5 Best FREE AI Courses for Non-Technical & Technical Beginners 2024 | How to learn AI ML | Learn AI

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hello everybody we hear a lot about AI generative Ai and still we don't know what is the right course for us to pursue and this video is my attempt to share some of the best available online courses for you to pursue immediately and get started with your AI journey and before I share there are three things that I considered before recommending these courses for you the first one is the target audience very clear for each and every of these courses for example is the course specific to Python program or is the course specific to business professionals or is it open for everybody who is just getting started so the target for each of these courses is very well defined so you can see if you would fit into that bucket versus not the second thing that I evaluated is who is teaching this course what are the ratings for these courses well the entire field itself is evolving and hence the courses are also evolving so coming from a great teacher at least gives us a good stand standing with respect to where generative ai ai in general is also standing it doesn't mean that we will postpone our learnings to next year when the courses are little more sorted we have to get started because whenever we start it takes an year and we will be running back to catch up with others so please do get started and the third thing that I've also evaluated is if the course is free versus not and majority of these courses are at least offering a trial period for 1 month and that should give you a good sense of whether to continue and purchase the course or even finish off the course in the one month if you have the required time now before jumping into the courses another quick reminder guys there is a lot of discussion about hey whether AI will eat my job do I know what course to pursue versus not am I even ready do I have required time a lot of these kind of questions but let me tell you everybody is in the same boat as you are and the most important thing over here is to get start started and stay and keep ourselves motivated so that we are running forward and not thinking backwards so let's get started with the first course well this is AI for everyone well as the name itself says the target audience for this course is any person who is looking forward to get started with their artificial intelligence journey and not coming from a technology background so you'll understand the basics of AI the definitions the work flows how AI is integrated into different projects different businesses also you will get a good understanding of responsible AI ethical Ai and this course is taught by Andrew NG he's one of the most popular figures in the AI space he's also co-founder of corsera and an Adjunct professor at Stanford well the credentials can't get any better also there are more than 1 million people who have taken these courses so far and the ratings are truly outstanding so do consider taking this course the estimated time for you to complete this course is roughly 10 hours and you have a 7-Day free trial so give it a shot make sure that you have probably those two weekends together two Saturday Sundays or at least one Saturday Sunday in your trial period where you can spend good amount of time I'll give you the link of every single course in the description box so that it is easier for you to go enroll and register for that trial period the second course that I want to talk about is building gener ative AI skills for business professionals this is coming from LinkedIn learning and what do you learn in this specific course it will teach you specifically how to use prompt Engineering in your day-to-day work how you can leverage different AI tools that are available out there to increase your own productivity at work well again this is for non-technical folks who are looking to start using those adjacent AI tools at your workplace a great starting point point if you want to start using immediately the AI tools this is available on LinkedIn learning which is again having a free trial and the estimated time to complete this entire course is 10 to 15 hours you will specifically be learning about generating the best prompts using generative AI to write content performing solid research and creating AI generated images on Mid Journey you also have an option to take exam at the end and the certificate from Microsoft is something which you can display on your LinkedIn profile do check out once again the link in the description box now before we jump into a little more of the technical courses and how you can help you jump into the hackathons a quick shout out to our sponsors squarex squarex is a free Chrome extension that will let you browse the web privately and securely squarex can be installed as a Chrome extension once installed and signed in this extension will give you access to Suite of disposable tools that opens everything in Cloud instead of your local system so that your system is never at risk also with squarex you get a 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will introduce you to the world of AI this is a fantastic course because this can help you get into the hackathons space and usually hackathons are considered to be the stepping stone into the AI Work World so you can start even without any kind of prayer background at AI job now what you will learn here is Hands-On projects and theory behind Graph Search algorithms classification optimization large learning models and other topics within AI by the end of this course the objective should be to emerge with experience in handling specific libraries with respect to machine learning that you can use in your day-to-day work and the course also has a few Hands-On projects which will help you get really good and ready with these hackathon and as I mentioned the pre prerequisite is nothing but you need to know python again this course is available for free on edex which is coming from rward the next course is AI for business specialization this is coming from won you can find this course on corsera which will again have that free trial which can help you understand if this course is for you versus not and who is this target audience the target audience are Business Leaders who want to start getting into the AI world you will understand the basics of llm and understand the basics of generative AI concept as business leader so that you can start applying these tools in your marketing team in your Finance teams and also in your HR operations the objective the clear objective of this program is to develop a deployment strategy for incorporating AI ML and Big Data into your organization this is a 40-hour course and this is taught by some of the best professors coming from University University of pen won again University of pen has a good reputation in the world of AI because they are one of the first IV league universities to launch an undergrad program in the space of artificial intelligence so if you are that business leader do not skip this course as it is a free one as well the fifth and the final one is coming again from Andrew NJ with respect to specialization in deep learning well you know this is specifically for The Tech Guys Who want to specialize in deep learning you will learn concepts related to recurrent neural networks convolution neural networks word embeddings and use hugging face tokenizers and Transformer models to perform n and question answering the estimated time to complete this course is 100 plus hours well you can't rush and try to finish it off in one month because there are a lot of technical Concepts there are Hands-On projects and you would be forgetting if you rushing through estimated time you should take is roughly three months the first month is free try to get in and see if you can really learn and leverage this skill going forward and then you can subscribe for the second or the third month now coming back just I want to emphasize once again that these five courses could be a very very good starting point for you irrespective of where you are in your AI Journey a beginner an intermediate versus an advanced expert as well and imagine the only thing that you should be worried about is how you can stay motivated throughout this journey and if I were you I would start doing these things without any kind of expectations from the market and then think through if this would be helpful for me after a few months thank you so much guys I hope this is helpful for you and also your network so please do share it in your network see you again in the next one bye-bye
Channel: Pavan Sathiraju
Views: 17,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pavan sathiraju, pavan sathiraju insead, ai courses, ai courses for beginners, ai courses free, ai courses in india, ai courses for non technical, ai courses for beginners in hindi, ai courses online, ai courses for beginners free, best ai courses in india, best ai courses online free, best ai courses online, best ai courses 2024, best ai courses to learn, how to learn ai, how to learn ai and machine learning, how to learn ai from scratch, how to learn ai for beginners, ai, ml
Id: 40uWy11tq9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 46sec (586 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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