5 Game-Changing Travel Hacks (that experienced travelers swear by)

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in today's video I'll be sharing five little known and very practical hacks that you can use to save time and money the next time you fly [Music] this first hack is going to save you from wasting time in airport traffic traffic in the departure Lane when you are trying to get dropped off at the airport can set you back at least an extra 10 minutes it's annoying especially when it can be so easily avoided ask your driver to drop you off on the first floor of the airport which is the arrivals level instead of the departures level this hack works even better if you book a morning flight because there are very few if any passengers arriving at the arrivals level at 5am or 6 a.m and this Lane is going to be completely empty once inside the airport just go up the escalator and you'll find yourself in the departure area when it comes to exiting the airport you can save both time and money by not competing with other passengers who are trying to catch a taxi or book an Uber it can take a long time to book a ride when leaving a busy airport and when you do end up getting a ride you are usually paying extra fees due to air Port surcharges here are two easy hacks that can have you on your way as quickly and as cheaply as possible you can exit the airport and simply walk one block away to escape the crowds of people and also exit the airport surcharge Zone you could also take a free hotel shuttle and then book your Uber from the hotel instead if your final destination is in the same direction as the hotel then this shuttle is also getting you part way there for free let us know in the comments when you leave the airport if you usually find yourself getting a taxi booking an Uber or taking public transit I'll almost always take an Uber but as you know from that last hack I'm not always taking this Uber directly from the airport and then in terms of hacks for while you are actually at the airport I've got some good ones for you don't forget to subscribe for future videos as well as I share different travel tips and hacks every single week one of the biggest airport rip-offs is the currency exchange service if you have leftover foreign currency after a trip head to a Starbucks or a similar Global chain restaurant and then put that currency onto a gift card for you to use when you get back home this hack is going to save you from unfavorable conversion rates as well as having to pay additional fees for money to be converted another rip-off that you can avoid paying for at the airport is going to be premium Wi-Fi service there are times where the free airport Wi-Fi is just not going to cut it like when you need to do a video call or download the latest Netflix series for your flight connecting to the free airport Wi-Fi is also very insecure and is going to put you at risk of having information like your credit card details swiped if you do plan to use the airport Wi-Fi definitely consider connecting to a VPN I'll have a link in the description that's going to give you three months free to the VPN that I use okay can I finish can I finish anyway as I was saying this next hack is going to get you premium airport Wi-Fi for free not using the free airport Wi-Fi pull up the fox Nomad website and you'll find an updated map of passwords for premium airport Wi-Fi and the Wi-Fi log information for airport lounges you'll often find me camped outside an airport lounge using the Wi-Fi passwords from Fox Nomad so I can access the lounge Wi-Fi for free before flight and just like all of you watching I absolutely hate overpaying for anything and pretty much everything that you buy at the airport is going to be overpriced you can avoid buying expensive airport food by packing your own from home and avoid buying water at the airport by bringing an empty bottle with you through security to fill up at a water fountain but then there are times where buying something at the airport seems unavoidable like if you packed your charger in your checked bag and you happen to have a dead phone on your layover or maybe not because because I have a hack for this situation as well my personal favorite hack to avoid buying Chargers connection cords or plugs to any of your devices is to instead head to the airport lost and found Travelers leave these behind all the time and you should be able to borrow what you need for your device from the lost and found counter while you wait for your flight that one has saved me from buying a 25 iPhone cord on multiple occasions especially considering I have so many of them at home it would just be a waste hopefully these tips will help you to also save time or money or both the next time you fly thank you so much for watching and definitely consider subscribing to join me back here for more travel tips and hacks next week bye
Channel: Portable Professional (Travel Tips with Megan)
Views: 32,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel hacks, airplane tips, airplane hacks, airport tips, airport hacks, flying tricks, traveling hacks, flying tips, hacks, flying 2021, how to travel 2021, travel 2021, travel tips and hacks, airplane travel tips, travel tips, portable professional, air travel tips
Id: wazDbxHQwdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 49sec (289 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2023
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