5 Apps you NEED for an Iceland Trip

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navigating Iceland's rugged terrain and ever-changing weather can be a challenge especially if you're not familiar with the area in this video I'm going to share with you my five best apps that you need to download before your Iceland adventure to make the most out of your trip from mapping out your route to staying up to date with the weather conditions I've got you covered hey my name is Jeannie and living in Iceland has definitely taught me it's so important to be prepared with the right tools when you're traveling around the country and that is exactly where these apps come in so let's get into it the first app that you need to download is called safe travel this is where you're going to find road closures weather warnings and anything that would pop up that would get in the way of your daily Adventures so my recommendation is before you head out each and every day to check this app you can also go ahead and leave your travel plan so that in the event of an emergency someone knows where you're going to be my favorite feature of this app is that you can sign up to get alerts directly to your phone so if you're traveling around just during the day you're out on a hike or at a waterfall and some kind of weather warning pops up or a road closure then it will come directly to your phone so make sure to do that as well the next app that you need for your Iceland trip is Google Maps I don't think I use any other app on my phone more than Google Maps yeah no easily Google Maps obviously Google Maps is for navigation around the country and surprisingly it is extremely accurate in Iceland so you're going to be using it thing for things like you're at the airport you're trying to get to your hotel in downtown Reykjavik so you want to go ahead and type in that navigation and we'll step by step route you to that place and of course when you're traveling around the country you're able to locate major sightseeing destinations and it will navigate you term by turn so you definitely want to have this app and the best thing about Google Maps is my maps the maps that I create for Iceland Shameless plug I am not afraid to say that I have created the best Google Maps that you're gonna find anywhere and as of this recording I have just updated all of my maps across the board so that you can have the best and the latest and greatest information for Iceland so these Maps don't have just your main stops and the places that everyone goes to no no no Genie's gems all the hidden locations that you don't find in the guidebooks and you don't even find on blog posts but that I found from eight years of living in Iceland listed on my maps where the next restaurants are which restaurants are coming up where the toilets are located what items are on their restaurant menus I put that on the map I have gone ahead and thought of everything to make your trip planning easier so that you don't have to rely on the internet for research but I already did all the research for you because let's face it when you're going on vacation you need more information than just the pretty waterfalls and beaches like I said everything I mean I just really have thought about everything that I would want to know as a traveler in Iceland and put it on the map for you so I'm going to leave a link in the description below so that you can grab it and just have the best trip over moving on to the next app that you need for Iceland and that is translate so my choice of translate app is Google translate Yes Google knows a lot about me and I am okay with that I think the Google Translate app is really well done it's very simple and straightforward it allows you to easily translate from Icelandic to your own language so all you do is type in what the phrase is is and then you can convert it to your language so that you understand what's written and this will come in handy many places in Iceland like for example the signs menus at restaurants items at the grocery store all you have to do is either type or you can use their scanning feature so they have a feature where you can take a live photo and then it just translates it right there I mean it's genius this definitely has saved me a few times over the years and I highly recommend it for your travels the other feature about Google translate that's handy is if you go ahead and turn your phone it will actually enlarge the words so it's easier for someone else to read I've used that as well your next must-have app for Iceland traveling is booking so this is an app for accommodations where you're going to keep that information all in one place so I've talked about this before on my channel and that is that most like the biggest majority of accommodation in Iceland is on booking we don't have hotels.com we have air Airbnb of course but it's less common and you have less options there but in terms of like everything from hotel all the way down to hostel booking is where you're going to want to look and I really love this app too because it's intuitive it's really well organized and so you can keep everything in there on the palm of your hand so that you can know which accommodation is coming up what the date is all of the details on what's included like is it you know is it a queen bed is it a is breakfast included is there parking on site all of that is just right there included in there the next app is called currency and this is going to convert isk or the Icelandic krona so the local currency into a currency that you're familiar with so it has a big long list of currencies that it's translating and all you can do is choose the one that you want to find and then it will list the conversion so if you are thinking like the grocery store or at a restaurant and looking up prices is and that's confusing to you then all you can do is just type in the amount and then convert it to your currency so that it's familiar so for example if I'm at a restaurant and something on the menu is a thousand Kroner then I'm going to type that in and then it will be about 750 US Dollars and that's easy for me to understand still after all this time it's easier for me to comprehend US Dollars all right so those are my five top apps that you're going to need for traveling in Iceland and now that you know about those apps you want to make sure to know about the planning differences in Iceland because there are some unique things about planning for your trip so make sure to watch this video popping up on the screen to learn the nuances of planning a trip to Iceland I'll see you guys in the next video but until then Happy planning
Channel: Iceland with a View
Views: 16,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Iceland tips, iceland advice, iceland itinerary, first time in Iceland, first Iceland visit, iceland for beginners, getting around iceland, visiting iceland, going to iceland, advice for iceland, travel tips iceland, Jeannie, Iceland travel guide, iceland with a view, apps to download, iceland app download, google translate, translate into icelandic, safe travel iceland, google maps iceland, iceland currency, icelandic krona, convert isk, apps to downlaod for iceland
Id: A46nYaz3we4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 0sec (420 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2023
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