5 Minutes with the Pope / Douglas Wilson

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if you had five minutes to talk with a pope what would you say or ask and would you do it in latin i would say how did i get here um quit you can't quit quit the actually a question like that um sort of posits sort of a hypothetical set of circumstances and you don't know how it happened like if someone's saying uh if you had a five-minute audience with the pope the kind that the vatican specializes in arranging all day long right or you know and and you just come in and um you'd say i would regard that as a species of sightseeing you know so i'm i'm looking i'm meeting the pope okay so i met the pope but he from his perspective i'm just another in an endless stream of visitors to the vatican so there you don't do anything um but if you said no you've got five minutes with the pope and it's not a it's not a photo op um thing it's not like getting the flag off the top of the capitol building flew up there for two minutes um it's uh it's a actual conversation where i would say something to him and he would care what i said yeah right if if so that now you're postulating a a thing that will never happen okay so but but let's let's let's say it does happen um i would i would want to say uh something something like um urging him to reform the church okay you know just say what things would like if you had the top three things that need to first be reformed there what would you say uh justification by faith alone basically repudiating trans repudiation of the gospel so so um the council of trent uh repudiated the gospel in certain key ways and i would ask that he would repudiate walk that back repudiate it and not walk it back in a jesuitical way you know uh roman catholics are outstanding at redefining things right um so i'm i would be asking for no trent was wrong um and affirmed justification by faith alone um i would um the second thing is the the mariola tree and all the image worship and all of that sort of thing the the intercessor all of that kind of thing would uh uh would have to go and then the third thing would be the probably the the solo scriptura you know so i would i would say if he doesn't care who i am then i'm not going to act like he ought to but if i have an actual uh five minutes where of course if you had that you would have more than that right doesn't make sense sure that then i would ask i would call upon him as the head of the church as the head of the roman communion to bring in a new reformation okay all right um let me try one more push that a little bit further let's say you um had another five minutes of the exact same sort we got to ask real questions and put forward real challenges with the next archbishop of canterbury the uh actually the next archbishop of canterbury is from the evangelical wing of the the church but i would uh the problems that i see in the church of england at least in the english portion of the church of england are are the problems of liberalism um and you know feminism egalitarianism uh sexual confusion that's that's farm that rod is far more progressed in the church of england than in the church of rome church of rome's got its own it got its problems but um it's quite striking that jay gressom mentioned in his classic book christianity and liberalism uh begins the book by saying a number of complementary things about roman catholicism you know he says you know of course as a protestant i think they're all messed up on a number of things but at least they're not liberals so so from machines perspective which i would share um the church of england shot through with liberalism is in a far worse way than conservative roman catholicism right so the con a conservative roman catholic is um an idolat he's an idolater he's got a false definition of the gospel where faith and works are are mixed he's got a screwed up view of the of the church's authority but they hold the apostles creed and they believe that jesus came out of the grave three days you know and 100 years from now they'll probably still hold to all those same things all those same things there's um so i i but the anglicans are not likely to be in a hundred years i don't think so not unless there's i think that liberalism as mentioned points out liberalism is another religion liberalism is paganism right um i think roman catholicism is corrupt christianity um and at some point the corruption gets to the point where as um westminster confession says there are synagogues of satan you know it it gets it can get to the point where the the marks of the church are completely and utterly lost but the rom the reformation received roman catholic baptism right and we would still receive baptism in the church of england but i could see the day coming when that was not possible um the church of england i think will be at a unitarian universalist destination point sooner than rome will be so you say the next archbishop of canterbury is incoming is from the wing of the evangelical wing anglican communion um what uh advice would you have to give him then is is he stepping into a world uh to a communion that has head in that direction yeah how has he been outmaneuvered already how does he need to respond to that yeah for example he's opposed to homosexual marriage but he is in favor of women bishops for example so coming from the evangelical wing of the church doesn't mean that you aren't compromised and soft on on such thing so i think he's been out maneuvered all already the the logic behind women's ordination is not biblical logic nt right notwithstanding it's it's uh it's logic that is inexorably feminist egalitarian and there's a full court press on i i think he's been outmaneuvered already okay so i i don't see i don't see anything good happening barring the holy spirit falling and massive repentance of the kind you know if i had the five minutes of the pope and i say please institute a new reformation um if the archbishop of canada canterbury did that he'd be in a world of trouble this time next week you
Channel: Canon Press
Views: 32,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Doug Wilson, Douglas Wilson, pope, Roman Catholic, Anglican, Popes, Roman Catholicism, Ask Doug, Pope Leo, Canon Press, Are Roman Catholics saved, Salvation, Holy Catholic Church, Mass, Midnight mass, GK Chesterton, douglas wilson, canon press, moscow idaho
Id: eoLeu-Td0C0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 20sec (440 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 10 2013
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