5 daily habits for a healthier + happier mind ✨

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the way that we think can be incredibly powerful it can either lift us up or it can drag us down our mindsets affect the way that we think about everything and because we're not always completely aware of the quality of our thoughts they can sometimes take on negative or self-defeating qualities so in this video we're gonna explore five different habits that we can adopt just to make our minds feel like a bit of a healthier and happier place to be and many thanks to better help for sponsoring today's video we're gonna chat more about them at the end for now let's get started a little while back robin and i took a few days off and so naturally i had no place to be and time was mine to do with as i pleased but still i noticed that i was kind of walking as if i had some place to be like my state of mind was just constantly looking ahead and never completely satisfied or content with where i was i think this is something that a lot of us struggle with right because in work or in life we're often taught about the importance of having a results-oriented mentality it's a mindset that prioritizes having a goal or having like a sense of direction and so of course that's important but it's a habitual way of thinking that comes at a cost it often means relinquishing our current needs in order to satisfy our future needs and if everything that we do is results oriented then our existence starts to feel purely functional the psychologist robert holden once said beware of destination addiction until you give up the idea that happiness is somewhere else it will never be where you are and while reaching our goals does feel amazing it's fleeting compared to the amount of time that it took to get there right so like if we were to consider doing a day-long hike it would actually take 99 of the time for us to get to the peak but we only spend about one percent of the time at the top at which point we're probably also exhausted and the top is incredible the views are amazing but it's just such a small part of the journey so why only enjoy the one percent when we also have the opportunity to enjoy the 99 as well why not shift our mindset to become a little bit more process oriented so one thing i try to get into the habit of asking myself as often as i can throughout the day is how can i enjoy how long this is going to take by asking ourselves a simple question we're kind of giving ourselves permission to slow down and to enjoy the journey let's say we're having a bad day and someone asks us why we tend to usually say that our unhappiness as a result of the circumstances that we're in like we got caught up in traffic the weather is terrible or we went to the store and it didn't have what we were looking for we don't as often tend to dissect our own thought patterns as a potential cause for our unhappiness so let's explore that with a simple equation by jack canfield where event plus response equals outcome now we don't always have control over the event but we can change the outcome by changing the one thing that we do have control over which is our response and i personally find that a lot of our response comes down to the thoughts that we have about the event so let's say for example that we see a friend walking by at the market but she doesn't stop to say hi is your first instinct reaction to think that that was really rude of her or do you think that oh man she ignored me she must not like me does that mean that i'm unlikable or could we get into the habit of exploring other possibilities instead maybe she didn't see me maybe she did see me but she just doesn't have time to chat maybe she did see me but she just doesn't feel like chatting because you know we've all been in that situation before right it was shakespeare who once famously said there is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so so although we're not able to change the situation that we're in we are in charge of how we interpret the event and our perception determines how we feel and it determines the outcome we're going to quiz ourselves for a second here i'm going to show you a list of words and i'm curious to know which ones you use more often whether you're saying it out loud or if you're just saying it to yourself mentally do you more often say words like frustrated stressed overwhelmed irritated stupid afraid annoyed anxious unhappy or sad or do you more often use words like love fun confident grateful excited hope wonderful enjoyed proud or possible even just like saying this list out loud is a bit of a reality check for me even because i know for sure i use the words in the former list more often and i think it's because like when i'm interacting with people in my personal life i tend to highlight the things i'm having difficulties with because i feel like it's our shared human experience we tend to bond over the difficult stuff in life but what can happen is over time especially for unconscious with these word choices they can have a very profound impact on how we view ourselves and the world so even when there is no one around we still tend to or at least i still tend to still use these words in my internal dialogue and we tend to kind of limit our emotional joy with our choice of words so whenever i remember what i try to do is to get into the habit of just rephrasing how i'm feeling the difficulty the struggle of what i'm going through into something positive that i'm hoping for instead so instead of saying something like i'm afraid that i'm not going to make the deadline for this assignment i could rephrase it to i hope i can finish this assignment on time if we can make it a habit to shift our vocabulary to include a few more of the optimistic words just shifting the balance towards that as opposed to the negative words whenever we can it can make such a huge difference if there's one thing that can really quickly drain my happiness or what i'm feeling it's when i'm comparing myself to other people and we all know by now that it is important to take some time off of social media it can be a relief or making sure that we unfollow sources or people who might be triggering but i also don't think that we can stop comparing entirely i do think it's hardwired in us so i sometimes struggle when people are like don't compare because then i do compare and then i feel bad that i'm comparing and it's just like a double whammy so i think what can actually help instead is if we develop a habit of shifting perspective just to allow for a healthier sort of comparison so first and foremost i think comparing often falls outside of our awareness and we don't often even know that we're doing it and that's what can be dangerous because that's when self-doubt and fear can creep in so if we can get into the habit of just bringing about some awareness then we can also do a quick reality check we can take a moment to realize that what we're seeing is what that person deemed worthy of sharing we're not seeing the difficulty it took to get there we're not seeing the hardship and so when we humanize it in this way we can actually choose to connect just by mentally cheering on the other person i feel like it shifts the feelings away from envy and jealousy which can be quite crippling and instead we move towards feelings of admiration inspiration maybe even motivation it just makes our headspace a better place to be the psychologist guy winch has a brilliant ted talk on emotional hygiene if you haven't seen it already i'm going to link it for you below to check out but in essence he shares how we tend to take care of our physical hygiene much more than our emotional hygiene like we all have the habit of brushing our teeth each night because we know that if we don't we're gonna get cavities or if we cut ourselves we're quick to clean and bandage our wounds so that it doesn't get infected but we don't always apply the same level of care to our psychological wounds even though our emotional injuries can be as crippling as physical ones we tend to either brush them off as being unimportant to deal with or sometimes we can make them worse by putting ourselves down so first and foremost it's really important that we become aware of when we're in emotional pain and then we want to tend to it before it becomes all-encompassing so instead of bottling it up it can really help to get into the habit to talk to somebody about it in quoting the philosopher alan de viton what helps enormously in our attempts to know our own minds is the presence of another mind and so i want to thank betterhelp for sponsoring today's video if you feel like you might be dealing with anxiety or overwhelm depression or maybe you're just feeling stressed better help can be a support i personally live with anxiety i have for years and sometimes i just need to talk to someone about it who just isn't a family member or a friend and so therapy has been really important for me so how better help works is they have a network of over 20 000 licensed therapists that have a whole wide range of expertise and because they're trained it means that they can properly listen and help and you get to talk to them from the comfort of your own home you first start with filling out a simple questionnaire just to assess what your specific needs are and then once you've filled out the questionnaire within 48 hours you're already going to be matched with your therapist i was actually matched within a day which is incredible and then you can already schedule your video or phone sessions and you can exchange an unlimited number of messages and obviously everything that you share is confidential and in my experience one of the most important parts of therapy is making sure that you kind of properly click with your therapist so if you've tried one or a few sessions and you're just not vibing with a therapist you've been paired with you can actually request another therapist at any time and as many times as you need to until you find one that you do click with and no additional fee by the way luckily my therapist seems to get me and she challenges me which is what i need in understanding kind of the complex world that is my anxiety it's been really insightful and so if you'd like to join the over 2 million people that have taken charge of their mental health by talking to an experienced better health therapist you can actually get ten percent off of your first month by visiting betterhelp.com forward slash pickup lines or check out the link in the description box below but i think that's it for today friends i hope you enjoyed the video i really appreciate you taking the time to hang out with me today pick up limes signing off and we'll see you in the next video
Channel: Pick Up Limes
Views: 1,526,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mental health, headspace, happy, healthy, mindset, happy mind, mindset shift, the powder of mindset, therapy, anxiety, depression overwhelmed, stressed, relationships, improve relationships, how to get over being sad, how to get of anger, emotional intelligence, emotional strength, how to be more emotionally strong, get out of a slump, get out of a rut, reprogram your mind, habit changes, better mood, how to be more happy, healthy habits, life0changing habits, emotionally mature
Id: svjxTwTQ9OA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 03 2022
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