4K Drone Footage - Bird's Eye View of Maui Island, Hawaii - 3 Hour Ambient Drone Film
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: 4K Relaxation Channel
Views: 808,534
Rating: 4.8793969 out of 5
Keywords: drone footage 4k, maui island, panoramas, bird’s eye view, 4k drone, Hawaii, Maui Island, aerial film, Olivine Pools, Keanae lookout, Hana Road, aerial footage, ocean, 4k video, beach, ambient drone film, Makena Beach, tropical island, Kahekili Highway, Waianapanapa Black Sand Beach, Kula Highway, Piilani Highway, drone footage, aerial, 4k nature, aerial video, 3 hour aerial film, 4K Aerial, DJI, Mavic Air, oceanscapes, with music, ambient
Id: _gj5diY4Ga8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 201min 44sec (12104 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2019
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