5 Essential Tips For 8-12 Week Old Puppies

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hello and welcome one of the biggest most common things that i am asked almost every single day is advice for puppies what should i do with my puppies top tips for puppies so in this video i'm gonna give you the five what i think are essential tips um into raising the perfect dog um some of the best tips that i personally do with every single puppy that i work with and i really do think that this not only gives you results right now but i genuinely think changes the course of your puppy's life forever i really really think that these tips that you're about to hear are about to change everything for you coming up [Music] so tip number one is i want you to use your puppy's breakfast lunch and dinner for training your puppy's food is such an incredibly valuable resource and instead of just putting it down on the floor and letting your dog create a great association with the food bowl i actually want you to use that food to bond and create a connection and learn how to communicate with your puppy doing this for five ten minutes a few times a day is gonna show incredible results so so fast and the very first thing that i want you to teach the very first and this is genuinely the first and biggest tip that i can give you is i want you to teach focus as the very first thing with the dog's breakfast lunch and dinner and this can be done from day one as soon as you get your puppy you can start this and the reason that you're gonna teach focus first is because the first thing you need to teach is how to communicate with your dog you need to bridge the the language barrier that's between us and our animals and that is going to be through eye contact and having that window of opportunity to give your dog an instruction a way to actually listen to you and that is going to come through them being able to focus on you for loving her long enough and actually be able to notice you because before you actually teach your dog how to look at you how to focus on you it's genuinely not going to know how to and you're just going to be someone that's around not really with the dog one on one and just teaching this just teaching the dog how to respond to its name is gonna just have a ripple effect on absolutely everything you do from this moment on now i need to do an entire video just focused on focus but just so you can have um just so you know how to get started what you're going to do is again with your breakfast lunch and dinner you're going to just sit down with the dog on the floor you're going to say the dog's name you're going to make some kissy noises and then as soon as the second that your dog or puppy looks at you in the eye you're gonna mark and reward you're gonna capture that moment where he looks at you in the eye so that he knows that that's exactly what we want over time over the next four weeks so remember this is between eight and twelve weeks what you're gonna do is slowly increase the distance and you're actually gonna include some distractions um but that's a little bit later on right now all you're gonna do is say the puppy's name and the second that he looks at you we're gonna create a reflex of the dog's name every single time you say his name he's going to look at you because he's going to know that good things happen his name is going to mean something super super positive and that's going to be your window of opportunity to give the dog an instruction a little bit later on that's when you're going to be able to teach things focus name means look at you and that is how you get your dog's attention [Music] tip number two is to build up your puppy's toy and food drive now the reason that this is so so important is because when your puppy gets a little bit older you're gonna find that the environment becomes your worst enemy it's gonna be so so distracting and the only way to be able to prevent bad behaviors to be able to get your puppy back to be able to get that focus that attention back on you to just get your puppy to listen in public you're gonna have to be able to motivate your puppy more than the environment now this is really really tricky because outside is very very fun for your dog but if you build up your puppy's food and toy drive you are always gonna have something that is even better than the environment i can promise you that especially with your puppy's toy drive if they really enjoy play and their drive for fetch and tug goes up you can literally you can pretty much be anything that the environment's gonna throw at you and that includes squirrels that includes other dogs that includes fun people you will be able to train your dog in all environments if your puppy's drive is high for food and toys now the way that you're going to build this up is by making these things very very fun and interesting so literally from eight weeks old from the very first night because i think it's a great way to tie out the puppy for his first night i'm going to start engaging with a toy i'm going to start wiggling a fluffy toy around or a tug and i'm going to encourage my puppy to chase that toy and i'm going to make it interesting then i'm going to hold him back wiggle the toy tease him a little bit throw it two yards away now i'm teaching the foundations of fetch he's gonna obviously run after that toy i'm gonna run away to encourage my puppy to run towards me and now i'm starting to teach him like retrievals he's now fetching something coming back he's going to come back to me to engage with me i'm going to offer a bit of resistance on the toy then he's then i'm teaching him how to play tug so i'm teaching like two games in one and the best thing about this isn't just the fact that you're going to be able to motivate and train your dog in all environments it's actually so fantastic for right now as well because your puppy's going to get tired and being able to drain your puppy's energy during 8 to 12 weeks is actually going to help you prevent bad behaviors from from actually beginning in the first place at home things like mouthing really badly you're going to really take a step towards preventing that by just draining your puppy's energy through really um good like rewarding games like fetch light tug and just engaging with a toy so not only is this going to help you motivate the dog in the future and going to be the key to actually having a good dog is you're actually going to prevent your puppy from getting all the common bad behaviors that puppies get because you're going to be on top of your puppy's energy levels and a tired dog is a good dog so that is tip number two tip number three is i want you to see eight to twelve weeks as a four-week block to teach obedience to prepare your dog for its first walk now this might sound daunting it might sound intense it might sound like a lot to do for a tiny little puppy but i can assure you that this really isn't a lot and it only needs to be five to ten minutes with at their meal times like i said in tip one just using their own meals for training and it only has to be five ten minutes at a time we are talking about 30 minutes of training for a whole day that really really isn't a lot and the amount of reward that you are gonna get as an owner from this is gonna be incredible by your first walk i want your puppy to know sit down stand and heal because we're gonna be using the hill position for our lead walking um now really stick with me because this is super super easy to do using your puppy's meals you are just going to lure the dog into these positions now you need to check on your other youtube videos because i have tutorials teaching these things in real detail to help you but again this is another thing that is going to help you avoid perfect problems like the melding like like all the common puppy problems because it's more time engaging with your dog bonding with your dog and giving your dog a time where it can release energy in a good way and not a bad habit that you're going to have to try and correct at some point now remember we're only talking 5-10 minutes at a time a few times a day if possible and if you do that at 12 weeks old you will have a puppy that knows how to sit on command down on command and heal on command these things are simple and you can do it tip number four is routine our puppies really really thrive on having a routine knowing what's coming next it really helps them settle in and things like um toilet training really really rely on routine and that would be my tip is to try and organize your day so it's the same for your puppy especially in the first four weeks every single day now because of the other tips part of our routine is going to be training with meal time so that's going to be at the same time every single day and we're going to do similar things so the puppy is going to learn that that is part of their day that's a part of their day where they can get rid of a lot of energy um again when we're building up the puppies uh drive for toys and food that's another time that we want to make it kind of times where the puppy's got lots of excess energy so we can put it into that building the drive having a routine for everything is really really going to help your puppy thrive another place where routine is going to really help you succeed is toilet training make it very specific times when the puppy goes out to toilet so for me when i'm toilet trained a puppy the puppy wakes up goes for a week comes back in we do some training it eats then it drinks goes out for a week now the puppy has a nap when the puppy wakes up he's going to want to go for a wee so all of these times if my puppy goes into the crate every single time he comes out of the crate he's going to go straight for a wii if he has a playtime with another dog or with me is gonna go straight out for a week toilet training especially is like a numbers game you're gonna your puppy is gonna go to the toilet a certain amount of times a day and being able to get as many of those times outside as you possibly can is gonna help create a habit it's going to normalize going outside of your dog and that is toilet training in a nutshell your puppy having a specific routine and things that it does almost hour to hour will really help your puppy settle in and learn how it should behave in your environment because you have given it specific things to do at specific times and you're catering for your dog's energy levels you're making sure that that's always as low as possible so your puppy's able to become routine routine routine will really really help your puppy thrive tip number five is focus now i know i've already touched on this one in tip one but i really really really need you to understand that this is the single most important thing that you will ever teach your dog and the reason i want to drill this home is because if you switch off with me right now and you go and watch any other dog trainer the biggest dog trainers are the most popular dog trainers on youtube you will see this one big mistake that they are all doing is that they are in distracting environments and they are trying to teach new skills to a dog that doesn't know how to listen and that is finding the environment stressful and it can't cope with the new information think about a child with an ipad how just engrossingly infested they are how distracted how just truly distracted they are by what's on their ipad now think about trying to teach that kid a tricky math equation while they're looking at that ipad that is effectively exactly what we're doing this child is not in a mental capacity to listen to any kind of instructions it is way that what he's got in his hands is way too stimulating way too distracting and you have to be able to know that this is the same for our dogs they have to learn the skill of knowing that there's a distraction and being able to actively ignore that knowing that there's something super interesting going on they can still happily and that's the key happily ignore whatever's going on and focus on you because they have learned that that's your best choice for them to make that's how we are going to teach them we are going to make them understand that ignoring something is in their best interest because it's such a good thing to do now the way that you're going to teach this i'm going to do a whole video dedicated to this but in a nutshell the way that you're going to teach this is we we've taught earlier on in the first tip about how to get the dog's attention you're going to keep on progressing and trying to increase the duration of eye contact that you're getting off of your puppy and when you can get to about 10 seconds of solid eye contact where your puppy will almost stare at you you need to start introducing distractions the first attraction that i usually do is my hands are out either side of me and i will move one of them the dog will most likely look at one of my hands because it's different and the second that the puppy looks at this hand i would say nope and that's it there's no punishment i don't you don't have to be mean it's just a simple communication of no that's not what we want i don't want you to look at my hand this is moving this is distracting now look away from that hand and look and focus on me the second that they do that you are going to make sure that they know that that was the best decision that they have ever made in their lives you are going to give them a jackpot reward you're going to give them the best treat in that they enjoy the best treat you can possibly give them you are going to give them an incredible amount of praise you're going to act like they you they are a genius they've just won the lottery for you that's how excited i want you to be they have to understand how good that choice was and you are just going to slowly increase the level of distraction always making sure that the distraction is high enough for them to look away and be distracted but low enough for them to not be obsessed and low enough for them to be able to have the ability to actually look away from it and you are just going to keep on upping that distraction until you get to the point where you're in the most distracting environment the most difficult environment for your dog to be able to concentrate on you and it's able to actively ignore whatever's going on now usually the biggest distraction that you're gonna get is other dogs and that is so achievable if you could only understand you do not need to wait for your dog to be a year and a half two three years old to be able to get this level of training i have this level of training with my puppies pretty much as soon as i do it as soon as i do my first ever walk 12 weeks old 13 weeks old i will be able to get my puppy's attention away from another dog away from anything because i've already built up the foundations in the first four weeks just doing five minutes here and there it really really is that simple um i'm so sorry that i've offered on about about focus too much but i just need you to understand how important it is and how there's a huge void in dog training for focus right now and we are going to stop that we're going to break that and we are going to make sure that every single person that watches this channel is going to be raving about focus they're going to be talking about how it's the most important factor of dog training it is the window of opportunity is the way that we communicate with our dogs is us teaching them how to listen to us is us learning how to listen and respond to them it is everything it really is that important now i'm sorry that lasted so long thank you so much for sticking with me for all of this time i really hope you enjoyed this video please make sure that you smash that subscribe button please help me build this community you are part of this i am not the k9 coach we are all our canine coaches and that is what i really want to instill here is i want everybody to acquire this information and have the best dogs in the park the best dogs that we all know should be the people watching this channel because the information is there and i am giving you the skills to be able to get this help me build this community send people here share this message and relay this information as if it was your own you can help prevent dogs from having behavior problems just by helping people understand that the tips that we're talking about in this video and that we talk about in other videos please be part of this community understand that you too are your canines coach and i won't take any more of your time thank you so much for watching i will see you in the next video hit that subscribe button hit that like button and drop a comment below thank you so much for watching see you later
Channel: The Canine Coach Dog Training
Views: 180,499
Rating: 4.9356232 out of 5
Keywords: best thing to teach a puppy, cute puppy learns how, cute puppy learns how to sit, dog training, dog training basics, dog training videos, essential puppy tips, how to get any puppy to listen, how to get my dog to listen, how to get my dog to listen outside, how to teach my puppy, mccann dog training, pitbull puppy training 8 weeks, puppy schedule 8-12 weeks, puppy tip, puppy tips, what to teach first, when can I train my puppy, when should I start to train my puppy
Id: _5OChwXTTjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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