5 Figma plugins that speed up your workflow

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hey what is going on guys uh it's caleb here and in today's video i'm gonna talk about five plug-ins on figma that i think everybody should be using especially if you're a web and ui and ux designer and for me myself right like when i work without this plugin i think my definitely my productivity will be a lot slower and this kind of plug-in really helped me to speed up my workflow about like i would say around like 30 percent so if you're using figma as your design tool and if you're not i strongly recommend that you should i think this plug-in will be really really helpful for you guys um so before i talk about those plugins i do want to give a quick shout out on to elements and they are the sponsor of this video um so i talked about elements on my design channel before and basically elements is a very big uh desired platform marketplace for designer to right so one downlo the product on elements is the wordpress theme memory press templates and request plugin right so basically as a web designer myself and a web developer myself right a lot of times i'll come across client that doesn't have a very high budget so for example if the client has anything below five grand then i probably wouldn't take it as a custom design website right but what i would suggest or recommend is that i can you know find a template and help you customize that templates and make it look and feel to be matching whatever kind of style that you're looking for right i just don't have the design and call it out because it's gonna be a lot quicker for me to do the job and a lot more uh better for your for your budget as well right so when i'm looking for a theme i will go on websites uh i'll go to elements and just trying to find a website that matches their expectations message their you know the type of content that they have on the websites right and usually a theme like that would sell for around like 20 to 50 bucks but for the 16 subscription fee you basically have access to every single theme on the platform and you can download as many as you want right so as a business like you know modifying themes and stuff i think element is definitely offering a great value and you can see that you know their product is just very high quality as well right so you can just you know check out their live preview of the website that you're downloading it's just great theme that you can get a bunch of these for 16 bucks so it's a great value and if you are you know a designer or a developer that are working with wordpress and i believe that this can really benefit your company or business as well especially as a freelancer as well as well so if you're interested definitely go check out elements i think you'll find great value on the website i have a link in the description down below so go check them out um so going back to today's video um so the plugins that i'm gonna recommend you guys called download flow so what auto flow does is autofill basically help you to connect a lot of your screen together and it is especially helpful if you are let's say a ui and ua designer and you have to create a lot of product flow map and stuff right so imagine that every one of these um boxes are one screen right so how do you connect this kind of screen together if you want to tell your client that you know this screen go from here to here right then how can you tell that to your clients and usually what i would do is just draw lines right but that takes a lot of time to draw all of this line and connect all of these screens right but for auto flow basically just one click and you're done and you select this screen and you want to connect it this right select this one hold down shift and then boom that is how you connect it right so let this one hold down this kinetic right and then this one link to this this one link to this and however we will link them right you can just basically go all the way like that right so this is really really helpful when it comes to connecting the screens and i've been using this plug-in for a long time now and it just basically speed up this uh part of my workflow a bunch uh so autoflow definitely grab that in your library uh in your plugin category and the second one that i want to talk about is this plugin called charts so chart is you know as a ux designer ui designer right you will definitely come across a lot of times where you have to visualize some kind of data right you have a bunch of data you want to put them on a graph so before i have this plugin i have to manually create this ui elements right which is you know kind of time consuming considering if you have a bunch of different line charts that you have to create right then you have to match all of these chart and lines and stuff and you just take a bunch of time usually creating one chart like that takes quite a lot of times right but with this plugin basically after you create it you add it then boom you get added to your effect my file right and if you want a different style for your for your items you can just customize it in here you basically create the element that you you're customizable right so it created a base for you and then you can make them pretty later and it's just extremely helpful when creating charts and stuff and not just line chart right it can be you know watch hard it can be uh um on the chart or whatever right so don't try it just type in the segment that you want and then you add it and boom right and then you can customize the color i don't like this i don't like this orange i want it blue whatever i can just do that so chart plugin extremely helpful um definitely grab that if you are a designer that works with beta and then the third plugin is called content real uh so content real is another one that i work with quite often right so quantum real why is this good it's because all of these very common data sets that you don't have to grab it online and put it to your figma file you can just grab it from here right so for example click this one phone name boom that is your name right so you don't have to find a fake name online and put it on your file especially helpful when you're working on table right so for example table you have a bunch of names that you have to fill out and filling out like this will take you forever but with this plugin right basically just one click all of these information fill and they don't just work with um names right they have dates they have address they have phone number they have currency they have a bunch of other data sets as well if you go to test right they have like quite a bit more emails and stuff like this right so super extremely helpful with copying duplicating data and also working with the profile pictures as well right so you don't have to go go on google find a fake face and copy in here you can just find it in here and then boom it fill all of these images line for you right it's a lot quicker than copying individually and you can see that a lot of people are putting their favorite you know avatar uh images on the websites right so you can see what people are using you know they have like logos as well so that can get you pretty crazy stuff and if you don't like any of these you can just create your own with this plugin in here right so that definitely speed up my workflow quite a lot and the last good thing about this plugin too is they have the icon section which you know i have used icon pack for a couple of my project it's pretty big i think they have over a thousand icons in this pack in here so you can just drop it grab it whatever you want to do with this right so extremely extremely helpful plug-in that i'll recommend any of this you know ui designers designation it's great um and then the fourth plugin that i want to talk about is this one called scale and you may wonder you know figma i can just scale in elements right which is true like for the star right you can just scale it up and down like that but when your element has more attribute to it right for example you have your body radius you have your stroke right then the scale is the the default thickness scale is not going to work very well right so for example in here you have your element like that and you want to scale down and you can see that the stroke is not scaling together with the elements right so this is not working uh but with the scale plug-in you can just say that i want to scale this down to you know 100 pixel and then this will scale down down to 100 pixels and you can see that the stroke itself scale at the same portion of proportion as the element itself right so that is very very handy and another use case as well right if you have a canvas right and i want to scale this entire canvas and you can see that the figma plugin does not scale it right the figma default setting does not scale canvas but with the scale plug-in as well you can just scale it let's say to just put it uh 1440 right very standard website size right then that whole thing is gonna scale up and you can see everything is within this it's gonna scale in proportion right so that is definitely very handy tools that i cannot recommend to you guys enough this is really it saved my life so many times and the last one that i want to introduce to you guys it's called uh test your image or image test tour test from image so this plugin is very great um which is you know you can see a bunch of different content within this uh image in here right but if i don't have this plugin what i would have to do is you know either manually type it out any of these all of these contents right this is actually from one of my projects that i'm currently working on i'm updating the ui in this device um but like to copy any of these right if i don't have that plugin i have to manually tap it out right so that takes a lot of times and i just spell check everything but with this plug-in basically how does that work is i can run that plug-in uh let me let me track it up in here because i know the web version is not going to work very well i can run this plugin right test from image copy it and you can see that it's copying the stuff and just wait for a little bit and then once it's done right once it's done you can basically just paste it right paste it in here that is very extremely easy so you don't have to type in the whole thing right just copy and paste it so that is pretty much you know all the plugin that i would like to recommend you guys and it's very very extremely helpful and you look at my pocketing this right there is actually quite a bit more than that but i will say that these five is my you know highest recommendation to you guys and if there's any other plug-in that i'm not using right now and you guys think is have great value and definitely tell me in the description down below as well and then also if you like this give me a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel and definitely don't forget to check out elements website and i think they have some cool stuff in there as well so all the link down in the description down below and i'll talk to you guys in the in the next video cheers
Channel: Kayung Caleb Lai
Views: 517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Graphic design, Product Design, UI Design, UX design, Freelancer, Freelancing, Services, Development, Business, Pricing, Startup, Entrepreneur, Design course, course, free course, free, web design, learning, knowledge, website design, schooling, design school, career, advice, self learn, work, self taught
Id: _NtPs7LNqqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 27 2021
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