5 Most Disturbing Human Experiments

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unethical controversial and illegal experiments have been conducted upon humans for centuries in man's unending quest for new knowledge we often lose sight of our own humanity here are my choices for five for the most disturbing and cruel human experiments in history number five project 4.1 on March the first 1954 a nuclear test under the name of Castle Bravo was carried out at Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands according to the US government the test did not go as planned producing an unexpectedly high yield of 15 megatons when they were only planning for the bomb to produce a yield of around 5 megatons this made it one of the most powerful nuclear devices ever detonated by the United States and the massive view of combined with shifting winds caused immense radioactive contamination exposing 239 people living in the surrounding islands project four point one was the name of the subsequent medical study of the Islanders who had been exposed to the fallout and was conducted six days later the study was held in secret and highly classified and none of the island is exposed were asked for their consent to take part in the study the purpose of project 4.1 was not only to evaluate the injuries of the exposed Islanders and provide medical care but also to study the effect of radiation injuries on human beings which would provide highly fallible and otherwise unobtainable data on what happens to the human body after it has been exposed to high levels of radiation this convenient silver lining to the tragedy has led to accusations that the Bravo nuclear test and the subsequent exposure of Islanders to radiation was actually intentional as the US government which was gripped by the Cold War of the time was desperate to develop medical capabilities for treating people exposed to radiation in the event of a nuclear war with the Soviet Union this accusation was not without evidence it took three days for people to be evacuated from the contaminated islands allowing plentiful time for exposure and perhaps most damning of all decades later in 1994 a reference to project 4.1 was found in a document dated at 1953 which was a whole year before the detonation of Castle Bravo took place so how could a reference to the medical study of the so called accidental exposure show up before the exposure had even taken place critics point to this as being evidence that the exposure of Islanders to radiation was actually intentional however the US government has too either claims stating that the reference to project 4.1 in the 1953 document had actually been added at a later date there are also doubts about how a nuclear bomb could produce a yield three times greater than planned could such a huge mistake really be made or was the massive yield planned in advance signs of radiation sickness such as hair loss and skin damage quickly became visible amongst those exposed to the fallout and in the years following project 4.1 incidents of miscarriages and stillbirths doubled and it's estimated that over half of cancer cases amongst the exposed Islanders were caused by their exposure to radiation as a result of the nuclear test number four the Tuskegee syphilis experiment run between 1932 and 1972 the Tuskegee syphilis experiment was a clinical study that was originally planned to observe and record the effects of syphilis with the hope that any information obtained might lead to medical breakthroughs when the study began in 1932 not much was known about how to treat patients suffering with syphilis and a cure was still unknown the US Public Health Service began the study by enrolling 399 poor and uneducated african-american men suffering from the disease enticing them with promises of free medical care meals and burial insurance many of the men had never seen a doctor before so such promises seemed generous and many people left at the opportunity although the study might sound benevolent further digging begins to show his more sinister side none of the infected men were ever told that they had syphilis and instead were simply told that they were being treated for bad blood many of the patients were given useless placebo treatments so that the disease would continue to progress enabling researchers to observe the uninterrupted long term progress of this fatal disease consent for painful spinal tests was obtained by tricking the men into believing that they were receiving much-needed free treatment letters were sent out to patients warning them that they were about to miss the last chance for special free treatment the patient's trusted that these tests were helping to treat their bad blood and did not realize that they were simply part of the experiment african-american men were specifically chosen for the study as it was thought that the effects of syphilis changed depending on race and one of the main goals of the experiment was to see whether this was true however there are also an that the men were chosen because they were poor uneducated and black and were therefore simply viewed as being expendable by the 1940s penicillin had been proved as an effective cure for the disease however this miracle treatment was actively denied to the Tuskegee test subjects researchers knowingly withheld the treatment so that the experiment could continue the study continued for forty years until leaked to the press in 1972 led to it being shut down amid huge public controversy of the original 399 men twenty-eight died as a result of untreated syphilis and a hundred more died from related complications forty women married two test subjects had contracted the disease and 19 children had been born with congenital syphilis number three the Stanford Prison Experiment the Stanford Prison Experiment was set up to assess how ordinary people would conform to the role of prison guard and prison inmate the experiment was designed to simulate prison life as closely as possible and was held in a basement at Stanford University in 1971 24 male college students were recruited for the experiment 12 guards and 12 prisoners with Professor Zimbardo playing the role of Superintendent the roles of God and prisoner were randomly assigned and notice given the role of prisoner was subjected to a mock arrest where they were taken from their homes and charged with armed robbery the local police department carried out the arrests and the students had their fingerprints and mug shots taken just as any ordinary criminal would the student and prisoners were then transported to the mock prison in the basement of the University where they were stripped searched and assigned prisoner numbers the guards were instructed not to physically harm the prisoners but other than that they were allowed to do whatever they deemed necessary to maintain order in the prison within hours of the experiment starting guards began to behave in an increasingly authoritarian and sadistic manner and many of the prisoners passively accepted the abusive treatment that they were receiving pointless and boring tasks were issued as a way to dehumanize the prisoners and push-ups were used as punishments the guards even banned the use of toilets instead making prisoners use a bucket in the cell as conditions deteriorated mattresses were removed forcing prisoners to sleep on the concrete floor and in some cases prisoners were even forced to strip naked I spent and intimidation became normal behavior and two of the prisoners quickly dropped out of the experiment showing signs of emotional trauma prisoners rapidly accepted their roles and realizing that they had little control over what happened to them began to stop responding and appear to just give up professor Zimbardo also seemed to have been affected by the experiment as he permitted the abusive behavior to continue instead of intervening in his role as the superintendent and he only shut down the experiment after the intervention of his girlfriend who pointed out how bad the conditions and the treatment of prisoners had become it was later noted that out of 50 people who had observed the experiment she was the only one who had even questioned its morality the experiment lasted for six days out of a plan two weeks and many of the guards were visibly upset that it ended early as they seem to have been actively enjoying exerting power over their fellow students what's so disturbing about this experiment is not just how quickly power can affect a person's behavior but also how quickly and easily humans can submit to the slightest perceived Authority whether that Authority is real or imagined the students playing the role of prisoner knew that they could walk out at any time yet they still defer to the perceived authority of the guards who were nothing more than fellow classmates number two MKULTRA created in the 1950s MKULTRA was the code name given to a series of human experiments conducted by the CIA and has since been described as an illegal mind-control program in response to Cold War fears that the Russians and Chinese were already developing expertise in mind-control technology the CIA began experimenting on American citizens in an attempt to develop drugs and techniques that would give them the ability to control human behavior the experiments often involved administering drugs such as LSD to an unsuspecting subject as well as techniques such as hypnosis isolation sleep deprivation and torture in an effort to manipulate the subjects state of mind and the salt of their behavior while this may sound like something from a conspiracy movie the facts are real and documented in 1977 a Freedom of Information Act request revealed 20,000 documents relating to the MKULTRA program and Senate hearings on the program were held later that year one of these documents gave some idea of the huge scale of the project giving details on the use of drugs to promote illogical thinking and impulsiveness in order to discredit a public figure also mentioned were drugs which cause the victim to age faster or slower substances which can cause brain damage and permanent or temporary loss of memory and drugs which can cause ambition and working efficiency to be loaded in the target LSD was a particular favorite as the CIA understood that the drug could distort a person's sense of reality making them far more easily exploited and subject to mind-control LSD would often be administered to mental patients prison inmates drug addicts prostitutes and other vulnerable people however it was also used covertly on CIA employees and other government workers dr. Frank Olson was an army scientist who died under suspicious circumstances after having been experimented on he fell from a thirteenth storey window in an apparent suicide after LSD was said to have brought out already-existing suicidal tendencies however his autopsy revealed head injuries that had likely not occurred from the fall and suggested that he had been knocked unconscious prior to falling from the window and his death was later termed a homicide by the medical examiner this has since led to accusations that he was murdered by the CIA after he had expressed the desire to leave the MKULTRA program as most of the MKULTRA records were destroyed by order of the CIA director in 1973 establishing a complete understanding of the activities carried out by the over 150 different sub projects that made up MKULTRA is near impossible however the little that we do know is enough to cause great concern about what goes on behind closed doors and government research facilities number 1 unit 731 unit 731 was the codename for a biological and chemical warfare research unit of the Japanese Army during World War two it carried out a huge number of cruel and lethal human experiments upon men women and children from areas occupied by Japan the majority of its victims were taken from China Korea and Mongolia although Russian and allied prisoners were also subjected to these horrific experiments it's estimated that at least 3,000 men women and children died as a direct sort of the experiments carried out at unit 731 research facilities with as many as 250,000 potential victims from all filled based experiments the range of experiments carried out was diverse and sickening thousands of people were subjected to vivisection which was usually carried out without anesthesia and after previously infecting the test subject with the disease the body would be cut open while the victim was still alive and organs would be removed and studied to assess the impacts of the disease being analyzed prisoners would also have limbs amputated so that the researchers could learn more about blood loss and bizarre procedures were sometimes carried out in which body parts would be reattached on opposite sides of the body to study the effects of sexually transmitted diseases male and female prisoners would often be infected with diseases such as syphilis and forced to pass it on to uninfected prisoners of the opposite sex anyone who refused this order would be shot female prisoners would often be forced to become pregnant so that the process of disease is being transferred from mother to fetus could be studied while others would be deprived of food and water to see how long a person could survive burning people to death freezing them and testing various poisonous gases were all part of the disturbing experiments carried out prototype weapons would also be tested on anyone unlucky enough to fall into the clutches of unit 731 and grenades flamethrowers and drone bombs were all tested and enhanced by human experimentation in one extremely deadly test plague fleas cholera and anthrax were encased in bombs and dropped on Chinese populations killing several hundred thousand people in the resulting epidemics and there is even evidence that such germ bombs were being prepared for use on the eve s east coast after the war ended many of the researchers involved in unit 731 human experiments escaped justice for the war crimes and were given immunity by the United States in exchange for sharing all they had learnt from their years of cruel experiments so there are my choices for five of the most disturbing human experiments let me know what you would have included in the list in the comments below and I'll see you again on the next video
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Keywords: human experiments, medical experiments, experiments, human experimentation, Project 4.1, The Stanford Prison Experiment, MK-ULTRA, Unit 731, cia, conspiracy, government experiments, cia experiments, mind control, manchurian candidate, nuclear tests, unknown5, top 5, top5s, conspiracy theories, psychological experiments, disease experiments, mystery, list, top 10, top 20
Id: 91LRuEHHD5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 15 2016
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