5 EERIE Coincidences Throughout HISTORY That Need Explanation

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5 Most Disturbing Coincidences Throughout History Many people do not believe in coincidences, as a matter of fact, they believe everything that happens is the result of a calculated move that leads us to where we are. However, there are some occurrences in life that disputing the thought of coincidence becomes unreasonable. 5. The Lincoln and Kennedy’s Assassination The similarities and coincidences between these two leaders are greatly intriguing. To start with, Both Abraham Lincoln and Kennedy were assassinated while they held a high office of president of the United States. Both of them had also created their own money system to run the United States while they were in office. President Lincoln needed money to finance the civil war from 1861 – 1865. But then he was greatly distressed when he realized the bankers were going to charge him 24% to 36% interest. He was a man of principle and could not allow his country to go into a debt that would be impossible to pay back. Eventually, he was advised to get congress to pass a law authorizing the printing of full legal tender treasury notes to pay for the war activities. The treasury notes were printed worth 400 million dollars with green ink on the back, earning them the name “Greenbacks”. They were both debt-free and interest-free. Shortly after the war ended, President Lincoln was assassinated, congress revoked the Greenbacks law and enacted in its place, the National Banking Act. National Banks were to be privately owned and national bank notes issued were to be interest bearing. This leads us to the assumption that Lincoln was assassinated by an agent of the bankers. No other US president after Abraham Lincoln went against the system to create their own money, until President Kennedy came into office. On June 4th, 1963, President Kennedy signed a presidential document called executive order 11110, which further amended Executive Order 10289 of September 9 th, 1959. This gave Kennedy, President of United States, a legal clearance to create his own money to run the state, money that would belong to the citizens, interestfree and debt-free. It was only a few months later, in November 1963, that the world received the shocking news of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination. This plus a number of other similarities and coincidences were realized after Kennedy’s assassination. These incude Abraham Lincoln was elected to congress in 1846, John F. Kennedy elected In 1946, 100 years apart. Abraham Lincoln elected president in 1860, John F. Kennedy elected in 1960, 100 years apart. Both presidents were shot in the head on a Friday. Andrew Johnson succeeded Lincoln, and was born in 1808; Lyndon Johnson succeeded Kennedy and was born in 1908, 100 years apart. John Wilkes Booth assassinated Lincoln and was born 1839, Harvey Oswald, assassinated Kennedy and was born in 1939, 100 years apart. Lincoln was shot at the theater named Ford; Kennedy was shot in a car called Lincoln and was made by Ford. And to finish with the most famous coincidence, a week before Lincoln was shot he was in Monroe, Maryland. A week before Kennedy was shot he was in Marilyn Monroe. Comment below with some of your favorite Lincoln-Kennedy coincidences we did not include here. 4 Bruce Lee Predicted His Son’s Death. The circumstances surrounding the tragic and sudden deaths of Bruce Lee and his son Brandon Lee hold several eerie similarities and undeniable agreed upon facts that are very strange coincidences at the very least. Not only did they die unexpectedly at the young age Bruce at 32, and Brandon at 28, they were both filming their 5th feature film and both died just before the release of the films that would make them huge stars. Enter the Dragon in 1973 for Bruce and The Crow in 1993 for Brandon. Bruce Lee died in Hong Kong on July 20, 1973 while filming Game of Death, three weeks before the release of his biggest film, Enter the Dragon. Many rumors surround his death, including a hit by the Triads, a delayed reaction to a Dim Mak strike, also known as Death Touch, he had supposedly received in a fight earlier in the week, or a family curse that previously took his older brother and would eventually take his son. Brandon was killed on March 30, 1993 while filming the biggest film of his career, The Crow. As his father, many conspiracies surround his death. Officially it was determined that he was accidentally killed by the leap tip of a bullet that was unknowingly lodged in a gun that was then loaded with blanks and fired at Brandon during the filming of his death scene. There’s also the thought of family curse and/ conspiracy. There may or may not be a foul play or curse in either Lee’s death but one cannot deny the fact in Bruce Lee movie Game of Death there is a scene that was shot in 1978, 15 years prior to Brandon’s accident that would prove to be a premonition of Brandon’s death. https://youtu.be/OIBtFHZy0xk In the scene, Bruce Lee’s character is an actor in a movie within the movie; prop guns are replaced with real guns and Bruce Lee’s character is shot and seemingly killed. He ends up not dying but pretends to bed dead and comes back to seek vengeance on the bad guys who tried to kill him. If you are deep into conspiracy theories, this would mean, Brandon is not dead and he will punish those responsible for his death, much like he did in The Crow. 3. Twin Tragedy; Brothers Killed by the Same Taxi with Almost Too Many Similarities. In July 1975, a 17-year-old British man named Erskine Lawrence Ebbin died in Hamilton, Bermuda. He was fatally struck by a taxi driver while riding a moped. This was just a beginning of the weirdest instances of coincidences ever recorded. In July 1974, Erskine’s older brother Neville, then also 17, was also killed on the very same moped in Hamilton Bermuda; on the same street by the same taxi driver who was carrying the same passenger. Indeed cringy! In a majority of instances, the story has been shared online with the source said to be “Phenomena: A Book of Wonders” published in 19777 by John Michell and Robert J. M Rickard. In a more credible reference, there is an article in the Royal Gazette (royalgazette.com) published in May 2011. The article reported that in that month, Reader’s Digest reprinted the story of 1975 road deaths, which included the bizarre tragedy titled ‘What are the Odds’ that was reported on July 21, 1975, in a front page, carrying the headline ‘Incredible Coincidence in Road Crash Deaths’. Possible explanation for this could be; Bermuda has limited land mass and its capital Hamilton, spared over a small area, having a limited number of population, 1,759 as at 2016. This means in 1977 through 1975, the population could have been much less with limited reported road accidents. The number of cabs and people who use them could have been even smaller. So the possibility of the two brothers being knocked on by the same taxi driver carrying the same passenger on the same road would be that small. 2. Tsutomu Yamaguchi (Man Survives Atomic Blasts at Both Hiroshima and Nagasaki) The B-29 bomber sliced through the clouds of the Japanese city of Nagasaki on August 9, 1945, unleashing a 22-kiloton plutonium bomb (AKA Fat Man), The Blinding white light that followed was sickeningly familiar to Tsutomu Yamaguchi an engineer who just three days before had been severely injured in the atomic attack at Hiroshima. Tsutomu Yamaguchi endured the two separate attacks and lived to tell the tale. When the bomb fell, he was preparing to live Hiroshima. The 29-year-old was on a threemonth-long business trip for his employer, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, and August 6, 1945 was supposed to be his last day in the city. On the morning of the attack he was walking to Mitsubishi’s shipyard a final time when he heard a drone of an aircraft above. Looking skyward it was an American B-29 bomber over the sky and drop a small object connected to a parachute. Suddenly the sky erupted in a blaze of light which Yamaguchi later described as resembling the light of lightning of a huge magnesium flare. He had just enough time to dive into a ditch before an ear-splitting boom rang out. The shock wave sucked him from the ground, spun him in the air like a tornado and sent him hurtling into a nearby potato patch. He’d been less than 2 miles from ground zero. His face and forearms had been badly burned and both his eardrums were ruptured. Yamaguchi found two of his friend who also survived the attack. After spending a restless night in an air raid shelter, the men awoke on August 7th and made their way to the train station which was somehow operating. The journey took them through a nightmarish landscape of flickering fires, chattering building and melted and charred corpses lining the streets. At one point, Yamaguchi was forced to swim through a river with floating corpses. Upon reaching the station, he boarded a train full of burned and bewildered passengers and settled in for the overnight ride in his home town. He arrived in Nagasaki early in the morning on August 8. He limped to the hospital, got treated but upon reaching home, his family members could not recognize him. He was severely injured and had bandages all over. On the morning of August 9, Yamaguchi dragged himself off the bed to go to work. While in a meeting with a company director who demanded a full report on Hiroshima, he was trying to explain to his superior how a single bomb wiped an entire city when the landscape outside suddenly exploded with another iridescent white flash, enduring another horrific war attack. He was hit by yet another surge of cancer-causing radiation, but he emerged relatively unhurt. For the second time he’d been fortunate enough to survive. In the days that followed he got sick from what he believed was the double dose of radiation attack. He slowly recovered, unlike other victims and went on to live a normal life. “Having experienced atomic bombings twice and survived, it is my destiny to talk about it.” He said in his speech. . 1 Edger Allan Poe’s Macabre Tale Comes True Poe’s only novel The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket was published in 1838. Partway through the book the crew of a ship named Grampus finds themselves with a busted boat and no food or water. They manage to catch a tortoise and strip it off its shell but eventually, in order to survive they draw straws to figure out which one of them is to be sacrificed to provide meat to everyone else. Richard Parker, a mutineer is promptly stabbed to death, his head, hands and feet thrown overboard. This keeps alive the remaining crew a little bit longer, but still on the brink of death when they are finally rescued. Poe actually called the story ‘very silly’. But here comes the real twist. In 1884 a yacht named The Mignonette left England headed toward Sydney, Australia. The yacht wasn’t meant to sail the world so it didn’t come as a surprise when it sunk. Its four-man-crew barely escaped in a lifeboat but definitely did not have provisions for survival. They catch a turtle and eat, but just like the crew in Poe’s tale, they needed more if they were going to be found alive. One man, a 17-year-old Richard Parker fell over and then made a mistake of drinking sea water to quench his thirst. His health went down fast and that’s when the other men decided they would kill him to ensure their own survival. After stubbing Parker in the throat with a pen knife the three men devoured him. They were rescued days later. The case became quite famous in England. The men went to trial for their crime. Two of them originally sentenced to death, but later amended to six months in prison. Thanks for watching, don’t forget to check out our previous videos and click that subscribe button for more updates. Take care!
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Keywords: top5, top10, top20, coincidences, JFK, Abraham Lincoln, Bermuda, Triangle, Mysteries, Unsolved, Creepy, Creepiest, Haunted, Most Haunted, Eerie, Eeeriest, alltime, youtube mysteries, April, Fools, Donald, Trump, April 1st
Id: r0RD3K8f72g
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Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 01 2017
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