adhesive paper and I want to go ahead and put some all the way around it so I'm going to go ahead and measure and cut now I'm just going to lay it up against here and put it on and do the other three sides off camera and then come back okay I'm done adding the mirror all the way around I'll remove the blue film after I'm done doing my next step okay initially I wanted to leave this black but now I want to texturize it and paint it white I change my mind sometimes so I'm going to use some of my Dollar Tree caul put some in here I have a popsicle stick and I'm just going to dip it right into the and just put it on here and then after it dries I'm going to paint it white again we going to allow this to dry and then I'll come back in and then go over it with some white paint and then remove the blue covers over the mirror okay guys I'm back my C has completely dried so now I'm going to use some of this Dollar Tree acrylic paint to paint it so I'll let this dry and then do two more coats once that's dry I'll go ahead and pull off this blue protective go ahead and put everything back together so now I'm just going to go ahead and pull off this blue fam how pretty that looks so now I hang it on the wall and let you guys see what it looks like [Music] okay guys so moving on to the next DIY I'm not going to show you the solar lights just yet because there are different solar lights that you can use with this particular DIY so I'm just going to show you how I build this okay you'll need this 12 in chunky slack from Dollar Tree I'll leave the skew the list of items used and links where I can in the description next up we have this particular slack this one is this is called Craftwood sure how long it is but maybe it's about 18 in but these are the longer ones and I'll leave the skew to this as well so you'll need two of these this is from Dollar Tree as well and as you can see I paid $5 for it and then we are going to need some tower blocks some wood glue and then I also have some wood screws that I'll bring over later I have this hook that I'll be using but the first thing I want to do is go ahead and remove these stickers all right so let's get started again we're going to use some tower blocks so the first thing I want to do is is take two towel blocks these are about the width of this stick okay take some wood glue I'm going to line these two pieces up then take one of my blocks and glue it right in the center maybe about here and I'm just going to set a block on each end just to help hold it in place while the glue sets up okay so now with this stick I want to screw this right in the center just like so okay so what I'm going to do is allow this to set up for a few minutes then I'll come back and move on to the next okay guys I'm back and here are my two longer pieces of wood so what I want to do now is I'm going to put this right in the center of this plaque but I'm going to angle it backwards like this now if I had a saw I would cut this to make it flat but I don't I'm going to angle this back and then I'm going to put this piece here between the two pieces of wood like this okay but I want it to be angle High I'm going to have to adjust the camera so you can see it so what I'm going to do is take one of my blocks and put under here to make it lean backwards and get an idea of how I want this okay this is how I want this piece to be we're going to come back to the base but for now we are going to work on this piece I have this angled like this I'm going to go ahead and add some wood glue to these pieces and then on this side as well okay again I'm going to put this here like so going to put this kettle bell right here for weight to hold this down while it glues once it glues I'm going to reinforce it with a screw so I'm going to go ahead and let that dry for a while and then we'll come back okay guys so back to our piece I'm going to go ahead and move our Bell out the way it's holding together pretty good but I want to reinforce it with a wood screw and I have these construction wood screws but they are a little bit too long just slightly too long I'm going to add this bead to it to make it a better fit and it's going to add a decorative element as well I have my drill and I'm just going to drill it all okay I'm going to add a little bit of wood glue there I'm going to take my screw and put it through my wood bead do the same thing on this side one of my beads are up a little bit higher than the other one and that's because of the length of the screw I couldn't make it meet in the center okay now I'm going to put my piece right on top of here I need to figure out exactly where I want it to go about there so I'm going to put this here going to take another block put some more glue on it put that right in the middle and now I'm going to take another wood block and put it right here where these two pieces meet going to measure so now I'll allow this to set up for a while and then we'll come back and move on to the next step okay guys so I'm back and this piece has completely set up kind of looks like a nose right all right so let's go ahead and glue our top piece on again I'm going to put this at an angle so I'm going to add some glue right here on the sides all right so I'm going to put this here to help hold this in place now I'm going to put some glue on both of these blocks now you have to find something really tall and lean it up against it while it sets up once it's stabilized like this you can add one block to each side right here this is to give it even more strength now we slide this one under the space it's going to go in at an angle it's not going to really go in flush if you push it all the way in flat then it's going to pull this forward I don't want it to come any more forward than what it is now and now just clean up the excess glue okay so now I will allow this to set up and then it we'll come back okay guys I'm back and it has been about 30 minutes so I'm going to go ahead and remove this this is pretty sturdy now so what I want to do now is go ahead and stabilize the base even more while I'm stabilizing it I'm going to make it more decorative so I'm going to add some more of my blocks [Music] and put this block right into that slot and now I'll go ahead and reinforce the back with some tape maybe one here in the back okay so I'm just going to allow this to dry and then return okay guys I'm back so now I'll go ahead and remove the tape everything should be pretty sturdy right now and this is what we have on our base makes it look a little bit more interesting this is what it looks like in the back and it's on there tight look at that it's not going to move it's perfect so I have a couple of V left yeah I'm just going to glue one on each side just to make it match the top okay so now I will allow this to dry and then I'm going to put it on display and let you see what it looks [Music] and for my final DIY I found these other crackled glass solar lights make our chandelier I'll be using one of these Dollar Tree hanging baskets and I also have this leafy Vine that I found at Michaels you can also find these at Dollar Tree I have these zip ties but you can also use some Choice ties I cut the vines in sections and then attached them to my basket with the zip ties okay so I'm going to continue to go all the way around and then come back okay guys I'm back and this is what I have now I ran out of Vine so I'm going to go back to Michael's and get some more if I see the Dollar Tree then I'll get some of Dollar Tree but yeah you're going to need at least two if you want to make really full like on this side so what I want to do next is I have another one of these solar lights I've already pulled a little tab initially I was going to use one of these for the top it's not that easy to glue it down so I'm going to use this one because this base is wider it's going to be easier to glue that down so I'm going to take some hot glue and just add some glue wherever I see a connection to reinforce it I think I'm going to take some rope and put it around there as well so let me get the rope and then come back here's the rope that I have so I'm just going to hot glue it around here and that's going to reinforce the light okay so as you can see that makes it sturdy okay and then I'm going to wrap some around the bottom of this and now I'm going to put some right here and get it started and then I'm just going to take the rope and wrap it around okay guys I'm back so in the midst of me creating my masterpiece the battery died so I went ahead and just added three of my bulbs on here to show you what it's going to look like now before I do the rest let me address this thing now okay there we go that's what I want to address these pop right off so easily and again these are glass and it has a nice weight to it a really good weight quality weight to it so what I want to do with these is go ahead and attach these and then like this one I've already added some hot glue and that's going to secure it now if you ever need to replace this part then you can easily just pop this glue off easily okay but it's on there well enough to hold this and the reason I put the Rope around it is to help hold this so it don't move so much had I not it would just slide around you know so you can put the Rope as tight as you want it or as loose first thing to do is just to put it on there and then slide this thing until you find a hold there it is this and then put it back in place okay actually the hole is not that deep maybe you can make the hole deeper and then squeezes tighter that would help now just use the hot glue to seal around that opening and then do the other side as well and then just go on to the next one and do the same thing these holes aren't drilled properly so I'm going to go ahead and set up my drill and then come back now let's try it oh yeah that's much better it still moves maybe we can make it a little tighter by squeezing it in yeah let's do that y'all let's drill that hold if we can and make it tighter okay there we go [Music] okay guys so let me show you again the easiest way to do it honestly is just to leave everything together and then just take your drill and don't go too deep if you can help it just go in like that and then just go to the other [Music] side again take your little hook squeeze it in and then put it on there and then it's like that it's really secure now though maybe you won't even need to add the glue because of how high my porch ceiling is I'm going to secure it even more with the glue and it's going to be quite heavy now another thing I was thinking sometimes these solar lights act up hopefully these don't if they do you could always put string lights on the inside you want to go ahead and put your light right in the center right there on each one and once you do this is what you have a't it cute look at that it's a gorgeous chandelier for outside or even for your porch like if you have a screen in porch it's really pretty I know you can't see the whole thing but I'm going to hang it up and then let you guys see what it looks like [Music]
Channel: Beverly's Stunning Creations
Views: 19,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beverlysstunningcreations, dollartreediy, dollarstorediy, glamdecor, glamdiy, dollartreeglamdiy, diywallsconce, diydollartreewallsconce, roomdecor, diybathroomdecor, crystalwallsconce, elegantdecor, kitchendecor, bathroomdecor, blingqueen, bling, blingwrap, diamondwrap, diychandelier, eventdecor, dollartreewalllamp, diylamp, diylighting, budgetdiy, dollartreecraft, beverlystunningcreations, beverlysdesigntime, creativelivinglifestyles, manualidades, diysolarlights, solarlightsglam, dollartreesolarlights
Id: uoDr05wakpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 53sec (1853 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2024
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