5 Cars That Won’t Last 100,000 Miles

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rev up your engines, today I'm gonna talk about five cars that won't make it to a hundred thousand miles, now of course any car can make it to a hundred thousand miles if you want to spend a fortune on it, putting another engine or transmission, or spending a fortune repairing it, I'm talking about cars and won't make it to a hundred thousand miles if you just change the oil and filter and take care of them, they just won't make it because they're so poorly made, now the first vehicle I'm gonna tell you about is the Range Rover, no surprise to anyone who knows vehicles they are notorious for having all kinds of electrical problems, now the original Rovers, there were copies of American jeeps from World War two, the English saw them liked them, so they made their own one with little bitty four-cylinder engines and those things they could run a really long time, but then they started to think, let's make a bigger ones, luxurious ones, and sell them for a whole bunch of money, and while the little ones, some of those original ones are still running all over the world, Africa you name it, but the bigger ones they all proved to be pretty much money pits, and then that Indian company Tata that makes the really cheap car, they bought them out so now they own them, and really if anything the quality's gotten even worse, now I know another mechanic and he loves them because that's all he works on, and he says Scotty these things are great, it's like you're printing out money for me, they brake so much I make a fortune fixing them, and the modern Range Rover, they have all this electronic stuff and it's fine if it works like in a Lexus, but their's doesn't, I have a customer with one and he says every day is a new adventure in what electronic part will fail next, I had a customer who had one, in the first year of ownership the dealership actually had the car for four months attempting to fix it, and it never really was fixed, one time he took it in for a problem when he got it back that problem was gone, but there were four new electronic problems that suddenly popped up, and when you take into consideration they've had head gasket failures over the years, it's just not a vehicle that you can buy and think you get a hundred thousand trouble-free miles of driving it, it's just not the case, and of course the smart person would look at the resale value of the Range Rovers and see hows incredibly low they are, so they think woe I can get one cheap, well there's a reason you get one cheap, because it may be cheap to buy but it's not gonna be cheap to fix and it's gonna break a lot, now the next car that probably won't make it trouble-free to a hundred thousand miles is the Chevy Cruze, now lately GM has been known for poor quality, but the Cruze it takes the prize that's one of the worst cars they ever made, I have a customer with one, 70 thousand miles, it's on its third automatic transmission, it's just insane, they keep replacing them, they keep breaking them, because they're just so poorly made and I said, well what do you think now, he said I should have spent the extra three four thousand instead of having this pile of junk that I'm just going to get rid of the next time the transmission goes out because it won't be under warranty then, granted the Cruz is a lower priced car but it's got even lower quality in it, my advice stay far away from them, but if you have to get one, say you found one that looks okay and it's real cheap, only buy one if it has a standard transmission, the rest of the cars are poor quality but nowhere near as bad as the automatic transmissions, now the next car that probably will make it trouble-free to a hundred times miles, is the mini and yes they're cute that's how they sell the things, but they're not made cute, I see it all the time, the engines have a tendency of blowing head gaskets and don't even get me talking about the wiring on those cars I had one come over here the headlights weren't working, so I pulled out the headlights and all the tiny little wires that fed it were the thinnest things I've ever seen and they were all melted together, now with modern manufacturing processes, you think they'd be able to make wiring that goes to the headlights that could last forever, well this particular vehicle it was only three and a half years old and the wiring was already all melting together, that's just uncalled for, that shows quality control that's down the toilet and the ones that have CVTs they're notorious for transmission failure that's what happens when you start putting higher technology in a German / English car and sell them without really doing any kind of serious testing of the things, now I remember years ago Honda had carbureted cars in the United States, but at the same time they were selling fuel-injected Honda's in England they used in England as a test ground, and once they got all the glitches out of their fuel injection systems, then they started selling fuel-injected cars in the United States, and guess what those Honda fuel injection systems are pretty bulletproof, they didn't have any problems at all really, maybe mini should have learned from that, maybe they should have just tested all the stuff in England first, before they started shipping them to the United States and have them fall apart, and when they do fall apart man with all those BMW parts on them, they are expensive, I did one the other day I had to put a brake caliper on it, I couldn't believe how much money the parts cost, I tried various places nobody had them, and I noticed when I did have to buy the caliper at the dealer for an ungodly sum, it said BMW on it, because it's a BMW part, they got lot of BMW parts on them, three years old it wasn't that old, stuff shouldn't fail that early, so if you want to maximize your car value, don't buy a mini, now the next car that generally won't make it to a hundred thousand miles is the Fiat 500, a while back Fiat left the United States and they left for three entire decades and didn't sell cars in the United States, but now with Fiat buying Chrysler, Fiats are back in the United States, perhaps they should've stayed back in Italy and not come here, I had a customer, forty thousand miles the engine blew up oil and told it was change regularly, it was just a poorly made little car, now theoretically its an upgrade from the original Fiat 500 which was called Fiat 500 cuz it had a 500 cc engine in it, the new Fiat 500 comes with a stock 1400 cc engine, a lot more than the 500 CC but really the quality control, they haven't learned much in the last 30-40 years at Fiat, now one year when they first came out to the United States, these new Fiat 500 they sold like 40-something thousand of the things, which was a decent start, but last year they sold less than five thousand, so they're going down the tubes, and the rumor mill has it that they might just pull Fiat out of the US market, and sure from what people tell me in Europe, the Fiat 500s are mainly standard transmissions a lot of them are diesels, here in the United States people mainly get automatic, and in 2016 Fiat had to recall a lot of their automatic transmissions for shifting into neutral all by themselves, they recalled over 300,000 of them, now of course they weren't all five hundreds because they didn't sell that many of them there, but you take a little car like that that's underpowered then put an automatic transmission on top of it makes it even less powerful, and they just don't fit in with the American market, now granted the Fiat 500 wasn't as dismal as a failure is say the smart car, but the smart cars they sold such a small amount of cars, I don't even include them in this video because as far as I'm concerned they really don't exist as a model in the United States, now the last car that probably won't make it trouble-free to 100,000 miles is a late-model Nissan Altima, especially with one that has the CVT transmission, now I do say modern because you go back decade or so or more the Nissan Altimas we're actually very good cars, I had customers buy them totally happy with them, the acceleration the gas mileage the handling, whoo since Renault took over their quality has gone, but not only are their automatic transmissions garbage, they blow head gaskets on all the time too, I see head gaskets blowing on Altimas frequently, it's just something that should never happened with modern metals, they know how to make them, obviously Nissan isn't putting that into practice anymore, and it's a shame really because I've had customers that owned Altimas decades ago, then when they bought a newer one and it fell apart they were so disappointed cuz they said oh we remembered our old Altimas and they lasted so long, but this one was just a pile of junk, so don't make the same mistake yourself, stay away from late-model Nissan Altimas, so now you know five cars that aren't gonna make it trouble-free to a hundred thousand miles, and why you should stay away from them if you value your money, so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos, remember to ring that Bell
Channel: Scotty Kilmer
Views: 2,495,698
Rating: 4.5928178 out of 5
Keywords: 100000 mile, 100000 mile cars, 5 cars, 5 cars that won't last 100000 miles, 5 cars you should not buy, auto, auto repair, car, car advice, car diy, car repair, car review, car that break, cars, cars that won't last, diy, least reliable cars, least reliable used cars, low mileage, low mileage cars, mechanic, reliable, reliable car, repair, scotty kilmer, the worst cars to buy, truck, trucks, unreliable cars, unreliable trucks, worst car, worst cars, worst used cars that won't last
Id: KePrK9FseGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2019
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