4x6 Custom Thank You Card created in Canva

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and i've already started that window over here so for this one i'm going to do something different i am going to add a lot of color and i'm going to choose to do a thank you insert for someone that produces acrylic nail tips that you can apply at home so let's go ahead and get started um i already have my information i want to use my images that i want to use let me find those on the side and the these nail images came from etsy so if you search in search png nails these should pop up along with others that you can utilize and use for your convenience all right trying to find some nails that pop off so we'll jump off at me so i'm going to do this one right here and then of course come over to your text and then for my thank you portion i want to have that as in a script font so i'm going to choose sparkle all right thank you all right so we can decrease the font size change the color of the font so that it can stand out and be legible take off the effects no effects so you can see what you're doing all right so we can move this up some twists in the middle thank you and then you want to have a different font that just gives it some contrast and this is the one that i am choosing right here and again you can choose to do this however you deem necessary for your business but this is just shanika's way of showing you how shanika designs the thank you cards he's in canva and this is a bit different design for what i've been doing but i want to you all to see you know what all can be done so i move this up here again take the effects off of it and i think i want to keep it in the purple pink but i may change up some to pull out some of the colors that are in the fingernails so i may don't really like that i'm going to go back to my hot pink i like how that stands out then i'm going to my thank you and moving that forward so it kind of comes over these letters make it a tad bit smaller and then drop it back down here all right okay that's what that is and i think i want purchase to be let's have it smaller as well as i think i want to go oops i want it to go right in this area in front of the y counter right there and i know it kind of looks all centered but guess what it's your design your custom and you can create a design however you so choose to do and i think sometimes we have things that are not asymmetrical all of the time it it helps your item to stand out so thank you for your purchase and then you go to your elements and you can type in your icons for instagram facebook and tick tock so bring those over as well so i'm gonna bring this one right here bring facebook over and kind of drag it down so they're all the same size to ensure you have the correct size and just bring it over but it's already there all right so that's there and bringing my tick tock and this is for a fictitious business so i um i'm going to give it a fictitious name and this is just for instructional purposes only so you all can see how to design this how i design you know everyone designs differently all right so i want to bring this down to the bottom i think just ensure that my spacing all right bring this over a tad bit more so it's not too too far away all right and so i'm going to um use the signature it'll be my name shanika of course make that smaller and go to effects no effects take that off and this is like my signature on the card and i'm going to have it in that bright pink as well so make it smaller that here all right um so now again make this smaller because we want to make sure we give them our information and what we want them to do when they get our item and you want to make sure that your fonts sizing is similar so let me go here this is sized at 21 so i bring that back down so i want to make this about 22 all right change it to black get rid of the effects you offer code it's a new 10 on your next purchase or you can say thank you 10 whatever it is you want to do thank you 10 on your next purchase because remember this is your insert your packaging so you want to be something you know say thank you blah blah blah use code thank you 10 on your next purchase and then um i want to say i'm going to copy this but i'm not going to use the same font or same wording but i want it to be somewhat of the same size all right so we have this here and it's a little bit smaller and i'll bring this down here make it smaller again have this here my name is gonna go here i believe because down here i'm going to put my social media information again this is fictitious so i'm just going to say shanika shanika's nails all right so that's my tag and so this will be you know how you can find me on all social media so i can move this over somewhere in the middle i might um make my name a tad a bit bigger all right and make sure everything is centered and is where you want it to be and because it has it thank you you know right on top of your for your purchase it's gonna kinda overlap some and be kind of difficult for you to move it if you need to so you also need to make sure you move your thank you up prior to doing anything with your purchase so that it will move the correct layer all right so thank you for your purchase we hope that you enjoy your purchase so your item going to be redundant hope you enjoy your item please use code thank you 10 on your next purchase shanika be sure to follow us on all social media and tag us in your pics and i have my ad for shanika's nails for instagram facebook and tick tock i think i want to move these over some i'm going to group them so that when i move them they're all still together and nothing has um you know shifted shift it around let's see make this a little bit smaller okay then bring it back over shanika's nails that's in the middle and there you have it i am going to ungroup these because i don't think that they are spaced out enough or spaced accurately so i may just do it like this regroup them again to make sure that they are all together when i do move them i have this over here and bring over shanika's nails it's right there and there you have it i think i want to add something else over here because it looks kind of bare so i'm going to go back over to my nail images and try to find something else to fill in in space and gap that i see here kind of make it line up be somewhat so have that over here in the corner it says nail hustler um and there you have it so it's something simple really easy to do you just let your creativity flow and you create and design how you so choose to do so and remember you can always go to pinterest you can always go to etsy to search for inspiration but this is how i design my thank you inserts really quick easy and dirty have any questions any comments drop them down below i am going to print this out and i will show you how it looks once it is printed again thank you all for tuning in and i hope you have a wonderful wonderful night and a wonderful week thank you
Channel: Royal Statements
Views: 636
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Id: Mr7INhU6Qo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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