5 Incredible Dessert Smoothies

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hi lovelies so as you know smoothies are an excellent way to start off your day but just because they're good for you doesn't mean they necessarily have to taste that way that's why I've teamed up with silk once again to bring you five delicious smoothie ideas that are all inspired by my favorite desserts today I'm kicking things off with a yummy strawberry cheesecake smoothie and let me tell you you have to taste it to believe it it all starts with some silk vanilla almond to that I'm adding some vanilla flavored Greek yogurt a whole heaping helping of beautiful strawberries a few tablespoons of cream cheese and a little Shake of crushed graham cracker crumbs all of the best parts of a strawberry cheesecake are in my blender now we're just going to blend it all up and if you've never had the pleasure of drinking cheesecake before I highly recommend you give this recipe a try next up on today's delicious journey I am making a chocolate mint smoothie this one starts with some silk dark chocolate almond to that I'm adding just a splash of peppermint extract you can usually find this at the baking aisle of your Supermarket I'm also adding a little avocado for some healthy fat and a banana for some Fiber and some added sweetness I'm going to blend all of this goodness up and it is ready to be enjoyed that is chocolate mint that is a food combination you can get behind for my next trick I'm going to show you a blueberry pie smoothie now to achieve the tastiness of a pie flavor we're actually going to be using some oats I'm using some quick cooking oats in this recipe and what I'm going to do is just blend them up for a few seconds to turn them into oat flour to that I'm going to add my silk vanilla almond some pitted dates for sweetness I've got a whole lot of blueberries for that tasty blueberry goodness I'm also adding a banana some almond butter and just a touch of cinnamon the cinnamon takes it right over the top we're going to blend all that goodness up and look at that easyest pie blueberry pie smoothie enjoy next up I've got a yummy banana nut smoothie for you this smoothie tastes a whole lot like tasty banana nut bread for this recipe I'm starting once again with some quick cooking oats in my blender but to that I'm also going to add some walnuts once all of that is ground up into a nice fine powder I'm going to add some silk creamy cashew because it adds a lot of creaminess to this smoothie I'm also going to add one banana a little splash of maple syrup some vanilla extract and some cinnamon I'm going to blend all that goodness up and what you end up with is banana nutloaf except in a mason jar you're going to go bananas over this amazing banana bread smoothie nutty really it's nuts [Laughter] we really just sit around my house all day coming up with puns to share with you it's a true story finally today I'm going to show you my black forest smoothie and if you're not familiar with black forest cake you were in for a treat it's a tasty combination of cherries and chocolate and cream and yumminess and this Smoothie has all of those tasty flavors combined in a single delicious drink all right so we're getting started started with some silk dark chocolate almond in my blender to that I am adding a whole lot of cherries and I mean a whole lot you want to make sure your cherries are pitted because that will break your blender we're going to round out all that yumminess with some chocolate protein powder some vanilla flavored Greek yogurt and just a splash of vanilla extract you might wonder why you add vanilla extract to chocolatey things vanilla just really brings out all of the other flavors so beautifully trust me you'll miss it if it's not there what you end up with is black forest cake in a jar or if you're not like me and don't have hundreds of jars in your kitchen you could also end up with black forest cake in a glass and that would be fine too it's delicious either way I really hope you give these Tasty Recipes a try and if you do be sure to tweet me Instagram me or SnapChat me a photo because I love seeing your Creations speaking of photos don't forget to follow me on Instagram at the domestic geek1 because silk and I are sharing brand new smoothie bowl ideas all summer long and they are so so yummy finally if you haven't already be sure to subscribe because there's lots more smoothie deliciousness where this came from [Music]
Channel: The Domestic Geek
Views: 281,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Smoothie Recipe, Vegan Smoothie, Almond Milk Smoothie, Cashew Milk Smoothie, Coconut Milk Smoothie, Recipes, Healthy Recipes, Healthy Smoothies, Healthy Breakfast, Breakfast Recipes, Strawberry Smoothie, Cheesecake Smoothie, Chocolate Smoothie, Chocolate Mint, Almond Milk Recipes, Vegan Recipes, Blueberry Smoothie, Oat Smoothie, Banana Smoothie, Avocado Smoothie, Dessert Smoothie, Fruit Smoothies, Cherry Smoothie, The Domestic Geek Smoothies, 5 Healthy Breakfast Smoothies
Id: ENTxnO0Nk8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 46sec (286 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 18 2016
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