5 Biggest Mysteries & Secrets Surrounding The Egyptian Pyramids...

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the Egyptian pyramids of giza they are an archaeological masterpiece one of the seven wonders of the world one of the most famous landmarks on the planet and the most impressive man-made structures ever made after many many years of studying and our advancement in technology we are still barely any further incurring the truth behind these magnificent structures how are the huge stones moved what mysterious cement was used to bind them all together how are they so aligned the questions are endless so from the mysteries to the facts let's take a dive into one of the most fascinating topics in the world the Egyptian pyramids as always sit back and enjoy how were they built let's start with the most common question of all how are the pyramids belt it's estimated they took between ten and fifteen years to build and the ancient engineering feats at Giza was so impressive but even today scientists cannot be sure how the pyramids were constructed what is known is that the builders would have been highly skilled strong Egyptians not slaves as is sometimes depicted and the workforce was thought to be anything from 14,000 to as many as 40,000 just think the Great Pyramid alone is estimated to contain 2.3 million limestone blocks 8,000 tons of granite and 500,000 tons of mortar it's no wonder we question how these huge quantities of building materials were transported let alone maneuvered into place some of which lifted over 450 feet are what we do somewhat know is that the blocks were from nearby quarries and as was the tradition with ancient Egyptians at the time they are current by hammering in water soaked wooden wedges into cracks as the water was absorbed and the wedges expanded it caused the rock to break once they were caught they were transported by boat or float into using a flotation device either up or down the river nile and then to the pyramid build site that's the most plausible theory on how the building material was transported to the pyramid site but that doesn't explain how the pyramids themselves were constructed first let's not forget that some of the individual blocks are estimated to weigh as much as 70 tons with most being around 2.5 tons even modern-day fuel-powered construction cranes don't usually lift more than 20 tons so how did they do it there are two most popular theories the first that once the blocks arrived at the pyramid site a system of ramps would have been used to hold the stones into place but given their sheer weight and the height they would have needed to be hauled as the pyramids began to take shape makes this theory incredibly unlikely although not impossible for most people the second theory seems more plausible the huge stones were floated into position using the same buoyancy method possibly used to transport them to the site but although it looks simple on video and diagrams don't forget we're talking tons of stone the amount of points he needed for this would be astronomical take into account the waterproofing needed for the water chambers and the amount of pressure on the hatch doors that would have need to be opened and closed seems insane this theory although good on paper doesn't hold enough evidence to suggest that this is how those blocks were maneuvered and that's because despite some of the cleverest minds invested in this we are still not sure how exactly these incredible structures were built however a top fives video wouldn't be complete without mentioning aliens so we will talk about those later how do you think they were built the secret tunnels the pyramids are filled with mysteries and the Great Pyramid air shafts or tunnels is one of them at first it was thought they may have served us some sort of ventillation during the construction process however this has been dismissed in recent years after the discovery of what appears to be small limestone blocks or doors at the top of some of the shafts there are currently three known chambers in the Great Pyramid the base chamber that supports the pyramid and two upper chambers that are known as the Queen and Kings chambers in both of these it's been discovered that there are four small tunnels that extend from the north and south walls there only around 20 centimeters squared and over the years it's speculated that these lead to another secret chamber deep within the pyramid with modern technology it's been established that the tunnels in the King's Chamber are open-ended and lead to the outside of the pyramid this has led to the belief that these shafts were to allow the Kings soul to travel to the stars of the north and south sky and this seems quite plausible considering their beliefs however the Queen's Chamber tunnels are more mysterious and remote control cameras have been sent down them and this is when it was realized they are blocked off by small stone doors with what appears to be metal pins this is strange in itself as no metal was in any other part of the pyramid this is led to speculation that behind the door is another undiscovered chamber more recently another robot was sent in and this time it drilled into a stone block inside the tunnel and did discover a small empty chamber the most recent exploration of the tunnel was done using a newly to varrick's robot camera that managed to get into the chamber and found four thousand five hundred year old hieroglyphics written in red paint and carvings in stone with these more detailed pictures it's been suggested the tunnel has some symbolic meaning rather than serving any purpose and that the hieroglyphics could be deciphered it could hold the key to yet another mystery of the Great Pyramid it would not have been easy to incorporate these shafts into what was already a super intricate building so it's safe to assume there is some deeper meaning to them and the possibility is high that there are many more discover tunnels deep within the Great Pyramid it's just a matter of searching for them why did they build them bizarre as it may seem we think we know one thing about the pyramids why they were built it's believed these huge constructions were built as tombs for pharaohs and their Queens to protect their bodies and help them on their journey to eternal life from birth the ancient Egyptians planned for their death and for the Pharaohs the pyramids were perfect for holding their most prized possessions that they would need in the afterlife the burial was considered a very important event a process that was connected to the rising and setting of the Sun the dead Pharaoh represented a Cyrus the setting of the Sun and his son who would replace his father as the new Pharaoh was the vision of Horus the rising of the Sun for this reason that a ceasefire Oh had to be eternally protected in death to avoid a cosmic disturbance and his body preserved so it would be recognizable by his spirit this was achieved by the process of mummification that consisted of being embalmed and wrapped in a fine linen the Pharaohs body would then be placed in a sarcophagus made of heavy stone to protect his corpse and placed deep in the pyramid along with gold food furniture boats clothing and other luxury offerings items that would not only provide for him but also for relatives and servants buried near him however despite these elaborate measures all the Pyramids of Giza eventually succumb to tomb thieves and no bodies have ever been recovered from them today they are completely empty and unlike other Egyptian tombs the walls are also bare and contained no inscriptions hieroglyphics or Pharaoh names apart from those secret tunnels this decimation of the pyramids forced the Pharaohs to eventually look for other ways to protect their bodies and they moved to carving their tombs in two cliffs or underground most notably in the Valley of the Kings where the boy King Tutankhamun's tomb was famously uncovered in 1922 but maybe the pyramids were not built for this and had a much more significant purpose one that could explain the incredible accuracy that went into building them why and how are the Great Pyramids of Giza the most perfectly aligned structures on the planet with a footprint of 13 acres you would think there would be a lot of room for errors in terms of the perfection of the pyramid structure however over the years more and more people have been realizing how aligned they seem to be in relation to stars on earth it's mainly the Great Pyramid which out of the three is the one that holds the most secrets and has baffled scientists archeologists and astronomers for years one example is if you multiply the height of the Great Pyramids by forty three thousand two hundred it's equal to the polar radius of the earth now this wouldn't mean anything but if you multiply the base perimeter by the same number it's equal to the equation circumference of the earth it could be a complete coincidence but we are led to believe they were built in a time when nobody knew a thing about the earth or that we even lived on a round planet for that matter the Great Pyramid also faces true north with only three and sixtieth of a degree of error and when it was built it was exactly aligned to the North Pole and is positioned at the center of the landmass of Earth the four phases of the Great Pyramid are slightly concave the only one built this way however this phenomenon is only apparent at dusk and sunset on the spring and autumn equinoxes when the Sun casts shadows on the pyramid and remarkably the curvature designed into the phases of the Great Pyramid exactly matches the radius of the earth the more to use to build the pyramids is stronger than stone and over the years has been intensely analyzed would you believe that alert is known what it's chemical compound is it's been impossible to reproduce and one of the reasons the pyramid is still standing is that the cornerstone foundations have a ball-and-socket construction that is capable of withstanding heat expansion and earthquakes despite the searing heat of the Egyptian desert the temperature inside the pyramids is a constant 20 degrees the same as the average temperature on earth and of course we've all heard about the Orion's belt theory that shows the pyramids positioning marches with the three stars so are all these and the many other facts about the great pyramids a massive coincidence or is there a deeper more significant meaning to all this aliens with so many unanswered questions about the pyramids there will be many alternative theories about how these precise constructions came about one theory that repeatedly comes up is life from another planet it's being responsible the theory suggests that the Egyptians must have had help from superior technology to come up with such exact dimensions for the pyramids or that they were built solely by advanced alien visitors without any human assistance at all there is some evidence that adds weight to these theories in particular the fact are some of the extraordinary details of the alignment of the pyramids can only be seen from the air it would have been impossible to calculate the orientation of the pyramids without an aerial view something that surely only a visitor from another planet could have achieved also it would have been impossible to have built the Great Pyramid facing the exact magnetic north pole without having a compass and the extraordinary alignment of the celestial objects would not have been possible or at least incredibly hard furthermore the Egyptians would not have known the exact length of the year or where the summer solstice was questioning why on the evening of a summer solstice can the Sun be seen setting in the exact center of the two pyramids and if aliens did build the pyramids in around 10,000 BC as is claimed then it would explain the Orion theory because the positioning off the three pyramids of giza would have aligned exactly with the three stars of Orion as they were located at that time it's theorized that only beings from a highly intelligent Otherworld would be able to calculate and action some of these and other intricate details of the pyramids things that even with the best technology in the world today we are still yet to offer a definitive answer so that's five facts and mysteries surrounding the Pyramids of Giza I hope you've enjoyed it and what do you think about them where the Egyptians far more advanced than we think and we are severely under estimating them or do the alien theories hold on I would love to hear your thoughts and discussions thanks for watching and as always I will see you in the next video
Channel: Top5s
Views: 1,859,901
Rating: 4.8452287 out of 5
Keywords: Alien Life, Pyramids, Pyramids of Giza, Egyptian Music, Egyptian, Mysterious Pyramid tunnels, Pyramid Chambers, Underground, Secrets, pyramids of giza age, egyptian pyramid facts, Egyptian Facts, Unsolved, How were the pyramids built?, egyptian, Alien building, Aliens built the pyramids
Id: RmN8Y8zvuFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2017
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