5 Most Common Ukulele Mistakes And How To Fix Them
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Channel: Uke Like The Pros
Views: 1,395,283
Rating: 4.9237309 out of 5
Keywords: 5 most common ukulele mistakes and how to fix them, ukelikethepros, uke like the pros, terry carter ukulele, terry carter, learn ukulele, bernadette teaches music, ukulele, ukulele tutorial, one music school, ukulele teacher, how to play ukulele, katie denure, ukulele lesson, how to strum a ukulele, plazi ukulele, uke, common beginner mistakes, common mistakes, ukulele for teachers, ukulele class, music classroom, daily practice, lazy fingers, ukelele, 4k
Id: RdgiN6J2Sew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 17sec (377 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 07 2019
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