5 Most Common Ukulele Mistakes And How To Fix Them

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in this ukulele Torah we're going to go over the five most common mistakes that oak Alea players make hi I'm Terry and here at you click the pros I'm dedicated to helping you become a better oak Alea player if you haven't done so already subscribe to the channel so you can stay up to date with all the lessons in the tutorials after teaching for years and just hundreds probably thousands of students I see the same mistakes over and over again and I wanted to go over those so I broke them down into five simple steps first one stiff wrist and when I say that what I'm referring to is the wrist of the strumming hand and what happens there's a lot of time to see students doing this what it should be this and what that is is we gotta really loosen up the wrist here if it's stiff meaning kind of locked you end up strumming more from the elbow and it creates a harsh sound and I'm literally not over exaggerating that that's what I hear a lot of students sound like so instead what you got to do is you got to loosen up and a lot of it comes from almost like a rotating motion here of the wrist and by the way I'm just playing a a chord for this and so when you loosen up and lighten up a little bit that nice sound it's smooth its soft and especially when you started going faster you're gonna be able to do it alright number two lazy fingers and when I say lazy fingers I'm talking about the fingers that go to where we play our chords and when I refer to this lady's finger it says when you get this and notice what's happening here is instead of playing on the fingertips like you should we're playing on the finger pads and so what happens is you don't get very clear chords because your fingers are drooping over and hitting other strings so now in order to play on our fingertips the easiest thing to do is just think about is rounding these knuckles so every knuckle is bent and that's gonna force you to play right on the fingertip and now when you play this each finger doesn't droop down and hit the other strings right and so we get lazy like I mentioned know if we can't even play good sounding chords because these fingers are hitting different strings but now when we curve our fingers play on our fingertips we got nice clean chords the third most common problem with hookah lay players make is their sitting position this is really bad because people sit in all kinds of different chairs they practice sitting on their couch and so I want to help you out with that basically what I like to do is I like to use the strap and the reason why I like to use a strategy because one it carries the weight of the okole so now you don't have to use your hand to hold up to a clay now I know straps aren't always common with local a player sometimes I like to use their their arm to hold it up and that's okay but you still want to pay attention to the technique because even the greats that use it on they still have it locally in a nice playing position generally what's gonna happen is you're gonna have the neck at a 45 degree angle this is gonna help with your wrist because it's gonna put it at a nice straight angle right so if we notice when I'm playing my wrist is straight here when I have a bad position like how about this one sitting on the couch watching TV right we're all guilty of that or what happens if I just dropped an egg down like that right it's gonna flip my wrists now notice my wrist now isn't a real bad angle here and that's gonna cause some injury itself again I like to use a strap try to get it in a nice 45 degree angle take the pressure off your hand so now no matter if you're strumming or you're playing single notes everything's in a nice position the fourth mistake is you don't learn the essentials now what are the essentials the essentials are things like understanding how to count time signature is 4 4 3 4 6 8 can you at least play in those how about even understanding what a quarter note is an eighth note a half note a whole note a sixteenth note or what rest are right these are things that a lot of us overlook because we're so into just learning a few chords and learning some songs but by skipping this we're really missing out on becoming a much better musician so you want to get things now like study your key signatures study some music theory study your scales and even why they are scales and study your chord why what makes up a C major chord study this stuff it will help you become a much better player once you understand the instrument and thus during that time you're also going to be learning the neck of the oopall a so learn all your essentials the fifth most common mistake most vocal a players make is daily practice we get real excited when we first get our instrument we play it all the time and then what happens we get busy maybe we put it down a day maybe that's two days or three days the way you're going to improve on okhla is by that daily practice by picking it up every single day now I'm not gonna say if you just play five minutes a day you're gonna become a great Google a player but I'll tell you this I'd rather you play five minutes a day rather than one day a week for thirty minutes because music and instrument is you're gonna see a very slow growth as you improve and so it only comes by that daily practice that daily discipline of picking it up and playing strumming your chords or playing your scales you know we're playing your favorite song that's where you're really gonna see a lot of progress so don't even let one day go by plus these things are so small that there easy to travel with so even if you're going somewhere you can just throw this in your gig bag and take your Google ad with you so those are the five most common mistakes that most uh Kalia players make let's review them stiff wrist lazy fingers bad posture not knowing the essentials and not daily practice if you enjoyed this video please subscribe to the channel so you can stay up to date with all the lessons and tutorials and we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Uke Like The Pros
Views: 1,395,283
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Keywords: 5 most common ukulele mistakes and how to fix them, ukelikethepros, uke like the pros, terry carter ukulele, terry carter, learn ukulele, bernadette teaches music, ukulele, ukulele tutorial, one music school, ukulele teacher, how to play ukulele, katie denure, ukulele lesson, how to strum a ukulele, plazi ukulele, uke, common beginner mistakes, common mistakes, ukulele for teachers, ukulele class, music classroom, daily practice, lazy fingers, ukelele, 4k
Id: RdgiN6J2Sew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 17sec (377 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 07 2019
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