5 Best Ways To Promote Your Ebook Online (Even If You're A Beginner)

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what's good people it's your boy house from home dad back with another video and in this video today I'm going to talk to you and coach and guide you on how to actually get more sales for your ebook so in the previous videos I've made videos on topics on how to sell ebooks without actually writing them okay but a lot of questions I've been getting recently is how do they actually promote it once the book is made and the book is uploaded how do they get more sales because sales aren't coming in quick enough so in this video I'm going to dive into three key Like rules if you like on how to get more sales that I use and I coach all of my students inside the academy so let's jump into it right I've got my notes here I'm gonna Dive Right into number one in the lava videos I show you firsthand I'll leave a link somewhere here how to upload your ebook to Amazon Kindle Amazon Kindle is crazy right Amazon will just get you sales but if you want to ramp up your sales or sales aren't big enough you want to start running some keywords and PPC on them right if you don't know about it I'll do another video explaining it but brief what it means is when someone searches for your book title you will rank in the top position because you're going to pay to be in that position now that position might cost you maybe 20 pence or 15 Pence it's gonna cost you something small okay so if you pay to be in that position this is going to lead to more sales okay the downside of it is obviously you have to learn how to use PPC or the upsiders you can hire someone like myself or like someone on Fiverr to actually set up the ads for you I'm not actually taking on clients right now to do PPC but if I do in the future that's something that you can reach out to me for but in the meantime you can definitely hit up someone fight on someone on Fireball to run the ads for you within Amazon and set it up or learn how to do yourself watch a couple YouTube videos it's pretty simple I have to do okay so that's number one number two is you're going to want to set up a landing page and convertkit now what do I mean what's a landing page what's a convertkit so a landing page is just a one-page website if you like it's not even really a website it's just a page where you will send people to this page and they will enter in their email address in exchange for a free ebook Okay see if you can read it but I'm selling at you but why am I going to give away something for free okay here's the answer so your ebook would be whatever the topic your ebook is on maybe Health okay you will give away a free checklist or free report which is just a simple one-page document with a tick box or whatever you create it you can go on canva or wherever you can find one online and give it away for free for example let me break it down a little bit further for you so if you're selling a book on an ebook on how to get healthy in the gym you can do a five-step checklist on the things that you need for the gym okay and on this checklist you can react write a little paragraph and you can just write here are the five things you need you need a water bottle you you need some hand weights to give yourself additional resistance you need a towel you need some earphones and he you need this playlist this playlist on Spotify is designed to motivate you give you extra energy and a boost that you need to complete your workout okay that can be in your report now you're gonna drive people to this page through social media right we're gonna jump into some other averages in a minute how to get them there but once they're there you're gonna give them this free ebook all they got to do is enter in your email below in their email below it's going to automatically send to them now you're going to want to link a landing page to convertkit convertkit is an email automated software that will basically send them automatically emails once they've signed up to your landing page now convertkit offer this landing page as well okay so if you just sign up I'll leave a link in the description if you sign up to convertkit you will not only get the ability to make landed Pages these beautiful templates but you'll also be able to send them to your clients the emails um of the free reporters as well I keep following up with them with emails because that is where the magic is in the last video a couple videos ago I've done a video on the power of email marketing okay and this route is the email marketing way so you're setting up a landing page you're you're getting customers to give them give you their email address in exchange for a free report which then once they download the report they're going to enjoy the report I think well I've got value from this report you're going to also be sending them automated emails every two days which is gonna say to them look come and purchase this book this book it's got basically the report and then some even more so if you like the report You're Gonna Love This Book okay that is a far this is like one of the best ways just to sell an ebook online hands down okay you're going to be getting traffic to this landing page getting getting their email addresses and sending people more emails about your book upselling them to your book this is going to convert like crazy and get you so much more sales okay and the good thing about it is once they purchase your book you can then write another book in association with with the niche that you're reading and which they buoying I keep sending them more emails to purchase your books okay okay dead simple dead effective is something you're going to want to tap into ASAP again if you don't know how to set up a landing page you don't have to set up these funnels watch a ton of YouTube videos to learn because remember the more you learn the more you earn or simply just hire someone on Fiverr to do it for you it's going to cost you five to ten dollars but the good thing is once you set it up it will run on autopilot in the background and you'll never have to worry about money again okay it's gonna run in the background that the second one's the number third number three is what we're leading into is one of my favorites and that's YouTube okay the power of YouTube you simply make a video on the topic that yours that your ebook is about okay in terms of promoting it you just you just make like for example like let me give you a best example I make turo videos okay and at the end of um I'll post them to YouTube and at the beginning and the end of every tour of video I make I simply do I add a call to action and I say look click the link in my description box below to go and get my tour of course now okay p people that are interested in learning more about turo they click the link they go over to my landing page on gumroad and they purchased the course okay now these videos are like little mini salesmans for me they're little sales agents for me they're out showing the product talking about the product like through YouTube and and it's working while I'm not working like so while I'm sleeping people are watching my videos okay so the the beautiful thing about YouTube which you have to see as now in 2023 is that you do the work once meaning you make the video once and you get paid over and over again unlike Instagram where once you post a video or or post that post like unless they go to your profiles they're not going to see that post Weeks Later Weeks Later they're not going to keep seeing your posts okay and not unless they go to your profile and they scroll down whereas on YouTube it doesn't matter if your content is a year old or is six months old or it's four years old it's Evergreen meaning that it's always going to be relevant if someone searched you for the your keyword I was searching for your video you'll pop up and they'll be able to get value from your video okay like I make tour videos from two years ago that are still driving traffic to my ebook and my course right because I made them two years ago so that's why it's so powerful to think about jumping into um YouTube because once you make do the work once you make the video once it will continue to bear fruit for you and keep making you profits later on down the line okay so like I said with YouTube you simply make the video like this like I'm doing now talking about topics and little tips from your ebook Okay and then at the end of every video you simply say if you want to learn more about this topic about health or about wealth or whatever click the link in my description box below and where you can check out my course on my free ebooks voila a percentage of people are gonna go over to that um landing page and buy your ebook so those are my three favorite things that um the best ways to promote your ebook like I said I'm getting so much uh messages saying how they love this whole process of reselling eBooks online but they're kind of stuck on how to actually Drive traffic and these are the easiest ways I'm just gonna quickly jump back to step two which was the landing page and the convertkit in terms of sending emails now a little little tip that you can do is on your social media your Instagram your Facebook pages if you're just posting normal pictures of yourself if I do a selfie like this right now bam and it's just me in a in a in a beanie hat and a hoodie and I'm shopping I'm doing some Christmas shopping and you know my family and I want to post a selfie I can still make that selfie relevant to the ebook even though there's no direct connection okay I'm doing Christmas shopping my ebook is about um being in the gym I can still make those connects simply by posting the caption saying out with the family right now doing Christmas shopping and then in the bottom of the description I write P.S if you want to learn more and about how you can build your health in the in the gym in 2023 after Christmas click the link in my description box and then people will click that link okay so here's where you've got to get your marketing hat on and start linking things together for example if I'm at a farm with my daughter or my son and we're looking at some goats okay there's some goats right now straight away my head connects go to the ebook Okay I could write at the farm having fun today with my kids looking at all of these goats okay look at these silly little goats drinking their milk how cute are they okay in the and below that I write P.S if you want to become a goat which in slang term is the greatest of all time if you want to become a goat in this online hustle world or in the gym if you want to come to go in the gym click the link in my description box and download my my health book or whatever do you see how you're gonna tie in different things I'll give you another example I could be at a casino or I could be swimming at a swimming pool okay I could say done 10 laps today at the pool take a selfie of myself with my swimming gear on and say P.S if you want to dip your toe in the water in terms of getting Health fit in 2023 click the link in my description box to go and check out my brand new ebook Okay do you see what I'm doing I'm tying in absolutely things that have nothing to do with my ebook but I'm making them relevant okay with through wordplay and just a little bit of a bit of Ingenuity a bit of creativity now even if you don't want to be a master of puns and try and connect words like dipping your toe in in a social way or you can simply put just put PS click the link in my description box to go and get my free ebook you could just do that you don't even have to like I'm gonna use little wordplay things because that's what I like to do I like to be creative right but you don't have to you can just put PS click the link in my description box to get my free ebook even if there's no connection at all all it means is that people are looking at your videos you captions on Instagram and and you're they're getting exposed to the fact that you actually have an evil people can't buy something without awareness okay they need to be aware it exists in order to buy it so by you always including a PS in all of your captions regardless of what your images or whatever is about you will always be able to build grow that awareness which could lead to sales and will lead to cells okay so those are these are some gems here like these are Big gems if you're sleeping on these these gems here this probably ain't for you this online Hustle Life is probably not for you don't sleep on these gems this is the this is how two three four five k weeks are done despite these little tips tricks and techniques okay so I hope you got value from this video I'm about to go and do some last minute Christmas shopping with my wife and my daughter my son breaks up from school tomorrow so I'm gonna go with him to do some more gift shopping as well but this is the probably the one of the last days I'm gonna get in for 2022 to do some shopping so drop a comment a like And subscribe if you got value from this video and remember but promote your ebook card because 2023 is here and 2023 is your year I'm rhyming I'm a poet and I do know it I'm gonna go I'm rambling um this these videos are dedicated for dads that want to host from home so if you want to spend less time with your boss and more time with your wife and kids click the Subscribe button it's your house from home dad signing out and I will see you very soon
Channel: Hustle From Home Dad
Views: 22,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to market ebook, how to market an ebook, book promotion, ebook marketing, how to promote ebook, how to market your ebook, ebook marketing strategies, how to market my ebook, how to promote your ebook online, how to promote your ebook, how to market ebook online, how to market an ebook and make money
Id: bHK639x0GWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 20 2022
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