5 Mysterious Unsolved​ Missing Person Cases: SIBLINGS Who All Vanished Together...

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it's every parent's worst nightmare where a child goes missing and when searching for days yields nothing the hope finding that child life begins to slip further and further away losing one child is bad enough but losing more than one multiplies the pain for the parents who never stop looking and never give a poem in 2018 alone the global figure 4 reported missing children stood at four hundred and sixty-five thousand six hundred and seventy six here we'll look at five siblings that vanished into thin air the Bradley sisters on July the 6th 2001 Tracy Bradley had to go to work at 6:30 a.m. being a single parent that meant leaving her two girls ten-year-old Yonder and three-year-old Dimond alone the girl's sisters victoria and rita were staying with their grandmother and it was Victoria's birthday the next day so the whole family were excited about the upcoming party at 12:30 p.m. Tracy arrived back at the apartment in Bronzeville Chicago with di'monds father George but the girls were not there although Tiana had left her mother unknown explaining that she had taken diamond for a walk to a nearby store and the school oddly Tracy and George planned to pick the girl's up and take them on a camping trip this seems strange when you consider that the next day was Victoria's birthday and that they had never been camping before Tracy and her family searched the local area for over five hours before they contacted the police because Tracy was afraid that she would get into trouble for leaving the girls home alone she asked George to help with the search but he instead decided to leave Tracy told police that she thought that the note had not been written by T andhe she said that the grammar used in the note was too advanced for her and she had never left a note for a mother before once informed the police immediately began a search and they also visited over a hundred known sex offenders who live nearby more than a hundred detectives were assigned to the investigation police expanded the search area and more policemen joined the hunt it became one of the biggest manhunts in Chicago's history because of the delay in the girls being reported missing the police was soon searching in the dark and the girls seemed to have vanished into thin air due to the inconsistencies of his statements Tracey was questioned many times over the next five weeks over the years police have interviewed more than 11,000 people gathering huge amounts of information but each lead has hit a dead end the girls great aunt Sheila has been a proponent in the search and has never given up home regularly releasing age progression photos to show how to yonder and Dimond may look now as they would be in their 20s it's now 18 years since the girls went missing and no suspects have ever been named by authorities and it's still a mystery as to what happened to teondra and diamond Bradley the Beaumont children it's been called the day that Australia lost its innocence the 26th of January 1966 the day that Jane aged nine Anna aged seven and grant Beaumont aged as four went missing the children lived with their parents Nancy and Jim in the Somerton Park suburbs of Adelaide as it was the height of the summer the three siblings took a short bus ride to the nearby Glen Alka beach in South Australia the journey only took five minutes and the children had been to the beach without their parents many times before Jane was mature for age and it was socially acceptable at the time for children to have more freedom than they offer today it was only a short walk to Glenelg but it was over a hundred degrees and far too hot for the children to go either by buying or by foot so they left on the 8:45 a.m. bus and were expected back on the midday bus when they didn't arrive back at noon their mother Nancy thought that they had missed the bus and would arrive on the next one which was due at 2:00 p.m. but that bus also came and went with no sign of the children Jim arrived home early just before 3:00 p.m. and immediately drove to the beach to search at 5:30 p.m. they went a Glen Alka police station and reported all three of the children missing because it was Australia Day the beach was packed with holidaymakers and several witnesses saw the children in the company of a Milan the children seemed very friendly with the man so it was thought that they had probably met the man or a previous visits to the beach and that was why they were so trusting of him the man never came forward to eliminate himself from the police investigation how the children have never been seen since there have been many theories put forward as to what could have happened to the children over the years some of the most infamous and evil criminals from across Australia have been suspected of involvement in the case including the notorious Peter fowl murderer Derrick Percy when questioned he had admitted that he had been to the beach with his family on the day that the children went missing but he denied any involvement in their disappearance many new leads and theories have emerged over the years from cold kidnappings to murder and Jim and Nancy Beaumont have always helped to investigate each claim thoroughly in the hope that their children will return the investigation is regarded as one of the largest in Australian history as recently as February 2018 the excavations were made at a factory site near Adelaide in the hope of finding some trace of the three children and fortunately nothing was found that could provide any further clues 53 years of past mr. and mrs. Beaumont are now in their 90's and resigned to the fact that they will probably never find out what happened to their children to this day the case is still ongoing and there's still a 1 million dollar reward for any information regarding the three Beaumont children's disappearance the skelton brothers Andrew was 9 Alexander was 7 and Tana was 5 on Thanksgiving in 2010 they lived in Morenci a small town near southwest Detroit Michigan their mother Tanya and father John did not live together because they were divorced at the time the brothers did however have regular planned visits with their father tania planned to pick up the boys at 3 p.m. but decided to ring up in the morning to see if the boys wanted to come home early but john told her that they weren't at home because they had gone to jackson to visit his friend Joanne Taylor Tania said that was fine and she would pick up the boys at the usual time of 3 p.m. however after walking past John's house she noticed that his van was still on the driveway she rang him and asked why the van was still there if they were in Jackson but John said his friend Joanne and picked him up and that she would bring them back to Tania's at 3:00 p.m. he then changed his mind and admitted that he had tried to hang himself and was in the hospital when the boys did not return 3 p.m. Tania immediately rung the police an Amber Alert was issued for all three boys and the search began john skelton was arrested at the hospital and his house was searched the rooms were in disarray furniture had been smashed and mattresses had been slashed but there was no sign of the boys Skelton said that he had met Joanne Taylor on the internet but it turned out that she didn't exist he then said that he handed the boys over to a group called the United foster a green and underground sanctuary to save them from their mother the underground group turned out to not exist either Skelton went to trial charged with three counts of parental kidnapping and unlawful imprisonment he was found guilty and sentenced between 10 and 15 years in jail john skelton story changes with every retelling although he is consistent he maintains that he had not harmed the boys and they were alive and well and living with a family that he knows police believe that Skelton murdered the children because of the custody battle with Tanya but are unable to charge him without any proof the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children have released age progression photos of the three boys who have now been missing for over eight years Michigan police are also offering a 60 thousand dollar reward for any information on the whereabouts of Andrew Alexander and Tanner Skelton the lion sisters on the 20th of March 1975 12 year-old Sheila and 10 year old Catherine Lyon watched the Wheaton Plaza Mall in the hometown of Wheaton in Washington DC it was Easter time and they were excited to see the Easter Bunny decorations as well as having some lunch while they were there they set off sometime between 11 a.m. and noon at at 2 p.m. they were seen by their older brother Jay eating pizza at the Orange Bowl in the mall between 2:30 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. they were seen by a friend walking in a half a mile journey back to their home but they never arrived at 7:00 p.m. their parents called the police to report them missing the police were certain that the girls hadn't run away many witnesses came forward and were interviewed and the local area and nearby woods were searched extensively but there was no sign of Sheila or Kathryn one of the young witnesses who knew the Lyons sisters described a creepy man who was in his late teens or early 20s who had stared at the girls for so long that she went over to asked if he wanted a picture police made a sketch that showed the man with long hair acne and scars on his left cheek another witness came forward and described him much older man who had been using a tape recorder whilst talking to Sheila and Kathryn he was said to be in his 50s smartly dressed with gray hair a sketch of this man was made public by the police and course came flooding in as this man was seen at other mouths around the area a local man named Lloyd Welch also came forward and told a security guard at the mall that he had been there on the day that the Lyons sisters disappeared and he had seen tape recorder man get into a car with the girls while she was given a lie-detector test which he failed but police just thought that he was trying to get the nine thousand dollar reward that was being offered for any help in solving the case almost 40 years later in 2014 after taking a fresh look at the case and going back over paperwork police came across the file containing the statement from an 18 year old Welch on a hunch detectives went to re-interview him who was serving a 33 year sentence for sex crimes against a ten-year-old girl at the time ouch then admitted that he had kidnapped the Lyon systems almost 40 years earlier later a man named Henry Parker came forward and said that his cousin Lloyd Welch had arrived at his home on Taylor Mountain Road Virginia in the spring of 1975 he had brought two large army-style duffel bags with him that were badly stained and smelled very bad Parker said he helped Welch place the bags on a fire in the backyard and burned the bags for several days a trial while Chui voided the death penalty by pleading guilty to both murders he was sentenced to 48 years in prison and the remains of Sheila and Kathryn Lyon have never been found the O'Brien brothers at the time of their disappearance in November 1986 Adam was 14 Trevor was 11 and Mitchell was four the brothers were visiting their father Gary O'Brien who lived in Torbay Newfoundland and Labrador Canada their parents were divorced and their mother Diana had custody of the brothers at 8:30 p.m. Diana received a call from Gary he stated that he would not be returning the boys and that he had booby-trapped his house so that it would explode if anyone tried to get in Diana asked to speak to the boys but Gary refused a letter and her nap the police were immediately informed Gary had indeed rigged up his house with a crude bomb made from two four hundred pound propane tanks if that's needed the bomb was destroyed not only Gary's house but also several houses in the area Gary O'Brien has a history of mental health problems as well as suicidal and violent tendencies although he is described as a resourceful man a year after they went missing Gary's car engine was found in the ocean near flat rock which is approximately six miles from his house there were no bodies or any other clues at the site diana believes that gary dumped the engine of the clips in order to throw police off the scent Carrie is wanted by Interpol who lists him as an internationally soared suspect charged with abduction they've also warned that he could set traps that will cause bodily harm diana believes that her children are still alive and are being kept somewhere without access to technology several age progression photographs of the boys have been released over the last 20 years and the case remains open so that's five siblings that vanished at the same time hopefully some information will come forward soon to help the parents of these missing children find some sort of end to their torment as always thanks for watching and we'll see you in the next video
Channel: Top5s
Views: 195,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mysterious, unsolved
Id: SMLuY4bB4V4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2019
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