5 Dogs That Saw Something Their Owners Couldn't See : ESP and the Supernatural

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[Music] five dog that saw something their owners couldn't see something's in the kitchen Kimi Brown put out food for his dog Lola on the kitchen floor just like he did every night this particular night Lola was absolutely terrified of something in the kitchen something that Kinney couldn't see something really weird she wants to eat her food bowl is in there she's too paranoid to go in there in the video Lola can be seen approaching the doorway of the kitchen several times but afraid to enter can use amused by the whole incident and even goes over to film inside the kitchen the show that there is absolutely nothing strange inside and when I go in the kitchen there is nothing there so I smiled up at one point the dog just seems to give up on her dinner unwilling to face whatever is in the kitchen she simply lays in her bed hungry is it ghost in this house freaking him out you're afraid to look over there that's weird eventually Lola builds up the nerve to quickly grab a bite of her food [Applause] but she then backs out is a frightened by something approaching her eventually Kenny concludes that the dog is just weird we had awareness dog in the world keeping in mind that dogs can see ultraviolet light while beyond human vision you have to wonder what Lola was so scared of in that kitchen tuning in a YouTube user claimed that strange things were taking place in his home he would hear odd sounds bumps and thuds at all hours of the day and night even more disturbing he would often come home to find his attic door open and his two dogs acting strangely both of them scared and avoiding certain rooms in the house he decided to set up a camera to record his attic door for a few hours while he was out he left an easy listening radio station playing in hopes that the music would soothe his two dogs while he was away it didn't work [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] video uploader says that when he returned home he found a picture that had fallen off the wall in another room and his two dogs were once again acting very nervous what is it dog compass scientific studies have shown that dogs can actually sense the Earth's magnetic field and use it to determine north south east and west this ability called magnetoreception is nothing new it's the same sense that homing pigeons used to find their way home over long distances but it wasn't known until recently that dogs also have this ability however dogs use this talent for a very different very bizarre reason dogs are very precisely orientated on the north-south axis while keeping but only if the magnetic field is stable a two-year study showed that dogs almost always choose to pee or poop when facing in the north or south orientation they actually avoid urinating or defecating while standing in an East or West stance as long as there is magnetic field is common stable a strange preference doesn't change with the position of the Sun the time of day are from season this season dogs just always prefer to do their business while facing north or south and no one knows why [Music] Bosse the ghost hunting dog a woman in Brisbane Australia claims that her home is haunted by a ghost that regularly causes strange noises and light orbs around her home perhaps even more shocking she claims that her dog bossy is tuned into the ghost and can detect its movements around the home she says that bossy is normally a very quiet and sedate dog but when there's spiritual activity in the home boss T becomes very disturbed growling and barking at something they can't see the woman installed a CCTV camera in her bedroom to capture Bossi's reaction on camera in this first clip we see what some ghost hunters would call orbs appearing in the camera frame then bossy suddenly wakes from a deep sleep [Music] she excitedly starts to growl and bark waking her owner another night and ghostly orbs appear in the camera frame again [Music] [Music] once again bossy wakes and begins to growl and bark but this time at the bedroom closet so it's bossy actually seeing something or is she just a hyperactive puppy with sleep issues let me know what you think down in the comments welcome home back in 1994 Pam smarts dog JT would stay with her parents next door while Pam was away her parents soon began to notice that shortly before Pam would return home JT would go and stand at the window as if waiting for her to arrive they noticed that he seemed to know when I was coming home this happened whether it was in the morning or leave and it didn't seem to matter when I came home or how I came home he always seemed to no biologist dr. Rupert Sheldrake asked Pam and her family for permission to set up a series of scientific tests to determine whether JT actually did somehow know when Pam was returning home it couldn't have been the routine it couldn't have been hearing so Rupert Sheldrake believed that because we drooled all these things out that we were left then with JT picking up my thoughts and using some form of telepathy the idea of some sort of telepathy or psychic connection between dogs and humans seem like a pretty far-fetched idea but the test seemed to confirm it in this test two cameras were synced to the same time code one camera was set up to monitor JT and one camera followed Pam smart either Pam the cameraman nor anyone around JT knew when Pam would be returning home but watch what happens at the exact time when Pam is told that they will be returning to the house no come over yeah okay let's go JT heads straight for the window to a white Pam's return to make things even more difficult for little JT Pam and her friend are told to return via taxi even though they left the house on foot but the dog can't be fooled he sits in the window waiting until Pam's taxi pulls up in front after over 100 tests JT was 90 percent accurate in predicting when Pam smart was returning home the same experiment has been conducted many times with many different dogs and almost always has the same result so our dogs psychically connected with their owners let me know what you think down in the comments if you enjoyed this video please hit the subscribe button and also turn on notifications so you'll always get a notice whenever a new video is posted as always thanks for watching [Music]
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Views: 7,218,175
Rating: 4.7365398 out of 5
Keywords: esp, supernatural, ghost dog, ghost adventures, paranormal, dog sees ghost, dog, dogs ghosts, dogs, psychic abilities, ability, telepathy, dog sees something, see something, paranormal dog, dog sees ghosts, extrasensory perception, seeing things, top 5, top 5 list, top5s, scary videos, psychic, caught, dog sees spirit, caught on camera, clairvoyance, psychic powers, psychic test, ghost, caught on tape, ghost caught on camera, ghosts, parapsychology, haunted apartment, nukestop5
Id: 9CwRjQaoTlE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2018
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