5 Facts About Aum One Should Know Before Chanting It

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the five things one should know about ohm before starting to chance number one How Sound Works the sound of home is deeply embedded in Hindu philosophy and to comprehend its profound effects one must have a basic understanding of sounds see though many comprehens sound as merely something to be heard its mechanics is more scientific sound is made up of vibrations which are produced from a source travels through the air and then are picked up by the ear before being interpreted by our brain which assigns them some value that is how we can distinguish between a melody and a noise the number of vibrations per second is known as frequency because all matter is composed of atomic material which is in constant motion everything and everyone vibrates on some frequency almost called the original vibration of the universe because it vibrates at the frequency of 4 32 Hertz as per the scientist which is the same vibrational frequency found throughout everything in nature from this first vibration all other vibrations are able to manifest hence Elm is known as a primordial sound of creation primordial means that which exists from the beginning of time secondly why do we meditate on home always say to impact a person's physical emotional and mental state by chanting om we can align our frequency with that of the original frequency of the universe om is a seed of transcendental sound transcendental means that which elevates our Consciousness or enhances us spiritually by chanting on the Mind becomes aligned with the breath which enables a person to get into an elevated state of consciousness our mind is materially absorbed most of the time process of elevation of the Mind enables a person to have a one-pointed focus which is the first step towards spiritual advancements like a tiny seed can grow up to be a huge tree with proper fertilizers and water the human mind can evolve to reach higher levels of consciousness by sincerely attuning to the sound of ohm since the frequency of the universe builds Harmony and Oneness number three symbolism of om represents five different states of consciousness the large lower curve marks a normal waking state or conscious state in this condition the Mind identifies itself with the physical body and perceives the world through its five senses the upper curve indicates the unconscious state or that of deep sleep this is a state of total unawareness in which one is in deep dreamless Sleep withdrawn from both physical and mental activities the middle curve denotes the dream state the dream state isn't between deep sleep and waking state where a person explores the subconsciousness here our Consciousness is turned inwards as our fears hopes desires manifest themselves in an imaginary world the dot is a symbol of enlightenment in this state a person becomes harmonized with the absolute the gods and realizes himself with total freedom from worldly Affairs and is ecstatic the state is hard to understand as it's beyond the mundane senses and can only be achieved through spiritual practices the Crescent represents illusion or Maya which separates three curves from the dots here illusion is which binds an individual to the material world we shant home in order to transcend these three curves of material Consciousness and attain the dot of enlightenment number four the sacred Trinity of om during the chance almost often broken down in three syllables um this represents a number of sacred trinities the different conditions of Consciousness waking State dreaming State and the Deep Sleep state second the Holy Trinity of creation preservation and destruction of the universe the three Gods Brahma Vishnu and Shiva third the three original Vedic scriptures the three different worlds Earth atmosphere and space the three aspects of time past present and future the three main planets Sun Moon and Earth hence it all comes together with the trinity that's om number five how do we chant om although it can be chanted without specific awareness the effect of the chant multiplies few Falls when we associate them with the energy centers of our body which are called the chakras the seven chakras in the body relates to the physical psychological and spiritual aspects of Our Lives this also provides a path through which the sound of om begins passes through and eventually dissolves own begins at the solar plexus chakra near the diaphragm where the r of the syllable is emphasized as the sound progresses o sustains the Mantra through the hot throat third eye chakra until it reaches to the crown the sound dissolves of the crown chakra at which point the Mantra has developed into its last part of this is how om should be chanted starting from the solar plexus until the top of the head uh um ultimately regardless of technique chanting almost about connecting to the divine as long as the intention is sincere everything else will fall into place hope you enjoyed this video please do subscribe to the channel to continue watching similar contents thank you for watching namaste
Channel: Prana Yoga
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Id: Bd4CZQntuHg
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Length: 7min 34sec (454 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2023
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