5 Giant Creatures Caught on Camera

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we like to think of our world as mostly discovered but there are a lot of things we don't know about what's living alongside us events beyond our comprehension may be happening right before our eyes and we can't even tell one thing is for sure this is some creepy footage and just the prospect of these creatures existing in this world is considerably terrified people do not really care much if a commonly found fished has washed up on the beach but they are definitely intrigued if it is a huge animal they haven't really seen before a giant mysterious creature got the better of people when the carcass washed up on a beach in Indonesia and they couldn't figure out what it exactly was to their utter astonishment the 15 meter long creature weighing approximately 35 tons floating in the water also ended up making it red and also a public spectacle marine scientists who flocked the place suspected it could be a giant squid or a sperm well but several reports say otherwise however a leak on chiyan natural history muzeum officer said that the carcass is mostly that of a baleen well but the reports are yet unconfessed parked widespread curiosity over what the mass gliding through the water could be the video shows a dark object surface momentarily in the river as viewed from a cable car in Greenwich people have floated a number of theories there's the mundane but relatively exciting the video could show a well as a number of dead wells have appeared in the Tim's in recent years or it could be to dolphins or seals swimming in tandem then there are more unlikely possibilities such as the Loch Ness monster swimming in the very indirect route from Scotland into the Thames what do you think about that the deepest depths of the ocean are home to all sorts of weird creatures but it has taken experts two years to identify this huge sea monster this mysterious creature was captured on camera 5,000 feet deep in the Gulf of Mexico two years ago but it has only just been identified by marine biologists the camera operator on an oil rig was surveying the structure when the brownie orange colored giant blob floats into view the rare discovery left marine biologist scratching their heads as experts delved into the history books and old files in a bid to find out what it was biologists from Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Center finally confirmed it was a placental jellyfish by studying the few markings it has including its gonads the species can grow to about two feet wide and is usually found in the cooler waters of the Antarctic Danine Jin is a mythical creature that has been rumored to traverse the sea since the 1990s it is reported to be a humanoid creature with arms and legs but much larger than any human on earth one of the only credible video footages of the ninjin comes from a United States vessel who captured the movement of a large underwater creature that fits the description of the name Jin skeptics have claimed that the footage is another type of sea creature but there aren't really any known species that resemble this does this video provide evidence that dinosaurs still exist today it's hard to believe what do you think dinosaur caught on camera real or faked thanks for watching subscribe for more
Views: 11,081,579
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Keywords: Top 10, 10 Most, Creatures Caught On Camera, Creatures Caught On Tape, Mysterious Creatures Caught On Camera, Mysterios crearures, caught on camera, caught, caught on tape, creatures, giant, Unexplained, Mysterious, Deep Sea, Deep Sea Creatures, Sea, Sea Creatures, unexplained mysteries, magnum
Id: unLuzyy9xjA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 8sec (248 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2017
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