5 Business Vendors that report to Dun & Bradstreet | Business Credit

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what up guys this is kelvin and welcome back to my channel where we discuss financial wellness mindset therapy and real estate in today's video we're going to discuss five easy approval business credit vendors that report to dunn and bradstreet if you've been looking for ways to build business credit then this is the video for you so stay tuned [Music] first and foremost i would love to start by showing my appreciation to each and every single one of my new subscribers for my og's stand by and stand down hold up nah that didn't sound too right to my ogs hold it down if you haven't already subscribed what are you waiting for make sure you go ahead and hit that subscribe button so you can see more of this fire content the more you punish that like button and comment and share my content i'll be making more and more for y'all baby i really am doing this all out of love because i would like to help as many like-minded small business owners out here put themselves in a position to get large amounts of money show me the money you better yeah in your business's name without it ever having to touch your personal credit now this video right here will serve as a trilogy about the last two videos that i put up showcasing five easy approval business credit vendors that report to equifax and then i made a video about ones that report to experian commercial seeing as though those are the two that may be the hardest to establish business credit with if you haven't already seen those videos i'll go ahead and put up a icard link where you can see the how to build business credit playlist that i created because i wanted to give you guys one single place where you can go and access all of my business credit videos and you can kind of watch them like a class if you'd like to now just keeping it real a large majority of tier 1 and tier 2 net 30 and other type of business vendors report to dun and brass street so there is a wider variety of options for you but the next five options i'm about to talk about are some of the lesser-known business credit vendors that report to dun and brass street so i want to showcase them and let you know how you can get approved and for those of you who don't know dunham brass street has something called a paydex score which is your business credit score that ranges from 1 to 100 with 80 being the optimum position that you want to put your business in so again the golden standard for having a good paydex score would be an 80 or above so that's what you're shooting for now the very first easy approval business credit vendor that reports to dun and brad street that i'm going to showcase right now is advanced auto parts yes we're not talking autozone we're talking advanced auto parts you can stroll into an advanced auto parts right now and be using business credit to purchase things for your car that you would have to purchase regardless of if you were a small business owner or not advanced auto parts actually has two different payment terms that you can get for your business vendor account that's you can do a net 7 account or you can actually do a net 30 account now if you ask me i typically stick with the net seven just because i really do have a strong feeling that whenever you have a shorter term and you pay back immediately that's going to significantly improve the way other vendors look at your payment history now of course at advanced auto parts you can get all things auto parts and they typically start you off with around a one thousand dollar line of credit the requirements for this business account is surprisingly simple you want to make sure you do have the eight keys to having a credible and legitimate business to qualify for business credit as i mentioned in my video but i would put a specific emphasis on making sure your business phone number is listed with the 4-1-1 and before you ask in the comments you can do that by simply going to listyourself.net and as always you want to make sure your business is in good standing with the secretary of state now the next thing you want to make sure you have to qualify for this advanced auto parts account is simply a dun and brass street paydex score so if you don't have a donor branch street payday score it's probably because you either have no trade lines reporting yet or you have maybe one or two if you've already signed up for business credit vendors that are supposed to report to dun and brass street just continue using them i always recommend making at least one minimum 50 subtotal purchase every month pay that invoice off early so that when these vendors do begin to report they have something to report and to be honest that's all it really takes to get approved for this advanced auto parts business credit account you can do so only by going into the advanced auto parts stores in your area and let them know that you would like to apply for business credit now the second easy approval business credit vendor that reports to you guessed it dun and bradstreet is called zorro zorro is an e-commerce store which means they have no physical locations and i would actually compare them to like a granger or uline they have office and cleaning supplies hardware and then also small electronics in order to qualify for the net 30 account with zorro the first thing you want to make sure you have is a dunno brett street paydex score which would be again an 80 score or better now this is preferred so if you're in that 75 to 80 or maybe a 70 to 80 range you still may have a shot you also want to make sure you do have a business bank account and that's really about it they really aren't looking for too much with this card so just make sure your business is well established and then you can give them a call to apply it on the phone i'll put the phone number right up there so you can give that number a call and let them know you want to get down the third easy approval business credit vendor that reports to dunder brat street goes by the name of industrial fans direct so industrial fans direct is a net 30 account not only does it report to that in brass street but it also reports to equifax if you go to their website you'll see that they specialize in all things industrial and commercial environmental solutions so environmental solutions would include lighting venting heating cooling all that good stuff that you would have if you have a brick and mortar store you would definitely like to get this service now in order to qualify for the industrial fans direct account you will of course you guessed it you'll need to make sure you do have the eight keys of having a legitimate and credible business additionally as some of the others you will need to have not necessarily good than a brat street credit but you need to just have a score generated not only do you need to have a denim brass street paydex score but you also need a business account beside having a business account beside having the eight keys of having a legitimate and credible business and also beside having a dun and bradstreet pay that score you will need to have a good equifax credit score believe it or not they will be taking a look to see what your equifax credit score looks like in order to be considered to have good equifax business credit you want to have at least a 550 or better which puts you over that threshold of being a risk or a non-risk last but not least when you make your first purchase it will need to be a minimum of five hundred dollars in order to apply for industrial fan supplies simply do that online at their website just like all the other links they will be down below in the description check them out and the fourth easy approval business credit vendor that reports to dun and brass street is actually valvoline not ovaltine valvoline so vavalin is a net 15 account which means you do need to pay back within 15 days valvoline not only reports to dinner brad street but it also reports to experian vavalin is an auto service that has stores nationwide typically when i think of valvoline i think of like jiffy lube or any of these oil change type businesses so if you were to get this net 15 account you could use it for any of your auto maintenance needs now this valvoline net 15 account is also wexbrand gas card so yes this means not only can you go to a vivaline location and get your oil changed or any other auto servicing you need but this card is also good and accepted at 90 percent of all fuel stations nationwide in order to get approved for valvoline of course you need to have the eight keys of having a legitimate credible business but besides that you also want to make sure you have a business listing and a business account which are two of the eight keys yes you do want to have a dun and bradstreet pay that score you don't need to have great credit but at least a payday score you do want to have multiple trade references so whenever you see this on an application trade references are the same thing as trade lines so any vendors that you have already reporting to your business credit will serve as one of your trade references similar to industrial fan supply valvoline will also check to see if you have great standing with equifax so that means your equifax business credit scores should be at least a 550 or better as long as your business has been around for more than a year you won't have to worry about pgn this would be a no pg gas card situation if you meet that qualification but if your business is newer than one year you will need to either pg or you need to make a 500 deposit to in order to get this account you can get this valvoline net 15 gas card vendor account by simply calling the number that you see right up there there is no online link you can call the number and apply over the phone the fifth yes the one two three four five the fifth easy approval business credit vendor account that reports to dunno brass street is cdw now cdw is a net 30 account that's actually based in both the uk and the cdw has been around for a long time so they are well established and they're also a fortune 500 company cdw specializes in computer electronics so yes that would mean laptops monitors tvs you know all things computer related uh in the electronics field but they also provide digital products so digital products that could help offer an i.t solution for educational and healthcare and all these different industries that are looking for digital products and solutions now in order to have the best chances of getting approved for the cdw account here are some of the qualifications you will need so i want to drill this through you guys's head if you notice i'm doing this for each and every single vendor for a reason i want you guys to understand they want to make sure that they can verify on paper that you are a credible and legitimate business yes this includes having a business account yes this includes having an ein number yes this includes having all the necessary business licensing that your industry requires but they also will be checking to see if you have an 80 or above paydex than a bradstreet score so it's not going to be enough just to have a payday score it needs to be a good one so 80 or above chances are hopefully if you have a great duna bradstreet score hopefully you will have a great equifax score too because yes they will be checking your equifax score so as you can see it is important to build all three scores so check out that video that i made about how you can develop and get vendors that do report to equifax your business should also have been in business for at least two years and last but not least cdw does not rock with virtual addresses okay no po boxes that's a general rule but cdw will be looking for a physical address so keep that in mind before you apply for this account because if you do have a virtual address there's going to be a chance that you get denied just off the strength of that you can apply for the cdw net 30 account by calling the number that you see right up there and then you can make sure that you get your application submitted now that wraps up the five easy approval business vendors that i wanted to tell you guys about the report to dun and brad street but there's one more bonus one i've mentioned this on at least two of my other videos but it's that important and it's that reliable you want to make sure if you don't already have it go ahead and sign up for nav business boost because now business boost reports to all three of the business credit bureaus and it only costs 40 a month but keep in mind you don't have to make any purchases unlike some of these other vendors where they tell you you have to have a minimum 50 300 purchase for them to report with nav boost they're only drafting 39.99 out of your account every month and they're going to report to all three so i'll drop links for that as well down below and i feel like that's something that everyone every single business credit journeyer if that's even a word journeyman should have alright guys hopefully you did enjoy this video if you found anything even remotely helpful in this video make sure you show your boys some love give me a like and subscribe to make sure you get more content from me because this is you know you guys are you're really motivating me to make more content all the love i get is duly noted i got to keep saying it because i really mean it i appreciate all of y'all uh you know peace to allah familia i hope you guys have a great rest of your morning afternoon or night y'all have a good one thanks for watching
Channel: Kelvin McNeil
Views: 67,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Advance Auto Parts Net 30, Advance auto parts Buisiness Credit, Zoro business credit, Zoro Net 30, Industrial Fans Direct, Valvoline, Valvoline gas card, Valvoline Net 15, Valvoline Business Credit, CDW USA, CDW Business credit, CDW Net 30, NAV, NAV Business Boost, Report to D&B, business credit vendors that report to D&B, business credit vendors that report to Dun & Brandstreet, DnB, Paydex score, D&B credit score, How to build business credit in 2021, Business Credit
Id: b3kdp-V80s8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 27 2021
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