5 Harry Potter Theories Too Good Not To Be True

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so like many of you I have very fond memories of reading the Harry Potter books while growing up to be honest I was totally addicted I would read throughout all my classes after school and even stay up late at night immersed in the Harry Potter universe the series itself I sold almost half a billion copies and with that a ton of fan theories have popped up over the years JK Rowling herself has even confirmed a couple theories BK l mobile games i told at old arena that once inside culture go splat me so I always feel Dumbledore is going to be honest I never saw that one coming although I think 99% of people didn't either are enough me blabber in here are 5 Harry Potter theories too good not to be true number 5 an alternate take on the prophecy one of the major driving forces behind the Harry Potter books was a prophecy told by Sybill Trelawney here is a condensed version of it either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives in the books this is explained as meaning that in the end either Harry or Voldemort would have to kill the other but what if the prophecy actually had a deeper meaning what if it actually means that the only way either of them can achieve death is not the hand of the other this goes back to the part of the prophecy that reads either must die at the hand of the other going off this alternate theory of the prophecy the one who survives has no other means of achieving death this is also exactly what Voldemort will offer himself as immortality would certainly make him unstoppable but as we saw at the end of the series he is killed while Harry survives therefore by killing Baltimore Harry Potter actually sacrificed the one thing that happens to all of us does something else to note is that throughout the series it has made clear to us that the afterlife is a very real thing in this world death is most certainly not the end as we've been shown that a person's soul lives on in another realm we are shown the spirit of Harry's mother and father Sirius Black and even Remus Lupin all people who have died and are waiting for him in the afterlife but after Baltimore is killed Harry Potter for first any chance he has of ever seeing his friends and family again as he is by all intents purposes immortal if this is all true death really isn't that bad of a sacrifice to make but living forever means that he will never get to rest in that your life with the people he loved Harry Potter would forever be the Boy Who Lived number four the length of the Harry Potter books so if we take a look at the length of each Harry Potter book and compare it to the progression of the series as a whole there are some pretty interesting results the first book in the series Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone contains 223 pages while the second book is made up of 251 and 1/3 consists of 317 amazingly the last four books in the series contain anywhere from 600 to 700 pages from this information we can easily say that as the Harry Potter series progressed the books got increasingly longer and in some cases the later books were nearly three times as long as the first couple installments some may say that the reason for this is simply that the books got longer as JK Rowling improved and matured as an author but I believe this can be explained by an enrolled phenomenon as the series progressed the plots and characters became increasingly complex not because Rowling wanted deeper stories but because the characters grow older as the saga moves forward and thus are able to grasp the complexities and details of what is going on around them for example when Snape is first introduced he is seen as a glaringly dreadful teacher who seems to hate Harry for almost no reason but later on Snape is shown to be much more than that he is a deeply haunted complex individual who has lost the person he loved most in the world another great example that supports this theory is Dumbledore when we first meet Dumbledore he is portrayed as a wise old wizard who can do no wrong what later books show him to be a man consumed by dhow and regret another thing to note is that the stories are generally told through Harry's point of view which means that in the Sorcerer's Stone he was completely in all of his surroundings due to both his young age and the culture shock experience entering a new world but by the later books he has adjusted to his life at Hogwarts and is better able to clearly analyze his environment and make connections I would have otherwise gone over his head following this theory it also makes a lot of sense that the order of the Phoenix was the longest book I believe it's accurate to say the Harry in the fifth book reaches the height of puberty as he's about 15 or 16 years old and therefore is more confused scared and lonely than any other time in the series and the length of the book reflects that where there is once the security of Hogwarts there is now corruption of the ministry where there was once a magical talking hat there is now a killing curve if anything I really just think this shows the true genius of JK Rowling as an author she wrote each book for a target audience as they aged alongside with the characters I really can't think of any other officer who's been able to achieve the same effect to such perfection really but then again that's why she's worth a billion dollars number three the tale of the three brothers in the tale of the three brothers death awarded each of the brothers that gifted their choosing the eldest brother asked for a wand more powerful than any in existence death then granted him the Elder Wand the second brother wanted the power to resurrect people from the grave to death gave him the resurrection stone and finally the third youngest brother did not trust death so he asked him for something to enable him to go forth without death being able to follow death then handed over his own invisibility cloak although this story was a fairy tale told to children I believe four of the characters in the Harry Potter universe represent the three brothers and death the first brother who lusted for power is obviously Voldemort the second brother who wanted to bring back people from the dead can be interpreted as being Snape as he lost Lily the woman he loved more than anything in the world and the youngest brother is none other than Harry Potter as he simply wanted to continue on with his life undisturbed and free from any dark magic that leaves only death and death is without a doubt Dumbledore a piece of evidence pointing tortoises is the fact that he had possession of all three deathly hallow items he tracked down the resurrection stone borrowed the cloak of invisibility from James Potter and kept it after he died and bested Grindelwald thereby becoming the master of the Elder Wand another piece of evidence that points towards Dumbledore being death is at the end of the tale of the three brothers after death gave the three brothers their gifts that same night the eldest brother's throat was slit the second brother resurrected the girl who's going to marry before untimely death yet she was sad and cold and did not truly belong there driven mad by failed resurrection the second brother committed suicide death searched for years for the youngest brother but never could find him it was only when a brother reached an old age and he greeted death as an old friend and they departed as equals when Harry Potter is killed by Voldemort he sees Dumbledore at Kings Cross and greets him as an old friend additionally Dumbledore's actions caused the death of all three characters intentionally in Baltimore Canaries case it has always been said that Baltimore to worst fear was death and Dumbledore is referred to as the only one he ever hears number two Harry Potter was resurrected by the hollows so the official explanation for what happened when Baltimore hit Harry with the killing curse in the deathly hallows was not because Baltimore took Harry's blood to recreate his body lowly's protection kept Harry from dying however I've come to believe that this doesn't accurately explain what went down there are some key pieces of evidence which disproved this account and strengthened a different theory when Baltimore attempted to kill Harry as a baby the killing curse actually rebounded and killed him instead making it necessary that he create a new body and as you saw this did not happen a second time the spell worked as it should have additionally when Harry was hit by the killing curse as a baby it left the iconic mark on his forehead which did not occur at this time around the final and most important piece of evidence which disproves the official explanation is that for a Horcrux to be destroyed the container must also be destroyed or killed so going off that last fact we know that the Horcrux was destroyed by Voldemort himself when he cast the killing curse this therefore means that the container aka Harry had to have died in the process if Lily's protection was actually the reason Harry survived yet again it would also mean that the Horcrux would not have been destroyed when Harry is in King's Cross after his death he was given the option to either move on or go back which means that he was without a doubt dead there was simply just some other force at work that provided him with its unique option I believe this level of power was granted to Harry because he became the master of the United Hallows Harry Potter possessed all three Hallows and accepted his own death even though he didn't physically own every Hollow at the same time he employed the use of all three both indirectly and directly when he allowed Lord Voldemort to kill him he was wearing the cloak using the stone and was killed by the wand which he was currently the master of but the true master doesn't only unite the hollows the true master must accept that he will die and when Harry went to his own death willingly while possessing the Hallows he became a master of death because death never actually defeated him Dumbledore even commented on it when he said and that I think will have made all the difference Harry tried to duel he would have simply died and would surely not has been given the chance to come back but he didn't and because Harry sacrificed himself to protect others the people in Hogwarts have the same protection that Harry had when Lily gave her life here's a quote from the book I've done what my mother did haven't you noticed on none of the spells you put on them or binding you can't torture them you can't touch them for that - I've actually worked Harry Potter needed to truly die number one wizards and muggles so this may sound a little far-fetched but it does seem as if certain aspects of the Wizarding World don't exactly add up for one isn't the Ministry of Magic sort of an odd name for a government it doesn't sound like one at all realistically it sounds more like the name of a department also the head of the Ministry of Magic is called a Minister of Magic people were in the United States don't call the president the president of America and in Britain the Prime Minister is simply called a Prime Minister why is this distinction necessary when wizards don't even seem to know what's happened muggle nations house also during Harry Potter and the half-blood Prince it is revealed that the Minister of Magic was required to tell the Prime Minister that he was bringing that dragon into the country this honestly doesn't sound like a rule that Wizards would make for themselves what sounds more likely to me is that muggles came up with this rule as a way to maintain power and control over the Wizards my theory is that sometime in the distant past the Wizards kind of war with the muggles and lost the month of killed the most powerful wizards and created a Ministry of Magic to keep their power in check I think it's very possible that the invention of guns back in the 14th century and the exponential technological advancements in weaponry during that time period resulted in the Mughals finally being able to defeat their with your counterparts it also makes a lot of sense as tensions between the two groups are sky high during that period after thinking about this a little more I started to draw some comparisons between the Wizards and Harry Potter and the Native Americans so hold up I know that sounds a little bit crazy but let me explain I know that they have two totally separate groups who have nothing in common but we can draw up some similarities as I believe both groups were persecuted in the same way up to 95% of the Native American population was killed when the Europeans came to America we know that the wizard population is dwindling in Europe and although we don't know exactly how Wizards there are it's been estimated by JK rowling that there are 3,000 wizards in Britain during the 1990s this means that for every wizard living in Britain there are approximately 20,000 muggles what's a perplexing thing about this is that when their families are generally bigger than their local counterparts not only that but the average life expectancy of a wizard is 137 years with the oldest wizard living to an astounding age of seven hundred fifty five so if wizards live twice as long as muggles and they have bigger families why is the population so low the logical answer is that there was some kind of war between the Wizards and muggles and at the end of it most of the wizard clan was killed off just like the Native Americans also think about the Indian reservations that we have here in the United States to me they seem to be awfully similar to the areas that are designated for wizards in the Harry Potter world most of the reservations are tucked away far from any areas of civilization just like how the place is set aside for wizards are out of reach for most muggles another piece of evidence is the fact that wizards are generally not that powerful nowadays yes Dumbledore is powerful but compared to Wizards in the past he is pretty weak nowadays would there's generally don't experiment with magic and the reason for that is because the ministry strictly regulates it will just have to register all spells they must register as any mage I and they even collect and hide powerful artifacts like thyme Turner's there is also a general culture of complacency that seems to permeate the Wizarding World by and large they seem almost pacified so if you made it through all the way to the end I hope you enjoyed the video and found some of these theories plausible but tell me what you thought if you hated these series if you loved these theories you couldn't give a [ __ ] tell me what you thought and the next video I've coming out is How I Met Your Mother facts and I didn't mean to do that video for a while so it'll be out in the next couple days all right I'll see you guys next time
Channel: The Why
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Keywords: Harry Potter
Id: QjOywKwic8M
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Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 19 2017
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