5 Keto Fruits You Can Eat All The Time

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what's up guys ben Azadi here functional health practitioner now you want to go keto but what's holding you back is you think you're gonna have to give up all your precious fruit I'm here to tell you you could have your keto cake and you can eat it too there are five specific fruits that you can have on the keto diet all the time and you could still be in ketosis you can still get the wonderful benefits of fat burning and down regulation of inflammation I'm gonna share those five fruits with you I'm also gonna give you the top fruits to stay away from these are the ones that get you Attica ptosis that cause harm to your liver that causes you to store too much body fat things that you don't want I'm gonna give you that list at the end as well so here's a little guideline of what I'm gonna present to you today on this wonderful topic of keto approved fruits I'm gonna give you my number one go-to fruit this is keto approved it's loaded with antioxidants it tastes delicious nature's candy and it isn't knock you out of ketosis I'm gonna talk about the worst fruits on keto these are the ones you want to avoid or limit as much as possible the best time to have your carbs when you are doing keto and then a simple hack for balancing your blood sugar this hack is a game-changer especially for anybody who is diabetic or type 2 diabetic or anybody who has that in their family history and is worried about getting type 2 diabetes this is gonna be a game-changing hack for you it's actually two hacks that you can do that help manage blood sugar so let's get right into it some things to consider I'm calling these keto considerations always buy organic when you're buying these fruit Organic is better you don't want pesticides late in fruit that opens up your tight junctions and cause leaky gut and increases your chance of cancer you don't want that get organic as much as possible get fruit I'm talking about the actual whole fruit here I'm not talking about the juice of the fruit okay because when you're drinking fruit juice like grapefruit juice or pomegranate juice or orange juice it's pretty much just sugar water it's stripping away all the fiber and it's jacking up your blood sugar and is knocking you out of ketosis so I'm actually talking about the whole fruit here and then buy local as much as possible go to your local farmers market get local support local that's what it's about let's get into number one this is that number one it's actually my favorite on the list and it's my go-to fruit when I'm in Quito and when I'm not in Quito cuz I flex that's gonna be berries okay and I'm putting all the berries in one category and that's gonna be blueberries that's my number one by the way raspberries blackberries and cranberries I love berries they have a low glycemic load and they're low in sugar they're low in fructose they're high in antioxidants and polyphenols and here's a little hack for you when you're eating blueberries buy them organic as I mentioned get them wild and then put them in the freezer or buy them frozen eat them frozen you actually get more benefits they ant the cyanine in it which is a antioxidant that turns it blue and purple ish that's loaded with polyphenols anti-inflammatory polyphenols and the ice crystals that form on that blueberry when you eat the blueberry frozen it bypasses a certain part of your digestive system and you absorb more of those antioxidants so eat frozen blueberries I always tell my students half a cup of day it's a great dessert nature's candy I love it raspberries are also great because they decrease appetite and they increase satiety right they help you they satisfy your sugar to your sweet tooth there's somebody who gets sugar cravings raspberries are a great go-to choice I also like dark chocolate I know it's not a fruit and if you're somebody who's struggling with sugar cravings I got a cool little hack for you the same part of your brain that lights up when you're craving sugar is the same party or brain that lights up for somebody who wants cocaine I know it's crazy that's why sugar is so addicting because the same part of your brain lights up there's a supplement called l-glutamine al glutamine has been known and proven to suppress that part of your brain that gets stimulated with sugar cravings so it calms down that part of your brain and your cravings go away throw that into the mix if you're somebody who struggles with cravings also have some raspberries to satiate yourself Berets are also great because it has adiponectin and it has leptin these are actually I should say it boosts adiponectin and it boosts leptin which are two fat burning hormones we have in the human body so yes strawberries could help with fat burning berries are my favorite get them eat them let them be your dessert they're okay they're great actually on the keto diet number two on my list pomegranate I love pomegranate I'm not talking about the juice here I'm talking about the actual little seeds 12 grams of sugar and half a cup of those seeds that's okay it's about moderate it's not high but it's loaded in phytonutrients that increase the size of beta cells in the pancreas that make insulin what the heck does that mean look if you're somebody who struggles with blood sugar imbalances if you are pre-diabetic which by the way 66 0 % of Americans are either diabetic or pre-diabetic so you might be diabetic or I should say you might be pre-diabetic and you don't know it yet when you're pre-diabetic you want to make sure you're taking care of your pancreas which produces insulin the beta cells are what produce insulin now when you eat pomegranate it's higher these phytonutrients and it helps the in increase the size of these beta cells which it helps stimulate healthy insulin levels so this is very important for somebody who has type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetic something else is that it helps the brain the heart and it reduces your cancer risk because it's loaded with antioxidants freeze them here's a little hack for you freeze the seeds of the pomegranate and have them for like a little treat maybe a dessert treat I don't have another bonus tip that's on here it actually helps boost testosterone it helps with blood flow on circulation so if you're a guy and you want to get a little increase in blood flow and the testosterone hey pomegranate that's where it's at next on my list avocados yeah technically avocado is a fruit although it's loaded with healthy fat high source of healthy fat in avocados this helps slow down the breakdown of carbohydrates what does that mean that means you don't get that spike of blue coast meaning it's not going to kick you out ketosis you're gonna get stable glucose because of the healthy fat found in the avocado it has two times more potassium than bananas did you know that potassium is very important especially when you're going keto because when you go keto as you burn your sugar reserves your body releases a lot of electrolytes with it potassium is the number one most important electrolyte and we require forty seven hundred forty seven hundred milligrams of potassium per day that's the requirement most people are not getting that so you know what happens when we when we don't get that and we're releasing all of our sugar reserves and we're dumping out electrolytes when we've gone Quito we feel like crap we get the Quito flu we get brain fog and we don't feel great that's why people struggle on the keto diet so it's important to get your potassium and you could get it from avocados one cup of avocados has 800 milligrams of potassium green leafy vegetables have are loaded with them so add that to the mix and you'll hit your requirement it's also high in vitamin C vitamin K vitamin E it has high amounts of b5 this is an important vitamin for your adrenal glands if you're somebody who struggles with energy levels or recovery from exercise the adrenals help with that and the b5 found in the white and the avocado helps you produce healthy cortisol levels and it helps your adrenals out it's also loaded with phytosterols which is a type of fat which that fights inflammation okay so if you have a lot of inflammation avocados bring down inflammation inflammation is the number one cause of all disease every disease it's linked to inflammation avocados brings down inflammation do you see the connection here how important it is here's a little hack for you when you're eating your avocados I like a Hass avocado eat about one per day on the keto diet is totally fine peel the skin off with your fingers with your hands because a lot of the nutrients found in the avocado is right behind that peel so if you're scooping it out with the spoon it's hard to get all of that so just peel it off with your with your fingers and then eat the avocado you're gonna get a lot of those nutrients next on the list is grapefruit I love grapefruit and I'm gonna show you why it's been shown to regulate cholesterol balance out your cholesterol levels it contains a specialized antioxidant called NER in Jenin right this helps improve insulin sensitivity it also helps the liver burn fat instead of storing fat yes so grapefruit does help you burn fat it helps to liver out a study showed grapefruit also lowered blood sugar just as well as metformin metformin is a prescription drug medicine given to type 2 diabetics to lower blood sugar this study showed grapefruit did just as well as that metformin prescription drug I'm gonna put the study in the notes below and you can read it yourself grapefruit is powerful if you are type 2 diabetic or know somebody who is type 2 diabetic it's important for them to have some of these grapefruit have some of the pomegranate it's gonna be a game-changer for their health on boom boom coconut baby yeah coconut is a fruit it's a fatty fruit 60% of coconut is MCT what the heck is MCT that stands for medium chain triglycerides this is very important because MCT is quickly used for energy because the bypasses your liver and it quickly goes into their bloodstream and then it's absorbed into your cells and it produces mitochondria ATP which is energy so that's just a fancy way of saying MCT oil helps you produce energy quickly and it helps you produce ketones quickly so if you want to actually double your ketones you can do that with MCT oil right because we have ourselves we're made up of trillions of cells and we have in ourselves something called ATP right ATP is where we produce energy this is life right here without ATP would not exist so when you take MCT oil from coconuts it goes into yourselves very rapidly and it helps produce this ATP which gives you energy right think of mitochondria as the power plant that produces energy energy which is called ATP so MCT and it sounds like I'm rhyming here all this helps for production and helps you feel good and it helps you produce ketones trying to say it also helps you achieve ketosis faster and just mentioned that it contains coconut oil contains something in it called lauric acid now lauric acid is a very powerful anti viral antimicrobial it helps fight bacteria so if you have a virus if you have a cold or a bug if you have h pylori if you have something going on coconut oil is a very powerful antidote to that the last thing on here is that it helps increase HDL which is the good cholesterol high density lipoprotein and it also helps increase large particle LDL so I know you've heard about LDL or I imagine you heard about it and you think it's the bad guy it's not so fast Aurelio split up into two parts you have the large and fluffy LDL cholesterol which is the good type of cholesterol then half of it you have the other half you have the small and sticky particle that's the bad stuff now coconut oil raises the good large LDL okay so when you see studies that show coconut oil is bad for you and it's going to make your heart explode because it raises LDL that's not necessarily a bad thing because half of LDL could be the good large and fluffy you got to look at which particle is there looking at here so that's number five on the list here are my least favorite keto fruits or even if you're not keto these are my least favorite fruits because they have a lot of sugar they have a lot of fructose bananas grapes pineapples apples dried fruits because that messes with digestion by the way mangos and pears these are the ones I would avoid or I was limit as much as possible that'll knock you out of ketosis that'll stimulate blood sugar levels keep in mind that all fruit has fructose these have more fructose fructose is only metabolized by the liver your liver your three-pound liver which is the soccer-mom of all organs it does everything in anything at all times most people have a sluggish liver they have a fatty liver even if it's a non-alcoholic fatty liver it's so common because they're eating so much fructose from even fruit from fruit juices the worst and from sodas only your liver could metabolize that as opposed something called glucose every cell in your body could produce or I should say process glucose but only your liver process fructose these are gonna strain your liver especially if you're drinking this in the form of like a smoothie or a juice you're gonna tax your liver and guess what your liver helps the conversion of thyroid hormone we've all heard a thyroid hormone right thyroid hormone is a master metabolism hormone fat burning hormone it's very important for energy levels every cell has a receptor site for the thyroid hormone now there is a t4 which is the inactive form of thyroid it needs to be converted to t3 so your cells could use it because it has these receptor sites that use that signal now you know what makes that conversion what helps with that conversion insulin and your liver your liver makes that conversion so somebody who has us fatty liver they're gonna wreck their thyroid and it's not gonna be good hypothyroidism is rampant amongst the u.s. population so the liver is super important these are not good for the liver especially in smoothie and juice form so I would I would stay away from that and when I would eat the other ones that I recommend it here's a bonus tip for you this is very important this is important for everybody whether you are diabetic or not if you're somebody who wants to balance your blood sugar this is very important because keep in mind that every time you spike your blood sugar you're aging yourself think of that Apple you bite into and it turns brown you're doing that every time you spike blood sugar so what if we could maintain or I should say manage the effect of that spike we would live a longer life number one is perform 50 squats before you have your carbohydrates whether it's fruit or other sources of carbs when you perform 50 squats you can even sit down on a chair and just stand up 50 times and then you have those carbs you activate something called the glute 4 transporter and what that does essentially is it takes the insulin and the carbs and the glucose from that food you're gonna eat and it shuttles it for energy into your muscle cells as opposed to shuttle and shuttling it into your liver and your body fat so it's a cool little hack we like the glue for transporter it's your friend the next thing is that most have most your carbs later in a day because at this point your glycogen stores which is your sugar reserves they're gonna become depleted and depleted and depleted so when you have your carbs later in the day you're just gonna replenish that instead of storing it as body fat if your glycogen stores were already topped off then you're having your carbs on top of that it's gonna be stored as body fat last tip here I read a study this morning that showed a 22 percent decrease in blood sugar going for a 10-minute walk after eating a large meal it was shown in type 2 diabetics and I imagine it could have a similar effect for anybody whether you were type 2 diabetic or not so after you have a high carb meal or any carbs for that matter go for a 10 to 20 minute walk it's gonna help regulate your blood sugar you're gonna have more long-term sustainable energy look if you want to learn more about the ketogenic diet I wrote The Beginner's Guide to the ketogenic diets called keto kicks third guy if you go to Quito kickstart guide.com you're gonna learn my four pillar approach to achieving the maximal result in the ketogenic diet number one is to become adapted fat adapted number two begin some intermittent fasting I teach all about that number three go into a period of time where you're forcing yourselves to choose fat for fuel it's called the phase pillar and then number four you have the flexibility to go in turn attic ketosis which is what I personally do and it's what I personally teach you see I don't believe we could we should stay in ketosis too long I think we should be we should use fat as our primary fuel source most of the time but I also think it's healthy to get adequate OSIS the same way our ancestor out of ketosis so if you want to get that guide you can get it for free go to keto kickstart guy comm and you could get it for free thank you so much for watching this video subscribe to my channel have a healthy day
Channel: Keto Kamp
Views: 557,710
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Keywords: fruits on keto, keto diet fruit, best low carb fruit, keto friendly fruits, fruits safe for keto, can you have fruits on keto, low carb fruits, fruits safe for keto diet, what to eat on keto, best fruits, low carb fruit, keto diet fruit list, list of fruits to eat on keto diet, keto diet fruits to eat, keto diet food list fruit, thomas delauer, keto fruit smoothie recipes, what kind of fruit can you eat on a keto diet, which fruit we can eat in keto diet
Id: oanoyw75rYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 28 2018
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