5 Discoveries Parker Solar Probe Made (and HEARD) on the Sun

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Welcome back to Launch Pad, I’m  Christian Ready, your friendly   neighborhood astronomer. In our  last video on ESA’s Solar Orbiter,   we talked briefly about how it  compares to the Parker Solar Probe.   But come to think of it,  it’s been a while since   we last checked in on Parker.  It turns out it’s been busy! For a quick recap, Parker was launched  in August 2018 to investigate the Sun’s   outer atmosphere or corona. There’s two  really weird things about the corona.   First, it’s millions of degrees  hotter than the Sun’s surface,   despite being well above the Sun’s  surface. Even though its temperature   was determined in 1940, no explanation  for the coronal heating problem has   ever been tested experimentally.  Another problem is that the solar   wind is accelerated in the corona  to millions of kilometers per hour.   But, it’s not clear how the  wind is accelerated, either. In order to understand both of these  phenomena, you need to trace the flow   of energy and make measurements in the  region where all the action happens. But   that requires being there. In the Sun’s  corona. Which is really, really hot. That’s why Parker is protected by a  heat shield made of carbon composite,   along with solar arrays  that are cooled by water,   and retract as Parker  swings about the Sun. During its closest approach,  Parker will fly to within 9   solar radii of the Sun’s  “surface”. That’s about 3.83   million miles (6.16 million km)  or just 0.05 astronomical units. At that distance, the heat shield  will reach temperatures near 2500   °F (1400 °C), but the spacecraft’s  payload will be near room temperature,   at about 85 °F (29 °C). However, it’s going to be a while  before Parker makes its closest approach   because it has to get rid of some of the  orbital energy it inherited from Earth.   So, Parker was launched into an  elliptical orbit around the Sun. And,   its launch was timed in such a way as  to make the occasional flyby of Venus.   During each of these flybys, some of  Parker's orbital energy is transferred   to Venus, and the spacecraft  descends closer with each orbit. As it approaches the Sun,  Parker samples the solar wind,   while spacecraft like STEREO A and B,   SDO, and SOHO see the overall  environment Parker flies through.   This allows the science team to put  Parker’s observations in their proper   context, and understand what the Sun was  doing when the measurements were made. Now, even though it won’t make its  first really close approach until 2025,   Parker's already come much closer than  any spacecraft in history. And, Parker’s   already made some really interesting  discoveries about the Sun! So, here now,   are 5 Really Cool Things Parker  Learned About the Sun, plus something   else it learned that’s really cool  that’s not about the Sun at the end. #1 Evidence for a Dust-Free Zone The Sun is surrounded by a thin disk of  dust spread throughout the inner solar   system. Some of it comes from comets,  while some are the remains of collisions   that formed the planets, asteroids, and  comets billions of years ago. This dust   scatters sunlight. If you can get to  a dark enough site on a clear night,   you’ll see the faint glow of this dust  in a phenomenon called Zodiacal light. It’s long been thought  that close to the Sun,   the radiation there should  be high enough to either   vaporize the dust particles entirely, or  push them away with radiation pressure.   But from our vantage point on Earth, we  cannot discern the disk’s interior edge. But as it made its way around the  Sun during its first three orbits,   It noticed a thinning out of the  dust starting at about 7 million   miles (11 million km) from the Sun.  This decrease in dust continued   steadily to the limits of WISPR's  measurements, which at the time   could see to a little over 4 million  miles (6 million km) from the Sun. At the current rate of thinning, it’s  possible the truly dust-free zone   may start around 2-3 million  miles (3-4.6 million km) from   the Sun's surface. That means  Parker might see the dust-free   zone as early as September 2020,  when it makes its sixth flyby of   the Sun and closes to within 11.5  million miles (18.7 million km). But if that weren’t cool enough, Parker  also “heard” the dust striking the   spacecraft as it passed through it at  250,000 miles per hour (402,000 kph)! At those speeds, the spacecraft  doesn't just crash into these   particles — it obliterates them  into a plasma that Parker's   FIELDS instrument can - for  lack of a better word - “hear.” [static] Pretty cool, huh? However,   each collision chips away a  tiny bit of the spacecraft. And this was something the Parker team  expected to happen. But until now,   they could only guess at the rate of  these collisions using models based   on remote observations. It turns out  the dust is denser than expected, but   not enough to pose a concern  for the mission. Still,   it’s just one of those things you  can’t tell for sure until you’re there. Not only did Parker hear the dust  impact the spacecraft, but... #2 Parker hears the  turbulence of the solar wind The solar wind is the stream of charged  particles - or plasma - blowing from   the corona in all directions. But  weirdly, the solar wind actually   speeds up as it leaves the Sun.  Not only that, but it stays hot,   even as it travels away from the Sun! By the time the solar  wind reaches Earth,   it mostly flows at a fairly steady  rate. Any trace of the mechanisms   that heated and accelerated  the wind has been smoothed out. But closer to the Sun, Parker’s  FIELDS instrument revealed a much   more chaotic and turbulent system  even when the Sun is “quiet”. FIELDS detected thousands  of waves of plasma   rippling through the solar  wind. Such waves would be   driven by fluctuations in the  electric and magnetic fields. It’s kinda like how fluctuations in  air pressure on Earth create the winds   that drive rolling waves on the ocean. In the solar wind, particles can ride  these plasma waves and are propelled   to higher speeds. But as they surf those  waves, the particles interact with each   other, creating fluctuations in the  frequency and amplitude of the waves.   Parker recorded these waves as they  passed by, and they sound really cool. These are whistler-mode waves. They're  caused by energetic electrons bursting   out of the Sun’s corona. These electrons  follow magnetic field lines that stretch   from the Sun out to the solar system’s  farthest regions. But as they do so,   the electrons spiral around the  lines. When a plasma wave’s frequency   matches the frequency of the spinning  electrons, they amplify each other. It’s thought that part of  the solar wind’s acceleration   may be due to these escaping  electrons. It’s also possible   they may play a role in  heating the solar wind. As the plasma waves move  through the solar wind,   they quickly shift from one  frequency to another, creating other  waves called dispersive  waves that FIELDS detects. [windy, chirping sounds] These dispersive waves are  rarely detected near Earth,   so they weren’t thought to be a  significant driver of the solar wind.   But near the Sun, dispersive  waves are everywhere. It’s yet not clear what causes  the changes in frequency that   creates these waves, or how they may  heat the solar wind. But this is a   really cool finding that’s going to  be followed up on with future orbits. And speaking of funky electromagnetic  phenomena, Parker also discovered… #3 Magnetic Switchbacks During its first couple of orbits,   Parker’s FIELDS instruments detected  sudden reversals in the magnetic fields.   At first, it was thought the  spacecraft might have been passing   across a series of magnetic field  lines with alternating polarities. But the Solar Wind Electrons Alphas and  Protons - or SWEAP experiment - made   measurements of the particles flowing  along the magnetic field lines.   SWEAP showed that the outflowing  wind particles were in fact reversing   their direction, and then reversing  again to their original outflow with   twice the kinetic energy  of the background wind! The science team dubbed these  reversals “switchbacks”.   Nothing like them have been detected  before. At Earth’s distance, only the   occasional wiggle of some magnetic  field lines have ever been detected.   But these are full 180 ° reversals that  pack a ton of energy. It’s like trying   to do the same thing with a bungee  cord that’s already pulled taut.   The more tightly drawn it is, the  more energy is required to reverse it. These switchback reversals  last anywhere from a few   seconds to several minutes. When field  reverses, it’s like cracking a whip,   and the particles pack twice  their original kinetic energy. Parker measured clusters of  switchbacks during its first   two flybys. But as it flew closer  to the Sun on subsequent orbits,   it measured an increase in both the  number and energy of the switchbacks. The exact source of the switchbacks  isn't yet understood, but with each   new set of measurements, scientists  can narrow down the possibilities.   It’s thought that as Parker gets  closer to the Sun, the switchbacks   should become more common and stronger.  If that turns out to be the case, they   may turn out to be one of the energy  sources that’s heating the corona! Parker doesn’t have a camera that faces  the Sun, because the radiation it faces   would fry any camera we could put on it.  But ESA's Solar Orbiter may be able to   image new features on the Sun that  can be linked to these switchbacks. Solar Orbiter already spotted small  bursts of energy dubbed “campfires”. As   Solar Orbiter gets closer to the Sun,  it’ll determine whether or not these   campfires are the long-theorized “nano  flares” and if so, are they providing   the energy needed to generate the  switchbacks that accelerate the wind? But the atmosphere and solar wind  behave differently than we thought   in a very significant  way, in particular... #4 The atmosphere and solar wind rotate  farther from the Sun than we thought. The solar wind emerges from the  corona. Near Earth, the wind streams   more or less radially from the  Sun, going out in all directions.   But the Sun rotates, carrying the corona  along with it. That means the solar wind   is initially traveling in curved path  before switching to a straight one. It’s a little bit like riding  a merry-go-round. The farther   you are from the center,  the faster you’re moving.   If you jump off, you would then be  moving in a straight line outward. Somewhere between the Sun and  Earth, the solar wind does the   same thing and transitions from  a rotational to a radial flow.   Exactly where this happens  has implications for how   the Sun - and how stars in  general - slow down over time. Parker’s SWEAP instrument measured  this rotational flow for the first time   when it was still 20 million miles  (32 million km) from the Sun.   That’s considerably father  from the Sun than predicted.   Not only that, but as Parker  approached perihelion, the speed   of the rotation increased to more  than 10 times faster than predicted! Not only does this tell us something new  about our star, but it has implications   for understanding the lifecycles  of stars in general, and the   formation - and even habitability  - of their planetary systems. You see, where and how the wind  transitions affects how rapidly the   star slows its rotation. The farther  away the wind transitions, the more   rotational energy it carries away and  the more quickly the star slows down. In general, the slower a star rotates,  the less magnetically active it is,   and the more habitable its planets  are. Perhaps one of the reasons we’re   here in the first place is because the  Sun slowed its rotation quickly enough   to give life a chance to evolve into  more complex, sophisticated creatures. Of course, that doesn’t mean the  Sun is completely without activity.   Even during the quiet  times, Parker observed... #5 Small flares and space weather. We know that electrons and ions in  the solar wind are accelerated by   explosive solar activity. Exactly how  this happens is not yet well understood,   but under the right conditions, it can  create storms of energetic particles.   Major events on the Sun, such as  flares and coronal mass ejections,   can send these particles racing out  into the solar system at nearly the   speed of light. That means they can  reach Earth in under a half an hour. These particles carry a lot of  energy, enough to damage spacecraft   electronics and endanger astronauts.  When astronauts eventually do return   to the Moon and head out for Mars,  they won’t have the protection of   Earth’s magnetic field and won’t  have much advance warning, either. However, Parker’s Integrated  Science Investigation of the   Sun - or ISIS - there, I said  it, I'm taking it back - detected   several high-energy particle events  that have never been seen before.   These events proceeded a  small coronal mass ejection   that unleashed a burst of material  with as much mass as Lake Michigan.   ISIS detected high-energy particles  rushing ahead of the ejected mass. If we can learn more about the nature of  these phenomena, it may be possible to   use them as part of an early-warning  system for future explosions. Meanwhile, the CME ejecta formed  structures in the corona and solar wind   that were captured by the Wide-field  Imager for Solar PRobe, or WISPR. High-energy particles slammed into  WISPR’s cameras, creating these brief   flashes of radiation “snow" as they  bombard the detectors. Previously,   radiation “snow” had only been  detected by spacecraft like the   Solar Heliospheric Observatory - or SOHO  - during major solar eruption events. But now WISPR is detecting  them on a much smaller scale   inside the corona, while ISIS is  detecting the kinds of high-energy   particle events that  may be causing them. All of these observations demonstrate  just how active the Sun is,   even during so-called “quiet” times.  But Parker, and its sideways-facing   WISPR cameras in particular, are  in a position to see some really   cool things in our solar system that  aren’t the Sun. Which brings me to #6 Cool Things Parker detected in  our solar system that aren’t the Sun. During Parker’s first solar encounter in  November 2018, its WISPIR camera picked   up a really faint structure that’s never  been seen before: a 60,000 mile- (97-161   million km-) wide dust trail in the  orbit of the asteroid Phaethon. Phaethon   is one of the closest Sun-approaching  asteroids in our solar system. Its orbit   is highly elliptical, and reaches  all the way out past Mars' orbit. A couple of thousand years ago,  Phaethon approached the Sun and   something happened to it. We’re  not sure what happened to it,   but it released a long  debris trail into its orbit. Every December, Earth passes  through this debris field,   and we see them as the  Geminid meteor shower. Phaethon comes about as close  to the Sun as Parker does.   Every time it does so, it heats  up and bits of the crust break   off to form a dust trail. It’s like  Phaethon is a kind of “rock comet”. So, was this particular trail of  dust created in the same event   that created the Geminid meteor shower   thousands of years ago, or  was it created more recently? To find out, scientists estimated the  mass of the dust in the Parker images.   They found that the trail weighs about  a million tons (1 billion kg). However,   Phaethon is currently losing  mass at a rate that is way too   low to create the amount  of dust seen in this trail. However, the amount of dust measured  is comparable to the estimated amount   of dust that enters our atmosphere  every December during the Geminids. And that’s pretty solid evidence that  Parker is looking at dust created in   the same event that created  the Geminids. In other words,   Parker saw what a meteor  shower looks like from space!   Only, one that’s caused by an  asteroid instead of a comet. And speaking of comets, Parker got a  really nice look at the newly-discovered   comet NEOWISE on July 5th. On the  right (correction: left) side of   the image there is sunlight  being scattered by dust.   In fact, there’s a little black  structure on the lower left of the image   that's actually a grain of dust  resting on the camera lens.   The comet’s broad dust tail is easily  visible. But, after some processing to   remove the excess brightness from  scattered sunlight, the comet’s   straight ion tail pointing directly away  from the away from the Sun can be seen. So yeah, Parker's been busy! And  now it’s been joined by ESA’s   Solar Orbiter which orbits a little  further away. But, unlike Parker,   it will be just close enough to take  the closest images of the Sun. In fact,   ESA just released the first set  of images from Solar Orbiter,   and I made a video about them  and the Solar Orbiter mission,   so if you haven’t seen it yet, I’ll meet  you over there when we’re done here. My thanks as always to my Patreon  supporters for helping to keep   Launch Pad Astronomy going. And, I’d  like to welcome my newest patrons: Johann Goergen, Kelly T. Fitzhugh,  Ethan Liu, and Andrew Ward I’d also like to thank Anna for  her Intergalactic level support,   and Michael Dowling and Steven J Morgan  for their Cosmological level support.   If you’d like to help Launch Pad for  the price of cup of coffee every month,   please head on over to my Patreon page. And if you’d like to join me on this  journey on this incredible Universe   of ours, well please, make sure you  subscribe and ring that notification   bell so you don’t miss out on any new  videos. Until next time, stay home,   stay healthy, and stay  curious, my friends.
Channel: Launch Pad Astronomy
Views: 455,840
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Keywords: christian ready, launch pad astronomy, 5 Discoveries Parker Made (and HEARD) on the Sun, parker solar probe, sound of the sun, new parker solar probe results, nasa solar probe, solar wind, solar probe images, magnetic switchbacks, sound of solar wind, solar probe latest news, Parker solar probe pictures
Id: _kywlUtQfKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 16sec (1096 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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