5 INSANE Secret Catan Strategies for Pros

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today we'll be looking at pro catan tragedies that are used in actual tournaments that are so high level you've probably never even seen them used or will use them yourself the first high level tactic is to use the year plenty to intentionally destroy your cards there are situations where it's extremely beneficial to actually destroy your cards and here is one of them we are playing as blue at eight points and we just bought the last dev card which was a road building with this road booting we will take the longest road the next turn and win the game now keep in mind grey could not extend the road any longer and they're capped at 13 roads while we are at 12 roads total because this is a strong table we are tracking our opponent's cards but our opponents are also tracking our cards so we have the road booting and we're going to win the next turn but we need to survive remember you cannot play dev card the turn you just bought it so gray is at nine points with two ore and two wheat in hand and they have an unplayed dev card which is a knight and we know that because all the dev cards are bought out if we end our turn we are guaranteed to lose as gray will steal our last ore in both a city to win so the solution we play our year of plenty for two ore and use our three for one port to pour three ore for a wood this way gray can not steal from us in order to win with this we just increased our chances of winning the game by a lot as next turn we're set up to win and they cannot steal an award from us anymore the second pro strategy is to play the year plenty before we roll in order to deny our opponents winning rolls most people know you can play a night card before you roll but actually you can play any dev card before you roll typically there's no use of playing any dev cards before you roll except for the night but there are a few exceptions and that is to deny your opponent winning roles another rule that most people don't know if the bank owes an amount of resources the bank cannot pay it will not distribute any of that resource on that turn for example if the bank owes six ordered players and the bank only has five ore then no one will get any ore on that turn so here is a pro strategy we are playing as gray and are at nine points before we roll we need to track blue's hand as there are nine points it can have some winning rolls now after tracking we can tell blue wins with a 9 or 10 in order to build a city then here's the hard part we need to track how many resources are in play or how many are inside the bank we can calculate this by having perfect tracking to see how many ore are left in the bank we need to subtract 19 from the amount of ore in play we are using 19 because there's 19 of each specific resource in the bank so the math is 19 minus six minus five minus two which is equal to six there's six or left inside the bank so if we year plenty for two ore there will only be four ore left inside the bank so now if a 9 or 10 rolls the bank owes six ore but the bank only has four because the bank does not have enough ore no one will get ore with this play we just denied our opponents winning rules and set ourselves up to win instead the third pro strategy is to play the monopoly card before you roll to guarantee yourself the win just like playing the gear plenty before we roll there are situations where you need to play the monopoly before you roll here's the situation the dev card deck is empty we're sitting at a strong table and we're tracking our opponent's cards with precision but they are too we are playing as grey one of our opponents have eight cards and one of them is a brick and that's the only brick inside the game sitting at nine points we need this brick to win also because the dev card deck is empty our opponents know we have a monopoly card if we roll without playing a monopoly in roll a seven our opponent who's a strong player would discard their brick so we can't steal it from them to win nor can we play a monopoly on rick to win in order to prevent the scenario we need to play the monopoly card before we roll in order to guarantee the win and drop a settlement now the fourth pro tip is learning how to get protection from the robbery especially internet robbers surfsharkvpn is a virtual private network that covers a changes your ip address and adds an extra layer of security when browsing the internet and that's especially useful on sketchy public wi-fi connections that's what i use surfsharkvpn the most for it can also help you get around internet censorship in certain regions to access content you typically can't see surfacevpn can also scan your email account for suspicious activity and you can check the strength of your password and also has something called surfshark search this is an internet tool that lets you be totally anonymous with no logs no tracking and no ads surfsharkvpn is extremely valuable in today's online world so i'm really happy to say that surfsharkvpn is 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here's the situation we're playing as grey and we're currently behind at three points we have a year plenty so typically we would year plenty for two ore and build a city but in this position we can leverage our opponent's greed for much better play if you look at the board both blue and green are racing for a critical spot the 410 since we're a good player hopefully we're tracking with precision we know both of our opponents hand and how close they are to building the settlement but our opponents are also strong players and they're tracking each other's hands too with this year aplenty we can determine who wins the race can get a strong profit off of it we can tell blue hey i have a year plenty for wood but i need a good trade now blue might offer two cards but we can squeeze them for more value of three cards two or and a wheat if we're tracking extremely precisely we have strong leverage here because blue is under a lot of pressure as this is a strong expansion spot and both players have committed two roads if blue doesn't trade with us this turn i can always talk with green and traitor doom instead let's say blue verbally accepts our deal with this trade leads blue to a decisive victory on the race as green does not produce any wood themselves so we play here plenty and get wood one for blue but what's the second card we take we take a wood so we do the three for one trade with blue and there are poised to win the race but that trade was a trap we intentionally did a year plenty for two wood now we can turn around to green and trade with them instead but this time you can exert even more pressure as green is tracking and they know blue has a settlement in hand time is ticking luckily for green green goes before blue so here we can offer a once-in-a-lifetime deal for green to win the race but it's going to be expensive it's pretty reasonable for green to offer multiple cards for the wood and it can range from anywhere from two cards into a maximum of five cards it just depends on how desperate green is let's just say in this position we trade away our wood for three cards so instead of simply doing a year plenty for two ore and dropping city we instead year plenty for two wood and leveraged our opponent's greed for much better play and got six desirable cards if you find these strategies interesting consider liking the video and subscribing my channel is all about competitive guitar i'm delighted and i hope you learned something [Music] you
Channel: DyLighted - Catan
Views: 112,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: catan strategy, settlers of catan strategy, board game, settlers of catan tips, catan universe, settlers of catan tournament, catan tips and tricks, board games, catan tournament strategy, dylighted catan, catan tips, catan online, catan strategy tips, catan strategy gameplay, catan strategy reddit, catan strategy advanced, catan strategy placement, advanced catan strategy, settlers of catan, Catan Pro Strategy, Catan pro game, Pro catan strategy, catan pro tips
Id: 88r95nGuROY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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