5 AWS CloudFormation: Designer Part-1

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hi in this video we'll talk about cloud formation a designer so let's get started from AWS console from the home screen we will click on services and we'll go to cloud formation and here we can design our template we can write any template using JSON or EMM and save them in text files or alternatively we can a depressor has the provision where we can graphically visually design what we need and the template will be automatically created and that is the whole purpose of a design template a very nice tool provided by AWS so let's see how it works so I am clicking on design templates now let's say that we want to deploy web server just a basic one and how we can do that so once we click on the template designer you will see this is screen different parts here here is the resource time and this is where you will see your template that will be auto-generated and you can switch from Jason to mmm for example if you look here this is in Jason template if you click here it automatically switches to XML version will will be using JSON for this video and here you see them updates messages and this is the working area where we will work with different elements that we need in in a template and let's see how we use this different parts of the screen of the designer as you keep going before I start you might be interested to see that we care and strengthening template we can open an existing template you can save or we can use sample templates and some other icons as you will go over to the tool tip for example this one is pretty much a self explanatory for example this one says when we have a diagram here then this helps us to download that diagram as an image and you can maximize or minimize this pain but I will just keep it like this so this template it's name is new dot template by default but I want to change the name of this template so I click on template here I click on this icon let's say I want to name this as a web server the template so I dot template I type the name web server and I press ENTER now here you see that it's it has been changed now this this tutorial is about CloudFormation template designer not about all the elements that you can use in the as part of a WSS the list is huge and that's why because our main purpose is to know how to work the template designer we won't go into much detail of what resource has so much meaning what is the purpose that we will see in the relevant tutorials so for example let's say i'm so to keep going let's say we want to deploy our web server so we are creating a template and we are visually creating a template so from the left and rissoles paying we select ec2 and here it has the available resources under ec2 we will select VPC virtual private cloud so I just drag and drop it here we need a number of elements here as you'll see as you keep going so I just increase exercise so that it can accommodate everything that we need so this V PC probably not a very good name here as you can see so we can actually by using my mouse scroll scrolling bathroom and just dragging and dropping I can change them I want to change this name because you see this is an AWS - when I hover over the resource you can see now that it's AWS ec2 V PC and its name is easy to V PC something but we will change it to something that we can remember so let me right click on this and I have this menu and this menu shows the link to relay event documentation I can delete this one I can duplicate if I want if I need more than one element I can just delete it by clicking this in this case this is the icon that we're interested in edit properties here you see that as soon as I selected this in the template you see under resources this resource has been created if you compare this name and here you see that the name you will see that this is what I automatically created but the name is not very instantly very friendly for us to remember so what we'll do we'll change the name here let's say just to make the name and we'll leave the name VPC and the designer is out okay it says to hit refresh because you have changed the name so I am clicking refresh now if I go here you will see that the name has been changed to be PC because we change the name here okay so what we're going to act in this virtual private cloud is one subnet so added a subnet by dragging and dropping just increasing a bit more because I know based on my plan I'm going to have an ec2 instance here as well so once again in the same way let me change the name of this as here we have subnet subnet out of tapes refreshed now you see it is his name is subnet I'm going to keep an instance here a virtual server here instance from left pane drag and drop this is the instance I will so the instance is selected here the instance I want to change its name as the web server likes web server of course I need to refresh as you have seen before so this is the web server also as part of so I think I can minimize this a page yes I don't need anything else here and now what I need is I need a security group for my web server so I will drag and drop the security group here just making nice it really doesn't matter whether you put it here or here I'm just putting it here just to make it look good so this is the security group I am going to change the name to web server purity group with security see you might have a question in your mind that do I need to change the name no you don't looks but the default names not very human friendly it's hard to remember so we always try to put give names that make sense to us in this easy to remember so refreshing and I have the latest version here and also I am going to add our routing table here a page and I'm going to this is the row table I'm going to change it as a table refresh and update the design and within the routing table we are going to drag and drop a routing every source product and once again this one is automatically selected here I'm going to change this resource name to route makes more sense to us and another thing that I need to implement a basic on web server is the Internet gateway so they are sorted alphabetically so I can go on I internet here we go this is Internet gateway so this is the Internet gateway I am going to give it to this internet Gator so I am going to give its name as which just use anything that makes sense to you I'm just giving the name that is convenient for me to remember so I'll refresh now here you see that this will have Internet gateway this one is of service security group this one is a server out this one is webserver route table this one is web server and this one is submit and this one is very PC now what we will do is we will connect these resources we have dragged and dropped the resources now it's time for us to connect those resources and so for this implementation you just zoom a bit so now what we are going to do so this is the V PC we have we have the V PC web server subnet instance routing table and route the internet get going you need an internet Gator to connect to and from our side world from your virtual private cloud so what we're going to do is we're going to connect this V PC with the internet Gator so if we just read it a bit here and if we click on mouse cursor over here we will see that the name is VP Singh gave you attachment just drag and drop this condition here you see the moment I have started dragging the V PC is highlighted which means this Internet gateway can be connected to this V PC so I'm connecting this and then we are going to it's the routing chain rule the route to the internet later by using the gateway IG so let's have a look here you see this if they have different they're for different purposes differently go on this one I see that this is for the gateway ID so it is for the Internet gateway so I should drag and drop this connection to that you see the Gateway is automatically highlighted when I started driving so I connected this route and also the route depends on gateway so I click the depends on or once again I click the depends on and I collect it connected with the catering depends on drag-and-drop just connect it and then we also have instance this chance will depend on route because instance the web server needs the route to have traffic incoming and outgoing traffic so it depends on let's find it depends on the one which is depends on we discuss about the rest later on so here it is the depends on it depends on the route so I will drag and drop you see this is highlighted so I'll just connect and then I will connect the route table with the subnet because they have a dependency and if we don't create the proper dependency our step will not work this is the template that we are creating visually creating the template that we will use later on to create a stack so the dirac the routing table is also depending on the subnet so what we will do is we will go for the depends on and then we'll connect it to the subnet so that's how we use designer CloudFormation designer to design a template and as you keep going your template your template gets changed you can just switch to from Jason to Yemen just let this just to clicking it's as simple as that and also you need to save your template you can save it locally or you can save it on the Emerson storage so saving local is just as simple as saving any file so let's see how we can save it so if I click here save then it gives me the option whether I want to say just a local file or as Amazon s3 in s3 bucket so lets me save it locally I will click on local file and I save it as a web site or template I'll hit save and is asking so say yes I want to save it and it is normally safely the download folder if I open my download folder just change the views for better viewing so you see that I have the web server dot template assessed over here and also and also by using a single click of this button we can export this diagram as an image so let me just show you very quickly download diagram is an image just clicking on that save file click on save going back to my downloads folder and here you see NPS PNG format that diagram has been saved so that's how we work with cloud formation designer we have saved the template that we're going to use it later on this by now we have seen how we can add the resources and connect to them and we also need to add the parameters and if we need to we need to also add mapping so before we can create a stack because just providing resources and connecting is not enough to create a stack we need to also design the mention specify the parameters so by now we have seen how we can graphically design a template and have the resources and connect and rename them we have also seen the template which automatically generated that we can quickly switch between Jason and Gemma and we have also seen how we can save the file so that we can use later on however we have safety locally so we'll see how we can add properties and other required things in this step in next tutorial video thank you
Channel: Teach Village
Views: 27,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AWS, Amazon, Cloud Computing, Amazon AWS, CloudFormation, AWS CloudFormation, Amazon AWS CloudFormation
Id: jLP_gw5PRzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 8sec (1148 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 17 2018
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