4K HDR Snowy Village - Peaceful Snowing at Dusk - Winter in Bulgaria - Relaxing Snowfall Video
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Channel: TheSilentWatcher
Views: 1,738,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: snow, snowing, snowfall, snowflake, snowflakes, snowy, village, house, lamp, light, dusk, winter, christmas, falling, fall, lantern, street, old, traditional, antique, rustic, town, calm, peaceful, relaxation, relax, relaxing, quiet, soft, softly, dreamy, scenic, bulgaria, bozhentsi, bojentsi, architecture, blue, hour, HDR, Ultra, HD, 4K, sounds, Wonderland
Id: ne7g_Os_8hM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 182min 10sec (10930 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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