5. Jesus is Faithful, Hebrews 3:1-6

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[Music] if you would let's open up our Bibles to Hebrews chapter three as you're finding Hebrews chapter three I do just want to tell you how grateful I am for your prayers for me I just got back last night from ministering at a conference in Mexico Mexico City and it was a tremendous blessing God is really moving there and we had the chance to pour into pastors and leaders and people from some 40 or 50 different churches and God's just really doing an amazing work there so thank you for your prayers I really believe that God answered them our text this morning is going to be Hebrews chapter 3 verses 1 through 6 I'd like to do as we've done not on every Sunday here in Hebrews but on many of them let's do as we've done before I'll read the text let's stand together and give reverence to God's Word and pay attention to the text as a whole and then we can take it apart piece by piece Hebrews chapter 3 beginning now at verse 1 therefore holy brethren partakers of the heavenly calling consider the Apostle in high priest of our confession Christ Jesus who was faithful to him who appointed him as Moses also was faithful in all his house for this one has been counted worthy of more glory than Moses in as much as he who built the house has more honored than the house for every house is built by someone but he who built all things is God and Moses indeed was faithful in all his house as a servant for a testimony of those things which would be spoken afterward but Christ as a son over his own house whose house we are if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm to the end father we pray for a blessing now upon your word that you'd help us to connect with this inspired riding by your Holy Spirit do it now by your presence among us we pray in Jesus name Amen you may be seated you know I think it's helpful for us from time to time to just acknowledge the whole general context and flow of this letter to the Hebrews basically Hebrews was written to Christians from a Jewish background who lived in the first century in the early days of the Apostolic Church and these Christians from a Jewish background were being tempted to either give up on their Christian live or to retreat back to what you might call a mushy middle now for them the mushy middle was sort of a safe practice of Judaism that would focus more on Moses and ceremonial things rather than an out-and-out following of Jesus Christ now I don't know about you but I really sense if this connects with us in the present age because today as Christianity becomes more and more the object of mockery and scorn in our culture there are people who just don't want to endure that and let's face it it's sort of a difficult thing to be endured I don't know if you've ever been mocked or made the object of scorn because you're a follower of Jesus Christ but I'll tell you it's really not that Pleasant and in the face of that kind of unpleasant tree there's sort of a tendency for us to just kind of want to say look I'll avoid it and I won't come out and out and say I'm a follower of Jesus Christ Jesus Christ as my Lord I live my life for him instead we might sort of retreat into our own mushy middle which isn't really so much you know Judaism without the Messiah but for us it might be saying something like this well I'm not a Christian really but I'm spiritual isn't it a much safer thing to say in our culture today then to say I'm a follower of Jesus Christ you see the difference we see the writer of Hebrews won't do that won't allow us to do that I should say he holds up who Jesus is and how Jesus works in our life so powerfully so compellingly before us that he's just saying no you're not gonna retreat back to some mushy middle fly the flag high for Jesus Christ in light of all of who he is in light of all that he's done for you you've got to live an out-and-out life for Jesus Christ now previously in he chapter to the right of the Hebrews described for us so powerfully so beautifully this great union that we have with Jesus Christ in other words Jesus just sort of stands in the middle of us as a great big group and he says here are my brothers and sisters I am one with them they are one with me and we all come before God the Father and that great phrase from last week if you remember it where he said he is not ashamed to call us brethren that amazing he's not ashamed even though sometimes I would be ashamed of my own walk before him he says no father this one belongs to me and we are part of one great group now the first word of chapter 3 is therefore because it draws us back in light of this great union this great company that we have with Jesus Christ check this out verse 1 therefore holy brethren partakers of the heavenly calling consider the Apostle and high priest of our confession Christ Jesus I see in this first verse of chapter 3 two very important things the first very important thing is he talks to us about who we are as followers of Jesus Christ and this is what he explains he says you if your father of Jesus Christ if you're attached to him if you're joined with him first of all he calls you did you see it there in verse one holy brethren I don't know if you've ever called yourself that in Jesus Christ that's what you are you are holy and you are part of the Brethren you are a brother you are a sister in this great company before God the Father and here we are standing together with our elder brother Jesus Christ saying Lord here we are we belong to you you are holy you are a brother or a sister but notice the next phrase he uses there in verse 1 where he says partakers of the heavenly calling you have a share in an eternal heavenly calling and this is so important for us isn't it I mean I think about it I think about the transitory nature of human life I think about it how life seems to last like a vapor I think about our dear sister right Laurie who passed way and she passed away just yesterday and there she is now in it but you know she's a partaker of that heavenly calling and you and I attached her so are we we're still connected we're not separated by that we still have this connection and we're connected even with brothers and sisters who may have been with us now but we are amazed now a set apart just for some period of time I think I think of all we hear this morning Keisha's going off to Haiti the Fitzgeralds are going off their red blood that the sea birds are going off to their own place in the Caribbean they're going off to their own thing here we go each are going our own ways the in evidence we are all still connected now by this heavenly calling we are partakers together of a heavenly calling no no about you but I think that if you really consider that that lifts your hopes and your aspirations up when I consider that Jesus looks to me and he says you're a holy brother or sister when Jesus looks to me and he says you're a partaker of a heavenly calling suddenly I don't feel like giving up so much anymore suddenly I feel like yes Lord you want me to continue on and I want to continue and that's the first aspect of verse 1 now here's the second aspect of verse 1 where the ride of the Hebrews speaks of what we are to do in light of the previous paragraphs okay this is who you are now this is what you're supposed to do look at it there in verse 1 consider the Apostle and high priest of our confession Christ Jesus now first of all he gives you some one there the Apostle and high priest of our confession the Apostle who is that of course that's Jesus now don't be thrown by the word apostle I know if you ever considered this but here in Hebrews chapter 3 verse 1 Jesus is called an apostle I can see how this might be immensely confusing for somebody say wait a minute didn't cheese have 12 apostles wasn't Paul an apostle I thought they were the apostles and Jesus was Jesus how can Jesus be an apostle please understand something this ancient Greek word that we translate apostle by the way can I make you expert in Greek just now in one easy lesson here you go the ancient Greek word that we translate apostle is apostolic matter fact we don't even really translate the word we just sort of transliterated into English if you wanted to translate the word it would read much more something like ambassador or somebody who's been given a special message now of course that was true in a very special way for those twelve men and the Apostle Paul and a few others in the first century that Jesus himself chose that was true for what we normally think of as the Apostles but was not our Savior Jesus Christ a special ambassador sent from heaven to be a special messenger and in that sense he was a greater apostle than any merely human apostle that's walked this earth so he is our great apostle but not only an apostle but what also the high priest of our confession in other words Jesus stands there is a great priest representing God to man and representing man to God and that amazing priestly function with areas Jesus our apostle and high priest but do you see the command something that we're told to do what is he tell us to do consider do you know what it means to consider to consider in the sense that it means in Hebrews chapter three verse one simply means to intently look at to look at with purpose and meaning to analyze to sort of take it and to turn it over in your head to think of this deeply God wants you to consider Jesus now I don't mean consider I'm just well consider Jesus yes or no no it means to put your attention upon him and to meditate upon him friends this is a very powerful and often neglected it's so simple that we often neglect it but we need to just look to Jesus and consider who he is and what he's done for us now hopefully that's part of what we do here on a Sunday morning we gather together and in the songs that we sing these sort of prayers that we offer up to God in song and the songs that we sing together should we not be considering Jesus in our life with him that's what we're doing in the message that I bring to you do we not just open up our eyes to the Word of God and for a period of time to seek to consider Jesus now this is so important that you have a time regularly and if I could say I don't mean this to something the more times a week you can do it the better to just say I am gonna shut out every distraction of the world and I want to consider Jesus I just imagine I don't know this to be a fact but let me just you know get hypothetical here though it's probably not very hypothetical it's probably a fact I bet there's been a lot of phones vibrating just in the few minutes I've been talking you've been getting emails you beginning social media updates you into things to connect you to an outside world there's all this business going on outside the world and I'm not saying that that's unimportant I'm not saying that it's irrelevant I'm just saying isn't it good for you to take a time out we just sort of shut all that out you put it out on hold you say I want to look to Jesus and consider who he is and what he did for me that's what God wants for you there's something empowering there's something healing there's something transforming as we just say I want to look to Jesus and consider him and that is exactly what the culture and what the devil yes I said the devil because I believe the Bible teaches that there is a malevolent spiritual being who opposes us and God's work in the world the culture and the devil do not want you to consider they don't want you to think about Jesus they don't want you to meditate on who he is and what he's done for you know what the culture and what the devil just tell us is don't consider just feel feel feel feel emote emote emote but don't stop and think and consider what God wants you to do is to just slow it down for a minute and say Jesus who are you what have you done for me and we do that together here on a Sunday morning and I believe God blesses it ively that's one of the things why God blesses it and even as imperfectly as you and I might do it because it is imperfect right I mean just since the time I've started speaking I don't even want to know how many times your thoughts have been interrupted with something else that you have to do I mean y'all look so sweet and intended and I appreciate that so much but I know how the wheels turn in the head it just works like that but as much as we can we just want to focus in on Jesus and consider him the Apostle than the high priest of our confession now as we're considering Jesus we're gonna find out some things about him one thing we'll find out verse 2 tells us is that he's faithful look at it now in verse 2 he says who was faithful to him who appointed as Moses also was faithful in all of his house now this begins a section where he's gonna start drawing a little bit of a comparison between Jesus and Moses and you can see why this was so important for these first century Christians who came from a Jewish background they needed to understand Moses in his proper place and Jesus in his proper place but I want you to notice the first thing he points out about Jesus in verse two was that Jesus was faithful who was faithful and when we consider the past faithfulness of Jesus it makes us understand that he's gonna continue to be faithful to us even unto the end Jesus was perfectly faithful to God the Father and we can take based on that he's gonna be perfectly faithful to you and I I want you to think about how faithful Jesus was in his entire life he was faithful as a child being so obedient to his parents he was faithful as a youth working as a carpenter he was faithful at the beginning of his ministry to submit to baptism he was faithful to stay pure in the face of every temptation he was faithful to face all sorts of opposition he was faithful to teach and to train all of his disciples he was faithful to offer repentance and restoration even to Judas Judas refused it but Jesus offered it to him he was faithful to undertake the agony of the cross he was faithful to take care of his mother even at the end he was faithful to rise from the dead just as he promised to do and he will be faithful to his people even unto the end there's the beautiful thing first just to lift up and say Jesus is so faithful and why I think this is so important for us to remember today is because we live in an age of such utter unfaithfulness isn't that such a hallmark of a current age that people don't stick to commitments or stick to contracts or stick to relationship unless they can see what's immediately good for them at the moment how rare it is in the world today to have people to say I'm gonna be faithful to this even though it's not so pleasant for me in the moment and we need to lift up Jesus in all of his faithfulness we live in an age we live in a generation that I think is crying out for examples of real faithfulness and we can point out Jesus to them and say you know what he's not like the celebrity who bounces around life like a pinball in a pinball machine I just usually illustration realizing that maybe everybody under 20 years old doesn't even understand what a pinball machine is be that as it may it bounces around a lot okay put it that way they need to know that Jesus is faithful even though you know our heroes in the athletic world or in the celebrity world that none of them are stable none of them people marriages crash all around us we're saying no no Jesus you are faithful and isn't it important for us to demonstrate in our own lives that God works that faithfulness in his people I don't even think you know what a powerful testimony it is for you to simply remain faithful to remain faithful to the bonds of marriage to remain faithful in the situation that God has given you to not be something who just cuts rope as soon as it's to your advantage to do but to demonstrate by your life and by your character you are a person who is faithful and Jesus Christ has worked out within you isn't that a beautiful testimony for you to give this world I feel so bad for young people growing up in the world today because people growing up in the world today I think that they get a message from the culture it's very sad if they ever get this message from the church but I suppose sometimes they do but they get this message from the culture that basically says you are a slave to your bodily appetites whatever your body tells you to do do it if it tells you to do something that sexual who cares about what God or anybody else says about it do it because your body's in control what we live in age where where you do with drugs and alcohol you don't think about it you just do it you just feel you just do and we are slaves to our bodies how important it is for there to be a generation of men and women who can stand up in the present age and say you know what God helping me I am NOT a slave to the baptized in my own body do you know what a depressing thing that is to realize that I might be a slave to the appetites of my body but to say no God helping me the Holy Spirit filling me I can be an example of faithfulness in this world I can't be an example of perfection that boat has sailed a long time ago but my present circumstances God helping me I can be faithful and so can you so we're supposed to consider Jesus we're supposed to look at him and how faithful Eze was as Moses was also faithful in all his house now again as I said before this is going to begin a section where Jesus where Jesus is compared to Moses and for you and I would go yeah I know Jesus is greater than Moses but no no no remind yourself of the context of these first century readers of this letter they were being tempted to go back into what I might call a Messiah less Judaism it wasn't that they were being tempted to go away from Judaism you and I would look at this and say if you believe that Jesus is your Messiah you fulfill your Judaism you don't deny it you fulfill it but what they were being tempted was to be going back into a messiah less Judaism that would put much more emphasis upon Moses than it would be put upon the Messiah that God the Father sent from heaven and so he feels it needs to demonstrate that Jesus is greater than Moses and please understand this isn't anti Moses this isn't no Moses as bad and Jesus is good no it's that Moses was a great man but Jesus Jesus is different altogether being the Son of God and you'll see how he makes his point in verse 3 take a look at that with me he says for this one has been counted worthy of more glory than Moses in as much as he who built the house has more honor than the house well isn't that just true I mean Jesus receives more glory than Moses well first of all it's just a fact now again this is not the anti Moses society we understand that Moses was a wonderful man whom God brought much honor and glory to when Moses went up on Mount Sinai and when his face shone with the radiance of God was that not God glorifying Moses in some way did not Moses receive glory there when Moses his own brother and sister Aaron and Miriam rebelled against him and tried to sort of do a power play on Moses God glorified Moses and pointed out and said Moses is my guy and then later on in the Book of Numbers it tells us that when Moses was opposed by some people called the sons of Korah who wanted to take authority over Moses God made it very clear Moses is my guy and you could say that God brought glory to Moses by choosing that Moses was his guy and the sons of Korah were not by the way does anybody remember how God demonstrated that the sons of Korah were not his guys well I'll just tell you real quick he opened up the ground and swallowed them up that's a pretty dramatic way to prove you're not my guys but he glorified Moses by saying you are my guy so we're not trying to say that Moses didn't receive glory we're just trying to say that Jesus receives so much more glory because as great as Moses was he never experienced what Jesus did when Jesus was baptized and God the Father spoke audibly from heaven and said this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased he never said that of Moses and even though Moses was a man who received a lot of glory he was never transfigured it exalted the way that Jesus was on the Mount of Transfiguration even though Moses was with Jesus yet Jesus was lifted up above Moses and Elijah on that occasion but especially so Moses died and he was not immediately resurrected from the dead in the same way that Jesus was it was in this way that God showed that Jesus Christ has more glory than Moses and then he uses this illustration of the house he says that Moses was a member of the household of God but Jesus is the creator of that house worthy of greater glory I mean does it just make sense then it's one thing to live in the house and you know that's great it's another thing to build and to design the house that shows more greatness I mean I'm pretty good at living in a house I can do that but building a house please you don't want that from me but again it shows the greatness of Jesus greater than Moses and this the theme he's gonna continue on starting out verse four through the end of our passage that we're gonna consider this morning verses four five and six where he says this for every house is built by someone but he who built all things as God and Moses indeed was faithful in all his house as a servant for a testimony of those things which would be spoken afterward but Christ as a son over his own house whose house we are if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm to the end I love those three verses that conclude our section I love how it starts did you notice that in verse four and this a little tangental point but to me it's of great interest he says right there in verse four every house is built by someone doesn't that seem like the most obvious thing in the world to you every house is built by someone you drive by a house and whether it's a humble house or whether it's a great house you look you know somebody built that house I mean so obviously don't even talk about it but isn't funny then especially our modern age people deny this most obvious truth about our universe they look around at the universe and they'll act like it's a house that nobody built they here you are you have the Sun and the moon and the stars down to the most intricate cell that reproduces here on earth and all the complexity and all the information and all the design that is necessary and they go wow isn't it amazing that it just happened that that house so to speak built itself well you know isn't it well you get the point don't you it's just a very strange thing that people could think that could deny this most elementary principle every house is built by someone now obviously the right of the Hebrews isn't thinking of a literal house that someone would live in but he's talking about the household of God that we all live in and Moses was part of that house but Jesus built that house and verse 5 he says that Moses indeed was faithful in all the houses a servant verse 6 but Christ as a son over his own house we think of this great household of God and Mose was a great servant in that house thank you God for what you gave to us through your servant Moses he's a wonderful servant but friends there's a great big difference between a servant and a son Jesus is the Son who made the house and who rules over it he's not just another servant or resident of the house now knowing all that knowing the greatness of Jesus and how he superior even to a great man like Moses what does that encourage us to do well if we are part of that house look at it in verse 6 whose house we are if we hold fast we are invited to join the house of Jesus the community of the Messiah if we hold fast I think about it's possible today I might be speaking to somebody right now this morning and you would say and you know you would just be honest and say okay I'm not a Christian I'm not a follower of Jesus Christ I've come here this morning because maybe somebody I care about has brought me here maybe I just wandered in maybe I thought it was going to Costco or something I don't know you're just here and say no it's not me I'm not part of this yet hears you can be part of this you can be part of this great household I mean it's for you too now you you have to make a decision to come did you notice how he said he phrased it so powerfully there he says right here whose house we are if we hold fast you have to come with a dedication say Jesus I want to come into your household and play by your house rules and I will live in your community here now the door is wide open to you on the one hand it's an exclusionary thing because it's a house and some people are in the house and so people are outside of the house but let me put it this way the people who are on outside of the house it's because they chose to be on the outside of the house now if you're on the outside of the house don't complain that you're not on the inside and all the benefits of being on the inside of the house are there for you but you need to come into it it's yours but you don't come into it with a light commitment notice this whose house we are if we hold fast if you notice the very end of the verse he says verse six he says if we hold fast to the end you come to Jesus Christ you come to give your life to him and I'll tell you how it works it's a lifelong commitment that's how you do it now there's a sense in which every day all over again we decide to follow Jesus do you know how that works I mean it really is like that isn't it every day all over again but what it is is it's the season you say with the intention that this will be my life given to you Jesus I'm not just signing on for some fire insurance that you can save my soul from hell no I'm coming to dwell in your house and to live under your house rules now here's the benefit of it notice here verse 6 I'll read it again whose house we are if we hold fast the confidence we're to hold fast the confidence in other words the idea is that we can be genuinely confident in our faith we know that what we believe isn't just wishful thinking but it's founded on genuine fact and reason that Jesus Christ really did live and walk this earth and that he really did die on a cross and that he really did raise from the dead and out of those historical facts flow the implications for everything we are and everything that God calls us to be in the Christian life and you can have confidence in that I think this is very needful in the present age because there are many people in the world today who would love to shake the confidence that you have in following Jesus Christ that they want to make you feel unconfident they want to make you feel that what you believe is just sort of your own personal fantasy or or opinion but it isn't really founded on fact you can't really have confidence in what you believe but he told you to hold fast the confidence listen with all the people that come up today to oppose the message of the Bible and Jesus Christ and the message of the Christian faith I read them I read I listened to the New Atheists I read and listen to the new skeptics the new people they write the books they publish the articles to make the videos they do all this up yes they are gonna do it and you know what I don't know if this speaks well of me but I'll just says you know what my immediate reaction is to those guys how boring I mean it really is they're just bringing up the same arguments that have been brought up and adequately answered for hundreds of years and they think I'm no no now we're gonna put the final nails in the coffin of Christianity you just watch Christianity's gonna pass from the scene do you realize that they've been saying that for 2,000 years and we're not dead yet matter of fact I'm telling you right now that in the present day and age right now there are more people who are followers of Jesus Christ and believe in God and His Word than ever before ever before I mean look it's I don't mean to sound like I'm gloating or anything even though maybe I can't closed a little bit in this I'm not trying to sound like I'm gloating but the message to the new atheist system is we're winning you're losing I mean the tide is against you and I know I know maybe in society you feel like we're gonna defeat this and it's gonna but it's just not working it's not because actually every argument bring up its tired it's old its boring it's been answered long before and just because it's new to you doesn't mean that it's been new but I find that there are Christians who lose their confidence they lose their confidence when they discover that living the Christian life is sometimes difficult and Friends it is they lose their confidence when they realize that actually a big part of the Christian life is death to self can I just say that's not a real big selling point if you're trying to persuade people to be followers of Jesus but it's the truth isn't it a large part of following Jesus Christ is this idea that the Bible speaks about is about dying to self that we don't live for our own desires our own dreams and just expect Jesus to fulfill our best life no no rather we surrender our lives to him and we simply say Jesus we belong to you but there's also people who lose their confidence I think in the modern day and age because when they start getting out in the world where they can experience more sophisticated sin this is what they find out they find out that sin is fun I hope I didn't reveal something to you that you didn't know before you know what sin can be fun sin can be very popular now it is in many cases short term fun that ends up to long term destruction of life it's never good in the long term but as the Bible says sin can be sweet for a season and sometimes when people taste the sweetness of that initial season of sin they go wow this is great and no Thunderbolt came down from the sky and destroyed me when I sinned in this way I'm just gonna go and do it then and they lose their confidence in the truth of God I'll tell you one other place that many people lose their confidence and they lose their confidence and you'll find this often times with young people who go off to college or university there for the first time confronted with really smart people who don't believe the way that they do and I think well it must be true they're really smart look let me I'll just let the cat out of the bag right now there are some really smart people who reject Christianity now I'd like to say that if you look over the pages of history you'll find that also some of the most brilliant men and women who have ever walked this earth have believed in Jesus and trusted in the Bible completely but you go out in the world today and you'll find you'll find very bright people who reject these don't let that shake your confidence just because they're bright in one area doesn't mean that they have spiritual knowledge or spiritual insight but I want you to notice this as well and we'll sort of wrap up with this notice it in verse 6 that it doesn't just say that we hold fast the confidence but we also hold fast the rejoicing of hope to the end Renne is kind of heavy on my heart because not only do I want you to hold fast to confidence I want you to hold fast to the rejoicing of hope to the end in other words there's some people who just seem to lose their joy their happiness in living the Christian life living the Christian life becomes for you sort of a tired routine you know that that may be you this one and again I don't take it personally but for some of you being here right now might be a tired routine for you if that's you I don't condemn you but my heart goes out to you and I say look at who Jesus is and how great he is and when your mind is filled with that with considering Jesus you will look to that and you will say yes I have rejoicing in hope to the end this is good this is great and it's a wonderful thing to be a follower of Jesus Christ but yet sometimes people get shaken from that they get shaken from it because that the prayer they understand or they come to find it's not always answered yes or it's not always answered right away they look around and there's other people who fall away they see that sin really messes things up in people's lives and it does doesn't it they see that this life can be tougher than they ever thought before and those kind of things make people sometimes lose that rejoicing of hope to the end I've just got a word for you now you can have it back the Christian life can be a joyful happy thing for you again but right now just say Lord I want to hold fast now this whole thing of holding fast is so important to us that we've sort of made it our whole theme here through the book of Hebrews because it's a theme that resonates throughout the whole book of Hebrews but this hold fast really can be understood in two ways the one way is that Jesus is reaching down and holding fast on to us and aren't we thankful for that that he has his grip on us and sometimes we need to hear that sometimes we get discouraged sometimes we think that we're being pushed out of the household of God and say no he's holding fast on to you I want you to know it he is holding fast on to you but but it doesn't negate the truth that you and I we need to hold fast on to him and so we do it both don't we yes Jesus thank you for holding on to me but in response I want to hold fast on to you and the Holy Spirit helping me helping you will do it I'm gonna conclude with prayer right now and in just a moment we're gonna have more time of worship more time to consider Jesus together and worship and then Nate's gonna come on up and invite up the prayer team when he invites up the prayer team I want to give a special exhortation right now for those of you who have lost this rejoicing of hope in your Christian life now you're welcome to come up and pray for anything of course but you know there's some here I'm absolutely convinced of it you just need a fresh filling of the Holy Spirit right here right now that's what you need you need a fresh filling of the Holy Spirit to give you that ability to hold fast to that rejoicing of hope to the end father that's my prayer and I pray Lord that you would pour out your spirit upon us now now is in a time of worship as we have our time together now in response to this message we want to consider Jesus in these moments of worship and we pray that this consideration of Jesus that this thinking of him would have a transforming effect Lord giving us confidence in you and helping us to rejoice in hope to the end help us God now to hold fast unto you we pray this Lord in Jesus name Amen you [Music]
Channel: David Guzik
Views: 7,059
Rating: 4.8596492 out of 5
Keywords: hebrews, book of hebrews, hebrews 3, jesus is faithful, david guzik, guzik, enduring word, jesus
Id: bi6XiTyk2C4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 59sec (2219 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2019
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