5 Causes Of Frost Build Up In Freezer-And How To Prevent It

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hey everybody [Music] i'm here today to talk to you about five causes of frost buildup in a freezer i'll also be going over how to prevent frost buildup in a freezer let's get right into this video okay so five causes there are many different causes but these are probably five of the most common causes of frost buildup in a freezer it can be a deep chest freezer like this or it can be a regular sort of fridge freezer combo okay if you have frost in your freezer this is the video for you number one is a damaged door seal so basically the seal around the door basically prevents the cold air from getting out and prevents a hot air from getting into the freezer when the door seal is damaged it allows cold air out and hot air in which creates moisture which in turn basically causes the frost because the moisture freezes and causes the frost okay now there's a little bit of frost in this freezer this is my i call it a cantina i grew up i'm italian right so i grew up calling it a cantina but this is like a cellar or a cold room um you know in my in my basement so you know this is sort of like an old deep chest freezer that we use to just freeze various stuff and the seal on it is quite old and there's a little bit of frost in there a little bit of frost buildup because of that reason okay so number one is basically if you have a bad seal or an old seal on the door that's not so good anymore it can cause frost build up how do you fix it replace the seal very simple they're really inexpensive and actually real really easy to replace um so you know it's worth it to replace the seal i'm probably gonna do it on this freezer and now that i think about it so stay tuned for that video in the future cause or reason number two for frost buildup in the freezer is that the freezer door was left open for too long so maybe your seal is good but the freezer door was left open for too long so once again hot air got in cold air got out and that moisture then froze and caused the frost the solution to that and how to prevent it is make sure you keep your freezer door closed okay so make sure you keep your freezer door closed and i would say go to your freezer often enough that you're going to notice if you leave it open we use this freezer like once or twice a day so basically you know even if someone leaves it open you know if my wife leaves it open if i leave it open we're going to notice within a couple of hours but you know we basically have never left it open we've never really caught it being left open we make it a point to make sure it's closed before we leave the room okay reason number three and obviously the solution is like i said close and make sure it stays closed uh make a conscious effort to close it okay reason number three is too much moisture in the surrounding room okay so essentially if there's too much moisture in the room or the air surrounding the freezer that moisture is going to get into the freezer inevitably even if you only open it for a second it's going to get in there that moisture will then freeze and cause frost build up the solution is uh you know get a dehumidifier possibly or turn down the humidifier on your furnace or your air handler your hvac system if that's what you use um basically you want to reduce the humidity around if possible it's not always possible but if it's possible you know in this room right now it is the summer as i'm filming this so it is quite humid that is also going to contribute to the uh frost buildup in there okay uh number four is if the power went off for a while if your power went off for a while then the stuff in there is going to start to thaw when it thaws it's going to become very moisturous i'm not even sure if that's a word um very moisturous right it's not going to be frozen it's going to be moisturous it's going to be liquidy right and that moisture can then make its way to the walls of the freezer when the power comes back on then that can freeze up and cause frost so the solution to that is you know make sure you're plugged into a power supply that's gonna be constant make sure you're not uh it's not a power supply that goes off constantly or else you're definitely gonna get frost build up lastly number five is that the freezer is too full or not full enough you see if your freezer is too full there's not enough air space in there if the freezer is too empty there's too much air space in there both of those are going to cause frost build-up both of those can cause frost buildup along the walls of the freezer okay so yeah basically and the solution to that is fill your freezer up enough so i'll give you an example i'm not going to open this because i'm not even sure like i didn't organize it it might be a disaster it might be a mess i'm not even sure you know what uh you know what we're going to open it what's the worst case scenario i'm just going to stand far back in case it's a disaster there you go no it's not that bad one second there you go i'm trying to stay far back to give you like i said i don't know what's in there i have an idea but it's all sort of mixed around uh we got some popsicles we got some hamburgers we got some uh we got some uh beef patties got some chicken burgers down there you know just sort of like standard stuff i'll give you a better view like that but essentially um this is in my opinion a good amount of stuff to have in there there's enough air space but it's also um there's enough stuff in there now you'll notice there is frost along there and i did scrape off the frost about uh eight months ago nine months ago i scraped off all the frost in here so this is about nine months of accumulation and like i said it's probably because of a multitude of reasons number one the seal is old and pretty bad right and then it's humid in here because it's a cold room and it's the summertime right it's not hot air and that humid air is getting in there right you know you get the idea there's a few different reasons right but basically in order to prevent the fifth cause which is too much and they're too little in there just make sure you're stalking it to the proper amount i mean that's basically it you know you can fix the problem but it can also be a few different problems together like i said with this one the seal is old my wife got this freezer when she started university so that was many many years ago i don't know i'm not trying to do the math in my head but it was probably like almost 20 years ago maybe 15 years ago give or take yeah between 15 and 20 years ago i'm just trying to do the mental math uh she got this free so this is an old freezer you know you could tell by the the style of it that's old we're gonna replace it but i might just replace the gasket because that's one of the reasons the gas gets bad over there the seal is bad the second reason is that it's in this room which is quite humid in the summer because it's you know it's a cold room it's just the nature of how it works um yeah so it's probably those two things together that is causing that problem but yeah that's it those are five causes of frost buildup in the freezer and how to prevent it and if you do get frost buildup in the freezer like i said before um then you can scrape it off so what i did in the past i did a previous video on it you can go and look back on the channel or just search for it for how to remove frost buildup in a freezer and then put my channel name in there and you'll hear familiar voice um you can scrape it off you know sort of get it out of the freezer and then you start fresh and see how long it takes for it to accumulate again that's a pretty good idea um and then you can use that as a gauge for how often you should be scraping it off anyways so i know i should be scraping it off let's say every five to six months just because of it's been like eight or nine months and it's really built up yeah that's it if you like this video please be sure to give it a thumbs up let me know what you think down below is a comment and of course be sure to subscribe for more great videos just like this one and that's all i have for you today thanks for watching
Channel: Helpful DIY
Views: 6,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: causes of frost build up in freezer, frost build up in freezer, frost in freezer, frost on inside of freezer, frost in deep freezer, how to prevent frost build up in freezer, how to prevent frost in freezer, prevent frost in deep freezer, prevent frost in freezer, how to stop frost from building up in freezer, stop frost from building up in freezer
Id: cbIEp81Myzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 56sec (416 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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