5 Destinations You Have to Visit With Interrail

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[Music] so interval was one of the best times of my life easily and it was so good that i actually did it twice despite having created over 70 videos and maybe only three or four of them are about intro it's definitely the area that i get the most questions so i decided to make a series about it which you can find up here if you click on a link and this series is going to include everything from budgets why wish i knew travel vlogs and today's video which is five destinations that you should not miss out on when you interview let's go [Music] now it was really hard to pick just five destinations because i've actually taken around 20 with interior and each one of them were amazing but there's a few places that stood out and i think is a back package stream first up we have blight slovenia now if you're familiar with interval content you'd probably know that bladd is a very popular destination for backpackers nowadays and there is a big reason why it is absolutely stunning like one one of the most beautiful legs i have ever seen with my own eyes and also there is a lot of fun things you can do whilst in blood for example during my trip i hiked i cycled i visited winter gorge which is incredible natural say which is only open during summer months i ziplined i kayaked got ikea going forever this is probably my number one place i visited with israel because it's so fun and it just gives you energy also what surprised me is that the nightlife was really good which brings me to my second [Music] place when you think of party destinations in europe budapest is somewhere that always comes to mind and there's a reason why i actually visited budapest on both travels because i had so much fun the first time that i wanted to go back if you are young and you're into partying and clubbing budapest is the place to do it in my humble opinion you can go on boat parties cheap bar crawls there's a lot of party hostels which even if you don't leave the place itself you're gonna have a lot of fun so if there's one city you want to visit that's gonna be super fun you can party a lot it has to be budapest on a side note if you're visiting the best or any city in general you should be respecting the city you should be respecting the locals don't get drunk if you're by yourself and yeah just treat the city well i guess next up is berlin in germany ironically these are all beginning with b i did not mean that berlin is such a fun ufo city it's really modern there's an abundance of things to do i've been twice and i still don't think i've even touched the surface of berlin it's great for partying it's great for sightseeing it's good for the beer if you're into that and it's just an amazing place to visit on your trip there are a lot of good hostels in berlin as well in the description i'm gonna link down my favorite hostels from these places and i'm hoping to do a hostel video as well so subscribe to check out in the future my favorite thing about berlin was just how artsy it was and how quirky the whole city felt whether you go with internal or not is somewhere you must see in your lifetime [Music] how could i do an interior video without mentioning france france is a great place to enter on geno it is a little bit more expensive than other countries but it's 100 worth it i'm not going to recommend paris for this video i'm actually going to recommend the quote desert instead because well you're probably going to visit paris in your lifetime anyway but are you going to go visit canonies i'm not sure i recommend visiting can or nice or the code design journal if you want to feel like a superstar you should so go during the film festival or if you want to have a nice cam destination where you can chill at the beach and there's some window shopping because can is full of shops like louis vuitton and gucci so maybe if you're interviewing you won't be buying anything but it's so fun to look at this is really an incredible destination the south of france is one of my favorite areas of europe and you have to go now if you are visiting the cote d'azur you'll be only a short train ride away from my final destination which is somewhere in northern italy [Music] i am half kidding but italy as a whole is somewhere that you have to go when you're into real you would be stupid not to i've lived in italy i've visited like 10 times now and i love this place there are a billion cities i would want to recommend an intro but for the sake of this video i'm going to stick to lake como la como is a really good tourist destination especially for backpackers i didn't actually travel to la como with my interval ticket i traveled last year whilst i was all pairing but a lot of people have told me it's a great place for backpackers so i'm putting it in this video it is beautiful it's scenic it's romantic maybe you'll meet the love of your life there maybe you won't but you're gonna have a great time anyway so put on some romantic italian music poster there and whilst you're there i recommend you stay in the ostello hostel in lake como i haven't been there but apparently it's beautiful and it's definitely where i'll be staying when i go to la como in the future okay that's it for this video i hope that these destinations got you kick-started on your plan for your own interview and as i mentioned if you want to know more about interior you can check out my playlist i want to end this video asking all my viewers who have interviewed or visited a lot of europe where was your favorite destination i'm curious okay i hope to see you again soon and bye-bye you
Channel: Lucy Allan
Views: 48,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lucy Allan, Language Student, Linguistic Student, Female Traveller, interrail, interrail guide, travel, top 5 europe, europe travel, eurrail, visit europe, bled, cannes, south of france, lake como, italy
Id: KbZWuO7bf-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 2sec (422 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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